NBA: God-level 2K system

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

After Westbrook hit this mid-shot, he also threw a wink at Yang Jun, and the look seemed to say: Look at me, you must choose me to choose me!

Yang Jun almost didn’t let Westbrook’s winking eyes throw up, and as a result, Clarkson’s serve, dribbled forward.

Westbrook rushed in front of Anthony and stood opposite Yang Jun.

“Westbrook is going to rush to defend Yang Jun!”

Anthony was happy when he arrived, and ran to the side to go to Clarkson.

At this time, Westbrook in front of Yang Jun was strong enough and strong enough, but his height was not as high as Yang Jun!!

“Russell, do you hate him now?”

Westbrook certainly knew who Yang Jun was talking about.

“It doesn’t really matter, but I feel very comfortable seeing him eating.”

In fact, westbrook and Kevin Durant played together at all, and Westbrook was very unhappy about giving up the ball to Kevin Durant.

But it is not as strong as Durant, and can only be tolerated.

What he hates is not that Durant joined the Warriors, but that Durant joined the Warriors as a free man.

Nothing was left for the team that had trained him for nearly a decade.

Just like The Le Brien James of the year.

If Kobe Bryant runs away, then Lakers fans will definitely scold him, but if he is traded away, there is no way to hate.

Like this year’s Kyrie Owen.

Paul’s walk, or with a lot of Clippers fans sustenance, after all, Paul’s career is almost fifteen years, if not to win a championship, then his peak state will pass, and then want to reach that championship, the difficulty is even higher.

After Yang Jun made a breakthrough step inwards, he stopped jumping and shot, Yang Jun jumped very high, plus his height was originally much higher than Westbrook, and Westbrook, who was not out of position in front of him, could not interfere with Yang Jun.

Watching Yang Jun jump out of Westbrook, he suddenly saw a trace of Kobe’s figure from him, but he was especially like Durant.


Westbrook would not regard Yang Jun as an opponent of that level at all.

The score was 9-4 and the Thunder trailed by five points.

At this time, Harden, who was far away in Houston, was watching this game and watching his second brother compete with Yang Jun on the court.

If he entered the NBA as a top five draft, then he would undoubtedly get the starting position in the team, but Harden is not, Harden has been placed in the sixth man position by the team after entering the Thunder with a low pick.

Harden was also happy that year.

However, they met Miami in the Finals, met Wade, Chris Boss, and James, who came from afar to join Miami to play brother basketball.

They were easily swept out by the Heat, leaving no chance for the three talented youngsters.

That summer, James Harden, who was determined to train hard, was traded by the Thunder to the Rockets.

After that, there was the Morden combination.

But Howard was not competitive, he kept laughing, almost forty years old, still like a child.

Howard was traded, and Harden then led the team alone that season, which was his worst.

Meeting Kardashian, Harden’s form plummeted.

Like the city of Houston, it entered the boundless darkness.

Because Houston ushered in a typhoon in the summer after the Warcraft Howard was traded, and the flood flooded the whole of Houston.

The team’s lowness, the darkness of the city, stimulated Harden.

Harden looked at Westbrook plus Anthony, Plus Paul George, such three prolific breakups, or eleven points behind yang Jun’s hands, picked up the remote control, and turned off the TV.

In Oakland, Durant, who has just finished a game, also holds his mobile phone and watches the game.

Looking at Westbrook’s grim face and looking at the OK jersey he was wearing, Durant had mixed feelings in his heart.

But he doesn’t regret it, if he doesn’t join the Warriors, then he may not be able to break through the Western Conference siege again with James from the Finals.

“Kevin, did you watch the game?”

Curry came over and asked Kevin Durant.

Durant nodded.

Now the Thunder are seventeen points behind.

Not surprisingly, the Thunder was taken down by Yang Jun, and even directly hit the game into garbage time on the heads of the three superstars.

After Anthony joined the Thunder, he went from averaging 23 points per game to 16 points, which is a very high span.

And Yang Jun, after winning the Thunder, the Lakers have won 27 consecutive games!

It’s time to tie the record set by Le Brun James in Miami!

After playing this game, Yang Jun’s various data met the requirements of the game and appeared on the list.

Score List:

Yang Jun, averaging 55.3 points per game.

Le Brun James: Averaging 43 points per game.

James Harden: Averaging 39 points per game.

Antetokounmpo: Averaging 36 points per game.

Anthony Davis: Averaging 35.5 points per game.

Assists List:

Yang Jun: Averaging 14.3 assists per game.

Westbrook: Averaging 12 assists per game.

Wall: Averaging 9.8 assists per game.

Green: Averaging 9.4 assists per game.

Fourth are two Jameses, James Harden and Le Brun James, who average nine assists per game.

In fifth place was Paul, averaging three assists at 8.00 a.m.

Rebounding list, respectively, Yang Jun 14, Jordan Jr. 13.2, Howard 13, Anthony Davis 12.8, Zhuang Shen Drummond 12.

On the list of rebounding kings, except for Yang Jun, all of them are strong men over two meters and ten meters.

However, Yang Jun suppressed them and temporarily became the number one person in the league who averaged rebounds per game.

In the steal list, Yang Jun averaged nearly four steals per game, 1.5 more than the second Oladipo, which can be described as a ride.

In the block list, Yang Jun averaged 5.4 blocks per game, 2 ahead of durant in second place.

After playing this game, Yang Jun’s data instantly dominated the first position in the list!

The Lakers management also released the news that they are willing to exchange Ball and Clarkson for the Cavaliers’ Thomas Jr. and Dwyane Wade.

This is something that the magician John Xun has been thinking about for a long time.

When he saw that the first place in the list was all Yang Jun’s name, he decided.

Because he can’t predict how high Yang Jun will be able to take the Lakers next, but he is the one who witnessed Michael Jordan’s growth, and Michael Jordan’s first championship was also taken from his head.

He was sure that Yang Jun and Michael Jordan had something in common.

That’s strong!

After the News of the Lakers was released, the Alliance instantly exploded.

“Is it because the Lakers can’t defeat the Warriors that they send a wave of warmth to the Cavaliers?”

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