Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 325: Interitus And Cleobis (VII) (real)

Rezar held the shocked death class user with a smile on his face, saying his name wasn't necessary. Just the act of his body starting to heal from the damage it had included from the giant monster underneath them was enough to state the identity of the boogey man they were currently dealing with. The death class user shook, and for a moment Rezar thought that it was in fear, only for him to realize that the death class user was actually laughing.

His silky long white tresses were three times as long as Rezar's and we're scattered all-over his face giving him a deranged and disheveled look. But seeing as this was a death class user he was dealing with, it wouldn't be too far fetched if it actually turns out that he was actually deranged. Madness was always having on the edge for every death class user in existence and Rezar was all too willing to drive into such madness so he started laughing along with the death class user, shocking everyone else who had shown up with this ambush.

There was another death class user at the top of a garnet made building, there were a couple of deformed looking wolves waiting and watching, the arms of babies and goblins poking out of different part of their skin as they stood at an easy five foot tall and six foot wide. They were scary creatures, and while their presence was one that could and should give people pause, it was the massive monster that was currently still swaying about after having to smash it's head into a diamond building that truly sent chills running up the spine of those still living. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you looked at it. Rezar and his undead were not considered to be a part of the living, and there was the obvious fact that they had probably seen worse things than this giant rat like hedgehog monster with a half head and neck.

"What's so funny? You're about to die." Rezar asked as he let out simple chuckles.

"What are the odds that King Rezar of Morte Bianca would show in in front of the people who want to kill him the most? Please tell me you're not that stupid, please tell me he's not that stupid." The death class user asked as he turned to Screet who just shrugged his shoulders at the question, Rezar blanched in annoyance cause it he didn't know better it sounded as if Screet was agreeing that he was stupid

"You must feel really confident about your odds of taking me down. And given my reputation I would at least expect a little bit of restraint if not fear, but damn it you're actually laughing! You've got balls kid." Rezar with an all too bright smile on his face, and seeing that Quentin couldn't help but shudder because he knew that smile, it was the last thing he was as a human and the first thing he saw as a doom Knight.

The death class user didn't say anything as his body seemed to vanish into vapor and dissipate into the body of the giant monster beneath Rezar. Rezar's response to this was to raise an eyebrow up in surprise, and when the monster beneath him raised it's head up suddenly, throwing Rezar high into the air and opening it's jaws wide, ready to snatch the vampire king out of the air and crush him to hits with teeth that was half the size of his body. Rezar raised a second eyebrow and promptly summoned Vita Gratia into his hands.

(Bullet Time)

Time slowed down around Rezar as he angled his body to dodged the open jaws, coming up underneath the neck of the monster and stabbing Vita Gratia in her staff form into the soft underbelly of the monster. Time resumed as stomach churning tearing sound was heard as gravity dragged Rezar down, slitting opens the bottom of the monster from throat to bottom like some sort of science lab experiment….. or just a killer going after his prey with more surgical precision than most, it was a move akin to a butcher skinning meat.

Rezar landed with a this and flicked Vita Gratia, removing the blood that count to the blade as he turned with a fierce look only to have a giant Illusory paw smash into his body and send him flying back like a bullet shot out of a gun. Rezar smashed through a building that was made of rubies, hundreds of it's shards sticking into his body before he ended up in what looked to be a nest of snake like scorpions. A second was too much time for them to react to his intrusion as their stingers class and cats began to find our base in his body.

The tiny poisonous creatures were strong, they could still break through his skin which was saying something. Rezar was bloodied and seemingly on his last keys as he looked up to see an energy form of the monster he had just killed trying to swat at Quentin who was busy evading it's strikes and at the same time moving through to decapitated the soldiers if the theocracy that was here. He was making sure to ruin their bodies properly to make it impossible for them to be raised from the dead. Screet had raised a barrier over Rezar that had some sort of healing properties as it was tinged gold from it's normal green, and all of Rezar's I juries were healing a lot quicker.

But there was now way the death class user responsible for the energy apparition would let Rezar catch a second wind. Rezar could see the damn man's silhouette right in the middle not the creature's head. Rezar slat out a glob of blood and saliva as he got back up to his feet and summoned Vita Gratia back into his hands, and against his better judgement sheathed the weapon behind him as he held his hands open wide.

(Mana Charge)

(Soul Manipulation)

(Spectral Skull)

Four skulls the size of basketballs came into existence as Rezar grabbed a hold onto two of them and rushed forwards, his body breaking the sound barrier as he appeared him front of the energy form of the monster. Two of the skulls slammed into the chest of the creature, causing it to let out an inhuman shriek that left shaken to their very core. The creature scrambled backwards, Rezar could see the form of the death class user hunching over in pain within the body of the energy monster.

Rezar jumped up into the air, leaving a crater behind as he fell from the sky, at the peak of his fall he used his (Bullet Time) skill, playing around with physics as the skill increase the speed of time around his body. So in a manner of speaking he was the one moving through time, going at a faster pace than everyone else around him. It gave him the movement of a meteorite to that of a bullet. He slashed through the body of the energy monster, feeling a chill deep in his bones that seemed to peel back his skin. He slammed the skulls into his chest, pouring all of his energy into it as Skulls lit up brightly like a star about to go supernova.

The death class user held Rezar's hand tightly as his eyes widened in shock, he seemed to phase in and out of reality as his body turned blurry and then solid. It didn't seem as if he was dying if anything, but he was obviously in a lot of pain, and that alone was bringing a lot of satisfaction to Rezar as green smoke started rising from the spot Rezar had placed his spectral skulls on.

"Interitus! Stop you monster! Attack!"

The corpse stitched wolves that were on the side of the other death class user rushed forwards in an attempt to Probably put a stop to Rezar killing the user with an ability for soul control. But Quentin was there to meet their charge when a red and purple aura of death covered his body and he shot forwards, his broad sword singing through the air to divided the first of the wolves in half. However much to his shock, said wolf split into two smaller. Versions and continued on their merry way to go rip Rezar apart as their master had ordered.

But even if they got last Quentin, getting past Screet was a whole other ball game entirely. A dome appeared on the three wolves, keeping them trapped as a concentrated beam of golden light was focused on their forms. It was a crazy sight to see, because obviously it was an Undead using holy energy or magic. It shocked the hell out of a lot of people and all Rezar could reply to their questioning stares was to shrug his shoulders.

"Cleobis?... Sister!.... Save me!"

"Sorry Psycho, but there will be no saving and no sisters today. Only Rezar DeathWind and DEATH!"

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