Not a summoner

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

The pathway that led to the school buildings was dirty and unkept. Every part of the school replicated the worse version of his old school 'Riverdale'

The school buildings had cracks on its surface, and the walls showed that time had taken its toll on it and needed a remake.

The pathway led him to the first building he came across, it was the administrative block. He would have to identify himself there and get his badge.

Sam took a deep breath and exhaled before knocking gently on the door, with 'principal's office' written on it.

"Come in." A baritone of a voice said from the other side of the door startling Sam.

With a gentle push he opened the door and closed it behind him.

Behind the door appeared to be an office, presumably the principal's office. A young man who appeared to be the exact opposite of his previous principal was sitting behind the desk. He had a blue hair which he made into a bob cut. His glasses reflected his hazel eyes which was in contrast to his hair color.

His body frame was that of an average young man, which made Sam thought that he was a young university student.

principal lukeman raised his head from the pile of papers on his table at the colored haired kid in front of him.

"How can I help you?" he straightened his back on his chair arranging his glasses on his face.

"Good day sir. Am Sam Delon, my father called in yesterday and I am here for my badge sir."

Principal lukeman raised one of his brows at the multi color haired individual.His eyes showed a hint of doubt.

Not taking his eyes off sam he opened his drawer and pulled out a file and inspected it.

The passport photograph was different from the person in front of him.

"Delon right?" he asked to be sure his eyes were not deceiving him.

"Yes sir" Sam answered knowing fully well his father had submitted an old passport photograph. His current look would contradict the situation.

Reaching for the same drawer under his table. He brought out a badge which he waved in front of Sam.

"This badge is a symbol of membership which shows your identity in this school." he said which was followed by Sam nodding

"I understand sir"

"Good" principal lukeman tossed the badge to Sam. " Check the building, you will find your classroom 'class 4''

"Thank you sir" Sam said respectfully before leaving, closing the door behind him.

Principal lukeman opened the file again and inspected the passport photograph on it. The back short haired boy was different from the multi color haired boy that claimed he was Sam.

On normal occasions, he wouldn't have given Sam his badge, but he did anyway.

Sam's file says he was a student from Riverdale Academy.

'Riverdale.' Principal lukeman mused, he was there a few days ago to attend class 3 awakening ceremony. A few students caught his attention but none amazed him more than Sam.

Sam failed , he somehow sucked out the soul energy inside the demptore. The horror on principal Goldman's face showed that his demptore was broken.

Principal lukeman might have considered that the demptore had a backlash as a result of too much stress which resulted in it being ruined. The multi haired individual changed his perception about that issue. He claimed to be Sam Delon. The Same Sam Delon that siphoned soul energy out of a demptore. Whether it was a fluke or just a coincidence, the principal felt he had struck a gold mine.

He was very perceptive about soul energy and this kid was radiating with it and a lot.

Principal lukeman let out a chuckle. " Let's see what Sam Delon is"

Sam hung the badge on his breast pocket. It was the only thing that caught his eye at the school. The badge was the size of a debit card but oval in shape. It has gold runes over the edges of it and fits well with his uniform.

'Now let's see class 4' Sam let his mind wander as his eyes scanned the buildings. It didn't take long for him to locate his supposed class. The number four was written bodly at the top of one classroom door.

"Please excuse me is this class 4?"

Everyone gaze fell on Sam when he entered and asked the teacher for clarification. His question was met with stares and murmurs.

"Ummm.... Yes.... Are you the new student?" The female teacher, miss Sanders who was taking the class before Sam came fumbled at her words.

Sam nodded in reply.

"Please.... take a seat" she said gesturing him to one of the available seats .

The class, although big was filled with boys. Indeed kendo high was a boys school.

Despite the size of the class, the seats were not filled to one quarter of the class. The front seat were practically empty as if they resented front seats.

Sam understood no reason for them for avoid the from row , but he wasn't going to be the guinea pig to find out.

He sat at the middle row close to a short brown haired boy.

"Please.....move to the front" miss Sanders said to Sam. He got up from his chair and walked straight to the chair in front of her .

"That's better. I remember vividly that I gave you people an assignment yesterday?"

Her voice was soon drowned in noises from the male students, which irritated Sam .

Everyone was busy with what they were doing with complete disregard for the teacher in front of them.

Sam expected the teacher to lash out at them, or preferably a cold them. But she remained neutral. Instead she picked up her books facing them

"I'll see you guys in my next class" she said before she turned to go.

'Whaat!' Sam almost screamed aloud. The board was empty which suggests that she didn't teach anything or just entered the class shortly before he arrived.

Was this a school or just a waste of time?

He wanted to find more insight about soul energy manipulation. He had tried book, but there was a limit to what book can cover , he needed guidance.

"Ma,am we haven't learned anything" Sam said in time to stop her from leaving.

Judging from the books she carried,she must be a soul energy instructor.

She flashed him a smile. "What's your name ?"

"Sam Delon, ma'am"

"If you want to learn see me at the staff room after class"

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