Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 107: An Incomplete Rebirth

In a split second, Lynn's instincts took over, triggering a quick response. Displaying remarkable agility, he leaped sideways, narrowly dodging a looming threat. From the ominously swollen altar, a grotesque mass of twisted flesh burst forth, menacingly poised to consume him.

A deafening crash shortly ensued, as it collided with the cold stone floor, unleashing an ear-splitting roar. The eerie sound echoed and lingered within the chamber, carrying an unsettling resonance.

The mound writhed and convulsed, undergoing a macabre transformation that defied comprehension. Gradually, it contorted and reshaped itself, taking on the semblance of a humanoid figure. 

In a matter of moments, the squirming pile condensed, coalescing into a distinct form that bore an uncanny similarity to Knott's previous appearance. However, upon closer inspection, it became evident that there were several disconcerting disparities.

While his physical appearance was once that of an aging yet distinguished gentleman, the abomination before him now appeared more youthful and robust, exuding vitality and vigor far beyond what should have been possible.

"Ah, yes. This new body is even better than I could have dreamed!" Knott exclaimed, his voice now deep and resonating. He stretched his muscular limbs, twisting his body experimentally as if testing out its capabilities.

If one were not observant, one might easily mistake the being before him for a typical human. But Lynn's perceptive gaze allowed him to notice the subtle hints and nuances that the transformation was not complete.

Sections of his body still appeared to be mutating and morphing, never settling into a fixed state. Scales rippled across its skin in waves before disappearing from view. Coarse fur sprouted in irregular patches across the torso.

One of his limbs was a terrifying fusion of human and insectoid anatomy. An ordinary hand seamlessly transitioned into a segmented, chitinous appendage ending in sharp, hooked claws. The claws periodically twitched and flexed as if possessing a mind of its own.

But the most troubling aspect was his taunting smile. Knott's lips twisted upward into a sinister grin, revealing rows of jagged, shark-like teeth that seemed too large and numerous to fit naturally in a human mouth.

The creature let out an amused chuckle, his voice distorted by the monstrous dental configuration. he followed Lynn's scrutinizing gaze, glancing down at its own mutating body.

"Unfortunately, assimilating those useless sacrifices proved insufficient," he remarked casually as if merely commenting on the weather. "My rebirth remains incomplete."

His tone took on a sinister edge as he continued, "But devouring you will provide the final surge of energy I require to achieve perfection.

Lynn's grip on his weapons tightened at the threat. "We'll see about that," he responded, his eyes narrowing. 

Knott's pupils abruptly transformed, dilating into serpentine slits. As this occurred, an intense and oppressive pressure descended upon Lynn, as if an invisible force sought to crush his mind and body. 

Ghostly apparitions flickered at the periphery of his vision, their presence unsettling and their whispers invading his thoughts like venomous serpents.

However, he was not caught off guard this time. He had anticipated this malevolent assault and had prepared himself to resist. With unwavering willpower, he quickly retaliated.

Unleashing a precise and devastating shot from his weapon, the Bloody Reaper. The projectile hurtled towards Knott with lethal intent, forcing him to stop his attempt to exert mental control and dodge to avoid its deadly trajectory.

Seething with irritation because his ability was interrupted, the abomination emitted a low, menacing hiss that reverberated through the air. However, his frustration did not deter him from continuing his assault.

In a display of astonishing speed, he launched himself forward. His razor-sharp claws gleamed, as they extended to their full length, ready to tear apart the prey before him.

Lynn remained calm despite the imminent threat, his mind focused and Flame Edge ready. Utilizing [Quickstep], he swiftly moved forward to meet the abomination head-on.

As their confrontation unfolded, a mesmerizing spectacle of sparks erupted whenever claw and blade met. The weapons collided with force, sending shockwaves rippling through the ritual room, causing the very air to tremble.

Lynn’s skill and agility allowed him to parry and dodge the creature’s frenzied attacks, countering with calculated strikes of his own that targeted the enemy's weak spots.

With each swing of his sword, fiery streaks trailed behind, leaving a blazing spectacle in the air. The exceptional sharpness of his weapon also began to take its toll on the enemy's claws, carving deep gashes and searing burns into his flesh.

However, the tide of battle shifted abruptly when Knott let out a savage roar. In a blur of motion, his other hand, which had retained its human form until now, grotesquely transformed into a set of razor-sharp claws that shot out. The claws raked across Lynn's torso, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

Although he managed to avoid a direct hit, the very tip of the claws scraped his side, shredding through cloth and flesh. Lynn grimaced but quickly suppressed any display of pain.

With a thought, he channeled his [Cell Proliferation] skill, rapidly regenerating the torn tissues and staunching the bleeding. Despite being engaged in a fierce battle, he effortlessly accelerated the healing process, and within a dozen seconds, the wound was reduced to a faint scar.

Their deadly dance continued, blades and claws colliding in a hypnotic display of skill and ferocity. However, it soon became clear that Lynn possessed the upper hand. His extraordinary physical attributes and combat expertise allowed him to anticipate and counter the savage attacks.

Knott's strength was far from weak. On the contrary, his physical attributes were exceptional, approaching the maximum limits that could be attained without sublimation.

However, what truly limited him was his lack of experience and finesse when it came to combat. After all, he was merely an ordinary merchant who had the misfortune of being corrupted by spiritual pollution. 

His attacks were fierce and relentless. Each swipe of his claws cut through the air with enough force to slice stone. But they lacked finesse or strategy. He relied on brute strength alone, lashing out wildly without thought or purpose.

The same could be said for Lynn if it was not for the existence of general skills. These played a crucial role in compensating for his lack of combat experience and allowed him to overcome his weaknesses to a significant degree.

By upgrading specific general skills such as [Swordsmanship] and [Quicksteps], he was able to acquire the necessary techniques to enable him to hold his own in battles despite his relative inexperience.

Following several tense exchanges, the monstrous creature recoiled, his wariness evident. The bestial eyes observed Lynn cautiously, reassessing his prey.

"Let's see how you handle this!" Knott snarled, his voice dripping with malice. He took a deep breath, his chest expanding to an unnatural size.

With a guttural roar, he unleashed a torrent of corrosive acid from his gaping maw. The caustic liquid sprayed forth in a vicious arc, surging through the air towards Lynn.

He reacted swiftly to the impending danger. Jumping and retreating backward with graceful dexterity, he avoided the path of the viscous liquid spray.

Anticipating that some would still be able to reach him, he raised his sword in front of him. A surge of fiery energy coursed through it, igniting the blade with intense flames.

Upon the corrosive liquid's contact with the fiery barrier, it sizzled and released a cloud of steam. The acrid fumes that wafted from the burning acid caused an intense stinging sensation in his eyes, prompting him to instinctively shut them tightly.

Blinking away the discomfort, Lynn relied on his remaining senses to navigate the chaotic battlefield. Suddenly, a sound reached his ears, indicating something rapidly approaching him with incredible speed.

Despite the noxious fumes still obstructing his vision, Lynn's spiritual sight allowed him to perceive multiple familiar things heading straight toward him.

"This is..." Lynn immediately realized what it was, recalling the bell creature he had previously faced. Knott must have absorbed its abilities when he assimilated the monster into his new body.

As the imminent attack closed in, he unleashed [String Threading]. In an instant, dozens of nimble threads manifested around him, intertwining and weaving together to form a complex defensive web.

The razor-sharp strands sliced through the air, effortlessly severing the incoming tentacles before they could even reach him. Dismembered sections fell limply to the ground, twitching sporadically.

Lynn's eyes narrowed as he observed them.  This man’s ability to manifest these appendages confirmed that he had assimilated the bell monster into his grotesque form.

"Just how many creatures has he absorbed?" he pondered, his mind racing. The diversity of attacks utilized thus far hinted that the number was substantial.

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