New World - A New Beginning

Chapter 128: The Battle of a Thousand Cries (3)


Where are you?

I continued to scan the battlefield closely, attempting to locate the Supreme Commander of the Dragonkin. What I had initially thought to be a devastating disadvantage was turning out to be the savior of the Dragons: Jay's absence was keeping me at bay.

Who would've thought that a person would be contributing so much to the battlefield without even being present?

Another surge of flames caught my attention. The crimson inferno lay waste to the Dwarves and adventurers that were caught in the blast, leaving only a white-haired girl standing in the middle of the carnage.

My hand twitched instinctively, wanting to summon a spear of Earth to destroy the enemy that was annihilating my forces.

"You said he'd be here," growled Hugo. My eyes glanced back at the noble, understanding his frustration.

"The fighting has only just begun," I replied, but even I was beginning to feel uneasy. "We must try to take out the Dragons before Jay Cadmium arrives."

"You seem to be awfully passive for someone who actually thinks that."

I smiled. He was right. I kept telling myself that my abilities would be better utilized trying to kill off the army currently in front of me, but I was unable to step forward. Since when had I became so wary of that boy?

I looked at the battlefield one final time. The lack of an adventurer powerful enough to subdue the Princess and her subordinates was beginning to affect morale, and after only a few minutes of fighting, we were beginning to lose.

I clenched my fists, realizing that I had to intervene. My palm burst open as the earth around me began to rumble. Three massive spears were summoned from the ground, floating around me momentarily.

I extended my arm casually, sending the three spears crashing into the enemy lines.


"Send in the battle mounts," I ordered. This was the time to go all-out! I erased all hesitation and doubt from my mind, focusing my attention on the Dragon Princess that was murdering my troops.

Giant lizards sprang forth, their bodies covered in battle armor as they made their way toward the frontlines. I prayed that the help we had received from Thorria would prove to be enough to kill off the resistance before Jay arrived.

The beasts sprayed deadly venom across the area, leaping onto enemy soldiers as they trampled all who tried to oppose them.

A wyvern suddenly swooped in above one of the lizards, burning it to a crisp with its searing breath.

"Hugo, take care of those wyverns," I said, summoning my weapon in my hand and preparing to engage.

"That's not what I'm here for," he said arrogantly. I turned and faced him, unleashing my aura. The boy froze in fear, his body refusing to respond to the mental cries his mind was sending it.

"I-I understand," he added finally, returning to his original position alongside the other archmages and joining in on the long-range spells.

I leaped into the air, my eyes never letting go of my target.

"Incoming!" I heard Asthia yell before I crashed into her position. A shockwave of Earth devastated everything around me, crushing numerous Dragons as they failed to respond in time.

The girl readied herself, eyeing me without fear. I admired her courage despite her weakened physical condition, preparing myself to end her swiftly.

"Here I come, Asthia Darck."

I appeared beside the girl, fully utilizing my powers as I slashed outward.


The slice sent a path of Earth straight into Asthia, who had managed to dodge my physical attack, sending the girl flying back with a loud thud.

I manifested myself above my victim right as she stopped moving, plunging my spear downward. Asthia's eyes widened as she deflected the attack with her own blade, jumping up and regaining her footing.

A blast of crimson flames shot toward me, forcing me to bend the earth around me and block the attack. I quickly removed the natural shield from my sight, but Asthia was already gone.



I shot back from a sudden blast. Was that from above?

Asthia emerged from the flames, her hair swaying uncontrollably from the amount of bind swirling around her. This... was what she could do even while injured?

I chuckled, realizing just how powerful this new generation of binders was. If we were to wait even a few more months, would we even be able to win anymore?

The Dragon Princess wasted no time as she launched herself at me. Dark red flames surrounded the girl, trails of fire following her blade as she prepared her strike.

I twirled my spear momentarily before driving it into the ground, swinging upwards with the added power of neutral bind. Earth shot at the girl, the speed of the shards too fast to be dodged.

Asthia stumbled back as the fire around her died down, giving me the opening I needed. I appeared right in front of the dazed girl, imbuing my freehand with the power of the earth as I punched her in the gut.


The added force of Earth sent Asthia shooting right into the backline of her army, her figure bloody and beaten from the countless adventurers and Dwarves she had slaughtered. I approached the girl, stopping as I realized I was surrounded by dark soldiers.

I said nothing, simply gathering energy into my arms as they roared with rage. A burst of energy erupted around me, annihilating the soldiers instantly.

Asthia got up slowly, raising her hand and signaling her squad of archers. I met the gaze of the man leading the human bowmen, his eyes veiled in darkness.

"Fire," he ordered, letting loose a volley of arrows.

My eyes widened, realizing what had happened.

This man... wasn't targeting me.

I stood there in shock as the Dragon princess looked back, seeing hundreds of arrows falling onto her. The girl immediately accelerated her speed with neutral bind, attempting to dodge the projectiles.

So this was your plan... Hugo.

I watched as Asthia succumbed to the overwhelming shower of death, three arrows implanting themselves into her back.

"Aargh!" she screamed, blood spurting out from her mouth as she dropped to one knee while using her sword to not collapse entirely.

The human captain pointed his sword toward the bloody body a few dozen mels ahead of him. His expression was covered with horror, but a certain determination pushed him to utter the words that sent the entire platoon into a murderous charge.

"Kill her."

I turned around, leaving the girl to her fate. She had failed to keep the loyalty of her soldiers and as a result of that...

She was going to die.

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