Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 146: Exposed [Tamer] Knowledge

The request stunned the gathered people into a heavy silence - an extraordinary characteristic was among the most coveted treasures for those with supernatural powers, second only to sublimation material.

With a very slim chance of appearing after death, it was a rare item holding the opportunity to unlock new special abilities beyond one's current profession and class, thus amplifying versatility and strength.

Despite the numerous encounters with and defeats of various creatures and monsters in supernatural events, Lynn had only seen this extraordinary characteristic once, underscoring its immense value.

Within the underground space, the onlookers exchanged glances, digesting the audacious demand; even the bold and ever-confident mercenary seemed taken aback, unsure if this was a joke or a genuine offer.

Narrowing his eyes, Lynn observed the unfolding reactions. They were understandable, given the immense importance of what was requested. He would face similar scrutiny when it came time to ask for the sublimation material he needed.

But was the Sacrificial Rook truly worth trading away such an invaluable item? The power to negate a deadly attack was undoubtedly remarkable, yet its limited uses made it feel somewhat lacking in comparison.

Finally, it was Silver Rose who broke the tense stillness. "An extraordinary characteristic…," she calmly repeated, her tone tinged with intrigue. "For what you offer, that is indeed an audacious price.”

Seated beside her, Siren nodded in consensus, his shadowed face betrayed by a subtle glint of desire in his gaze. "Do you not think that is an excessive demand, Blaze? Even for something with such unique effects."

The lips of the questioned man curled into a faint smile, his bandaged hands resting calmly on the obsidian surface. "Excessive demands are a matter of perspective," he replied cryptically and then remained silent.

An electric atmosphere permeated the vast area, burdened with an undeniable tension. The rhythmic tap of fingers against the table punctuated the weighty quietness enshrouding the chamber.

Hearing this response, except for the event organizer, everyone became less interested in this transaction. Although the Sacrificial Rook utility was undeniable, the price demanded was too high for most to entertain further.

After contemplating for a moment, Silver Rose leaned forward, her robes rustling softly. “Your request is indeed impossible, but I believe we can come to an agreement, provided you are willing to negotiate."

Blaze, who was getting ready to put the life-saving article away because of the apparent impasse, stopped, his grip on the box loosening slightly. "I am listening," he replied, his hoarse voice betraying no emotion.

"Since you did not ask for a specific one, we can explore a compromise. Rather than a full extraordinary characteristic, would you be interested in accepting a few fragments instead?" She confidently proposed with a calculated gaze.

Lynn's eyes widened at the suggestion, his mind unable to understand what was said. Fragments of an extraordinary characteristic? Was this even possible? What was the utility of such a thing? How were they even created?

The bandage-wrapped man remained silent for a moment, carefully considering the proposal. If acquiring a new class skill had been his true aim, he would have made a more specific demand tailored to his conditions.

He looked around the table for other offers, but no one seemed to suggest anything comparable. Finally, he inclined his head once more. "Fragments would also be sufficient," he reluctantly accepted.

As the negotiations between the two continued, the other participants gradually returned to their affairs, engaging in discussions and discreet trades, tension in the air easing.

"Since extraordinary characteristics are exchanged here, there is a good chance they might have sublimation materials as well," Lynn mused with renewed optimism, his initial low hope brightening.

Seizing this chance, he also decided to stop wasting time and concentrate on his original goal. He had come here with a clear plan, and it was time to put it into action without further delay.

But before he could open his mouth to speak, an unexpected turn of events caught him off guard. A discreet person who remained relatively calm and reserved thus far suddenly addressed him.

"Wanderer, I could not help but overhear your earlier offer," a cloaked figure with a wooden mask surnamed Shade spoke to him with a measured tone. "The knowledge you mentioned - I am quite interested in it."

That caused Lynn to instantly tense, not expecting to be singled out so directly. He gave a subtle nod, responding cautiously, unsure of where this was leading. "Yes, what about it?"

Although he externally maintained his composed demeanor, his mind raced with curiosity and alarm. The individual probably had ulterior motives for communicating with him, but he saw an opportunity to further his objectives.

"Well, allow me to be blunt, then," Shade continued, his voice lowered conspiratorially. "These knowledge and techniques seem interconnected and systematic as if they came from a single, comprehensive source."

“I am very interested in exchanging it as it is compatible with me. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement?" The implications of these words abruptly sent a ripple of surprise through the other guests.

Even Silver Rose, occupied in her exchange with Blaze, paused and directed her gaze toward the pair with open curiosity. This sixth edition of the Rose Midnight Exchange delivered her with many surprises.

"Compatible with him? That could only mean one thing - this person must be a practitioner of the [Tamer] class or something similar, " Lynn calmly analyzed, deliberately ignoring the hints implied in the first part.

However, the same could not be said for the other attendees. Most people immediately started looking at him with evident greed and hidden intentions, likely attracted by the bold declaration.

His brows furrowed, clearly understanding that the revelation had ignited the room. Such extraordinary knowledge was undoubtedly a rare and precious commodity in a world experiencing a spiritual recovery.

Especially a comprehensive source - it was more precious than anything. While the majority were still exploring blindly, it could provide a clearer, more direct path forward.

Their reactions were, therefore, predictable. But the frown deepened as Lynn weighed his options. Initially, he had planned to divulge the information himself, intending to exchange it for the coveted sublimation material he needed.

However, the fact that another person stole his thunder left a bitter taste in his mouth and put him in a difficult position. Now that he lost the initiative, he did not intend to linger any longer.

Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward, meeting the steady gaze of Shade. "I would not say it is complete, but your speculation isn’t far off," he evenly declared, eliciting a collective gasp from the silent onlookers.

Clearing his throat slightly, he began explaining his offer in more detail. "The knowledge I possess comes from an ancient ruin I explored, detailing the profound secrets and rituals of the tamer profession sequences," he slowly revealed with a note of enticement.

This story was obviously made up from scratch. Lynn was not going to tell the truth or reveal the existence of the Monster Whispering Manual. It could only invite and cause more trouble.

Of course, some people might notice something wrong - the people gathered here were not stupid. But this wasn't his problem, the priority was to make the most of this opportunity and advance his agenda.

If they were to attempt something later… For a fleeting moment, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes. He was confident in his abilities and power. Even against someone who completed the first sublimation, he was sure he could fight or escape if necessary.

"However, as I mentioned, the knowledge is incomplete," he continued, raising a hand to forestall the inevitable outpouring of questions. "There are gaps and missing pieces that are lost."

“Most of the things I’ve managed to decipher revolve around the awakening stage, which includes rituals and special techniques, but the most crucial part was a partially complete sublimation ritual for the next stage.”

The revelation was met with a collective intake of breath from the gathered parties. Even the usually stoic Silver Rose betrayed a flicker of surprise, her fingers twitching rapidly.

Shade eagerly listened, his eyes gleaming with excitement behind the wooden mask. "Fascinating... A partially complete sublimation ritual? That is absolutely an invaluable treasure."

Lynn nodded, carefully observing his attitude. " I am willing to share the knowledge I've gleaned, in exchange for..." he trailed off, pausing dramatically as his gaze swept across the faces around the table.

The tension ratcheted up another notch as they awaited the completion of the statement. "In exchange for a sublimation material," he finally declared, his voice clear and unwavering.

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