Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 316: Interitus And Cleobis (IV)

Rezar trudged past grouped of Undead, his boots, making squelch like sounds as he traversed the Hion Wetlands, heading towards a rocky outcropping that looked completely out of place amongst the wet marshes and pits. There was a cave or rather a hole on the hill that slanted downwards, and at the entrance of it, Rezar noticed t there were three soldiers in golden armor at the entrance, they were all discussing absent mindedly, not at all paying attention to their surroundings as they ought to. Rezar smiled, took a deep breath and then vanished from the spot where he was just standing.


His appearance spooked the soldiers, but none of them were ready for his next step as he moved forwards, Vita Gratia held in her staff form as they sliced of the neck of two soldiers while the third watched as Rezar smashed his forehead forward. Right onto the waiting skull of the third soldier. There was a small boom as the speed Rezar had used had approached the sonic barrier, but regardless; the head of the soldiers was blasted to pieces as his body was thrown backwards to smash into the rock outcropping, smearing his blood all over its surface as cracks appeared on it. Rezar turned to his followers.

"Brutus, Jason. Given the current state of things I would like to have you guys remain behind and watch over or rather come up with an exit strategy. We're not so sure that there wouldn't be any more enemies from the theocracy attempting to flank us or bury the entrance of the ruins. So you guys keep a look out, and someone please feed tony before I get back, this hold is a little bit too small for him otherwise I would have taken him along." Rezar said as he gave orders to both Brutus the wraith and Jason the Draugr minotaur, and the current chief of police in Morte Bianca.

Quentin gave Rezar a small nod and jumped down into the hole, quickly followed by a Pensive faced Screet. Rezar didn't stand on ceremony as he jumped down behind them, his form swallowed by the darkness as Jason and Brutus watched on with a forlorn look on their face. Their first mission with their master after a significant amount of time and he decided to sideline them and leave them behind on guard duty. It's not as if they didn't understand why he did that, but they longed for the days when they were always by ho=is side and fighting his battles, those days when Neema was still alive.

The hole he just jumped into was angled downwards at a steady incline, which was why jumping down was an incredibly stupid idea. He rolled the entire length of the tunnel downwards, his head and body smashing into one thing after the other, though they were mostly rocks and ore deposits. He eventually ended up at the bottom with his clothes completely ruined and hanging off his body by mere strips. And this would be the second shirt he turned to scrap in the almost 1 hour they've spent since land came into view from the sea. Given the current state, it would seem that today was just not Rezar's day when it came to wearing shirts. He made his way back up to his feet, the small scraps and welts on his body rapidly healing as he gave an annoyed look at his surroundings.

"Maybe you shouldn't have jumped down the hole Master, it would have been much wiser to walk down."

"You think!" Rezar answered Screet with an annoyed look on his face as he took in the massive statues that were in front of him.

They were statues of two wraiths, their hooded form had arms outstretched that seemed to watching over something. But given how they were spaced, Rezar could very well envisioned that they were probably statues that stood watch at the gates of whatever Kingdome this once was years ago. Rezar moved past them, his gaze suddenly falling on some inscription written at the bottom of both statues. It was weird, these inscriptions were made from sort of glyph like language, similar to Egyptian Hieroglyphs, but different in the sense there were more curved and seemed like Chinese or Japanese symbols without the crisscrossing or conjoined lines.

Bottom line this was a weird language, but the really weird shit about it was the fact that he could actually read it. And Rezar Was a hundred percent sure he hadn't seen something like this, not in this life or back when he was still just a simple human using VR gear to log into Elysium. But his brain seemed hardwired to the language because he couldn't just read them, but they were actually glowing in his eyes. Quentin and Screet looked at alert as Rezar seemed lost in the language before he spoke up.

"Broi neli treva ndili ramaki den sur."

"What?" Quentin asked completely caught off guard be the gibberish that just came out of the mouth of his master.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions, so welcome to the abyss." Rezar translated as he turned to them even more confused than they were. The whole thing just caught him off guard and left him a bit shook.

"Come on, we don't have time to waste here; our enemies are ahead."

Rezar looked past the two statues to feast his eyes on the ruins of ancient civilization. Massive buildings made or ornate white stones, and others actually carved from colored rocks that Rezar dare say were actually emeralds. It was crazy, but from what he could see, this was a city of precious stones. Many of the buildings seemed carved from any one of those precious stones. Diamonds. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds and topaz. It was crazy!

"What the absolute fuck! Who would build a city out diamonds and precious stones? How much money did the vampire who owned this place have?" Screet asked, his poised visage breaking for a few seconds at the sheer absurdity of the sight in front of them. Rezar couldn't give him a straight answer as he was just as surprised, this place was not what they expected. And while this was a ruin, due to the materials said ruins were made from, whoever decided to clear this place would make enough money to build a Morte Bianca three times over. It really was fucking Insane. But the ruins of diamonds aside, Rezar could notice another sort of rock, that seemed to stretch like vines all over the entire ruins and was actually glowing.

That probably had to be the ore that could grow infinitely stronger from absorbing blood. And given that this kingdom had a size that was three times that of Necron city, Rezar could not imagine just how powerful it was. Yet here it was, laying in ruins, with a garish looking ore stretched allover its entirety, probably coming about from the blood of all the citizens that it has consumed. It would be better to call this so called ore vampire iron cause that's what it was.

"The vines all seem to be stretching from that large black building in the middle of the city, however we can't fly their master as the very roof of this cavern is infested with bats three times the size of tony. And I can feel just powerful they all are, silver tier II, powerful earth general beasts. Which explains why the people who came before us chose to take a land based route, but there is a scent of blood in the air and it's incredibly fresh. They're incurring Losses Master, and not small ones from what I can smell." Screet said to Rezar who gave him a stiff nod before saying.

"Can you track them?" Screet scoffed before he hung his metal staff on his back and got down on all fours. His nose twitching.

"I'm an undead mole-man Master, underground? There is absolutely no way anyone or anything can hide from me. Like for example there's a giant worm like being slithering our way right now and it seems to be undead which means our targets left behind a surprise for us before heading deeper." Quentin Cracked his head from left to right, a small grin on his face as he said to Rezar.

"Well it seems I might actually have a chance to stretch these old limbs after all. Leave this to me master, I'm itching for a fight as it is." And Rezar was all too willing to grant that wish. Apart from priest, Quentin was the most skilled fighter in all of Morte Bianca, there was hardly anyone that could match up to his skill with a sword or even martial arts in general, and both were skills he had in their level 10's completely maxed out. So whatever it was that was heading their way, Rezar wasn't worried… Quentin would sort it out.

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