Not original

Chapter 102: Chapter 51,

717 FNM (21 BBY) Month 4

Coruscant, Senate Building

Tanya Kryze

This is madness of a higher degree than I thought possible for this universe. On a level that I nearly suspected a certain God-claiming entity may be screwing with me again. Though considering how blatant he had been in my last life, that seemed very unlikely.

News from the Mandalore sector had been strange over the past month. First, there was the report that the Maelstrom, a ship deployed next to the Mandalorian sector, had been seized by an unknown force of Mandalorians. This had started a literal riot in the Senate, with people demanding explanations for why the Maelstrom, a Battle-Cruiser — one of the very few of its class — is now in the hands of what could be best described as pirates. Senator Merrik had returned to Mandalore for a CNS meeting to discuss how the Ryloth system could integrate with the CNS, economically at least when the report on the fate of the Maelstrom reached the Senate.

The exact information on who was responsible had been classified at the time. Either the Jedi Council or the Supreme Chancellor's war council had decided to wait and see on the details before deciding on their next course of action. I had, for the most part, not been able to find anything out on my own. Even delving into my little side project as White Silver gave me sparse reports that something had happened on the borders of the Mandalore sector. I had to wait for Satine to send a report to keep me up to date with what is going on there.

Apparently, Death Watch is actually not just a bunch of kids, but actually an organized paramilitary with significant backing. Death Watch saw the Maelstrom glass Kromus, killing the billion people that had lived on it, including a population of Mandalorian natives. In retaliation, Death Watch boarded the Maelstrom and killed everyone onboard, even the Jedi in charge of the Maelstrom.

In light of this information, I arranged a meeting with other members of the Neutral Council available on Coruscant to discuss what this would mean for us. There were a few observers as well. Padmé, for instance, is here and she spoke briefly about a problem Naboo had once had with pirates and how the local authorities had eventually dealt with them. I am in favor of that because if there is clear evidence that the ones responsible are pirates, Mandalore would handle them without Republic intervention.

Except the day before the meeting, things were thrown out of whack when an unofficial report got leaked to the public holonet. This report outlined a few critical details, mainly that the Mandalorians responsible for taking the Maelstrom are affiliated with Death Watch. The report explained that Death Watch is a terrorist organization that wanted to return Mandalore to its Crusading ways. This raised alarm bells amongst the various Senators and news agencies, who are currently inflating this issue as the possible return of Crusading Mandalorians. Members of the CNS are not immune to the fear, as most of them are located very close to Mandalore and have a history of being on the receiving end of a Mandalorian Crusade.

That changed the calculus greatly. All of a sudden, the pirates had become potential invaders of a similar vein to Mongols, which made it extremely hard to deal with.

I wasn't hyperventilating at all, despite how this created a greater problem. Already, there were a few calls from the Senate to launch thorough investigations on the level of the Austro-Hungarian Empire poking around Serbia during World War 1.

This will ignite a conflict. I am reasonably certain how my fellow Mandalorians would react to this kind of "investigation" and it could push the CNS directly into the CIS's hands. If anyone was playing someone, it was Dooku, as he'd obviously engineered a situation that very well could see him gain allies even with his currently terrible reputation for their own misbegotten superweapon uses.

Because in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter if one side used superweapons; it's whichever side decided to invade Mandalore first that would determine what side the CNS would probably be forced onto.

Trying to take a calming breath, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking to my left, I saw Padmé looking worried as she said, "Are you alright?"

"N-not really." I admitted, not feeling fine at all. The pressure is definitely building, and I am annoyed at the fact that I am going to have to deal with this situation alone for the next few days until Senator Merrik returns.

Since I am the representative of Mandalore, I am the only one with the authority of defending Mandalore's honor during the debates for the next few days. Then Senator Merrik and Duchess Satine could take over when they arrived. At least they would be bringing, from what reports indicated, evidence of this massacre that Death Watch accused the Republic of. It would be very useful in trying to build a case that, though Death Watch are Mandalorians, they are operating as independent actors or as vigilantes.

Mumbling to myself, I said, "I'm just coming up with ways to try and keep this situation under control, so it doesn't spill out into a war for the Mandalore sector."

"How would pirates spill out into a war for the Mandalore sector?" Padmé asked, raising an eyebrow.

I looked at her before I realized she didn't know about the leaked report. She still thought that pirates were the ones who stole the Maelstrom. She didn't realize that the culprits have been identified and they are painted as resurgent Mongols rather than Somali pirates.

Sighing, I tapped my finger rapidly on the table in front of me and said, "We found out who did it, and they're no longer just pirates but an organized paramilitary. These Death Watch have managed to do something that very few people have ever achieved, and that is to make the Republic lose the moral high ground. We can call them pirates, terrorists, whatever we want, but people are going to know that they were involved in efforts to bring vengeance on a rogue commander that had committed a war crime. This means the average Mandalorian isn't going to look at them and see pirates, terrorists, or any other organization that they would willingly turn in. They will see freedom fighters and vigilantes that are doing good and will conceal information and support them in some ways."

"That can't be right. I mean, they're Death Watch. It is in the name. I may not know everything there is about the Mandalorian sector, but I've heard about how they were involved in various atrocities during the Mandalorian Civil War." Padmé said.

I shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter what they did during the civil war. What matters is what they do now, since people only care about what you're currently doing for them. Sure, there'll be a few who have old grievances with the organization, but those people would probably still look at this situation with some grudging respect. They may not help Death Watch directly, but they probably will not help the Republic find Death Watch either. In essence, the organization has managed to give itself enough legitimacy that it will have people who are more than willing to look the other way. The fact that they apparently favor Duchess Satine being in control of the Mandalore sector means most peaceful Mandalorians will look the other way as well, since they're taking their conflict out of the sector."

"Okay, but if they acknowledge Duchess Satine as the leader of the Mandalorian sector, why doesn't she just order them to turn themselves in and hand over the Maelstrom?" Padmé asked.

I gave her a raised eyebrow before saying, "I guess she could do that, but would they listen to her? That's another question entirely. They can claim that she's simply doing this to maintain neutrality as her goal. Not to mention, I don't think even if she ordered it, they would hand it over. They've been given a battle-cruiser; they could claim they crashed it into a star as recompense for the supposed genocide they're claiming happened. But everyone will know that it's still out there somewhere, being used as a training facility or storage facility for resources. It's a mobile base at this point, and no sane person would be willing to give up a mobile base."

"So, what is Duchess Satine going to do about this?" Padmé asked.

I shook my head and said, "I have no idea. But I have faith she'll come up with something. Hopefully, something that would prevent the invasion of the Mandalore sector, along with the complete and utter destruction of what's left of the fragile ecosystems that make up its planets."

Mandalore, Sundari Palace

Korkie Kryze

Standing off to one side, I listen as the council meeting between my aunt and several members of her council is being discussed.

Auntie Satine had returned from Concordia in a not-so-great mood. The details of what exactly had occurred on her trip are hard to pin down as she's keeping it classified, but it seems Auntie had snuck into a Death Watch recruitment camp with only a Jedi and an infamous bounty hunter. I find that hard to believe, it sounded too reckless for Aunt Satine to do. It sounded like something Tanya or Aunt Bo might do, so likely some outside influence is to blame. However, Auntie had discovered something in the Death Watch camp, while watching the camp organize and train new recruits, before they got shipped off.

I wasn't aware of everything that had happened, but the majority of what I had heard came down to the ancient ways not having gone away and not having been tamed as White Silver claimed they would be. Instead, someone is putting together a crusade for the greater Mandalore sector to fight the Republic, and whoever they are is using the name Death Watch as a banner to rally behind. The only good news is that they were not trying to start a war in the Mandalore sector, at least as far as I had heard.

Governor Vizsla is making a very good point as he spoke to Duchess Satine.

"Obviously, this Death Watch organization is trying to draw the Republic into invading the Mandalore sector. With them on the loose, the Republic will be even more fearful of us. The fact that there is a rogue faction using our territory as recruiting grounds for their war against the Republic is going to cause issues." Governor Vizsla said.

"I couldn't agree more." Prime Minister Almec said with a nod. "Rogue Mandalorians, such as Death Watch and their recently acquired ship, are just one of the problems going on. I also heard that the Mandalorian Protectors were involved in several conflicts in the Maldrood sector, Coreward of us, as well as taking part in the defense of Null."

"Even if Mandalore and the Council of Neutral Systems maintains complete order and keeps to the charter honorably, that will be insufficient in the eyes of the Republic. Death Watch and the Mandalorians Protectors openly operate and recruit in our sector. If we continue to provide a safe haven for threats to the Republic, like these rogue Mandalorians, the Republic will view our neutrality as illegitimate. And it will be illegitimate. The Republic will no doubt insist on garrisons and staging grounds in our territories if we ignore these rogue Mandalorians." Governor Vizsla said.

"I will not let that happen." Satine said rather clearly and with an air of annoyance to the idea alone before she continued. "Mandalore will continue to maintain its independence, neutrality, and will not be a battleground for two petulant governments acting like disobedient children." Satine frowned and shook her head. "I know the situation seems dire, but there are still ways to protect the core values of our New Mandalorian way."

"The Mandalorian Self-Defense Force will help us protect those values. We can roll them out and deploy them to try and counter any Death Watch recruitment. There are over 15,000 systems that support the Council of Neutral Systems that require additional forces to harden the sector, 10,000 of them bordering the Mandalore sector. These systems need protection from operations like we've seen carried out on several planets by both the CIS and the Republic.

Surely, if we deploy the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force to help train self-defense forces across these systems, it would provide opportunities for young men to go have an adventure without having to join Death Watch or the Mandalorian Protectors."

Deputy Prime Minister Jerec hmm-ed before saying, "It could work, but all that does is increase our military spending, which is a nasty word on Kalevala, as well as possibly make us look like an even bigger threat to the Republic. We have already dedicated fifty million Arkanian troopers to these garrisons. I believe the analysis of system defense called for three to four thousand soldiers per star system as a minimum garrison force. The Arkanians are more than enough for that. If we turned the MSDF into a jobs program by expanding the garrisons, it would deeply harm the prestige of the institution."

Aunt Satine is deep in thought before saying, "I understand, but this is why I'm going to the Republic to speak with the Senate to plead our case that we have no interest in joining the war and simply are defending ourselves against hostile action from the CIS or the Republic, as well as demand an answer to what happened on Kromus. The planet is close enough to join the Council of Neutral Systems; it was merely taken over in the beginning of the war. We need answers on why it was decided that the best option was to destroy the planet."

"My Duchess, are you sure that's wise?" Prime Minister Almec said. "As a Head of State, traveling outside the sector is incredibly risky. The Republic might be tempted to arrest you as the opening move of an illegal invasion. Pirates might kidnap you for ransom. The CIS could attack your ship. Or a whole host of reasons."

"Admittedly, that is a risk, but I am sure that the Royal Guard can protect me. In addition, we will be taking routes very few people know aboard the Coronet. Only me and several trusted senators, including Senator Merrik, will be aboard."

"I still believe this is a bit too risky." Governor Vizsla said. "Is there not some way to raise your security force? The Royal Guards are excellent, yes, but perhaps we can have the Jedi — what was his name, General Kenobi? Perhaps he can escort you to make sure everything goes well. They are, after all, peacekeepers."

"General Kenobi..." Satine trailed off, and I noticed that she seemed distressed at the idea. Finally, she relented and nodded. In a quieter tone, she said, "Y-yes, I can speak to him about this. The Jedi are servants of peace, so he can be trusted with my safety."

Nodding his head in approval, Prime Minister Almec acted as if nothing unusual had occurred, "Good, good. As for deploying the MSDF to train the local garrisons, I'll coordinate with Minister Ordo on arranging our forces while you're making the trip to Coruscant. I wish you luck, Duchess."

"Thank you, Prime Minister. If there are no other pressing matters. I shall take my leave." Satine said, getting up from her seat and nodding to me to follow as she stepped out of the main area as the others began to continue discussing their next course of action.

Letting out a deep breath as she shut the door behind us, she asked, "So, how are things at the academy?"

I smiled before saying, "Going well, Auntie Satine. Why did you call for me to come by today?"

Smiling, she said, "I just wanted a friendly face I knew I could trust before I head out on this trip." She paused before saying, "Though I am concerned with the current situation, I thought I would get your opinion on the matter."

Aunt Satine stepped out onto a balcony, and I paused, considering her question seriously for a moment. She called out, "My advisors have already given me their opinions. I wanted a different point of view, someone younger."

I followed her out onto the balcony, looking out over the city, wondering what I would do if I were Duke of Mandalore. Neither the Republic nor the Separatists had much to offer Mandalore. We could make do without the Ithorians if we had to. It would be best if we could be left alone in peace, independent, and not drawn further into the conflict. All our problems could be traced back to external interference, in my opinion.

"I'm afraid my opinion is not too dissimilar from theirs. Trying to maintain neutrality is the best course. The problem, of course, being that there are factions that want to take part in the conflict for their own reasons. Death Watch claims that they oppose the Republic because they caused a massacre. Even if Kromus was destroyed exactly as Death Watch reported, do we know if their cause is legitimate or a matter of convenience? It's suspicious that they were in the system, but didn't stop the Maelstrom until after the planet was destroyed. So it could be mere propaganda to support their cause and undermine you." I wondered aloud.

Auntie nodded her head before saying, "That is a concern I have, though I think if the leader really is aiming to become a..." She grimaced at the title, "Mand'alor, they probably would have attempted to kill me on Concordia. I don't fully understand his motives or know what Death Watch is playing at, but at the very least, I think there is a possibility for a peaceful resolution with them."

I nodded at that.

Satine continued, "If they really did have an opportunity and didn't take it, I'd say something favorable about the Death Watch. But that does not change the fact that their actions are likely to draw us into a situation that the Neutral Council could not handle."

Shaking my head, I pointed out the obvious solution, "Aren't they a stateless entity who have propagated war on the Republic? Why not label them as terrorists? We already have laws in place to combat such groups."

Auntie Satine she looked out over the city. "Saying that is easily done. Yes, I imagine that will already be decided by the time I reach Coruscant. The main problem, though, is they're now folk heroes across the sector. And if we do anything against them, it would legitimize their cause. Give them standing to come against us."

She paused before finally admitting, "There is, of course, an option to officially declare them terrorists and attempt to dissuade people from joining them, without actually taking any active action against them. But that could be seen as taking the situation too lightly by the Republic if we don't show some sort of result."

"If there are no results and if they're already declared terrorists, local forces will be keeping their eyes on anyone who shows up wearing their iconography. And if they commit any crimes, they could be put in jail for that crime and tack on an aggravation charge for being linked to such an organization."

Aunt Satine looked at me before nodding, saying, "That could work. Of course, assuming they don't ask us to hand over the Mandalorians without due process first. That's a step too far."

I'm not sure that it was far enough, actually. After all, if they were connected to an organization that attacked the Republic, and attacked the legitimate government of Mandalore, did we really need them in the Mandalore sector? But I kept that to myself.

Instead, I suggested a policy that had worked in the past, "What if we just keep these troublemakers in Mandalore, designate one of the systems as a penal colony. Like we did with Concordia after the Civil War."

Satine grunted in annoyance, "While that did me some good, turning Concordia into a penal colony only guaranteed that the population became supportive of Death Watch when this conflict sprung up."

I reluctantly nodded my head, as that is an unfortunate point. Whatever fallout this future penal colony would create would likely become my headache in the future.

Satine grimaced, "Despite the drawbacks, it is an option. I'll talk to Governor Pre, see if he has any ideas what we can do about this. Perhaps he knows of a planet where we can send people to work off minor crimes." She turned from the view of Sundari and headed back inside.

I followed Auntie back inside, "Actually, I think you had the right idea when you asked for my opinion."

Talking with Soniee, Lagos and Amis often introduced me to new ways of thinking, an outside perspective. "Let's discuss this with others more and I'll do some research too. It's not urgent yet and..." Now it was my turn to grimace, "Tanya probably has some ideas on the topic as well."

Auntie Satine turned to me and gave me a hug. "I just wanted us to live in a peaceful era. I am sorry that you have to go through a war like I did."

I hugged her back, thinking, "It's not your fault, Auntie. We don't choose the times we live in, only the friends we keep by our side."

Auntie Satine let go and nodded back more seriously. "This trip to Coruscant is vital to keep Mandalore out of the war. I wish for Mandalore to preserve its neutrality. That way, we could create a space for the Republic and the CIS to speak as equals and try to work out this conflict as diplomatically as possible."

I mean, it's still possible for that to happen. "Mandalore stands at the crossroads, in a way, between the Republic and the CIS. We need the two sides to start talking to each other. If they're talking, they might actually come to some sort of agreement."

"How long until your final exams and graduation?"

"Two months? I'll be officially out of school and have to find an actual career, which is going to be a heck of a time trying to figure out what to do."

"Do you not have any plans yet?"

I shrugged, "I was thinking about becoming an archaeologist or an explorer. I know Soniee is applying for a position on the Seeker's Vigil research task force. Research is fine, but I enjoyed the thrill of our expeditions. I wish I could be an adventurer full-time, but it's getting kind of dangerous with that job with the war going on."

"There might be an opportunity for you in the future. I'm considering sending a Representative from Mandalore to the Separatist's Parliament to begin peace talks. We'll need a representative there if we ever want this war to end. Would you be interested in politics instead?"

Mandalore, Coronet

Obi-Wan Kenobi

"Anakin, what are you doing here?" I asked as Anakin leaned against a nearby pillar with a suspicious smile.

"I found Cody and a few of his men preparing for a mission. I asked what they were doing and I heard that an important diplomatic party is in need of protectors for a journey to Coruscant. I volunteered to help. We all want to ensure that everyone is protected on their trip to Coruscant." Anakin is spending too much time in the company of politicians, I swear. I heard Master Shaak Ti give a similar explanation, except about how she escaped from Geonosis. Complete rubbish, of course.

"What about you, Rex, why are you here?"

Rex shrugged his shoulders, "I heard General Skywalker is volunteering to help protect some diplomats. Me and some boys volunteered to come along and help." Drat, I chose the wrong order to interrogate the suspects, and Anakin baited me into giving them a cover story with that suspicious smile. They were all coordinating.

"I see. Cody, why did you allow them to join us?"

Cody shrugged, standing to Rex's left. "Saw no reason to say no to a few extra hands. It isn't just us who are being sent after all; some Senatorial Guards are deployed as well. Apparently, there are a few other major diplomats on the ship who support the Council of Neutral Systems."

"Well, extra protection never hurts, doubly so when dealing with Mandalorians." Satine and several others drew my eye, they were passing by on the nearby ramp, heading towards the upper parts of the ship. I nodded in their direction, and she nodded back, a smile gracing her lips before she moved out of sight. Several Royal Guards trailed behind her retinue, following as she went to the more luxurious parts of the vessel.

Turning back to Anakin, I gave up my interrogation. I wasn't going to figure out what Anakin was up to until he wanted to tell me, but I also wouldn't say anything about it either. Trusting him to talk, at least when he feels the time is right, I sighed. "Still, shouldn't you be training your padawan or deployed on another front? Where is Ahsoka anyway?"

Anakin's smile faltered a bit before he said, "Uh, she's with Senator Chuchi. She needed a little help with something. Some sort of protection detail, or something. I was on my mandatory leave, but it got boring really quickly. So I thought, 'I might as well help since I had nothing better to do'."

I merely narrowed my eyes in suspicion, sighing again, "Alright then." Turning to Cody, I said, "Since they volunteered, we might as well put them to work. You know what to do, Cody so I'll leave you to it. Good luck."

"Will do, General." Rex nodded and I returned the gesture. With that settled I make my way towards the elevator while Anakin fell behind me as we loaded aboard.

"So~, Master." Anakin said with a very recognizable tone, it was the same one as the suspicious smile from earlier. "Was it just me, or did Duchess Satine smile at you?"

"You're imagining things." She was merely smiling in the midst of a conversation, far away.

"Am I huh: How close are you two? You never really talked about what happened that time you were on the run in the Mandalore sector." There really wasn't much to discuss.

"And I won't start now." I summarized matter-of-factly as the elevator continued to go up.

"Fine then. Keep your secret."

I pulled out my datapad and glanced at the Maelstrom intel R4 had forwarded to me. Wait a minute. "Secret? What secret?" Turning to him, I repeated, "What secret?"

"Exactly." Anakin said knowingly, and that very recognizable tone was really starting to become annoying. I was about to ask again, but the elevator opened before I could and Anakin walked out. I decided that whatever game he's playing he would tell me sooner or later.

I stepped out of the elevator too and felt the brief rumble as the ship moved from real space to hyperspace. We are heading towards Taurus on the Mandalorian Road and from there we would be on the Hydian Way, going all the way down into the Core and the center of the Republic.

We should be safe, but I admit, I would feel safer if we had a few cruisers in formation with us. This civilian ship may be Mandalorian-designed and very robust, but it doesn't change the fact that this is still a space liner meant for transporting people and goods from the Core to Mandalore and back.

Our walk towards the central guest area at the front of the ship is interrupted when Anakin's comms sounded an alert, which drew both our attention.

"What is it, Rex?" Anakin asked, and the tiny voice of Rex responded.

"Your astromech's acting weird, sir. Like something scared the heck out of it. I've also got a fire team that didn't report back. I think we've got some uninvited guests on board, sir."

"I'm on my way, Rex. Be prepared for anything."

"Will do, sir. We'll form a perimeter, work our way up to the main areas of the ship, and clear out from there."

Anakin looked at me, "Something is wrong. We have intruders aboard."

"How did they get on board?" I asked aloud. Anakin shrugged dismissively in response. "Our location and route are unpublished. Given the fact this ambush is this early into the journey, there is a traitor in our midst. The only ones who could know is someone already aboard this vessel. They are most likely still onboard, but who sent them?"

"The CIS, of course." Anakin said, no-nonsense. But I shook my head as that didn't make sense.

"Perhaps the intruders are CIS assets, but that's too broad of a statement. Not every battle droid is a plot in some grand CIS ploy. Minor factions are also a possibility that we have to keep in mind as well. What reason could they want to be on board? That's what I'm more concerned about."

"I'll believe it when I see it." Anakin nodded before saying, "I'll go check on Rex. You stay by the Duchess."

I chuckled before shaking my head, saying, "Giving me orders now, eh?"

"It isn't really an order when you'll want to do it anyway, I'm sure." Anakin retorted. Before I could formulate a reply, he slid back into the elevator, and pressed a button for another floor.

The doors close and I am alone in the hallway leading to the Observatory. I was somewhat bemused, since I'd rather not be with the politicians, even if Satine is in that room. In fact, the politicians are the problem. Politics are odious, and that was before the war; it had only gotten worse since then.

Bracing myself, I took a deep breath before stepping onwards. I walked down the hall to the observatory and pressed the call button on the door. The door swung open in response as the Royal Guard on the other side unlocked the door.

Inside are members of the Neutral Council. Their leader, Satine, is on a raised dais, surrounded by pillows. Near the dias towards the left was the Mandalorian Senator Merrik, who is overshadowed despite his slight height advantage by the corpulent and notoriously corrupt Twi'lek Senator Taa from Ryloth. In sharp contrast, the right side of the room is occupied by two more athletic Senators in a hushed huddle; the human Senator Robb from Tarris and the more militant Rodian Senator Farr of Rodea.

I stepped into the warmly lit observatory and started to make sense of the flow of conversations. There was little reaction to my entrance, and I only caught Satine briefly glancing in my direction before she returned her focus to her ongoing conversation. She is discussing the latest calamities from the battlefronts and the devastation it was causing the Galaxy.

"As I see it, the greater blame lies with the previous administration under Valorum for allowing diplomacy to fail. Both parties are still capable of negotiating with one another. Only greed, malice, or gross incompetence could have blocked progress while both parties could still discuss grievances." Satine explained to Senator Merrik and Senator Taa.

"I definitely agree, the Republic got too greedy as the status quo filled their bank accounts with credits at the cost of the suffering of those in the Outer Rim." Senator Merrik nodded in agreement. Senator Robb lifted her glass of wine from across the room, seeming to agree.

Shaking my head, I entered the conversation to set the record straight, "No, none of those are true. That's not exactly how it went down. There were attempts for diplomacy, quite a few actually, but one side wanted this war to happen. This was the general outcome that was going to happen sooner or later."

Satine looked disapproving, and a bit sad, "Spoken like someone who has given up on peace. Just because one side wishes for war does not mean we should give up all efforts to try and find a peaceful resolution to our disagreements."

"I agree, but I believe we can all come to an understanding that when one side doesn't want a peaceful resolution, the other side must defend itself. After all, the Mandalorian Self-Defense Force is meant to protect your Council of Neutrality, is it not? Or at least Mandalore's part in it." I pointed out.

Satine nodded her head, sipping from her glass. "Yes, that is the dream and goal of the Defense Force. We must have a solid defensive capability, however there is no reason we couldn't end the war diplomatically before more lives are lost. In fact, our defensive capabilities are a consequence of the Republic's negligence in pursuing peace."

"The Republic has done the best it can." I insisted.

"I certainly hope you are wrong, Master Jedi. If this is the best we can expect from the Republic, I fear for our future." Senator Taa interjected. I wasn't surprised at his outburst, he is a Senator-in-exile while Ryloth is occupied, after all.

"The Republic has failed to pass meaningful reforms over the last decade, maybe longer, thinking about some of the conflicts that have sprung up in our lifetime." Satine retorted.

I sighed and nodded, saying, "Yes, unfortunately, we held the Republic up to a standard it could not maintain. But now that we are at war, I think that will be resolved. These issues that have long plagued the Republic will have to be dealt with if we are to win the war."

"Win? Win implies that you have no opportunity to try and achieve some sort of peace. There's only the victor and the defeated, not a conclusion where both sides get what they want. Shouldn't the goal be an end to hostilities? That's oddly absolute of you." Satine observed.

My eye twitched as an old phrase came to mind. Shaking my head to dispel the memory, I said, "This war is different. At least, I suspect as much. I would like to believe that a peaceful solution is possible, yet I doubt any such outcome exists. Count Dooku is likely a darksider, and if so, then this war will continue until one side surrenders or we put a stop to him. The dark side corrupts every facet it touches, negotiating with the CIS while Count Dooku is in power is doomed to fail before it begins."

"That claim there, about these 'darksiders,' only the Jedi puts any weight into that." Senator Taa said.

"I know that there are some hard feelings and some extreme weapons being used by the Separatists. I'm also appalled at what the Techno Union has done to Ryloth." Senator Robb said, glancing over at Senator Taa. She joined us after leaving Senator Farr, he was looking displeased and standing alone now. "However, we must recognize that individuals can be bad parties. The CIS does have reasonable people and some of their grievances are well-founded. The Republic has not done a good job over the last century in administering the Outer Rim. That the Corporate Sector exists at all is an ongoing travesty."

"If I might suggest a radical solution, we should let the CIS secede from the Republic." I frowned at Satine's suggestion. "If the CIS wishes to have their own government, perhaps we should consider letting them. As long as we can establish a peace where systems can leave the CIS and rejoin the Republic, we should be aiming for that, I think."

"Realistically, would such a solution bring about peace?" Senator Merrik asked. "The question is, will the Republic and CIS be able to come to some sort of compromise? The galaxy is a big place and, as my young representative has said once or twice over the years, is there really room for two galactic governments to exist without there being some kind of conflict between the pair? We have a long history to look back on, and there does seem to be evidence that there is no room for such accommodations." Senator Merrik said.

Satine gave Senator Merrik a look, to which he smiled and said, "I'm just being a realist, my Duchess. I would enjoy peace to reign as much as everyone else, but we cannot pretend that there is not a history of such conflicts going on for generations. Would it not be better for one side to win quickly and minimize the long-lasting effects of the war?"

Satine nodded her head and sipped her glass before saying, "Yes, it would be better for the war to be over quickly, but it would be better for it to be over now at a peace conference. Not after a bloody conflict that will leave the populace wishing for the next conflict. Let's not forget that the end of the Mandalorian Civil War did not see an outbreak of peace. The Republic invaded to deal with a crazed, power-hungry governor that ignited the Clan Wars. Conflict begets conflict, thus we must break the chain at its roots to prevent another war from happening a few years later. We must find a solution where both sides benefit, for a long-lasting peace that both sides will maintain."

I nodded my head in agreement and was about to give my own opinion on the matter when my comlink binged, and I had to step away for a second. "Excuse me for a moment, I need to take this." I said as I tapped it and said, "Anything to report?"

"Yeah, assassin probe droids. One of them is in the elevator and on its way up to you. I've killed one so far."

"That's not good." I said, my hand already going towards my lightsaber. "Knowing the way droids like these usually work, there's a likely third one down there. I will handle the one up here. You find that third one. We can't let it find somewhere else on the ship to cause problems."

"Got it."

I started to turn towards the waiting senators, wondering how I would explain the situation, but thankfully, a giant robotic assassin spider did the job for me as it ripped the door open and turned itself on its side to slip through.

Screaming broke out, rather high-pitched screaming that I thought was Satine's or Senator Robb's for a moment. A glance back towards the others revealed that the scream came from Senator Taa. By the time my eyes refocused on the droid, to determine the best way to deal with it, two Mandalorian Royal Guards were fighting it. They are at least doing as good as any clone trooper would be in that situation, if not better, since they have actual melee weapons designed for close-quarter combat.

They stalled the droid up for a bit, but eventually, it grabbed one guard's staff and swung its user into the other. With its path clear, it charged at Satine, jumping onto the central table and running across it as if it was an easy access road to her.

Using a little bit of the Force, I jumped on top of it, slicing off the two arms as it reached for her, causing it to collapse forward. It immediately tried to unseat me from the top, but I used the Force to hold myself onto it. I cut off another two limbs, so it couldn't escape before driving the blade deep into the central processing unit, which I hoped is in the middle of the thing.

I took a moment to catch my breath and said, "Well, that was a surprise. Are you alright, my lady?" I asked, looking up at Satine.

She replied, "Yes, yes, I'm fine."

"Good." I said, but I didn't get to finish that comment as a little spider droid jumped out of the top of the thing, followed by a couple dozen more.

The screaming began again as the miniature droids charged out, attempting to assault anyone nearby. But by this point the Royal Guard had recovered, and started using their staves and feet to smash the smaller spider droids. I was close enough to swipe away several that tried to rush at Satine. But she seemed to be able to take care of herself, pulling a deactivator blaster from somewhere. She unleashed a few blasts into the spider droids, killing them quickly. After a few moments of work, we were able to wipe out the robotic minions of whoever had been responsible for this, leaving ourselves safe for the time being.

Slicing the last of the little monsters, I asked, "Do you always carry a deactivator?"

Satine huffed, "Just because I'm a pacifist doesn't mean I won't defend myself."

"Now you sound like a Jedi. " I replied. "But that wouldn't have done much against human assassins. I would almost hazard a guess that you were thinking that someone might try and use droids to kill you. I wonder why."

Satine sighed before saying, "I've heard rumors of what's been going on throughout the rest of the galaxy. There does seem to be a correlation between droids being used in other attacks against heads of states, specifically around the CIS and neutral territory."

So she is aware that the CIS are not playing fair. Still, her drive to end the war diplomatically is praiseworthy, even if I still believe that it is a doomed effort. However, I thought it best that I did not actually say it. Instead, I said, "Well, it's fortunate you had that. Times sure are dangerous."

"They sure are." Satine replied, ignoring me to look at the robots more closely for a moment. Satine turned to a guard and spoke to him quietly, then she turned back to us and said, "We're going to let the cleaning staff clean this place up while we gather at the Coronet's reception room. You and your fellow Jedi can handle this situation, correct?"

"Of course." I said with a nod. "There's at least one more of these droids on board. We will remove it, and then hopefully that will be the end of this situation. Returning to your rooms might be the safest option. At least there'll be plenty of security on duty then."

She nodded and walked past me, heading towards the door. The other senators followed suit under Royal Guard escort. I took a seat on an empty chair, wondering what we were going to do about this mess. As the cleaning droids got to work, the main viewing and dining room was a mess due to the assassin droid knocking over the food. Shaking my head, I was about to get up when I heard a click-click-click of little legs turning. I watched as one surviving droid wandered around, seemingly confused.

Reaching over to the central table, I grabbed a glass cloche meant for containing a pie of some kind and used the Force to pull the little droid into the cloche that I close over it so it could not escape.

Looking at it, I wondered who could have smuggled Assassin Droids onto the ship. I am sure the cargo has been checked by the Mandalorian Royal Guards and they would have definitely noticed three Assassin Droids. The only remaining possibility they could have been smuggled aboard are cargo that they have not checked, likely a Senator's personal luggage, or several of Satine's Guards may not be as loyal as it appears.

Perhaps my little friend here can help me find the one responsible. After all, if the owner of these droids are on board, there is no reason that they would program the droid to harm their owner. So, I could use this droid to determine who among the passengers are responsible for this attack.

Smiling, I got up, cracked my neck, and left the droids to do their work in cleaning the room. I pressed the comms to find out what Anakin was up to.

Coronet, Duchess Satine's Reception room

Satine Kryze

Assassin droids, spider assassin droids even. Who would do such a thing? Why would they do it, is not even a question, but the 'who' is at the top of my mind. Was it Death Watch?

As far as I am aware, they had every opportunity and the fact they hadn't taken it, gave them a little bit of leeway. If they wanted me dead, I would know. The other possible faction are the Mandalorian Protectors

I knew nothing of their leadership and I have not been able to contact them. Could they want me dead? It's possible. If so, it would give me a good reason to go after them, at least handing them over to the Republic as having tried to assassinate the Duchess of Mandalore would do wonders for stabilizing the political situation.

But how did they get on board this ship? That is the question that bugged me.

How did they know that this ship is currently loaded with diplomatic envoys that are important for the continuation of the efforts for neutrality?

There is a possibility, but one I did not want to believe. Could one of the senators aboard this ship have betrayed me? That seems unlike those around me.

Senator Robb from Tarris, I don't believe would have the motive to do this. Yes, Tarris seems to be doing a bit of double-dealing in talks for possibly allowing the Republic High Command of the Sixth Army to occupy their planet. Apparently thinking that protection from both Mandalore and the Republic is a good idea since Tarris is so close to the Hydian Way. Now, I am trying to talk them out of that, but I really doubt they would try to assassinate me.

What about Senator Onaconda Farr? I didn't know him very well yet what I did know paints him as a very honorable Pro-Republican senator that is not known for backstabbing and killing other senators. Then again, most senators are not going to stay senators for very long if they are known to kill their colleagues. I couldn't see him being responsible for this. Yes, Tanya had mentioned that he was once part of a Separatists plot at one point with luring Senator Amidala to his world so that Gunray could capture her. But that is because the Trade Federation had effectively blockaded the region, starving their people. Now that the situation in Rodia is more stable with Republic aid relief, he should be safe from manipulation. Unless the Republic is the one behind this attempt.

Maybe the Senator from Ryloth? While Orn Free Taa is known to be a bit of an individual with large appetites and tastes, he is no different than many other politicians of his status in that way. If anything, the fact that he had honorably worked with the rebel forces in his home world to try and fight back against the Separatist invasion unlike his predecessor, who had sold them out to begin with, spoke volumes about him.

Of those three senators, I really couldn't see anyone else having the capability to smuggle droids aboard. I mean, yes, there's Senator Merrik, but he's one of the several trustworthy individuals I know as he has served me for nearly a decade. The only other people who knew about this transport are members of the council back on Mandalore. None of them would betray me like this.

Shaking my head, I sipped my drink and thought, what was I missing? Is there some other faction that I was not aware of out there? Some other group that would want me dead?

It wasn't even a question of why they would want me dead. I could figure that out easily enough. The Honorable Duchess of Mandalore killed on transit to the Republic after acquiring information that implied the Republic had inadvertently caused the destruction of an entire planet and civilization. Even if it wasn't someone in the Republic trying to clean up loose ends, it would look like it. This would incense the Mandalorians who are under my protection. I doubt even the New Mandalorians would not call for war and join the CIS upon my death, simply because it would appear the Republic had me killed.

And once the CIS had a stable corridor there, they could push into the current war zone in the Dentari sector. Neutrality would be lost and Mandalore would become a new front line in this galactic war.

It's a nightmare scenario, one that I would not want to come to pass, one that I struggled against. But I wondered, could I even stop it if it happened? After all, for it to be a success, it would require my death.

Shaking my head, I looked at the gathered senators once more. Trying to see if there was something I was missing, some puzzle piece that didn't make sense.

Was it really the Republic who is behind this? If no one else made sense, should I be considering them as a suspect? That seemed unlikely. They had deployed quite a number of clone guards to protect my transport along with elements of the Senatorial Guard. They wanted this information to come to the Senate, for what reason, I don't know, but they didn't want it lost.

Could it be the Jedi? This information would be more damning to the Jedi more than anything. After all, it was one of their own that apparently went rogue and used a weapon capable of destroying a planet on a civilian population. It was not exactly the best look for the Jedi and will probably cause problems for them in the future. This is the kind of event that solely destroys reputations. Being a Mandalorian, I know that lesson very well.

But even then, I doubt it was the Jedi. If it was, why would they have accepted my request for Obi-Wan? Not only that, they sent along one of his students, one who would probably be more loyal to his master than to the High Council. I would think, considering the way he and Obi got along over the few times I had met them.

That line of thought is interrupted as Obi-Wan enters the room carrying a tray like he was a server. My suspicion is raised to alarming levels just from that, as I doubted he would bring in some food as if he was one of the servers. He also has that coy smile of his that he is up to something, usually at another's expense.

But apparently, Senator Taa did not see anything strange and eagerly stared at the tray with hunger.

"I'm afraid this dish might be too much even for your legendary appetite." Obi-Wan said with a charming smile as he pulled away a white sheet, revealing one of the little droids inside the container. It immediately pounced, attempting to attack through the glass, but it loudly failed to punch through.

Senator Taa made a noise of fear and backed away.

"General Kenobi, what is the meaning of this?" I asked, annoyed at this spectacle.

"I have a theory that whoever programmed these droids would have made sure that they would not target him or her. Thus, it'll be overly aggressive around the people it's meant to kill and not aggressive near the ones who are not."

He said, continuing to leave it within range of Senator Taa, who looked terrified.

"An interesting theory, though I will point out that you are, in essence, forced to torture people with the opportunity, and it might break free and kill them to reveal this information."

Obi-Wan shook his head as he moved closer to the Rodian Senator. "Technically, yes, but I think I have complete control over the situation. It looks like whoever programmed this had specific hatred for you, Senator Farr, as it seems more aggressive around you than anyone else."

"Ha! I'm going to take that as a sign that I've done something good." The Rodian said with a snarky smile in his voice.

Obi-Wan continued to move counterclockwise around the table, soon finding himself next to Senator Merrik. I watched in confusion as it stopped trying to assault the glass and just sort of sat there looking at the senator, as if it had not been just some sort of murderous device a moment ago.

"Well now, isn't that interesting? Care to explain why this droid seems disinterested in you when it was interested in harming everyone else?"

"You can't be serious! How do we know you haven't programmed this droid to not be dangerous around an individual yourself? After all, there's the potential that the Jedi Order is responsible for this attack!"

While Merrik isn't wrong, as there is a chance that the Jedi or the Republic are the ones responsible for this attack, I severely doubt that because it is not in Obi-Wan's character to frame an innocent. In truth, I trust Obi-Wan more than I trust Merrik, the fact that he once tried to steal credit for Tanya's work didn't help maintain my trust in him. But really, at this point, I am more astonished that someone I trusted for years might have actually been responsible for plotting my death.

"Answer the question, Senator." Obi-Wan ordered with narrowed eyes.

Merrik looked at me, looked at Obi-Wan, and let out a deep breath. He smacked the container in his hands, sending the little droid flying across the table. It immediately started charging at Senator Farr.

Obi-Wan drew his lightsaber and lunged to destroy the droid, while Merrik got up from his seat and pulled out a blaster pistol that he aimed at me before I could draw my deactivator. "Don't move!" He used his free hand to grab my deactivator and threw it across the room.

By the time Obi-Wan had destroyed the little droid, Merrik had his arm around my neck, the gun to my head, and was slowly maneuvering around the room towards the exit.

"Try anything, and the Duchess dies, Jedi."

"What is this traitorous streak you're showing, Merrik?"

"Just the proper response to job insecurity."

"Job Insecurity!?" I asked in incredulity as we got closer to the door.

"Your niece, has been aiming for my job for the last four years. You've been planning to replace me. Most senators don't even have to worry about that kind of shit, they're there for life. But you, now you wanted to switch me out for a younger model, one that would be completely loyal. So yes, this is a proper response."

"Your proper response to job insecurity is to risk starting an invasion of the Mandalorian sector?" Senator Robb asked.

"Okay, maybe that's not completely true. I might even have been paid off for that part of the deal. Opportunities in the CIS are quite good this year."

"Dooku ordered Satine's death?" Senator Taa asked as we finally reached the door.

"Ha! You have no idea what factions live inside the Mandalorian sector, how many people she's pissed off with her holier-than-thou attitude about pacifism." Now I just feel insulted, I am not that bad am I?

"Death Watch wanted her dead once, not so much nowadays. But there are other groups that I have been willing to work with that wouldn't mind seeing her removed. I'm the one who leaked the information about Tanya's location to the Workers' Council. No matter how much they claim they didn't want her dead, the one I sold the information to sure did."

"You shabuir." I said as I heard the door opening.

"You have no idea." He said as we stepped through, and he immediately closed the door behind us, separating me from Obi-Wan and then firing a blaster bolt into the nearby console, preventing the door from being opened easily.

"That should hold for a bit. Come on." He said, holding hard onto my shoulder, and pushed me along, heading towards the bridge of the vessel, with some haste.

"Merrik, think this through." I said. "This ship is full of Senatorial Guard, Clones, and Royal Guard. You're not escaping this."

"Ah, yes, the Senatorial Guard. I wonder how they're doing." he replied.

Confused, I watched as he pressed the button, revealing the corpse of the captain lying against the controls, and four dead Senatorial Guards. Two Mandalorians wearing red and blue armor were standing over them, making sure they were dead.

"These are my security staff. I believe you completely forgot they were aboard, didn't you?" he said.

"More traitors." I accused as he moved over to the controls and pressed the button that brought us out of hyperspace.

"What do you expect me to say? You expect me to wax philosophy about what is and isn't a traitor? Yes, they're traitors to you, some no good anti-Mandalorian who's managed to convince the spiritualist part of the Mandalorian sector that, 'No really, I'm the good guy', hah. You're just using them like you did the New Mandalorians, and as a result, undercutting and weakening the sector. So much land to be exploited, yet none of it is being used because we need to rebuild and be on friendly terms with the Republic. Well, I've got bad news for you. The Republic's probably responsible for everything that's ever gone wrong with Mandalore."

"The Jedi were used to kill the True Mandalorians, thus preventing a possible stable federal government. Then, they were used to unseat the actual government of Mandalore. And then they were used again to place some steward by the name of Satine Kryze on the throne."

"So, is that why you're doing this? Some deep-seated hatred against the Jedi?" I asked.

"Probably, but I don't really care about that. I am mainly doing this for money. I've been promised a senatorial seat in the CIS, one that will not be taken away from me by illegitimate governments."

"You want to rule Mandalore?"

"In my own way. I don't want to deal with the day-to-day, but if I just make sure that the government that replaces yours is loyal to me, that's good enough. The life of a senator is an enjoyable one, but I don't think I want to give it up to be some backwater king."

He pressed a button, and a hologram of a man wearing unfamiliar Mandalorian armor appeared. "You seem to be seated at some sort of desk. 'Senator Merrik, is Satine dead?' I would ask if she wasn't clearly shown in your arms. I thought we had a good deal."

"Complications arose, governor. We should be in range for your strike force to get me off."

"What kind of complications? I budgeted this operation under the impression there would only be Royal Guards and a few Senatorial Guards. Is there anything I should know?"

"Oh, nothing much, just a single Jedi caused a bit of an issue." I replied.

"Of course they are there." The man said nothing for a bit, but eventually, he seemed to have made a decision, having come to some sort of calculation. "It'll be tight, but it should work. I have to use the super battle droids I acquired. Boarding pods will connect with your ship in a moment. Find an escape pod and get off."

Merrik nodded and pointed the gun at me, said, "Alright, just come along. We need to get to the escape pods."

"Yes, so you can execute me. You're here to kill me. You've already made that clear, so why should I help you go anywhere?" I protested.

"This thing right here." He chuckled as he pulled something out from his robe and said, "My guard's already deployed some explosives near the reactor. One little touch of this trigger mechanism, and the entire ship explodes. You either come with me and buy the people on board this ship time to live, or you die and don't know what happens."

Before I could say anything, I felt two things happen: something hit the side of the ship, most likely the boarding pods that had been mentioned, and the door to the entrance of the place opened. Obi-Wan is standing there with his lightsaber ignited.

"How'd you get out so fast?" Merrik said quickly, grabbing me closer while pointing his blaster at my head again.

"I have a lightsaber and the doors aren't that thick." Obi-Wan replied.

"Tsk, good point." Merrik said as his two guards came up to either side, pointing their guns at the Jedi Master. "Well, get out of the way. We're going to the exit."

"I think not. There are guards on every escape pod on board. Surrender now, Merrik, and you may be tried by a jury of your peers on Coruscant."

"Ha! Since when do Coruscantis ever consider a Mid-Rimmer from a backwater sector a peer?" Merrik sneered.

"We can always arrange for Mandalorians to be sent to be a part of the jury. But, I think they'll probably look quite down on your attempted murders of the Royal family."

"You would think that, now, wouldn't you, my Duchess?" He mocked. Merrik shook his head and said, "Clear the way, Jedi, or she gets shot. And don't pull any Force business, or I'll blow the entire ship sky-high."

Obi-Wan looked at the two guards behind me before stepping back to the doorway, allowing Merrik and I to pass through the doorway. But before the two guards could get through, Obi-Wan stabbed his lightsaber into the nearby console, causing the door to shut and lock before Merrik's guards could get through. The two guards began beating on the door, and Merrik looked annoyed at that.

"You never said I had to allow those two out, now did you?" Obi-Wan jested, as Merrik continued to pull me along towards the escape pods.

"Still have Satine hostage, still have a bomb, don't have two guards. Not good, but acceptable losses." Merrik said, as he ushered me towards my doom. I could just barely hear the sounds of fighting throughout the ship. No doubt, the super battle droids have boarded. This meant that the guards who were stationed on the escape pods would probably be called off, leaving them empty.

We eventually made it to the escape pods. All he needed to do was jump in and press the button. I needed to find some way to stop him from doing that, but how?

As we backed up into the hallway, I watched as Obi-Wan followed us towards the escape pods. I needed something to distract Merrik long enough for the situation to change in our favor. Well, that and there is a very likely possibility that we will be dead in the next five minutes. There are certain things I have been keeping to myself for a good long time that I need to say so that, in case I did die, I would have no regrets.

Letting out a deep breath, I said, "Ben, I don't know how to say this. It's been bugging me for a long time that I haven't been able to say this, but I love you. Ever since we met all those years ago." I hoped that being the unromantic man Merrik was, he would pause. Seems I was right.

Merrik stopped and said, "What the hell is this melodrama?" We still had a good ten paces before we reached the first escape pod. If we could keep him here, maybe I'd be able to come up with something.

"I don't think this is-" I gave him a look, hoping that he would figure out that I am trying to stall for time. He took a deep breath, shifting mental perspectives before answering, "Fine, let's be clear, Satine. If you had asked all those years ago, I would have left the Jedi Order. There is no 'if' or 'but' about that, and even today, I still feel something for you."

...Well blast it. I can tell when Obi-Wan is lying. I had expected him to lie to keep the melodrama going and keep Merrik distracted, but he was not lying… The sensation of knowing that I had screwed up all those years ago and taken bad counsel to heart is really starting to take effect. In fact, I was feeling positively furious. All those years spent alone every night could have been avoided if I had followed my heart and told him what I feel. This is the last time I listen to Almec for personal advice. No wonder he's still single.

Biting my lip, I decided. Screw it. If the bad counsel about reaching out to Obi-Wan, starting that fight with him all those years ago, about how far I should go when it comes to what was acceptable defense, perhaps other things I've been counseled on by Almec are wrong.

"Also, Tanya is our daughter." I added.

The room went absolutely still, silent for a good half a minute before both Merrik and Obi-Wan said in unison, "She's your What?!"

But I was more interested in what Merrik did. As he raised the gun away from my head at that moment to turn and look at me, it gave me an opportunity to smash my leg back and hit him in his crotch.

While he's stunned, I grabbed the pistol and twisted it out of his fingers to perform a perfect disarm Bo taught me years ago. With a pistol in hand, I turned around to point the gun at him.

Obi-Wan was still standing in the hallway, a bit stunned but pointing his lightsaber at Merrik, while Merrik still had the explosive trigger in his hand.

"Well, isn't that great and explains everything. Fucking, of course, that brat was yours. I should have realized it the moment she walked through the goddamn door. And a fucking child of the Jedi, nonetheless." Merrik said, spitting on the ground.

"I see why you kept that nugget of information to yourself. How that would have affected your early career — a bastard child of a single mother. The women would have asked if you were even capable of keeping a man. Then, they and the men would have looked down on the Jedi who ran away. Not to mention, if that had gotten out and the Jedi came to take her away to be one of their cult, everyone would have looked down on you if you were to let that happen. Better to hide away the unfortunate information such as that so no one knows."

"That is enough, Merrik. You're at blaster and lightsaber point. You're not escaping. Just drop the device and surrender, and you'll get a fair trial." I ordered with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, yes, I'm sure I'll get a perfectly fair trial. Hey, hey, I have information about the proclivities of the Duchess of Mandalore. Let's get that all over the media. Ha! No, I'm sure you'll find some way to have me silenced. Besides, I still hold all the cards as far as I'm concerned. Just lower your weapons and allow me to get on to the escape pod.

Or perhaps you'll shoot me, make yourself a murderer. Thoughtful, throw away all illusions of pacifism, then. I can just walk away. But then maybe the Jedi Knight, the one you love and apparently conceived a child with, will slay me. How does a pacifist reconcile being in love with a military general — a killer, as the Jedi no doubt is? No wait, don't tell me the secret, I want to figure it out myself." Love doesn't work that way, though.

He took a step back, moving towards the escape pods, holding the device up. "Attack me, I die, and your relationship is doomed. Don't attack me, I'll make it to the escape pods and- AHHH!"

"Hey!" A blue lightsaber swung out from under his arm, cutting it off at the elbow, and the limb floated inches from the ground before being pulled to Obi-Wan's waiting hand.

"I think you've forgotten a few elements on the field there." Anakin said, stepping out from behind Merrik. Right, Anakin's here too. I hadn't even realized he was there until this exact moment.

"You bastard, my arm!"

"Oh, don't be a baby, it's replaceable." Anakin said as he delivered a brutal punch to Merrik's nose with an audible metallic thud. The impact caused him to drop to the ground, finally defeated.

"Hey, guys, how's it going?" Anakin asked, turning off his lightsaber and putting it on his side.

Obi-Wan looked at him with a mix of exasperation and worry.

"Anakin..." Obi-Wan said, rubbing his forehead. "How much of that did you hear?"

"I came in about the part where he said, 'kill me and doom your relationship.' Glad I'm not the only one to see that you two have a thing for each other." Anakin crossed the room and Obi-Wan tossed him the detonator device. After fiddling with it for a moment, he said, "There we go, it's defused now."

"Obi-Wan." I started, before a couple of clones interrupted, looking around the room.

"Generals, the super battle droid boarding parties have been destroyed."

"Good work, Cody, Rex. Let's give these two some privacy." Anakin said as he walked out into the hallway. Merrik had his feet cuffed and was carried out to the brig by two clone troopers.

Turning back to Obi-Wan, I said, "I'm sorry I never told you sooner. It's just that there was so much pressure to bring Mandalore into a peaceful era. I just went with what my advisor said to do."

Obi-Wan nodded, seeming still confused and somewhat angry. Finally, he said, "None of what you said was a lie, right? You really do love me, and Tanya is my daughter."

I nodded, "It's all true…"

"…It is a lot to take in, more than I think I'm ready to take at this exact moment. On one hand, I accept this as reality. If she's my daughter, then she's my daughter. You love me and I still have feelings for you. On the other hand, I still have duties to the Jedi Order. I cannot abandon them now. Once, a long time ago, I would have left the Order. Now… I need time to process this fully, Satine."

I nodded, saying, "I understand. It's not like I want anything from you, Kenobi, not really. I love you, but I know being a Jedi is part of what makes you, you, the man I fell in love with. And I would never ask you to abandon that." I said, reaching out my hand to reassure him.

He smiled, took it, and then pulled me in close, giving me a kiss on the lips. It's as wonderful as I imagined. This kiss is much more passionate than that awkward first kiss we had, but his beard is an addition that is too bristly for my liking. It lasted for a few seconds before it broke, and he said, "I don't know what my final decision on this matter will be yet, but I will let us have this moment as a good one."

I nodded and leaned in against him and rested my head on his chest, enjoying the feeling of being with him, maybe one last time.

"I still am not a fan of that beard. It covers too much of your handsome face and detracts from your kissing skills."

"Thank you for the compliment, but the beard stays. It's distinguished and Anakin claims it gives me a roguish charm. In any case, we should be getting back to the others. I think by now, we don't want to raise questions, at least not yet."

"Yes, of course. Back to the business of diplomacy."

Coruscant, Mandalore Tower

Satine Kryze

Stepping down the ramp off the ship, I sighed, relieved to finally be on safe ground. The two guards that Merrik had left behind had been subdued and held in the brig. Who they were working for had not been spilled yet, but I imagined they would talk soon enough. Once the Coronet returns to Mandalore, their chain codes will be analyzed and their identities revealed.

While I don't recognize the armor Merrik's benefactor wore, Merrik let slip that whoever he is, he is a planetary governor. This narrows down the amount of people to investigate by a significant margin, even if there are thousands of planetary governors in the Mandalorian sector alone. I'll have Almec discretely investigate every governor in the sector for any suspicious activity. The super battle droids have been investigated by the clones, and though they were CIS models, they appeared to have been bought by a third party and modified to remove any identification.

Someone had wanted me dead, someone had funded Merrik's attempt to do it, but had failed. There are probably still going to be assassination attempts, but at this moment, I am safe. And I have to make up my mind about what I am going to do about the situation.

Standing at the end of the walkway is Tanya, Vai, and her Royal Guard, I believe his name is Engiz. In any case, Tanya smiled and waved as I approached.

"Good to see you, Aunt Satine, welcome to Coruscant." Tanya said, looking past me before asking, "Where's Senator Merrik? Wasn't he supposed to be on board?"

Smiling to not reveal my true feelings on the matter, I said, "Senator Merrik has betrayed us and intended to join the CIS after killing me."

"Oh… I did not expect that." She said slowly.

"Yes, fairly unexpected, but good news for you. You're now the official Senator of Mandalore."

Tanya's eyes widened, but she smiled continuously, saying, "If that's what the people want."

"As far as I know, that choice still goes to me." I said, causing Tanya to frown slightly.

"But, Aun-Duchess, I'm only your niece and have been in politics for less than half a decade. Wouldn't the rest of the government react badly as well?"

I took a deep breath, held it in, and let it out before saying, "You are not my niece, Tanya. I am your mother…"

There was stunned surprise and shock on Ordo's face, while Vai looked rather unsurprised but amused if the fist pump was any indication. Tanya had a moment of shock across her face, but then it quickly went away as her mind processed the information. Finally, she said, "Hmm, you've always served in that capacity for me anyways. It's good to actually have that sorted out completely, mother."

The strange hardness of Tanya and the way she handled things was so weird and odd, and the fact that she called me mother for the first time was enough that I just launched forward, pulling her into a hug. She seemed unsure at first, but then patted me on the back, hugging as well.

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