Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 112: Extreme Hunger

Finally, the moment Lynn had patiently anticipated had arrived. The vibrant crimson energy, which had sustained the twisted chimera, flickered weakly for one last time before vanishing. It had been utterly depleted.

The emerald flames had accomplished their purpose, voraciously draining the regenerative vitality that allowed the creature to recover from even the most devastating injuries. 

With a simple thought, he dispersed the eerie fire. Its chilling presence that had permeated the surroundings rapidly faded away, the air around him growing warmer.

In the aftermath, a profound silence descended upon the ritual chamber, amplifying the gravity of the moment. The only sounds that disrupted the stillness were the faint drips of blood and the laborious breaths escaping the monstrosity’s parted jaws.

Its hulking frame remained ensnared, firmly bound by the web of razor threads. Rivulets of dark blood trickled from the countless lacerations inflicted by the unbreakable bindings.

The broken limbs hung limply, no longer twitching with erratic spasms. Its eyes, once burning with feral intensity, now appeared glassy and vacant. It was evident that the abomination teetered between life and death.

With a single, fluid motion, Lynn gracefully swung his blade in a decisive arc. The sharp edge cleaved through the air with lethal intent as it descended upon the weakened chimera.

The chamber echoed with the sickening sound of metal rending flesh. His flawless precision guided the fiery sword, and skillfully severed the exposed neck, resulting in a swift and clean decapitation of the grotesque amalgamation of monsters.

Globules of thick, darkened blood sprayed forth, spattering across his body and face. The macabre spectacle left him thoroughly drenched in viscera, yet he did not flinch.

As the life force of the chimera waned, its lips parted, emitting one last haunting wail that echoed throughout. But it was a sound that held no power, for it quickly faded into oblivion.

Lynn stood motionless amidst the carnage, his eyes fixed with cold indifference on the head that had been completely severed from its hulking frame, slowly descending toward the ground.

After a prolonged and intense battle, the twisted monstrosity that was once Knott had finally been silenced. However, the expected thud of an object hitting the floor never occurred.

Instead, an unusual phenomenon unfolded before his eyes. The sectioned lump of flesh came to an abrupt halt, defying the forces of gravity and remaining suspended.

This astonishing occurrence was not the only thing he immediately noticed. The entire environment surrounding him came to an abrupt halt, like a frozen tableau, creating the illusion that time itself had ceased to flow.

The droplets of blood that had been trailing through the air were immobilized. The razor-sharp threads emanating from him, which had been swiftly retracting, halted their movement instantaneously. Even his entire body stopped, locked in a position like a statue.

The only thing that was still in motion was his mind. "What's going on?" he questioned within the depths of his consciousness, struggling to make sense of what was happening.

At that moment, a vivid recollection emerged from his memory. This situation reminded him of the giant disembodied eye that had appeared when he first gained his player identity.

His analytical mind swiftly connected the dots, arriving at the only plausible explanation. "[The Chimera's Feast]... with the winner and loser decided, it must now be time for the second part of the ritual to be accomplished."

According to the description provided earlier, this sinister ceremony consisted of a duel to the death between two participants. However, that was not its sole purpose. There was more...

The second integral component involved the victor assimilating the power and essence of the vanquished, consuming everything they possessed.

Abruptly, a resounding metallic clang reverberated through the air. It was the chimera head, which had finally plummeted to the ground. This sound also marked his regain of control over his body.

In an instant, he was no longer amidst the cold stone walls of the underground ritual chamber. Instead, his feet rested upon smooth silver, which he quickly identified as a large dinner silver plate.

"This place…" Lynn muttered calmly, perplexed by the unexpected shift in scenery. His gaze swept across the unfamiliar surroundings, senses heightened in case of potential danger.

Beyond the silver surface, an immense antique high-back chair appeared in his vision. The ornate wooden frame was carved with intricate motifs and polished to a luxurious sheen. 

At the same time, a figure composed entirely of darkness began to materialize sitting upon the chair. It resembled a humanoid silhouette, albeit without any discernable facial features or defining characteristics.

As its "hands" slowly reached out, grabbing a fork and knife that emerged along with the table setting, strange whispers echoed from all around, their words indistinct yet carrying an unsettling resonance.

"Assimilate...Consume...Integrate..." the eerie voices chanted in sinister unison, reverberating through the air.

His eyes narrowed, his focus sharpening as a distinct sound of deglutition reached his ears. It was then that he realized he was the one seated on the high-back chair.

Instantly, the scene underwent a transformation as everything was reversed. In his vision, a circular table, reminiscent of ancient times, materialized gradually. A somber tablecloth draped the surface while gleaming silver cutlery manifested.

At that very moment, a profound and insatiable hunger immediately enveloped his entire being. Even with his talent [Gemini Soul] protecting his mind, he could still perceive the relentless grip of this hunger in every fiber of his body, as if a deep abyss had opened within him, desperately yearning to be filled.

"This must be part of the ritual," he realized, maintaining his composure despite the sensations wracking his body. His mechanical mind quickly understood that he was being compelled to assimilate the essence of the chimera he had defeated.

But the more he resisted the urge, the more intense and unbearable it became. He felt his body moving involuntarily toward the gruesome platter that had appeared before him, laden with the chimera's severed head.

"Eat! Eat! Eat!" Lynn heard himself whisper unconsciously, thick strands of drool dripping down his chin as he stared voraciously at the dismembered trophy.

“Indeed, [The Chimera’s Feast] wasn’t a simple duel to the death. But… where is the notification to quit this dungeon?" he pondered in confusion, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the situation. 

This was the reason he was confident that he could resist the hidden dangers of completing the ritual. He had already accomplished the primary objective that brought him to this world - defeating the mastermind behind the monster attacks.

By eliminating the threat, he had essentially restored peace and order to the town, fulfilling the main mission parameters. Therefore, he logically assumed that the option to voluntarily exit the dungeon would be available.

However, no such notification appeared before him. Instead, the unrelenting urges continued assailing his mind and body, seeking to overwhelm his defenses.

Lynn clenched his fists as he struggled to regain control of his body. He could feel his limbs moving against his will, inching closer to the severed chimera head resting atop the platter.

Without further hesitation, he unleashed a concentrated burst of [Cell Proliferation], specifically targeting the bones of his arms. He could feel the rapid expansion and swelling occurring within as the ability took effect.

The pressure and discomfort grew, but he persisted in pushing beyond the limits, reaching an excruciating crescendo before a resounding crack echoed within his limbs. Both arms had been effectively, albeit brutally, broken.

He was going to do the same thing for other parts of his body, to completely immobilize himself. But before he could act further, the world around him suddenly cracked, like a shattered mirror.

As a familiar notification sound chimed in his mind, an ominous black shadow appeared out of nowhere and let out a desperate hiss before completely dissipating into wisps of inky darkness.

[Main Mission Completed]

[You have successfully discovered the truth behind the mysterious deaths and defeated the mastermind behind the monster attacks, restoring the peace to the town.]

[Do you want to immediately leave this dungeon?]

The surroundings completely shattered, broken into multiple fragments, and the intense hunger that had gripped his entire being instantly vanished without a trace. The severed chimera head faded away along with the elaborate dinner setting, returning him to the cold ritual chamber.

With a thought, he quickly healed as best he could the broken bones he had inflicted upon himself before deactivating his talent. He had already used it for too long.

With a thud, he fell on his back, the hard stone floor sending a dull ache through his weary body. A wave of relief washed over him as he lay there, eyes closed, focusing on steadying his breathing.

The intense battle and the struggle against the sinister ritual's powerful compulsions had utterly drained him, both physically and mentally.

"That was too close for comfort," he muttered, opening his eyes to stare up at the high vaulted ceiling of the ritual chamber. 

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