Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 162: Ruler of the Underground Mine

The tremors intensified, reverberating through the underground labyrinth as if the earth was awakening from a long slumber. Lynn adjusted his stance, maintaining balance as the vibrations grew violent.

Dust plummeted from the cracked ceiling, followed by a steady trickle of loose pebbles and rubble, penetrating the billowing clouds of black smoke and clattering against the ground like an ominous drumbeat.

Fortunately, the sturdy construction of the mining tunnel held firm, the reinforced walls resisting the strain. Had the structure been weaker, it would have collapsed, burying everything under a cascade of debris.

His eyes narrowed, extraordinary senses sharpened and alert, attuned to even the faintest disturbance. Then, through the swirling inferno, he finally witnessed it — an enormous figure piercing the crimson haze.

The true ruler of this subterranean domain had arrived. With incredible speed for its size, the towering beast surged forward, each step sending rippling shockwaves and destroying anything in its path.

Even its minions, the smaller arachnids, were not spared. They scurried about in frantic disarray, their attempts to escape proving futile as they got crushed and swept aside like detritus in a raging storm.

Undeterred by the chaos, Lynn's focus remained unwavering. "Its appearance means that I must be near the pollution source," he deduced, a glint of curiosity and anticipation flashing in his gaze.

Relaxing the grip on Flame Edge, the fiery aura gradually faded as he advanced to face the incoming threat. The blade had served him well, but the current situation demanded a different approach.

Before him loomed a titanic creature, its frame dwarfing even the largest spider monstrosities he had vanquished moments earlier. Thick, chitinous plates covered its body, gleaming like polished obsidian under the fire.

Multiple eyes, each the size of a human head, fixed their unblinking predatory stare upon him. They radiated a primal intent while the mouthparts clicked and snapped with bone-crushing force, dripping a viscous, corrosive venom.

The sheer scope and power were awe-inspiring, and he could sense the underlying intelligence behind those looks that hinted at a cunning beyond simple instinct, pushing him to be more cautious.

With a swift motion, he closed the distance. Simultaneously, he sheathed his sword and slid it back into its place. Freeing his hands, he extended them onward, palms facing the charging colossal.

As the distance between the two shrank, his skin rippled and distorted, externally bulging in strange patterns. The limbs enlarged rapidly, swelling to grotesque proportions within seconds.

Flesh ballooned along his fingers and arms, surging with new mass. Veins popped to the surface, jutting like earthworms burrowing beneath the stretched surface. Bones creaked audibly and popped as they elongated to match the rapidly inflating musculature.

When the transformation finished, his abnormal extremities nearly tripled in size. The giant beast let out a shriek of alarm as it registered the metamorphosis, mandibles clacking furiously at the unexpected sight.

But it was too late to rein in its momentum - the collision was now inevitable. Instead, Lynn pressed on, his pace accelerating as he deftly swung his modified hands forward, channeling the full force of his speed.

The impact was like a thunderous explosion, sending dust and debris swirling in the air, briefly obscuring vision. Even the blazes consuming the silk webs sputtered out, only to flare back to life with renewed intensity.

When the chaos settled, the monster found itself locked in place, its advance halted by the sheer strength of a grip. Lynn had clutched the enormous, writhing mouthparts with his oversized limbs.

Although he had successfully stopped the charge, his flesh did not come out unscathed. Warm blood flowed freely down them in rivulets, sizzling against the venom-laced ichor coating.

"I should have activated the snake scales for more protection," he analyzed his mistake through gritted teeth, silently berating himself for not taking full advantage of his newly acquired abilities.

The ruler thrashed violently, its fangs trying to puncture into his palm to escape with each thrash. But without success, he had deftly avoided them by tilting his wrists just enough before the collision.

Digging his heels into the ground to anchor himself, he increased the immense pressure of the grasp, every muscle in his dilated limbs strained against the relentless struggles of the creature.

Suddenly, a crack resonated from the sturdy exoskeleton, reverberating through the labyrinthine tunnels, shortly followed by a guttural screech of rage and agony. "Not good!" Lynn urgently muttered, noticing a problem.

The joints in the monstrous mouth started contracting at alarming speed. What was once a gaping maw and orifice now shrank as if trying desperately to expel something from deep within.

He immediately realized what it intended to do and reacted without hesitation. His bones proliferated outward from their positions in spiraling cords, quickly forming a dense braced shield to protect himself. 

A torrent of venomous fluid burst forth, splattering against the makeshift barrier. Though the corrosive substance hissed and ate away the calcified defense, quick thinking had prevented the direct hit.

To retaliate, he focused his heightened strength and violently forced his fingers through the extraordinary defense. Firmly clutched, he lifted the spider slightly off the ground before forcefully slamming it back down.

With a sickening crunch, the carapace slightly gave way under the concentrated power, forcing a spray of innards from the wounds and causing a loud wheeze to escape its jaws, echoing down the passage.

Taking advantage of this brief incapacitation and disorientation, he retreated several meters away. As he moved to a safe distance, the swollen hands rapidly deflated. It was highly draining to maintain their state.

The enraged and wounded arachnid slowly raised its monstrous form, glittering eyes locking menacingly onto Lynn. A guttural snarl rumbled from its maw, fury, and bloodlust swirling within its corrupted psyche.

"Fighting such a large creature in tight quarters is a problem," he inwardly assessed. Exploiting mobility and range was critical, but the cramped environment severely hindered him, leaving little room for maneuvering.

Weighing his options in a split second, he judged continuing the confrontation here would be unwise. His thought process raced as rapidly as his pulse, calculating what would provide the best chance of victory while minimizing risks.

As the underground ruler propelled itself for the second time, fangs wide to tear flesh, he made his decision. Coiling like a striking serpent, he propelled himself into a sideways roll between the towering spider legs.

The bulbous carapace brushed past his face, missing the killing bite by a hair's breadth. Using the momentum from the evasive maneuver, he exploded from his crouched position, vaulting directly over the hulking beast in a single, fluid action.

Landing in a poised stance several meters behind, he twisted on his heel to face the opponent, keeping it firmly in his crosshairs. The abrupt evasion succeeded in frustrating the monster's furious lunge.

Though its primary target had slipped through its grasp, it was undeterred, spinning with uncanny speed for one of its tremendous dimensions. Fanged maw parted again to unleash a furious shriek.

He maintained his calm composure, tracking its every move. At the same time, he launched into a quick sprint through the tunnel. The way from which the creature had come likely held a more appropriate space for this fight.

Additionally, the spiritual energy emanating from that direction was more potent, hinting at the possibility of locating the source of the pollution. Lynn did not forget the initial objective in venturing into this mine.

Seizing this opportunity, he drew the monster deeper into the underground labyrinth. His movements were swift and agile, easily outpacing the chaser as it pursued him with single-minded determination.

"Follow me, you overgrown pest," he muttered under his breath, gaze fixed ahead. He weaved through the maze of corridors, sensing the subtle shift in the surrounding energy with each step.

As the path suddenly widened, opening into a vast, cavernous chamber that seemed to be the lair of the colossal behind, he finally stopped, taking in the vast, eerie space surrounding him.

Thick layers of shiny webs that seemed to throb with an eerie vitality coated the walls. Massive support columns of tangled silk rose from the floor, disappearing into the darkness above.

However, what interested him more was the countless crushed bones scattered across the floor. Although they were just ordinary animal remains, the sheer amount was unsettling and revealing.

Surveying the gruesome scene, his attention was immediately drawn to the distinctive ores embedded in the surrounding rocks. These mineral deposits glowed with an extraordinary luster, emitting a faint but perceptible aura.

When Lynn noticed the bite marks and lacerations on them as if the spiders tried to extract them, a realization hit him like a thunderbolt. The pieces of the puzzle began to snap into place within his mind.

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