Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 166: Return to Familiar Grounds

As the sun steadily climbed the horizon, its warmth chased away the lingering chill in the wilderness. Stirred by the dawn of a new day, the forest came alive with the activity of creatures beginning their morning routines.

They emerged from hiding places, scurrying about and reclaiming their territory. Rabbits and squirrels darted between the undergrowth, their movements quick and slippery, while birds chirped as they flitted from branch to branch.

This lively and harmonious scene stood in stark contrast to the area surrounding the mining site, where an unsettling, oppressive silence reigned— a grim reminder of the contamination tainting the land.

Although Lynn had eliminated the spider monsters and temporarily suppressed the pollution source, it would still take time for nature to recover fully from the blight that had seeped into the very earth.

His fingers traced the trunk of a towering oak tree at the edge of the zone. Once weathered and rough, the bark felt subtly different, as if it was slowly reclaiming its vitality, the vicious influence gradually receding.

"Maybe a few months, perhaps just weeks, and it might return to its former state," he analyzed, observing the leaves sparkle with morning dew and inhaling the earthy scent of fertile soil carried by the wind.

The sight offered a fleeting sense of comfort, soothing the last vestiges of tension inside his body. But the moment was short-lived as he quickly averted his gaze away, knowing he could not afford to stay here any longer.

His thoughts shifted gears, already redirecting their focus toward the next steps of his journey. Though it had been barely a week since his return from the second dungeon, it felt like an eternity to him.

The events and experiences he had undergone in the interim—from the Midnight Rose Exchange to the confrontation with the monstrous spider—had left an indelible mark on his psyche and mind.

In a way, he almost longed to linger in this tranquil setting, basking in the restorative power of the natural world. However, countless threats hung over him like a dark cloud, each more pressing than the last.

"I cannot risk slowing down," Lynn murmured repeatedly to himself, steeling his resolve. With the survival of his existence at stake, every second was dedicated to fortifying his strength and readiness for the challenges ahead.

Feeling the subtle flow of energy within, he quickened his pace. In an instant, his form blurred, becoming a streak of motion that defied human limitations, his feet barely touching the ground as he moved.

He deliberately avoided the direct route back to the city, opting for a circuitous path that bypassed the abandoned district and the dangers lurking in its shadows. Instead of retracing his steps, he took a wide detour for safety.

Another confrontation was the last thing he needed. With his senses remaining on high alert, he scanned the surroundings for any sign of potential threats or obstacles that could impede his progress.

Meanwhile, his mind raced with multiple strategies to increase his combat power, revisiting the information gained during the short stay in the mine. In particular, the [Mimicry Heart] skill drew his intense focus.

After discovering the cap on the number of capacities he could imitate, he became acutely aware of the need to apply this ability strategically despite this limit increasing with his level.

"Quality over quantity," he decided, his steps never faltering as he navigated the uneven terrain. Rather than relying on the brute force from myriad powers, he opted for a more innovative approach.

He would curate a few extraordinary characteristics that complemented each other seamlessly, creating a synergistic effect to amplify his combat effectiveness to its highest potential.

Activating them all at once would undoubtedly strain his control. But with the help of his unique talent, [Gemini Soul], he could momentarily unleash the full possibilities of his metamorphic arsenal.

In that heightened state, he would apply these mimicked aptitudes in unexpected and ingenious ways, blending them with his other class skills to create devastating and unpredictable combinations.

"The human body is full of flaws," he silently whispered, his gaze hardening with determination and anticipation. "But with the right modifications, I can transcend those restrictions and imperfections."

He began to visualize the changes he could implement and what type of gene he could simulate – the scope was equally vast and captivating. However, he quickly tempered his enthusiasm with caution.

Such drastic transformation came with inherent danger and needed prolonged preparation and careful planning. "I must proceed methodically," Lynn determined, already formulating a structured approach.

The space inside his heart was now two-thirds occupied by the runes of [Iron Spider Exoskeleton I] and [Grass Snake Scales]. He could not add another extraordinary power into the mix without suppressing the scale imitation.

However, he had no intention of changing his current configuration just yet. Instead, he aimed to broaden the diversity of his repertoire by integrating two additional traits from ordinary beasts.

His mind was deeply absorbed in evaluating possible targets, but an abrupt shift in his surroundings jolted him back to the present. His eyes laid on a familiar road sign pointing toward H City.

"Finally arrived," he murmured as he approached the familiar buildings. After taking the meandering detour around the abandoned district, he reached the intended location successfully.

His gaze swept across the quiet morning avenues and towering skyscrapers, a pensive frown creasing his brow. "Not much has changed. Did the incident in the central district not affect the city?"

Adjusting his casual clothes, he smoothed the wrinkles and brushed the dust and earth accumulated during his trek, ensuring he looked clean and composed as he reentered the urban landscape.

Within moments, he seamlessly and effortlessly blended into a small crowd going about their daily routines. He exhaled a deep sigh of relief, grateful that everything had proceeded without any hitches.

Maintaining a simple face, he strolled through the streets, visiting bustling morning markets and spots. But his keen eyes and senses continued scanning for any signs of unusual activity and information.

To the casual observer, he appeared like any other citizen. However, beneath the surface, his brain actively processed the details gathered. The Special Investigation Bureau seemed to have done a great job keeping the situation under wraps, as there was no visible commotion or chaos.

His sharp gaze caught sight of a clock mounted on the wall of a nearby building. The hands showed it was nearly noon - the time was quickly slipping away. He suddenly remembered the scheduled medical appointment.

"I should not keep him waiting any longer," he murmured, slightly quickening his pace. Fulfilling this promise would not only be the ethical thing to do, but it would also grant him the necessary experience to reach the next level of his class.

Without hesitation, he stopped wandering and headed back toward his rented residence on the other side of the city. Navigating the familiar alleys, Lynn quickly noticed the subtle changes in the atmosphere around him.

The people here appeared more on edge than usual. Their conversations were hushed and furtive as if they were discussing matters they dared not voice openly, and a general unease permeated the area.

Tuning in his enhanced senses, he caught snippets of their discussions - rumors of a group of terrorists hiding in the abandoned district. He frowned slightly, rapidly realizing what was happening.

It appeared this was the excuse the Special Investigation Bureau and the local authorities used to heighten their security measures and possibly justify the heavy-handed approach in the abandoned district.

"Clever tactics," he internally felicitated, gradually making his way toward his house, his pace unhurried but his focus unwavering as he gathered tidbits of information that may be useful.

"I don’t know what the police are doing?" a middle-aged woman murmured to her companion, her voice laced with a hint of frustration. “They are saying it is all under control, but they have been there all night, I couldn't sleep.”

“They blocked off the entire block,” the other woman replied, her brow furrowed with concern. “My brother lives nearby and said there were armed patrols all over. They would not even let him go out until morning.”

His steps briefly slowed as Lynn picked up on this conversation, his ears perking with interest. It seemed he made a wise choice by immediately leaving the abandoned district before the situation escalated.

With a thoughtful glance, he continued walking, mentally filing away the new information. Reaching the door of his place, he quickly ushered himself inside and sat on the worn couch to rest a little bit.

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