Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 154: Deducing the Assimilation Ritual

Wading through the knotted vines and foliage, Lynn entered the secluded cavern. His spiritual vision pierced the gloom, evaluating every nook and cranny. To his relief, the interior space was unoccupied.

The walls ascended several meters before curving into a natural, sheltering ceiling, damp with moisture and permeated by an earthy scent. Stalactites hung like jagged fangs, their tips dripping with water.

Moving deeper inside, he cleared away piles of rubble, dead leaves, and sticks accumulated in windblown corners over the years. This cave would serve perfectly as his base for now.

After the initial preparations, he dug through his inventory, retrieving the necessary components and materials gradually collected through his various extraordinary experiences thus far.

Carefully laying out the three sublimation catalysts on the floor, Lynn examined them with a critical eye. The remains of the calamity source, the [Distorted Flesh], pulsed unsettlingly inside the glass bottle.

In contrast, the crystalline [Bestial Heart] gleamed with a faint dark glow - the amorphous mass inside it shifted and churned ominously, expanding and contracting rhythmically like a heartbeat.

But the most disturbing item was the [Cursed Doll] inside the container. The memory of its ceramic features twisting into an expression of silent suffering added to the troubling aura. Fortunately, it remained sealed.

These three artifacts, imbued with profound spiritual corruption, would serve as the component for his first sublimation. The process would be arduous and hazardous, but the rewards were worth the risk.

As he arranged them, a peculiar sensation pricked at his senses. "Could it be... they are reacting to each other?” he surprisingly murmured, his voice echoing faintly in the damp air of the cavern.

Despite their powers being sealed, weakened, and suppressed through various means, the encounter with each other triggered a sudden surge of energy as if unexpectedly stimulated.

They started emitting a faint, eerie aura, colliding and probing each other boundaries. It seemed like a meeting between natural enemies, immediately engaging in a battle of dominance.

His eyes narrowed as he observed the strange phenomenon unfolding. "I did not expect such a reaction," he analyzed, his keen mind racing to comprehend the implications.

Although he knew that each type of spiritual pollution had distinctive characteristics, the interaction before him was unprecedented and hinted at something deeper and more complex.

For example, the contamination of the rich man he previously treated was vastly different from the one causing the werewolf mutations, which was also non-identical to the twisted essence he encountered within the dungeons.

Yet, here they were, seemingly reacting and responding to one another. That was intriguing, but unfortunately, Lynn had no time to delve into the depth of this question and find responses.

Before this unexpected stimulation could cause one of the seals to break, he must act quickly and begin the sublimation ritual. Turning his attention to the Nightmare Paradise panel, he swiftly navigated to the section unlocked after his authority upgraded, his fingers flying across the interface.

[Start the sublimation process?]

The familiar notification greeted him, causing his heart to pound with excitement and nervousness. That was the moment he had anticipated - the chance to unlock a new realm of extraordinary power.

He settled the ritual in motion with a resolute nod, confirming his decision. Instantly, the three ominous sublimation materials pulsated and vibrated more fiercely, their auras overflowing as though they sensed something.

[Fusion Ritual or Assimilation Ritual]

Without hesitation, he chose the second method of sublimation: Assimilation. Having come this far and overcome so many difficulties to reach this point, he would not back down now.

After confirming his selection, the interface began to twist and blur before his eyes, fading into a spinning vortex. His heart quickened as his gaze fixed on the confusing spectacle developing.

An invisible pulling sensation emanated from deep within, drawing out a trace of his life force and aura. At the same time, an equally powerful might seemed to be devouring wisps of spiritual energy from the lively three artifacts.

[To deduce and initiate the assimilation process, 3,544 Nightmare Coins are required.]

[Checking balance... The player has sufficient funds.]

[Deducting the necessary amount...]

A mechanical voice started abruptly ringing in his mind, its toneless delivery belying the gravity of the situation. But before he could ponder further, he saw his hard-earned money vanish.

Those represented his blood, sweat, and tears - the rewards from treacherous dungeon trials where he had risked life. To see them disappear so effortlessly hurt far more than any physical wound ever could.

However, the sacrifice was necessary for the transcendence he sought. The sublimation process had begun, and he steeled his resolve to see it through to the end, no matter the cost.

The extracted energies clashed, bending and melding together inside the ethereal maelstrom. Colored strands of volatile power swirled around each, seemingly pursuing the perfect combination.

Despite the guaranteed success, he still watched the spectacle with bated breath. His body tensed with anticipation, every nerve on edge as he witnessed the continuous trial and error.

The four colors, each representing one of the following elements: the Distorted Flesh, the Bestial Heart, the Cursed Doll, and the essence of Lynn himself - surged and collided in a mesmerizing display.

It was as if the fabric of reality was reshaping, threads of possibility twisting and reforming into something new and unknown. Within stirred a captivating force, eager to emerge and take shape.

Suddenly, the vortex emitted a low, resonating hum, its intensity growing with each passing moment. A shimmering orb where disparate elements wrestled for balance began to form and struggled to stabilize.

"Come on... we are almost there," he softly whispered, his gaze fixed on the delicate dance of energies with laserlike concentration. After what felt like an eternity, the sphere seemed to reach a state of equilibrium.

The violent vibrations ceased, and the glow softened into a steady, pulsing rhythm that seemed to resonate with everything around, filling the air with an almost palpable sense of anticipation.

[Assimilation ritual successfully deduced,] the strange voice in his mind declared monotonously, affirming the procedure was fully comprehended and established. [Transferring the knowledge to the player.]

With a sudden, explosive flash, the orb shattered into countless smaller fragments, each shimmering like fragments of the night sky.

They scattered outward, tracing elegant arcs in the air, converging with precision toward Lynn.

His reaction speed could not keep up, and the glittering shards pierced his skin, sending a tingling sensation. Instead of causing pain, they melted upon contact, dissolving harmlessly into his flesh.

At that moment, he felt a wave of energy coursing through him as though the very essence of the sublimation ritual was being imprinted upon his being, unlocking new potential and understanding.

Involuntarily closing his eyes, he immersed himself in the unfolding transformations. His instincts seemed to have awakened from their deep slumber, urging him to start and break through their human constraints.

As the final fragment merged, his gaze snapped open, irises blazing with an unfamiliar glow. An influx of unprecedented knowledge drowned his brain like a dam burst, flooding him with revelations.

The process was over in mere seconds, but in that microscopic window, he comprehended what he had to do. It felt like a veil had been lifted from his mind, granting clarity to concepts that had once seemed enigmatic.

However, instead of bringing him joy, his expression gradually turned gloomy. "Is this how I should complete my first sublimation?" he silently questioned, looking at the panel that returned to its usual state with a complex mix of emotions.

The Nightmare Paradise detailed two distinct methods of sublimation: fusion and assimilation. While the fusion approach was considered the more common and less risky path, Lynn had chosen assimilation for its greater power and efficiency despite the inherent risks.

But he did not expect it to be so dangerous. With the newfound knowledge, he now grasped the profound hazards and sacrifices in this transformative sublimation journey.

"Are you trying to kill me or something?" he could not help but quietly ask, his voice tinged with a hint of accusation. But no one was here to respond - the silence of the cave pressed in, amplifying the unease.

"No wonder this kind of thing requires reaching the attributes limits as a prerequisite,” he sighed softly in resignation. "Even then, it feels more like a masked suicide than a true ritual."

Lynn took a deep, steadying breath. He had come too far to turn back now. His unwavering determination and ambition had brought him to this point, and he refused to let fear or doubt consume him.


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