Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 112

Chapter 109 Take a ghost with you

The dead souls in the funeral parlor were all used by Lan Mu to strengthen Ma Xiang. After things were done, Lan Mu led him away on foot.

No way, the taxi driver ran away.

Lan Mu was walking on a dark and secluded road, with a fat ghost floating beside him.

It’s midnight now, it’s almost twelve o’clock. He suddenly regretted it, and brought a ghost to find Xiaoling in the middle of the night, which was too reckless.

A dead person, even his body was burned into ashes and buried. If he suddenly met, wouldn’t he be frightened?

Lan Mu wanted to help him get a body first, but as Xiaoling’s obsession, Ma Xiang didn’t want to wait anyway, so he had to go to see Xiaoling now.

Ghosts are all paranoid, but Lan Mu is really stubborn, so he can only say: “Remember that you are a ghost now. It’s terrible to be discovered by others. If you are floating in the sky, do you wish others would not know that you are a ghost?”

Ma Xiang then fell to the ground and walked on his legs like Lan Mu.

Lan Mu asked again: “By the way, can you make people invisible to you?”

Ma Xiang tilted his head, his body suddenly disappeared, turning into a black phantom.

“This shadow is a bit obvious… By the way, I am now in the form of a lich…”

Lan Mu hurriedly turned back into a human being. In his human eyes, without using mental scanning, Ma Xiang could not be seen at all, there was only air there.

“Very well, you can be invisible like this!”

“By the way, Fatty, do you remember where Xiaoling lives?”

Ma Xiang’s things about Xiao Ling seem to remember very clearly.

He said: “Pinghu Youth Dormitory 3 Building 201.”

Lan Mu hum and chatted with Ma Xiang while walking, listening to Ma Xiang’s description, Lan Mu gradually understood what was going on with Xiaoling and him.

Xiao Ling’s full name is Xiao Ling. She studied in Magic City from a rural area in Anhui Province. After graduating from Magic City Music College, she stayed in Magic City and found a bar resident job. She sang at least four hours a day, twenty per hour. For bucks, she can earn up to 4,000 yuan a month if she counts the wine commission.

In March this year, Xiao Ling was forced to drink two catties of wine by a group of customers, and vomited at the back door of the bar afterwards.

Ma Xiang had just finished supper at the time, and was about to go home after drinking too much. He passed by and saw Xiao Ling.

expressed concern, and after learning about it, he went straight in and had a fight with that group of customers.

He is tall and fat, and he can fight, but he can’t catch the thief mainly because he runs slowly, and he can beat two of them in a frontal fight.

After making a fuss in the bar, of course the boss called the police. But Ma Xiang is a policeman himself, his father is still the director, and the bar owner is not a hard backstage, so this matter will not stop.

That group of customers and him were both swollen noses and swollen noses. When the police came forward, they still chose to reconcile. Of course, Ma Xiang swaggered away, and the gang had to be taken back by the police to be reprimanded.

Because of this incident, he met Xiao Ling. Because of this, Xiao Ling naturally couldn’t work in the bar.

Later, Ma Xiang helped her find a job, and the two fell in love. Xiao Ling’s family was poor, and she was not a delicate person, and she didn’t value Ma Xiang’s appearance even more. As for Ma Xiang, who has been so fat since he was a child, he has never talked about a girlfriend, and it is not his turn to pick and choose. Xiao Ling looks beautiful, has a gentle temperament, and an independent and not squeamish personality. It didn’t take long for Ma Xiang to love her to death.

The two quickly talked about marriage and marriage. The parents on both sides also met and got engaged. Even the new house, Ma Xiang’s father, prepared it for him.


Lan Mu sighed. Ma Xiang wanted to be resurrected easily. He only needs to increase his soul strength to more than one thousand, and he can use his corpse to resurrect him.

But then? How can he convince his parents when he comes home as another person? How to convince Xiao Ling? Ma Xiang married Xiao Ling with someone else’s body, is it considered cheating?

This is all troublesome! Lan Mu rubbed his face, and then thought of transforming Ma Xiang’s body to show his true colors. But the problem is that his body was cremated. Everyone knew that he was dead. Why should a dead person reappear? That will cause more trouble.

Unless he hides outsiders, he just tries to get his parents and Xiao Ling to accept the reality of Ma Xiang’s resurrection.

It’s easy for his parents to accept this reality, but it’s hard for outsiders to know. The best way is to live in two places and meet once every ten days and a half. Otherwise, once living together, after a long time, it is easy to be found by the neighbors and other outsiders. When the time comes, things like the resurrection of the dead will cause great trouble.

After thinking about it, Lan Mu decided to let Ma Xiang meet his parents in the face of a ghost. Compared with the sudden resurrection, it seems that his son becomes a ghost more easily. In the eyes of the parents, the son went home after he died and turned into a ghost, which is much better than never seeing him in his lifetime. With the ghost form, Ma Xiang’s hidden ability is enough to be invisible to outsiders.

He can switch between materialization and avatar. After materialization, he looks no different from human beings, except that once he touches it, he will reveal himself.

Lan Mu plans to let Ma Xiang meet his parents in the form of ghosts, and let them accept that Ma Xiang will be resurrected in the face of others. As long as his parents can accept it, Lan Mu immediately set out to help him find a good body, and support the two elders as godsons after his resurrection.

“But this way…what about Xiao Ling? Does this count as cuckolding herself?”

Lan Mu clarified the situation and plan to Ma Xiang. After all, it was his own business and he had to make his own choice.

But Ma Xiang’s answer to this is…

“Xiaoling, I want to see Xiaoling…”

Lan Mu covered his face, the ghost’s paranoia was really overwhelming.

You said that you became a ghost after death, and obsessiveness is not a father, not a mother, but a wife!

Lan Mu said that this is simply the emperor’s emergency!

It seems that he can only put Ma Xiang next to him first, and wait until his unwillingness to dissipate a bit.


At about one o’clock in the morning, Lan Mu came downstairs to the Pinghu Youth Dormitory.

In his mental perception, he found Xiao Ling who was asleep.

“Remember! Don’t frighten people, if she can’t accept it, just play and disappear!”

Lan Mu said, but saw Ma Xiang ignored him and flew directly upstairs.

“Oh, you’re so fat…Forget it, this is your wife, what kind of heart!”

In Lan Mu’s mental perception, Ma Xiang flew directly to Xiao Ling’s bedroom, looked at her happily, and awakened her.

Xiao Ling woke up in a daze, she was startled when she saw Ma Xiang, and screamed.

The roommate next door was awakened and shouted: “What are you doing, Xiaoling?”

“It’s okay…”

Roommate screamed, and went to sleep.

Xiao Ling looked at Ma Xiang in disbelief. After all, a dead person stood in front of you in the middle of the night, and it was difficult for anyone close to accept it.

Her receptive ability is fairly strong. When she found that she could communicate with Ma Xiang in her mind, she immediately accepted the fact that he became a ghost.

In fact, Lan Mu can forcibly intervene in the spiritual link if he thinks about it, and hear what they talk about.

But of course he wouldn’t do this kind of thing. He asked not to say that I resurrected you, so he left the time for the young couple. He was sitting on the stone pier downstairs and playing with his mobile phone.

Three hours later.

A cigarette butt, Lan Mu’s mobile phone ran out of power, and the two were still talking.

If you love me, I have a lot of words to say. It will take a few hours to watch the battle…

“I said, buddy, it’s almost dawn… why don’t you live here, I’m going back?”

Lan Mu just used a mental link to spit out, but Ma Xiang directly replied.

“Well, you go back! Recently, a little white face chased her and has been pestering my Xiaoling…I want to protect her personally!”

Lan Mu was taken aback, this Nima…

smiled bitterly and shook his head, Lan Mu thought for a while, this might not be a solution, anyway, placing it next to him is similar to placing it next to Xiao Ling.

Since Xiao Ling has accepted the hypothesis that her fiance will become a ghost after death, she will definitely not talk about it everywhere.

And listening to Ma Xiang’s answer just now, it seems a bit of the tone and style of his life.

It seems that as the more things you touch, the feelings of the ghost Ma Xiang will become more and more full. Through chatting with Xiao Ling, he should have learned a lot of past events, and this understanding will be remembered in his soul to fill in the blank memory.

Therefore, in theory, keep telling Ma Xiang about the past, and his humanity will get closer and closer to his past self, instead of being paranoid and rigid like when he just became a ghost just let him stay. Xiao Ling’s side can add some memories of the past!

After making up his mind, Lan Mu got up and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he said with another word.

“Don’t let people know that you are a ghost, even if you are protecting Xiao Ling, don’t act in front of people. If there is something for her to call me…”

Ma Xiang seemed a little anxious that Lan Mu hurriedly left, said.

“Got it! I just don’t remember a lot of things, I’m not an idiot!”

Indeed, Ma Xiang is just a memory loss, not a stupid lack. He is smarter than most people with a soul strength of 500, so he basically doesn’t need to worry about it.

“Ha… well… you remember to see your parents, it is best to let Xiao Ling explain clearly, don’t frighten uncle and auntie.”

“Of course I will go…”

Lan Mu curled his lips, feeling that Ma Xiang wanted his wife and didn’t want brothers.

But when he turned around and took two steps, he heard Ma Xiang say to him.

“Brother Mu, thank you, although I have forgotten many things, I know you are my best brother.”

“When I take care of the family’s affairs, I will find you and Cheng Ming. That guy should be surprised, right?”

Lan Mu didn’t stop, smiled and replied.

“You don’t need to say so many brothers, let’s accompany your wife!”

“When do I have to have sex, I want to have a body…Call to find brother!”

“Choose tall, short, fat or thin! It’s guaranteed to be energetic and masculine!”

“No matter whose face you want, I will pinch it out for you too!”

After that, Lan Mu left without looking back Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at For mobile users, please go to read. .

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