Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Rainforest

On August 21, when he got up in the morning, Lan Mu had already turned into a human being.

As expected, he changed back on time at three o’clock in the morning at night, which was exactly seven days.

And after he changed back, he could change between the elves and human bodies with a move of his mind.

Not only that, but the white lion is not covered.

This discovery made Lan Mu ecstatic, because it means that as time goes by, he will transform more and more objects.

Infinitely growing transformation ability, this is his true super power.

“I just don’t know how long it will take for a new transformation. The last time was only a little more than seven days. If you change a few more times, you can probably calculate the interval period.”

Lan Mu tested his abilities, and quickly left him behind and looked in the mirror with joy to wash.

I haven’t washed well for seven days, the elves are basically spotless, and the body wrapped by the force of nature is difficult to get dirty.

“Returning to the human feeling, I really miss it!”

Lan Mu feasted on Su Yue’s porridge and the pancakes she simply made.

“It’s a pitiful race without food! Su Yue, I still want to eat.”

After seven days of life inhaling wind and drinking dew, when Lan Mu returned to humans, his first reaction was to be hungry, not too much. His appetite was surprisingly large. Three bowls of gruel and ten pancakes were wiped out for him. Su Yue was busy for an hour before drinking some gruel.

After   , Lan Mu brought some changes of clothes and his bows and arrows, and waited for Du Yu to pick him up.

will gather in the afternoon, Lan Mu silently searched the Internet for information, watched a few videos of survival in the wilderness, and hugged the Buddha’s feet temporarily.

Soon Du Yu came to pick him up. As expected, he changed another car, this time it was a red Porsche.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Lan Mu finally couldn’t help but asked: “You are so rich? Every time I see you, it’s a different car.”

Du Yu laughed and said: “I didn’t buy it. I bought some cars if I really liked it. I just borrowed this one from the car dealership today. It’s a test drive! If you don’t like it, I will return it and change another one. Hahaha.”

Lan Mu knows that Du Yu’s family should be very rich and noble. With this face, do you want to borrow a car? I’m afraid the owner of the car dealership gave him a trial drive specially. As long as he likes it, the dealership will make a lot of money when he buys it with pleasure.

“Huh? Removed your makeup? I can count as seeing Brother Mu, your Lushan true face!” Du Yu noticed the difference in the human form of Blue Mu. Although he can still recognize it, his image and temperament are completely different. This is really a strange feeling, hard to describe. .

Lan Mu, of course, knew what was going on, and just said perfunctorily: “You should just remove your makeup!”

“Oh… that’s right! Mu brother, this card is four million, I promised to give it to you.”

Lan Mu looked at a bank card in Du Yu’s hand, and heard the words four million in a daze, but quickly calmed down and pushed back.

“You promised, but I didn’t promise.”

Lan Mu said again: “Xiaoyu, if you think you are hiring me, then I will get out of the car now.”

Du Yu casually threw the card to the front of the steering wheel, and smiled awkwardly: “Don’t do this, Brother Mu. You won even Fang Moqi, and the appearance fee must not be lower than him?”

Lan Mu said: “Okay, don’t say anything, if you give me four million, I am afraid that I will swell.”

This is the truth of Lan Mu. With the ability to transform, it is very simple for him to make money. If he commits a crime unscrupulously, he can even gain a lot of wealth in a short time.

However, he didn’t want to do this. On the contrary, it was more interesting to use his abilities in a small amount, coupled with his own efforts, to obtain wealth from his career.

“If you are really burning with a lot of money, and take care of my business in the future, and my studio is about to land on station h, I will record and publish the live experience of this wild survival experience. It will be fine if you go and support me. ”

Du Yu said as he drove, “No problem, I know how to do it. Mu, you must take a good photo of me!”


I gathered at the Forest Club and waited one after another until five o’clock in the evening to come together, a total of 12 people.

And Wang Ling didn’t rush back until six o’clock, telling everyone that the visa was okay. After arriving in Marais, take a good rest for a long time and enter the Dahanshan Nature Reserve in the afternoon.

At nine o’clock, everyone boarded the plane from Magic City, and arrived in the southeast of Marais after more than five hours.

After   , I rested at the hotel in Kuala Lumpur. I set off again at 10 o’clock in the morning and took the boat to Kuala Besut Pier, and soon came to the Taman Hanshan National Park.

Although all the people who came to the club this time were actual shooters, most of them came with a play mentality. Therefore, they were delayed until 4 pm in the scenic area of ​​the national park, and the talents officially entered the depths of the tropical rainforest. .

While passing through the outlying scenic spots, Fang Moqi and Zheng Hui showed the local management agency the certificates of the club and the hunter association, and signed an agreement to protect the ecology.

The local management agency also sent a local tour guide to accompany the people in the tropical rainforest.

is both a supervisor and a guide. However, the one who really led the way soon became Fang Moqi himself.

Because Fang Moqi is more familiar with this jungle than the local guide.

Leaving the scenic spot and walking in the jungle for about an hour, Fang Moqi took everyone to a primitive tribe.

Inhabited by the aboriginal Xian Nui people, hunting is still the main life, but they often communicate with the outside world. The Malay government protects the culture and customs of the people.

Starting from the magic city, it has been a whole day now, and the talents are worthy of going deep into the tropical rain forest. The real field training has not yet begun.

Lan Mu noticed that Fang Moqi used the native language of the Xiannui to communicate with each other, and it was obvious that he was familiar with the chief of the tribe.

“How many times has this guy been here? Can you even speak this kind of native language?”

Lan Mu has no interest in Mo Qi’s past, and takes a camera seriously to take pictures of everything he sees.

Everyone didn’t know what Fang Moqi was talking to, and then Fang Moqi asked everyone to keep all their luggage and replaced them with the traditional tools of the Nui people.

Of course, everyone’s bows and arrows are still retained.

After they finished tossing in the tribal village and enjoyed the local traditional food, Fang Moqi told everyone that it is the most remote to enter the tropical rain forest overnight! The most inaccessible! The most primitive ecological area, there is a paradise for wild animals!

Lan Mu noticed that everyone had no objections to Fang Moqi’s decision, and it seemed that Fang Moqi had been mentally prepared for this behavior.

“Brother Fang! Listen to you! I don’t believe this is more dangerous than Africa!”

“Yes! With bow and arrow in hand, what are you afraid of?”

“But what about this tour guide? He certainly won’t let us hunt wild animals.”

Fang Moqi listened, smiled slightly, and pulled the Malai guide aside.

Lan Mu also hurriedly followed with the camera, and then saw Fang Moqi handing the tour guide a wad of money, which was more than 10,000 yuan, which was still US dollars.

“I know Lu, you will stay here and wait for us to come back, then you can say to follow us the whole time, thank you.”

The tour guide was very embarrassed at first. After seeing so many dollars, he immediately opened his eyes and said in unskilled Chinese: “Fuck! Fuck! I’m waiting for you!”

Fang Moqi got the guide, and when he came back to see Lan Mu, he gave a smile.

Lan Mu smiled, everyone finished their outfits and began to truly enter the most pristine tropical rain forest.

Without the outsider as a guide, everyone can be a hunter with confidence and boldness.

Fang Moqi held the torch and opened the road in the forefront. About half an hour later, he was already far away from the village. The surrounding area was completely dark. Except for the firelight in Fang Moqi’s hand, there was no light.

The climate here is warm, with extremely high humidity and oxygen production. Because it is one of the oldest primitive tropical rain forests, all kinds of plants cover the entire land, and everyone’s feet are covered with slippery roots and vines, or moss yarrow, and there is also a layer of humus soil under it. In short, it is difficult to find The feeling of being down to earth.

The big trees are 60 meters tall on average, and bamboos as high as ten meters are often seen. Insects can be seen everywhere around Fang Moqi’s torches.

“It’s here as the camp for the first night. Maybe you can make bamboo beds? Do it now. I’m going to put out the torches.”

Hearing Fang Moqi’s words, everyone hurriedly started cutting bamboo, using Xiannui knives, and it took a lot of effort to cut enough bamboo.

Lan Mu was shooting with all his heart, if there were any plants that he didn’t know, or the common sense of sleeping in the wild was not clear, he directly asked Fang Moqi and asked Fang Moqi to answer the camera.

Fang Moqi gave Lan Mu a lot of face, and basically answered all questions in detail, and he also demonstrated the production process for the bamboo bed in front of the camera.

saw a piece of bamboo being split and spread out into a hammock. In Fang Moqi’s hands, just using the vines that can be seen everywhere and the characteristics of the bamboo itself, he made a simple hanging hammock between the two trees.

“This area is absolutely original ecology. Poisonous insects and ants are everywhere. It is safest to keep yourself away from the ground when you sleep.”

Lan Mu handed the camera to Fang Moqi, and tried to make it himself. The method was still very simple, and Lan Mu made it easily.


Fang Moqi saw that everyone was done, clapped his hands and said, “There are many wild animals in this tropical rain forest that appear in the middle of the night, and most of them are carnivorous animals.”

“Although it will not necessarily attack humans, I will extinguish the fire extinguisher for a while. You must be vigilant when you sleep.”

“I will not set up traps nearby, nor will I warn you in advance. I will only take action after you are attacked. So you have to rely on yourself and increase your alertness. You can’t sleep like a dead pig.”

After finishing speaking, he didn’t care what everyone thought, he rubbed the torch with his hand, and the simple earthen torch like UU Reading went out.

The surroundings fell into darkness for an instant. Everyone had been relying on the fire light just now. At this time, there was no light source, and the night vision ability was worse than usual, almost no different from blindness.

Lan Mu resisted his transformation, but tried to adjust his eyes to the darkness, turned on the camera’s night shooting function, put it on the hammock, and lay on it, holding the camera to rest, but did not rest, but kept observing the surroundings.

In the most pristine tropical rain forest, everyone is emotionally restless, but no one dares to speak loudly, so they can only lie silently on a self-made bamboo bed to rest.

Soon, a few hours passed, it was already more than two o’clock in the morning, Lan Mu’s eyelids were fighting, and it was really sleepy.

Finally, he scanned the surroundings with the camera, and was suddenly shocked, as if seeing something flashing by in the distance during the night shot of the camera.


Lan Mu didn’t make any sound, but silently put on his hat, turned into an elf, and observed it carefully.

The night vision ability of the elves far exceeds that of human beings. Especially in the jungle, he only needs to wash the big tree next to him with the force of nature, and he can get information through communication.

The forest told him that there was a leopard-like creature crawling and jumping on the tree near where they were sleeping, about six meters away.

quietly, graceful in appearance, petite.

looks like both a leopard and a cat!

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