Necromantic Myth

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Snake food

Chapter 41 Snake Food

“Damn it!”

Just as Liu Zhi was happily picking various dried fruits, a heavy rain suddenly hit.

Unprepared, Liu Zhi was directly drenched in coldness, and the collected fruits did not know where they were washed by the heavy rain.

The most terrible thing is that the heavy rain brought thunder and lightning, and it directly enveloped the entire Golden City. The sky covered by dark clouds could not see the surrounding situation at all.

In this kind of lightning-increasing situation, Liu Zhi couldn’t shrink under the tree. He could not figure out where the lightning would strike a nearby tree.

In desperation, Liu Zhi could only run wildly in the rain. All the fruits he picked before were thrown on the ground and ignored him.

When    ran to the bottom of the pyramid, Liu Zhi did not rush up, but found a stone to shelter from the rain.

At this time, he noticed that the rain was so heavy that the river outside the city started to rise, and the river poured into the city from the North District.

“What’s the situation? Either it’s humid every day and it doesn’t rain at all, or it’s just such a heavy rain.”

When Ryuzhi vomited, Naga, the corpse soul, was swimming freely in the rain. The amphibious characteristics allowed her to move freely in the water. The heavy rain did not affect her much.

Following Liu Zhi, she has brought back all the fruits that Liu Zhi dropped.

After walking to Liu Zhi’s side, she let go of her hand and threw all the fruits in front of Liu Zhi.

“It’s raining anyway, and I can’t get out to find something, so just dispose of these fruits and get out later.”

While speaking, Liu Zhi searched for an open space that was still dry, put the fruit that the soul Naga had brought back on the stone, and took another stone and threw it down heavily.

After smashing all the fruits, Liu Zhi took out the edible seeds inside.

These seeds all seem to have the thickness of fingers and are very hard. When pinched up, there is a feeling of pinching walnuts.

Yiuzhi piled these seeds on a slate, and then set the slab up.

Just as Yanagi was preparing to roast the seeds under the slate, the rain stopped suddenly.

Yagiji turned his head and looked at the nearby trees. He saw a strange situation. As soon as the rain stopped, many nearby trees quickly blossomed and bear fruit.

The speed is as if the camera is fast-forwarding.

I don’t know why those fruits, when they grow up, they fall into the water automatically and flow along the water to the river.

In a blink of an eye, all the edible fruits that had just grown on the tree were gone, leaving only the empty leaves there, laughing at Yanagi taking a step slower.

Ryuzhi just froze for a moment, chasing the fruit as if going crazy.

Soul Soul Naga also followed up with the weapon, watching Liu Zhi chasing the fruit, and ran to the entrance of the valley in one breath.

On the shore, Liu Zhi saw the fruits undulating in the river, and wanted to jump down and salvage all the fruits.

But every time he wants to jump down, there will always be a weird feeling reminding him not to go into the water, it will die.

Standing on the shore and watching for a long time, seeing that the fruits were about to flow out of the valley, Liu Zhi finally mustered up the courage, carrying the death staff, and approaching the river.

At this moment, a huge snake head suddenly stretched out underwater, and it sucked at the fruit in the river, then dived into the water and disappeared.

This situation occurred five times before I ate all the fruits in the river.

Liu Zhi finally understood why this golden city is so weird. These snakes actually eat fruits. They are so big that they have to eat more to be full, so why can’t they save some for him to taste? Taste it.

Until now, as the new owner of Golden City, he has been in a state of grazing.

At this time, the soul Naga wandered over to Liu Zhi, staring at the river, as if thinking about something.

“I said why there are no fish in this river. I have to do this every day. Even if there are fish in the beginning, they will be eaten up. But these fruit trees grow so fast, there must be something hidden. I want to study it, Soul Naga. , You will help me later, the focus of our next research will be on the North District.”

Soul Naga nodded, indicating that she understood.

Only then did Liu Zhi think of the dried fruits that he had picked.

“Before that, I’d better make something edible, or I can’t do any research if I don’t have anything to eat.”

While speaking, Liu Zhi left the river, and when he walked some distance away, another giant snake protruded from under the river, staring far away in the direction where Liu Zhi was leaving.

Back under the pyramid, Liu Zhi was processing the seeds while thinking about it in his heart.

“The giant snake has returned, so the valley will become a closed environment again. It becomes more and more difficult to leave here. If I want to stay here for one hundred and fifty days, there will be some necessary living items. You have to get ready. You need to have fires, pots and pans, and a place to live and sleep, otherwise it will be terrible if it rains heavily.

If you have food, you must prepare. If the fruit growth is the norm, you can be prepared during the rainstorm and intercept some fruits. ”

Thinking about it, Liu Zhi acted. There were a lot of useless gold in the pyramid. Liu Zhi found a place to stack the gold and beat them into one piece. Finally, he made a small pot of gold and a small pot of gold. bowl.

ran to the river and tried it, and found that the pot was in good condition, at least it would not leak.

After   , he simply filled half a pot of water and transported it to the place where he hid at the beginning, set up the golden pot with stones, and threw the previous seeds in.

Fire is relatively easy to deal with for Ryuzhi, but there are not so many materials used to burn the fire. Most of the outside wood is wet, and it can’t be burned at all.

It was not easy for Liu Zhihao to find some dry moss to set the fire, and then the fire was set ablaze, and then he put the wood he picked up from the outside on the edge of the fire, roasted one and threw one into the fire. It can be regarded as a sustainable use.

The fire was not done too much at the beginning, but the thermal conductivity of the metal is better. After a while, the water in the golden pot will boil.

Yiuzhi took two branches and tried it in the water, and found that the seeds were still quite hard, so he simply ignored them and let the water burn like this.

And he himself took the remaining gold there to deal with other biological utensils.

When Liu Zhi made some bowls, pots and spoons, he found that the water in the golden pot had been burned by two-thirds, and the remaining water was melted seeds, and the liquid in the pot looked dark. , Just like silt in a swamp.

(End of this chapter)

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