No. 8 Pawnshop

Chapter 111

Chapter 111:

Ye Ligang sent off a guest in the pawnshop, put his **** in a glass bottle, and brought it into the underground secret room and put it on a wooden shelf.

This kind of work, Ye Li was already too familiar with it.

But today is different, Ye Li did not go back to the top to wait for the next guest, there are three guests in Japan today, but she ordered to go on, if the guests come, let them Go back, no more guests today.

She went back to the bedroom and changed out of the vintage gold embroidered dress on her body. Instead, she put on a slender black trench coat and hurriedly left the pawnshop.

Because today is a special day,

The day of Ye Zhilan’s death.

Her husband, children, and even grandchildren and grandchildren were waiting by the hospital bed. Outside the ward, the Ye family members and the Gu family members also came, but they didn’t go in. With sadness, they also kindly left the family with the last time together.

But what they didn’t expect was that Ye Zhilan’s husband Gu Hansheng, son Gu Yanhuan and daughter Gu Yanle suddenly came out and closed the door.

Just a few minutes ago, Ye Zhilan suddenly said, “You all go out.”

“Mom, what are you talking about?” The youngest son Gu Yanle said first,

“Let’s all go out.” Gu Hansheng said warmly, he loved his wife and was unwilling to go against her last little wish. He will find her.

No one understands Ye Zhilan’s behavior, but no one speaks falsely. And Ye Zhilan waited, the person who would come in the dark.

Ye Li came to see Ye Zhilan on her deathbed, and let her see her.

She appeared in front of the white curtains blown by the wind, came to the ward where only Ye Zhilan, who was waiting to die, finally walked towards her slowly, approaching her bedside.

Ye Zhilan’s voice trembled, “Have I seen you?” She only felt that the rest of her life seemed to be trapped in a dream, an extremely beautiful and happy dream, but she lost the most important thing s things.

Ye Li did not speak, her face was always calm, without a trace of turbulence, sober and thin.

Ye Zhilan’s tears rolled down her cheeks, she was obviously a drooping old man who was about to die, but she cried like a child, just as Ye Li remembered.

She looked so pitiful, but Ye Li looked like an elder who comforted her. Ye Li looked so young, and the two of them stood together more like great-grandchildren than mother and daughter. How ridiculous.

“Why, why don’t I have you in my memory, obviously…”

The feeling you give me is so important, more important than everything I have.

Ye Li didn’t answer her, because she couldn’t give an answer either, she just quietly looked at Ye Zhilan’s face, her tears, her sorrow,

But I didn’t expect that the years have made this love stronger and heavier.

What are the days when there is no memory and only love, Ye Li doesn’t know, and she won’t know anymore.

Her hand was on the back of Ye Zhilan’s hand, it was cool, like the temperature of Ye Zhilan’s tears.

The tone is calm and with blessings, “Your next life will be smooth and happy, you will be born in a healthy and happy family, you will have your own dream, become a travel photographer, That’s a good career, and you’ll see a lot of beautiful and different landscapes.

When you feel satisfied and start to want to stop and rest, you will meet a man you love and love you, you will be very happy, you will have three children, the youngest The child is a girl, she will look like you, her eyebrows will look like you, her eyes will look like you, and her lips will look like you…”

Ye Li narrated calmly, accompanying Ye Zhilan through the last time.

Ye Zhilan finally closed her eyes in the future depicted by Ye Li, but there were still tears in the corners of her eyes.

Ye Li tried her best to make up for Ye Zhilan’s happiness in this life, and even her happiness in the next life will be involved.

And Ye Zhilan’s life is happy enough, and her next life will be so happy, Ye Zhilan knows it, but she also guesses that she has lost the most important thing It was clean and could never be found again. All that was left was the love that never disappeared in her heart, but when she died, she would lose even this love and forget it completely.

At Ye Zhilan’s funeral, white roses were in full bloom everywhere, the sad cello was playing, and the low melody filled the air.

The priest in black is reciting the eulogy, death may be just a door, passing away is not the end, but the next journey.

Ye Chenyang also saw her, and time has left many traces on him. He is no longer the vigorous young man he used to be, he has become old and wise, maybe in the near future In the future, he will also walk towards death.

“You’re still so young.” Ye Chenyang sighed, immortality, what an incredible thing, they will always grow old one day, but Ye Li’s time will always stop at The most glorious moment.

But Ye Chenyang doesn’t envy it. He didn’t before, and he won’t now. Life, old age, sickness and death are the rules among all living beings. We grow old together with the people around us, and we go through the short decades of life together. Years are not another kind of happiness.

Ye Li’s road was too long and too lonely, Ye Chenyang looked at her figure and did not move away for a long time.


Noticing this scene, Ye Chenyang’s grandson Ye Xiao, after he saw the young woman leaving, walked over and asked, “Grandpa, who is she?”

Ye Chenyang turned to the eldest grandson Ye Xiao and said gently, “A stranger, don’t care.”

Just strangers and nothing more.




Forty years of development have made Silver Emperor no longer limited to the entertainment industry, not to mention that the person in charge of Silver Emperor is Yun Xi. The company has gradually developed into a diversified group, and its tentacles have been exploring various fields of China.

But before the Silver Emperor Group could go further, Yunxi collapsed first, which was unexpected and reasonable.

Yunxi is old.

The intellect of the mind cannot save the decay of the body. Death is an area that human technology is forbidden to touch.

In the luxurious and comfortable ward, the old Yun Xi was lying on the hospital bed, weak and authentic.

“That child, who has met your standards enough to take my place.”

She said this to Ye Li.

Ye Li knew who she was talking about. It was Yun Xi who began to purposely find a young child after realizing the decline of her body. His name was Yan Yangchu. Li also knew about this matter, and even if she acquiesced, it was obviously better for Yun Xi to be willing to train herself than she would bother to choose a spokesperson for the No. 8 pawnshop in the secular forces.

“Are you the one who pawns the soul after death?” Yunxi asked her with a smile,

Ye Li shook his head, “No, there are special people in the pawnshop who will take away the soul. You are different, and I am also willing to give you a preferential treatment.”

Yun Xi smiled, “As a favor for me working for you for so many years?”

Ye Li smiled, “Yes.”

“That’s really good.” Yunxi looked at the fallen leaves outside the window with hazy eyes, the sun would set, the leaves would wither, and people would eventually die.

“Have you regretted it?” Ye Li suddenly asked,

“Yes.” Yunxi said calmly, “Sometimes I think, once I die, my soul will no longer belong to me, and there will be no chance to return to the world. Think about it. It’s really sad.”

“Humans will regret it. People who don’t regret are not human beings.”

In addition to regrets, Ye Li still has one thing she didn’t ask: Does Yunxi hate her? How can you not hate it? Maybe Yunxi agreed to work for her at the beginning, but also had some revenge in mind, and there was still a **** shop No. 8 to Ye Li.

But over time, the resentment gradually dissipated. Some people have such a charm that people are willing to be convinced after getting along with her for a long time, and both their minds and souls are inclined to her.

It’s a pity that she can’t be with her forever, she will grow old and die, and her soul will slowly die in some eternal place.

Yunxi no longer resents her, and even feels sad for her, Ye Li sent her away today, and in the future, Ye Li will see more deaths, and send away more in the long life Many people left her alone.

Endless loneliness.

But can Ye Li understand the feeling of loneliness? Yunxi didn’t know, in her memory, Ye Li seemed to be born with no understanding of love and loneliness.

That’s fine, it won’t hurt too much. Yunxi thought so.

Ye Li put her hand on her eyes and said softly, “Sleep, you won’t have much pain.”

This is what I promise you,

Yunxi closed her eyes quietly and fell into a permanent sleep from then on, never to wake up again.


In the pawnshop No. 8, Ye Li carried the bronze lamp down the stairs to the underground secret room, and then opened the door of the underground secret room with the classical key and walked in, until he reached the central platform. With a slight movement of the mind, a simple wooden box with carved patterns appeared on the platform.

Ye Li raised his hand and placed it above the empty wooden box. A white soul appeared in his hand and submerged in the wooden box.

Such a wooden box can perfectly preserve a soul for thousands of years, and Ye Li has done this hundreds of times or thousands of times, she can’t remember. But like thousands of times in the past, there is no mistake, sober and weak.

Even though she has known this soul for decades.


Yan Yangchu, the nominal adopted son of Yunxi and the new president of Yinhuang Group, held the funeral. He watched the coffin being buried, sprinkled with soil, and finally erected a tombstone, and then said He bowed deeply to the tombstone with the picture of his adoptive mother embedded in it.

He is respectful and grateful for the woman who brought him out of the orphanage and raised him.

There was no eulogy from the priest, because Yan Yangchu remembered that her adoptive mother did not like God before her death, and even had a kind of disgust. She often said that she had turned her back on all gods and handed over everything to the devil.

Yan Yangchu raised his head, looking at the pale sky, the corners of his mouth could not raise.

After the funeral, Yan Yangchu met the woman, Ye Li, the boss behind the Silver Emperor. In the earliest days, when he didn’t know her identity, he saw her several times from a distance. She was very young, and she looked twenty or thirty years apart from her adoptive mother, Yunxi. She should have belonged to two worlds.

But people like Yunxi, the foster mother, who stood at the top of the pyramid would also laugh in front of her, and she was indifferent, as if she was the one in control.

The only close contact was when he passed all the tests, the adoptive mother brought him to Miss Ye and said, “He is the one I chose.”

He only heard her low laughter, with a hint of nonchalance, “Really? You can do it yourself.”

Yan Yangchu’s pride and unwillingness made him raise his head, but when he saw Ye Li for the first time, it completely disappeared. Because he is very real aware that both his adoptive mother Yunxi and himself are just a spokesperson, a perfect puppet appearing in front of the public.

Yan Yangchu couldn’t feel much joy at this fact, but after seeing her face that had not changed in more than ten years, Yan Yangchu suddenly understood the admonition of his adoptive mother to him,

“She is your master, remember, don’t disobey her orders, let alone make her dissatisfied with you.”

The author has something to say: send two bentos in a row

There is a real story to end

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