Not a summoner

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Each time someone places their hands on the demptore, the 'soul energy' begins to swirl fast emitting different color radiations. The reaction meant that you have successfully made a contract.

"place your hands on the demptore" principal Goldman instructed as he had told the other students.

Sam closed his eyes, and placed.his hands on the demptore. For some reason, the energy remained at a standstill.

Suddenly his mind became blank,like he was in a trance. He felt like he was floating and everything was pitch black around him.

'What's going on?' he said to himself. He became in that state and time continued to pass by. He thought he had become partially blind. No if he were blind he should be able to use his other sense organs, he became numb at least physically. His mind was sort of working. He couldn't even hear himself, which made it more frustrating.

After what felt like years had passed, a reflection of light like a rainbow shown in front of him. He was relieved at first that he could see some light, but he became curious about the light shown.

Before he knew it, the light forced its way illuminating everywhere and driving the darkness away blinding him.

Sam opened his eyes, and what he saw was quite shocking. The demptore he placed his hands on was empty. It had been drained of the energy it had.It has become no more than an empty shell.

Principal Goldman, expression was that of shock and disbelief. He had never heard or encountered a situation where someone could siphon soul energies out of a demptore.

Gasps sounded from the crowd back they had just witnessed a bizarre thing. Sam's ears were picking up murmurs from the parents. What happened? did he make contact.

"Unfortunately" principal Goldman said after recovering from the shock on his face that was now replaced with displeased. "You are an uncon"

Uncon? This was a term used to identify those who failed to awaken.

The words hit Sam hard he couldn't believe it. He had high hopes for this ceremony, even his father had become lenient to him the past few days. How would he face his mother? He was just like his sister.

Emotions welled up inside him that made him stare at the empty glass shell that was once a demptore. He couldn't take his hands off, no he wouldn't. Why didn't it work. His vision became blurry. Blurry from the tears that had welled in his eyes. A lump formed on his throat as he tried to contain his emotions.

"Step aside!" Principal Goldman words were somewhat harsh different from how he addressed him before.

Slowly he took his hands off and bent his head, afraid to look at anyone. But all eyes were on him.

The ceremony ended with Sam failure and being the only uncon in his class. All students of class three were told to stay behind. They were going to be taught how to summon their familiar.

Sam still couldn't accept the fact that he was an uncon, he stayed behind and waited there avoiding his family.

He tried to console himself and dried his teary eyes. Not long, his classmates came into the class with Mr.Adams their homeroom teacher behind them. He was going to instruct them on how to summon their contracted familiar and put them into practice.

The students went silent as soon as they sighted Sam sitted at class.

"Sam! you are not supposed to be here"

Adam said rubbing salt on already Sam's injury.

Those words hurt Sam. He stood up to speak before he was cut off by Adams.

"And by the way, the school demands compensation for the damaged demptore"

Swallowing whatever he wanted to say he nodded holding back his urge to curse at his teacher before he left.

It was getting close to night. Sam had planned to go home when everyone was asleep, he didn't want to face them .

He stayed outside the school he was hoping to speak with sofie. After giving it much thought, he decided against it. It would be better if he just left her alone.

Just then, his classmates walked out of the gate. He sighted Landon amongst them. He was someone Sam needed to speak to at that time. He walked up to the and called Landon's name. Landon turned his head and saw Sam walking up to them.

"look, the uncon is here!" Chris said bringing attention to Sam. Sam and Chris were rivals in the same class. They both excelled well in their academics. Chris was a bit taller than Sam had a short brown hair and was quite popular amongst the girls. Out of the two, Chris was like the more good looking and the better version of Sam's appearance. He only trotted behind Sam in academics.

Sam tried to ignore Chris, but his eyes caught him holding Sofie's hand. He felt jealous but he managed to compose himself.

"Hey Landon! " He needed to speak with his best friend.

"Landon your uncon calls for you! " A laughter erupted from the other students which made Sam embarrassed.

The word uncon made Sam annoyed Sam that he couldn't take it."Hey I have a name, dummy" Sam said directing his words to Chris.

"And what will you do uncon?" Chris taunted walking forward to Sam. He faces Landon "Hey! you know this uncon"

Landon looked at Sam shyly afraid to meet Sam's gaze, he shook his head.

"Good" Chris turned to face Sam. "Why don't you run along and cry your way home."

"You.." Sam held his tongue stopping himself from provoking Chris. He shouldn't start a fight he wasn't sure to win. He turned his attention to Sofie, she was just there treating him like a stranger. She did not come to his aid. At that moment all feelings he had for her vanished. He moved his gaze to Landon whom he felt betrayed. Was this how his sister classmates treated her when she was an uncon. No wonder she dropped out of school.

With that he turned his back and headed home. He could hear the laughter and mockery from behind.

Contracted beasts were discovered in the same era soul energy was developed. Soul energy was bound to a person's life force, and forcible manipulation of it could drain a person's life span resulting in their death. Centuries ago, humans discovered a way to manipulate their soul energy. And that was through a contracted beast. A contracted beast feeds off a person's soul energy in turn serves as a conductor between him and his soul energy.

Only those who had contracted beast could manifest their soul energy.Sam knew earlier that if he had picked a fight with Chris he would have lost.

Sam's mind raced with thoughts. He wondered why his family could not make contract with a beast. This incident had weighed his father down turning him to an abusive husband. His elder sister, a dropout and most times he couldn't understand her. His mother practically a ghost in her own house, she seldom talk to anyone. The only one not affected was his little sister who had yet to be of age, but he doubt the situation would be any different. He really hoped he would be first to break this chain, be this first to make contract. But he.... failed. Failed, for the first time in forever, his family came together to attend his ceremony but he disappointed them. No he couldn't go home like this.

Sam came to a stop. His mind heavy and burdened. He began to recount the event of what happened, his ceremony. Why was his name the last to be called. Then it clicked him, he was there when his elder sister failed. And from what he know, his situation was different from his sister's.

When he touched the demptore his mind was invaded by multiple colors of light. It was no coincidence that the soul energy inside with the form of multiple colors. It was possible that he had made contract by mistakely siphoning the soul..... wait was that possible.

Sam's mind raced with possibilities that he might have been able to summon a contracted beast if he had stayed in class.

He had read all about summoning contracted beasts. He knew the process to take and the right action. He had memorized the diagram from textbooks and knew the instructions on how to draw them like the back of his hand.

But there was a problem, the diagram needed soul energy to work. Where was he going to find someone who would help him. The school wouldn't help him, he damaged the demptore of course the wouldn't help.

The diagram or rather ritual in order to be activated, when drawn should be supplied soul energy which was out of the equation for Sam. Or to be drawn in an area overflowing with soul energy. Sam's eyes shifted to the graveyard beside him, well he solve his problem.

Graves had an abundant amount of soul energy, but trying to perform the 'ritual' was illegal.

Well legal or not he had to do what he must. He picked up the pace and headed for the graveyard.

He got a stick and began to draw the diagram to the best of his knowledge. After drawing it ,there was one thing for him to do. He would have to drop his blood at the center of the diagram to begin the ritual. He broke the stick into two halves and drove the sharp end into his left palm. He then squeezed his palm to produce as much blood as he could and dropped it at the middle of the diagram. He grimaced in pain while doing so. Most people would be afraid of what Sam was doing but his emotions of rejection and betrayal and replaced his fear.

He waited, hoping it would work. After a few minutes, Sam knew it had not worked. Well should clean up before someone sees this? Feeling somewhat dejected he stepped on it and his blood lit up at the center. The lines of the diagram lit up as well.

"I did it...." Before Sam could rejoice, something pulled him down making him lose consciousness.

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