National Mercenary Group: Unlimited Synthesis Column At The Beginning!

Chapter 38

Chapter 37 The Terrifying Flame Storm!

the next day.

The members of the Tianfeng Mercenary Group did not continue to accept brush orders.

Gathered early on the outskirts of the town and waited for Lin Feng’s next instructions.

“The vision is not good at night, prepare for a fierce battle!”

“The other party is only about 4,000 werewolves with the strength of the bronze emblem. Now our strength can try to annihilate them!”

Lin Feng stood in front of everyone, and the self-confidence overflowing from his eyebrows made his heart feel at ease.



Even mercenaries who were all level 5 silver emblems would be swallowed up by the vast crowd.

But Lin Feng’s confidence lies in the fact that all the mercenary heads were killed.

The large amount of mercenary coins that exploded is an endless supply!

The mixture is enough!

The members of the Tianfeng Mercenary Group will always be in their best condition!

This is a miraculous battle that only he can accomplish.

“Let’s go! Go to the deadwood forest!”

With a big wave of Lin Feng’s hand, he led the high-spirited crowd towards the north.

this time.

He completely used Border Town as a bait.

Attract the werewolves into the trap!

With the strength of the Tianfeng mercenary group today, I am not joking.

As long as you cooperate with the mercenaries in the town to defend, you can easily block the attack of the werewolf.

But this way.

His strength will be exposed, and the werewolf leader hiding behind will also weigh the pros and cons and give up the invasion.

This is not the result Lin Feng wanted!

Up to now, the mercenaries in Border Town did not know the news that the werewolves were about to invade.

Only through the abnormal behavior, the fully armed guards can detect something wrong.

From this point of view.

The old mayor is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

If the news is released, it is bound to cause riots.

A large number of mercenaries will abandon this carefree border town, and the garrison will be reduced to a minimum.

The residents of those small towns will be unsuspectingly exposed to the eyes of the cruel werewolf alien race!

As long as these mercenaries don’t know the danger is coming.

When the werewolf army arrives, in order to protect themselves, they can only be forced to participate in the town’s fortifications!

“Li Mo, pay attention to cover up the trail. Now everyone rests and recharges their energy! Prepare for the battle at night!”


ten minutes later.

Everyone arrived at the outside of the dead wood forest.

Find a place to hide and hide.

Lin Feng sent Qin Yue a message and told her to go to the hotel to wait for him now.

Indirectly, it provides a relatively safe place for the head of this tool.

It would be a pity if this little girl ran off to do the task and encountered a werewolf Xiangxiaoyu outside the town.

“Huh? What is this…”


Lin Feng’s pupils shrank, capturing a striking message from the scrolling world channel.

“Border Town is about to be attacked by tens of thousands of werewolves. Friends of Yan Kingdom, run away!”

News leaked?

This is no fun!

If the Blue Star mercenary group flees en masse, there is no guarantee that the werewolves will feel that it is not worth giving up the invasion!

Thinking of this, he quickly opened the other party’s private chat and was about to ask the specific reason.

【The destination of your message does not exist! 】


Seeing the prompt, Lin Feng was shocked!

I didn’t think there would be a mercenary group who would dare to enter the deadwood forest and encounter a werewolf!

Will the werewolves leave?




It was as if there were bursts of strange noises in the deadwood forest.

The whole forest seemed to come alive, shaking violently.

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to tremble slightly.

Countless hoarse roars came and went from far to near.

“Captain, I found that several werewolves are approaching!”

Li Mo reported the surrounding situation through the eagle eye technique.

“Huh… the werewolf gave up the night advantage and attacked in advance!”

At the same time, Lin Feng received a signal from Figo and was relieved to know the truth.

The situation changed unexpectedly, but at least not for the worse.

“Hide and let them go.”

“It is inevitable to forcefully control it!”


Killing a mercenary team member will prompt the team leader accordingly.

Now that the pot has boiled, the duck he didn’t want to fly away!


“What sound? It’s so loud.”

“Wolf? Are there any monsters calling outside the town!”

In Border Town, many Blue Star mercenary heads looked up and looked outside the town in doubt.

I thought I heard it wrong.

The smart head has already turned over the city wall to check the source of the movement.

“What is this? Have the werewolves attacked the city?”

“Densely packed, at least 10,000, right?”

“What, werewolf attack? No kidding!”

Unbelievers climbed the city walls.

“Fuck… I. I am. I am Nima! Help!”

This cry for help was as if some kind of switch had been activated.

After everyone saw the werewolf rushing in like a tide.

They all rolled down the city wall at the fastest speed.

Spread the news of the werewolf invasion!

Panic spreads like a virus,

In a blink of an eye, most of the residents and mercenaries in the town received this unfortunate news at the same time.

The sound of crying, beating, and chaotic footsteps filled the entire border town.

“Fugitives, die!”

The old mayor appeared above the city wall with a frosty face.

The ice-cold gaze into the knife scared the mercenary who was about to flee back a few steps.


Countless iron emblem 5th-level guards who had secretly received the mission for a long time blocked the four exits without saying a word.

Let countless mercenaries descend, and the local mercenaries will not retreat, nor will they retreat.

Congested at the gate of the small town.

“Border Town is not a place where you can come whenever you want, but abandon it at any time!”

“Since you are here for profit, you must be prepared to guard the town!”

“Dare to step over the city gate, kill Wushe!”


A fiery ball of fire burned the mercenaries who were about to leave quietly below to ashes.

Let tens of thousands of mercenaries know the determination of the old mayor.

“Brothers, there are only 10,000 werewolves! There are 40,000 to 50,000 people in our border town, and half of them are mercenaries! What are you afraid of?”

There was a sudden chatter from the crowd.

“That’s right! Mad, even if the dead person is not necessarily himself! Do it!”

“If we leave, the other weak residents in the town will suffer!”

This sentence seemed to give everyone a certain amount of courage. After a brief hesitation, they picked up their weapons and walked towards the north gate.

Only ten thousand werewolves!

If you kill these werewolves, you might be able to harvest a lot of materials!

Climbing the city wall more than five meters high and seeing the werewolf army in front of them, the mercenaries regained their confidence.

“I… my mine-throwing mother! Am I dazzled? Why is there a group of werewolves behind them?”

“Grass, the first wave of werewolves is about to surround Border Town! They can’t escape!”

“It’s over, the dead old man won’t let us go, let’s all die here together!”

“Even if two waves of werewolves can be resisted, the loss of Border Town will definitely be difficult to estimate…”

Just when the second wave of werewolves appeared.

When people’s emotions start to lose their balance.

Suddenly, on the horizon at the end of the north.

A group of more than 4,000 well-equipped werewolves reappeared!

Far behind the second wave of werewolves.

“There is also a group of werewolf leaders!!”

At this moment, the third wave of the werewolf clan, who moved forward cautiously, was like the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

Including the old town mayor, everyone’s mood fell to the bottom.

An invisible shadow enveloped everyone.

“The Tianfeng mercenary group is gone!”

The old mayor said coldly, “Send ten teams of elite guards to escort ‘Xiao Dai’ out of Border Town!”

He did all kinds of calculations, but he didn’t expect the werewolf’s offensive power to be so huge!

Knowing this, he would have arranged for the townspeople to migrate to the big city a few days ago!


The werewolf soldiers approached the city, and it was too late to say anything.

The old town mayor swept his gaze to the third wave of suspected werewolf mercenary leaders.

“It seems that the Tianfeng mercenary group has long known the news and fled ahead of time!”

“Hey…ready to fight!”

Just when the werewolves formed an encirclement and were ready to attack.

In vain, all those who observed on the city walls and watchtowers saw it.

In the third wave of werewolves, a group of crimson and violent flames rose up!

Like a violent tornado!

The werewolf team tore a tens of meters wide opening!

Countless werewolves didn’t have time to react at all, and turned into ashes under the violent tornado!

Even from a distance, it seems that you can feel the suffocating elemental power in the storm.


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