Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 134: Carving Away the Corruption

"Butler Alfred, is this the new scammer the doctor you found? Forget the previous wave of people, why did you even bring someone from that forsaken place filled with crime and sin? What qualifications or medical skills does he have? You are putting Master Feng's life at risk, hurry up and get him out of here.”

Lynn's face immediately turned gloomy as the bald doctor unleashed his angry outburst. However, he maintained his composure, standing silently throughout the tirade, and then turned to the old steward.

"I can see that my presence here is unwanted," he stated calmly. "Perhaps it's best if I take my leave to avoid causing further disruption." Though his tone was polite, there was a hint of iciness underlying the words.

With a swift motion, he began gathering his medical bag, feigning a genuine desire to depart. This was just a tactical ploy, utilizing the situation to his advantage, he had no actual intention of leaving.

After all, he had already displayed extraordinary knowledge by instantly recognizing the old man's spiritual pollution. To the client's eyes, there was a slim but enticing chance this mysterious person from the abandoned district could know of a way to treat him.

"Wait, don't be so quick to leave," the manor’s elderly master immediately spoke up, holding up a withered hand to stop him. Lynn slowly paused in his actions and turned to regard the man calmly.

Despite his cloudy eyes, Feng fixed his private doctor with a stern gaze. "Mind your words! This young man came in good faith at my request, I'll not have you slandering him," he declared, his raspy voice tinged with displeasure. 

The bald middle-aged doctor looked taken aback by the rebuke. "But sir, we know nothing about his capabilities or background. I cannot allow a stranger to administer treatment in your fragile state. Please think of your health."

"And what do we know of your capabilities, beyond the ample salary I provide? Have you come any closer to finding a solution to my affliction, much less curing it?" the old man retorted, his eyes narrowing.

The doctor's face flushed red with embarrassment at the blunt words. He opened his mouth as if to defend himself, but he was abruptly interrupted again by his employer. “That's enough talk from you. Get out of here!"

The chastened physician hesitated momentarily but knew better than to defy the orders. With one last resentful glance, he bowed his head in submission, clearly frustrated and defeated.

"As you wish, sir," he muttered reluctantly, making his way towards the exit after quickly gathering his belongings. The tension in the room eased as the bald man's presence vanished.

Satisfied the situation was back under control, the gentleman shifted his cloudy gaze to Lynn. "I apologize for my doctor’s rude behavior. Please do not take offense, he is only concerned for my well-being," he said sincerely.

Lynn nodded in understanding, his expression softening. "No apology necessary. I can appreciate his caution, given the gravity of your condition," he replied diplomatically, not wanting to escalate the conflict.

The patient regarded him with a mix of curiosity and hope. "You recognized the nature of my condition with just a glance. That's more than any other person has managed thus far," he remarked.

"Tell me, do you truly believe there might be a way to treat this spiritual contamination? Is there any hope for me?" The desperation in his voice was palpable.

"Spiritual pollution is a very serious condition, but not an impossible one to treat,” Lynn replied, gently stroking his chin as he spoke, deep in thought. "I can indeed make a difference."

"I have a special method that can remove spiritual pollution from your flesh. It's just that your body has been greatly weakened by the prolonged exposure to it, which makes the treatment more challenging. It might take multiple sessions to fully heal,” he explained with reassurance.

His body deteriorated so much that it had reached the point where, even if the pollution power was removed now, he may not be able to fully recover his previous health.

"Can you really remove it?" the old man asked, a glimmer of hope struggling to take hold in his weary eyes. He wanted so desperately to believe there was a cure after all this time of suffering.

"It shouldn't be a problem, but my method requires absolute silence. You need to be under anesthesia during the entirety of the treatment and ensure that no one will disturb me,” Lynn declared firmly.

Although he purposely divulged his knowledge of spiritual pollution, indicating the possibility of him being an extraordinary person, his extraordinary abilities must stay secret and could not be exposed.

"Doctor Lynn, just follow your method. Do you need to prepare anything? I can have someone prepare it immediately for you,” Feng instantly accepted with determination.

"Master, don't you want to consider it more?" Alfred protested, still concerned about the risks involved, but his old master just sighed, his features weighed down by fatigue and resignation.

"No need, it's not like you don't know my physical condition well, it won't last long at all. The spiritual pollution in my body torments me daily and makes me want to die. If I can get rid of it, it would be enough for me to spend my remaining days in peace," he replied with a touch of sadness.

"Then let us begin right away," Lynn stated, his voice calm yet resolute. He turned to face the butler. "Sir Alfred, I need a quiet room where I can perform the procedure.”

Wordlessly, the steward quickly moved, and the old master was placed in his bedroom. Once settled, his sunken eyes glinted with apprehension, but he gave a determined nod, signaling his readiness.

Lynn pulled out a syringe filled with powerful sedatives from his medical bag. "This will keep you asleep and numb the pain during the entire treatment," he explained as he administered the injection into his arm.

As it started to take effect, Alfred spoke to him. "Doctor Lynn, I'll leave everything to you." With a deep bow, he excused himself and left, pulling heavy wooden doors shut firmly behind him.

With everything in place, Lynn carefully checked the room to make sure there were no surveillance devices. Satisfied with the privacy, he rolled up the man's sleeve, exposing the corruption festering underneath.

Having recently acquired a thorough understanding of spiritual pollution from the Monster Whispering Manual, he felt confident in his abilities to treat this specific condition.

This phenomenon could be considered an extraordinary disease, which meant there was a possibility of curing people suffering from it as long as they didn’t completely mutate or deform.

Although he couldn't use the few methods mentioned in the book to deal with it, because it required being a [Tamer] or fulfilling certain conditions, he had an alternative approach.

Since the pollution in this man seemed to affect only his flesh, penetrating his bones and even touching some of his organs, the procedure he was going to utilize was pretty simple but drastic: remove the contaminated tissue and regenerate fresh, healthy one in its place.

Lynn donned a surgical glove in one hand and the Plaguebane Glove in the other, his gaze focused and determined. He took a deep breath, activating the extraordinary item’s first effect.

[Effect 1: Disease Resistance – Forms a protective barrier, reducing the risk of contracting diseases.]

A transparent thin barrier started enveloping his arm, guarding against any potential contamination. Precautions were needed to ensure his safety from prolonged contact with spiritual pollution.

With steady hands, he made a small incision around the edge of one discolored patch using a sterilized scalpel. Gripping the edges of the cut, he began peeling back the deadened skin and muscle.

For the deeper and the tougher parts, he summoned razor-sharp threads and manipulated them with pinpoint precision to slice through. Slowly but surely, he removed the corrupted layers of tissues in the client’s arm.

Simultaneously, [Cell proliferation] was constantly activated to fill the gaping wound steadily enlarging. Bit by bit, Fresh pink muscle and veins were revealed underneath as the ancient rot was carved away.

The extricated patches resembled charred parchment, veined with subtle etchings of darkness. He meticulously stored each piece away in his inventory as these kinds of things have a lot of use.

The process continued, with time seeming to lose its meaning as Lynn focused solely on the task. He surrendered himself to the rhythmic motions, executing precise cuts and extractions, gradually witnessing the emergence of healthy tissue.

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