Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 128: A Twist of Fate

[Silverforged Sword]

[Grade: Uncommon]

[Evaluation: A meticulously forged blade from precious alloy, the metal was repeatedly folded, hammered, and infused with spirit energy to enhance its strength and resilience.

Effect 1: Adamant Edge - The blade is incredibly durable and resilient, it cannot be damaged by ordinary means or inferior materials.

Effect 2: Tempered Spirit - The sword resonates with the spiritual energy of its wielder, temporarily enhancing their movements and attacks.]

Lynn's eyes widened in admiration as he inspected the long sword in his hands, this formidable weapon was undoubtedly honed and refined through countless hammer strikes.

Any warrior would be blessed to wield such a blade in combat. The immense craftsmanship invested in its creation was apparent, from the delicate and exquisite patterns to the supernatural powers granted.

"This should sell for a good amount,” he murmured under his breath as he contemplated the potential value of this item. Although the effects were useful, they overlapped too much with his existing powers.

He valued and preferred versatility in his arsenal. He already possessed two powerful weapons, Flame Edge and Bloody Reaper, covering both ranged and close-quarters combat situations.

Furthermore, this weapon could fetch a sizable sum of nightmare coins if sold. After some quick mental calculations weighing the benefits, he decided selling it was the optimal choice.

Returning the blade to its sheath, he swiftly stashed it away in his personal storage space. He would take some time later to appropriately list it in the trading section for sale.

With that matter settled, Lynn refocused his attention on the unconscious swordsman sprawled limply across the filthy concrete. The man showed no signs of stirring, still deep in oblivion after the overwhelming blows.

He crouched beside the crumpled form, quickly yet methodically searching for anything else of value. He tried not to linger, aware that time was scarce with potential threats still nearby.

His hands meticulously patted along the clothes, checking pockets and hidden areas where valuables could be concealed. It didn't take long before the diligent search paid off.

Reaching into a concealed pocket, his fingers closed around two small metal spheres. Judging by their size and weight, they seemed to be smoke bombs similar to the one used earlier.

He turned the balls over in his palm, feeling their solid weight and cool metallic surface against his skin before promptly stowing them away in his inventory without hesitation.

Having already acquired a handful of them from the shops in the weapons avenue, he thought it wouldn't hurt to get a few more. They could prove useful for making an escape or creating a distraction.

As he pressed on with his exploration, he found a dagger nestled in a sheath strapped to the man's thigh. It appeared to be an ordinary weapon lacking any extraordinary qualities, but he decided to take it regardless.

Then he noticed a small glass vial inside an inner pocket, nearly undetectable. Carefully extracting it, he saw that the container held two pills, one black and the other yellow, rested side by side.

"Hmm, no markings or labels," Lynn pondered with a contemplative frown. They looked like some type of medication, though he couldn't identify their exact nature.

He was curious about the intended effects or purpose of these mysterious pills. Considering they belonged to an extraordinary individual, this medicine must hold some significance. 

As Lynn was about to use his [Evaluation] skill to inspect them more closely, something else slipped out of the concealed inner pocket of the unconscious man's clothes.

It dropped to the ground, catching his attention from the corner of his eye. The thing must have been tucked away behind the small glass vial, dislodged when he extracted the container.

It was a small, rectangular card. The surface was jet black and smooth, polished to an elegant sheen. Etched across one side in silver lettering was an elaborate design - the silhouette of a rose in full bloom.

Picking it up and turning it over, Lynn was stunned when he saw the reverse side. Without wasting a moment, he stowed it away in his inventory, joining the other spoils he had collected thus far.

He took one last appraising look at the unconscious swordsman lying on the cold alley floor. "Farewell," he said simply, before turning and disappearing into the shadows of the abandoned district.

The silent and still atmosphere persisted in this dark alley after his departure. Only a faint breeze stirred, whispering through cracks in boarded-up windows and tangled weeds.

Above, the pale moon glowed serenely amongst a scattering of glittering stars. Its soft light seeped through the decaying walls and rooftops, barely illuminating the gloomy passage between buildings.

After some time, this tranquility was abruptly shattered. A beam of light cut through the gloom, bobbing and weaving erratically. It was soon joined by more dancing lights that chased away the concealing shadows.

The sound of voices reverberated down the passage, accompanied by the shuffling footsteps of several figures. Equipped with flashlights, they cautiously advanced through the tight space.

"Watch your step, this area is probably contaminated," one man cautioned. The members of the Special Investigation Bureau task force scrutinized every detail, searching for anomalies in the area.

The team had been dispatched to this location for two purposes - to search for any clues that may have been left behind from the confrontation between Amber and the mysterious swordsman, and to thoroughly clean up any biological remnants.

With the alarming spread of werewolf mutations in the abandoned district, it was crucial to eliminate any traces that could potentially cause secondary contamination and spread the spiritual pollution further.

As the group cautiously advanced down the alley, the beams alighted upon dark stains splattered across the cracked concrete. That's when the swordsman, unconscious, was discovered.

Amber was now very frustrated. When she had left Ethan there to watch over the gang members and the dead werewolf's body, she expected things to remain under control. 

By the time she rushed back, dragging the mangled werewolf behind her, the corpse of the other creature had already been taken away. The person who stole it was also an extraordinary person.

After many twists and turns, what initially started as a simple mission to deal with two polluted monsters unexpectedly transformed into something much more complex.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, she didn't even know who the enemy was. At this point, there was nothing she could do except make sure the last beast wasn’t snatched away.

However, she hadn't expected a sudden turn of events. The discovery of the unconscious swordsman in the alley threw another curveball into the already complicated situation. 

Looking at the man’s face, she noticed the dark purple and black bulges on one of his eyes. it was swollen almost completely shut, with only a slit remaining that was barely visible.

"It takes a lot of strength to cause such severe damage," she remarked pensively with a frown, it was hurting just thinking about it. She continued to examine his body, trying to deduce what happened.

"He was knocked out after two punches, and surprisingly, there are no traces of resistance around. This guy's strength is not weak, even if he was shot in the left arm, it's impossible to be completely defenseless.”

“Maybe he was caught off guard, or the strength of the person who attacked him was far superior," Ethan suggested, causing Amber’s brow to wrinkle even tighter, full of concentration as she wracked her brain.

"It doesn't matter who did it or why, since they helped us catch this person, it can be considered a fortunate turn of events. Perhaps we can gather some valuable information from him," she mused, her furrowed brows relaxing.

She promptly called in for a vehicle to transport the swordsman and the remaining werewolf back to headquarters. Time was of the essence, and she couldn't afford any further complications.

"Have the medical team be ready and prepare a secure containment cell," she instructed firmly, her gaze fixed on the unconscious swordsman. "I want him conscious and ready for interrogation as soon as possible."


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