Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 141: Into the Heart of the Auction House

Lynn stared up at the auction house, meticulously observing its two entrances. One had a long zigzagging queue stretching down the street, filled with a mix of eager individuals waiting to enter.

At its head stood an attendant checking documents and marking things off on a clipboard. Occasionally, he would wave the next group forward, sending a ripple of movement down the line as people shuffled ahead.

Lingering outside were those who lacked the means or status to enter the building. They anxiously milled about, unsuccessfully trying to find gaps or take advantage of any lapse in security to sneak in unnoticed.

The other entrance was sparsely occupied, marked by a prominent 'VIP' sign. Two towering men stood guard on either side, bulges beneath their jackets hinting at the heavy firepower concealed within.

Wheels started turning rapidly in Lynn’s mind as he focused his gaze on this scene. The small black card with a fully bloomed rose etched across its surface suddenly felt heavy in his pocket.

After a moment of contemplation, a decision was made. With steady and measured steps, he marched straight up to the exclusive entrance. The guards’ stone-cold eyes behind dark sunglasses instantly settled upon him as he approached, sizing him up silently.

"Hold on right there," one of them growled, authority ringing in his deep voice. His hand tightened on the hidden firearm. "This is an invitation-only access point. You can't enter without proper authorization."

Lynn met their scrutinizing looks unflinchingly, his posture exuding confident air. Stopping before them, he reached into his cloak and produced the black card, holding it between two fingers.

“I believe this will grant me access,” he declared calmly. The two individuals glanced at each other briefly before the one who spoke earlier took the invitation, inspecting it closely.

When he saw the intricate silver rose, his brows furrowed ever so slightly. This didn’t go unnoticed by Lynn, who was closely observing their minute reactions and expressions.

“Oi, go inform the boss about this. We got someone here with a rose invitation card,” the man barked gruffly. His companion nodded and sprinted off swiftly toward the interior of the renovated factory structure.

Lynn stood there calmly as several minutes ticked by at an agonizing pace. His muscles tensed beneath his veil, prepared to spring into action at the slightest hint of deception or danger.

After what felt like an eternity, hurried footsteps approached from within the building. The other guard reappeared, slightly out of breath from sprinting to deliver the message and back. Trailing closely behind him was another man.

This new arrival wore an expensive suit, tailored to fit his lean frame perfectly. His jet-black hair was slicked back neatly, framing sharp features. But this overall impression of elegance was ruined by a jagged scar that marred one of his cheeks, which lent him a sinister air.

However, his expression didn’t match the severity and coldness of his appearance. Instead, nervous eyes and a flattering smile played at the corners of his lips as he quickly approached.

The man walked up to Lynn, giving a slight bow. “Welcome, esteemed guest! Please accept my apologies for the delay and inconvenience. I am the manager of this establishment, my name is Jonah."

Lynn raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the unexpected reception. This overreaction only meant that this manager knew what was going on with the invitation card.

"No harm done," he responded evenly after a pause, maintaining his impassive and calm tone. "I appreciate you taking the time to greet me personally. It is a busy night for you, I'm sure."

Jonah nodded eagerly, nervous beads of sweat began to form on his forehead. "Of course, of course! My deepest apologies again. Please, allow me to escort you inside.”

Discretely gesturing to a waiting attendant to immediately prepare the premium viewing suite, he led the extraordinary guest closely following behind through the exclusive side entrance.

The attendant, a smartly dressed woman gave a quick nod before hurrying deeper into the building's interior. Meanwhile, Lynn took the opportunity to observe the lavish surroundings.

The interior décor was a jarring blend of opulent luxury and industrial minimalism. Crystal chandeliers hung from exposed metal beams crisscrossing the high ceiling. Priceless antique vases adorned rustic brick walls.

Guests mingled and sipped champagne on the polished marble floors. He spotted numerous discreet security personnel blended seamlessly amongst the crowds. Their eyes continuously scanned for any signs of trouble, ready to neutralize threats swiftly.

Jonah led him past these public areas filled with chattering patrons eager for the auction to commence. They took a side corridor that opened up into a much quieter wing of private viewing rooms for premium guests.

Stopping before an ornate set of carved wooden doors, the manager swiftly unlocked them with a keycard. "Please make yourself comfortable here in our most luxurious suite. If any additional refreshments or amenities are required, our staff is at your service."

Lynn stepped into the spacious private suite, glancing around the extravagant space. Plush velvet couches surrounded a polished mahogany table laden with trays of appetizers and bottles of fine liquor.

The entire wall opposite the furniture had been transformed into a one-way viewing window overlooking the empty auction stage. Arranged rows of chairs encircled this platform, providing unobstructed sight lines.

Despite the luxurious accommodations, his mind was occupied with more pressing matters. So far, everything indicated that his previous speculations were pretty spot on. 

As Jonah wrapped up his long speech about the suite's features. Lynn spoke up, cutting straight to the point. "I appreciate your hospitality, but I came here for a specific purpose. When does the midnight rose exchange begin?”

“Sir…,” the manager's eyes widened slightly at the blunt question, but he quickly calmed himself. Glancing around to ensure no one else was within earshot, he lowered his voice and replied. "The special event will commence shortly after the conclusion of the auction."

"Thank you for the clarification, I'll make sure to stay until then," Lynn finally nodded, getting the information he needed. This confirmation was precisely what he had been seeking.

After delivering the sensitive details, Jonah nervously hovered by the door, his eyes darting towards the exit. He really wanted to leave but didn't dare do so without being dismissed. 

Thanks to his position in this establishment, he knew a few secrets surrounding the exclusive gathering and the people behind it. That's precisely why he didn't dare to offend the mysterious guests who possessed the rose card.

His predecessor had made that exact mistake and the next day, he vanished without a trace, leaving behind only rumors and whispers. Jonah shuddered at the thought, a cold sweat breaking out on his brow.

Lynn glanced over at the anxious manager, sensing his unease. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. "Actually, there is one more thing," he added. "Could you provide me with a copy of tonight's auction listing?”

This order immediately caused the manager to breathe a deep sigh of relief. He had been racking his brain trying to think of a polite way to excuse himself from this awkward situation.

"Of course! I'll have it brought to you right away," he assured enthusiastically, finally having an opportunity to leave the suite. He gave a slight bow before swiftly making his exit, pulling the carved wooden doors shut behind him.

Moving over to the expansive viewing window, Lynn gazed down at the scene unfolding in the hall below. Excitement hung heavy in the air as attendees began taking their seats.

His mind raced as he contemplated this unexpected development. The true purpose of his presence here tonight, the cryptic Midnight Rose Exchange, was finally coming into focus.

While waiting for the extraordinary gathering to start, he didn’t mind witnessing this auction. if some goods presented were interesting, he might as well take advantage of the opportunity and make a bid.

He was ready to spend the rest of his money here. Acquiring a sublimation material through monetary means with his current funds was simply not feasible. That was why, in addition to financial resources, he also prepared certain things that could be utilized later in the exchange.

As he pondered his next moves, the door behind him opened, revealing a woman from the staff carrying a neatly bound stack of papers in her hands.

"Your requested information, sir," she announced, presenting the documents with a flourish. "A complete listing of tonight's lots, the auction will be starting shortly, so please enjoy the show."

Lynn accepted them with a nod of gratitude, immediately flipping it open and beginning to scan the contents. Each item was meticulously detailed, accompanied by photographs and lengthy descriptions.

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