Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 148: Chaos in the Auction House

In the world above, the opulent auction house was alive with a new kind of activity. Alarms had swept through the luxury structure, disrupting the usual orderly atmosphere that permeated its corridors.

Harried footsteps echoed as security personnel rushed to their posts, expressions etched with a mixture of urgency and nervousness. Whispers cascaded through the ranks, conveying alarming news.

Shortly after, an explosion shattered the chaos, echoing through the building. Lynn emerged from his private suite, his face frowning. "Indeed, this will not end without a fight," he calmly murmured, killing intent evident in his gaze.

The surroundings were thick with the constant commotion sounds - the faint crackle of gunfire, the clash of blades, and the frantic shouts and cries of panicked people.

In the heart of this turmoil, amidst the dust and debris, participants of the Midnight Rose Exchange rapidly scattered. Most were unwilling to get involved in the following conflict; their primary concern was their safety and preservation of the hard-won acquisitions.

Lynn, however, remained unperturbed, his senses on high alert, primed for any sudden danger. With lightning speed, traveling through the messy halls, his grip tightened around the hilt of Flame Edge.

He detected the presence of two individuals closely following his trail and instantly confirmed the suspicion that he was the target. Some people just could not let go of their greed for his possessions.

Suddenly, a blur of motion in the corner of his eye instantly snapped him into action. The sword sliced through the air, its blazing edge cutting the gleaming steel of a throwing knife hurtling toward him.

Looking back, he immediately recognized the pursuers– the mercenary known as Ghost with his signature ghostly pale mask, following closely behind was the mysterious cloaked figure of Shade.

The mercenary discreetly snapped his fingers, causing an abrupt burst of spiritual energy. Before Lynn could grasp the significance of this gesture, a startling sight unfolded in front of him.

Still suspended in mid-air, the broken knife started glowing an ominous red, setting his nerves on edge. "Not good," he quickly realized the gravity of the situation and, without hesitation, stepped back to begin his retreat.

Barely had the thought crossed his mind when a detonation rocked the space where he had been standing moments earlier. The blast sent shockwaves rumbling through the auction house, billowing outward in a violent maelstrom.

Lynn pressed his back against the fracturing wall, steadying against the explosion. Bloody Reaper appeared in his free hand, aiming at the two shapes obscured by the swirling cloud of smoke.

One silhouette unexpectedly moved with astonishing agility, charging toward him with deadly intent. A leg penetrated the haze, slicing through and striking out like a coiling viper, aiming for his vulnerable flank.

Instinctively reacting, he brought Flame Edge up to shield himself, but the attack was surprisingly too strong, surpassing his physical attributes that reached their current limits.

The impact force drove him back again into the already weakened structure. The wall crumbled effortlessly under the pressure, causing him to lose aim with Bloody Reaper, sending the shot astray.

Shards of rubble rained down all around as he flexibly regained his footing on the ground, continuing to fire a barrage of crimson bullets back into the gaping hole he had come through.

Multiple gunshots rang out, followed by more fierce detonations. The once luxurious auction house had been transformed into a battleground, with wreckage everywhere and the acrid scent of gunpowder and burning flames thickly filling the air.

Lynn coldly demanded, "What is the meaning of this?" His voice retained a monotonous tone, yet there was a subtle undercurrent of murderous intent as his gaze locked onto the two figures emerging from the breach.

Ghost slightly coughed, clearing his throat, and extinguished a small flame burning on his sleeve before answering, "Nothing personal, Wanderer. But I have been hired to help ensure you do not escape."

Dozen throwing knives casually appeared between the fingers of his hand, and the other reached to grab a sword from under his cloak. Shade also jumped forward, his robes billowing by the wind. "I am afraid I can't let you leave with that precious knowledge you possess."

"Knowledge..." Lynn slowly repeated, his expression frowning in false confusion. “You witnessed the transaction. I’ve already handed everything over to Silver Rose. I have nothing left on me."

This response caused the man to shake his head, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Don't play coy with me! We both know that is not true,” he spoke condescendingly. “You hold something far more complete than what you have shown.”

Lynn's eyes narrowed sharply at the declaration, realizing that Shade had undoubtedly seen through his earlier deception. This person was more perceptive than initially given credit for.

Given the looming inevitability of the fight, his mind raced to understand his opponents. The mercenary seemed able to create explosives with his ability, though the specifics still required further observation.

As for Shade, just because of the physical power displayed, he was sure he had completed the first sublimation. However, the absence of notable taming abilities left him perplexed and questioning the accuracy of the assumptions about his profession.

Seeing Lynn remain silent, the wooden-masked man decided to stop wasting time. "Then I will just have to take it by force," he declared, his voice laced with barely contained eagerness and greed.

Without warning, the mercenary flung the first volley of blades, their deadly edges glinting under the dawn light. Shade also rushed forward, his figure rapidly surging toward the target.

Lynn reacted instantly, sidestepping the incoming barrage. While in motion, he raised the dark pistol, aligning it with both enemies and squeezing the trigger. The crimson shell shot forth, carving a path through the space.

The gunshot trajectory forced the duo to separate in opposite directions to avoid the piercing attack. Shade darted to the left with uncanny movements, his cloak flowing behind him like a specter.

On the other hand, Ghost leaped high into the air, his body twisting gracefully to escape the conflagration. Lynn pressed the advantage, his finger tightening the trigger as he tracked the aerial movements.

Bloody Reaper barked once more, its report echoing through the chaos as another bullet soared like a rocket. The mercenary anticipated the shot and successively launched a flurry of knives to intercept it.

With a resounding clang, the crimson projectile destroyed the first blade. The same thing happened to the second, but this time, the sharp tip shattered the casing in a fiery detonation, opening the path for the third one.

His partner took this opportunity to launch a burst of attacks. With blinding speed, he unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, his movements were a blur, each strike imbued with extraordinary power.

The blazing edge of Flame Edge met the incoming hits, but the sickening sound of cutting flesh was noticeably absent. Instead, the sound of metal clashing against metal echoed.

Before he could be surprised by the skin's hardness, he noticed the familiar ominous red glow descending. Automatically, he retreated, narrowly avoiding the explosive cutter.

It was not the end - a sudden swipe from a sword forced him to twist his body to avoid it. The mercenary, realizing his extraordinary ability was too easy to avoid, gripped his sword and joined the fray.

With the rapid attacks of Shade from one side and the vicious Ghost from the other, Lynn found himself at a distinct disadvantage without relying on his extraordinary abilities in the fight.

His class skills were easily distinguishable, especially [String Threading]. With numerous observers watching from hidden spots, using them would not only expose his remaining trump cards but also compromise future operations.

Narrowing his gaze, he decided to make some sacrifice and deal with the mercenary first. Forgoing some ground, Bloody Reaper disappeared, and the wood-masked man's fist connected with an outstretched palm.

The two hands locked together in a contest of raw power. Lynn pushed back, his muscles straining and budging slightly from discreetly activating [Cell Proliferation]. The eyes widened behind his mask as Shade found himself evenly matched in terms of physical strength.

Seizing the opportunity, Lynn lashed out with a more powerful kick, his booted foot slamming into the defenseless abdomen. The force sent the enemy flying backward, momentarily disoriented.

Spinning around, he brought the Flame Edge up in a diagonal slash, his target Ghost’s midsection. But the ghost-masked figure was no slouch either. He twisted his body, barely managing to evade the deadly blade.

Already expecting this, Lynn pressed the assault, unleashing the complete enhancement of [Cell Proliferation] on his legs. Simultaneously, from the sky, an object hurtled toward the mercenary vulnerable back.

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