Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 139: Tensions and Temptations

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a veil of darkness over the abandoned district, Lynn fully prepared and ready for whatever lay ahead, ventured into the gloomy bustling streets.

[Veil of Shadows], [Magnifying Lens Pendant], [Flame Edge]… He equipped himself with every piece of extraordinary gear at his disposal, giving the impression that he was going to war.

Under the cloak’s hood, only sharp eyes were showing. Even though the [Faceless Mask] clung to the skin, mimicking the facial structure of another, he still concealed his face with an additional jet-black mask. Extra layers of precaution couldn't hurt in this dangerous place.

Blending into the excited masses filling the narrow alleys, Lynn kept his head lowered and shoulders hunched. The voluminous veil helped obscure his athletic frame. He seemed just like any other shady character.

This didn’t stop him from taking note of the variety of individuals surrounding him. There were gangsters with scarred faces and weapons, slimy con men dressed in flashy silks, and many more.

The dregs of society were out in full force, drawn by the promise of profit. Yet mingled among them were those who stood out, hinting at origins beyond this neglected realm.

Lynn really wanted to use the [Magnifying Lens Pendant] to potentially discover extraordinary individuals concealed between them. Their unique aura should be easily identifiable in this sea of people.

However, overtly activating this item in such a crowded space would only invite trouble. If he wasn’t careful, it would certainly draw unwanted attention and make achieving his initial objective more difficult.

Elbowing past drunkards and dodging furtive hands drifting toward his pockets, he maneuvered closer to the open gate. He focused his senses, filtering through the chaotic din around him for useful information.

Simultaneously, a lone crow gracefully soared in the darkened sky above, where moonlight failed to penetrate. Its keen gaze, tinged with a faint glow, meticulously scanned the chaotic scene unfolding beneath.

From this lofty vantage point high above the abandoned district's decrepit structures, the entirety of the central district was clearly visible and observable. Thanks to the shared vision, Lynn could also see it.

"Just as the information described... it's completely different," he confirmed silently in his mind. Although the zone wasn’t big, it was completely different from the rundown area surrounding it.

The buildings were nearly intact and showed clear signs of renovation, their facades tidied and restored to erase the decay. Even the streets were illuminated by steady lights and seemed to be cleaner.

If not for the people and the air of tension inside, no one would think this place was the real core of the abandoned district, accessible only by influential figures from the outer district and beyond.

The area contained a network of seedy establishments, casinos, fight clubs, sleazy bars, nightclubs, and more, providing various shady services catering to the corrupt lifestyle of the rich and the underworld.

However, every month, on this particular day, all activity immediately ceased as the entire area morphed into a bustling black market with many vendors, traders, and buyers converging to engage in illicit transactions.

The reason for this change was a particular event. The renovated old factory structure looming in the heart of this territory was transformed into an auction house that opened only once a month.

Originally, a simple gathering where the most influential and powerful figures in this corner of the federation converged. But over time, it gradually evolved into something more.

According to Boss Reggie’s documents, this event was the catalyst for the creation and existence of this lawless district. Otherwise, without the protection and connections of these influential people, this kind of place would have already been erased from the map.

As Lynn passed through the gates and entered the fortified walls, he was immediately immersed in a sea of people. It was lively, almost resembling a festival, but the atmosphere carried an undercurrent of danger.

Someone stood guard at the entrance to each alley branching off the main road, prominently clutching weapons. A large sign was staked into the ground next to them, the bold lettering legible clearly under the light.

[Interdiction of buying or selling by force.]

[No investigation into the origin of goods.]

[No liability for money and goods.]

These were the rules of this black market. Thanks to his prior investigation and research, he already knew their existence, yet he was still surprised that a bunch of shady individuals could follow them.

Occasional shouts and quarrels erupting from the shops and stalls lining both sides showed that tensions were running high. It seemed that at any given moment, chaos could break out, and violence could erupt.

"This fur of frost peak foxes has been stored for too long, and the color has changed. Come and buy it for a cheaper price," a vendor called out, displaying a bundle of fur coats.

"Changed color? If that fur gets any more faded it'll be transparent. Don't count on me if you want to scam and swindle some poor soul into buying that wizened thing for cheap."

"Fuck! How can you talk to this old man like that, believe it or not, I will beat you..." the vendor retorted, his voice laced with indignation. This kind of altercation could be heard all over the place.

Lynn smiled slightly, knowing the truth. The supposed fur of the frost-peak fox was nothing more than a carelessly painted imitation crafted from the pelts of random animals. But he didn’t intervene, it was none of his business.

Most people who dared to come to this notorious place were not good people, many had quick tempers and loose morals. However, he remarked that despite the constant yelling and posturing, no one dared to actually start a fight.

The verbal sparring never escalated beyond swearing and heated arguments. Even when weapons were brandished, it was merely for intimidation, no blood was spilled. An unspoken understanding seemed to prevail.

Realizing this, his sharp mind quickly grasped the reasons behind this phenomenon. Even without an explicitly stated rule, an invisible deterrent was already at work, preventing violence from spiraling out of control.

Open fighting would disrupt commerce and risk garnering unwanted attention from the forces that governed this place from the shadows. It was bad for business, so checks were put in place to prevent matters from escalating too far.

The first safeguard was the heavily armed figures stationed blatantly at the entrance of each alley and street. Acting as sentries, their job was clearly to intervene at the first hint of real violence.

In addition, his keen senses picked up discreet pairs of eyes constantly surveying the crowds from hidden locations. He did not doubt that swift retaliation would greet anyone brazen enough to incite true chaos.

Of course, the simplest one was also the most apparent - mutual deterrence. With so many dangerous and well-armed individuals crammed together in tight quarters, violence could easily spiral out of control into a free-for-all bloodbath.

Starting a deadly fight would be like tossing a lit match into a powder keg. No one wanted to be the fool who sparked a wildfire consuming everything including themselves. So tensions were kept carefully in check.

Lynn glanced over and walked into one of the alleys branching off the main road, his eyes darted around, analyzing the chaotic scene unfolding. Boss Reggie's information had painted one picture, but witnessing the frenzy firsthand was something else entirely.

Dozens of people had set up makeshift stalls directly on the ground, displaying their wares on blankets. Others hocked their goods by the roadside or roamed among the crowds, aggressively touting their products.

There was no organization in the sprawling marketplace. Anything and everything under the sun changed hands - from firearms and blades to drugs and contraband antiquities, all peddled brazenly under the moonlight with no authority to regulate or enforce any form of order.

His gaze swept across the haphazard displays. Crudely etched signs advertised items on show, ranging from mundane necessities to intriguing curios that piqued curiosity.

Much appeared to be salvaged junk, but some items caught his attention. Things of unknown origin, ancient books, strange fluids of unknown efficacy, plausible medicinal herbs, contraband pills, and more.

Lynn maneuvered carefully between the pressing crowds, ducking under swinging arms and sidestepping oblivious patrons. Hundreds of people milled through the avenue, perusing the vast array with avarice.

Counting the few other aisles, it could be assumed that the total flow of people into the central district now was in the thousands. The sheer scale of the gathering was astonishing.

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