Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System

Chapter 285

Chapter 289:

tf! Where there are women, there is war. At this time, Wuyue really has feelings for this sentence. In this case, one is his little sister who has been doting on for many years, and the other is his favorite little girlfriend. Wuyue looked at Tuyumen Yuanchun and the blue earrings and dropped a faint look of help.

“Shhhhh!” Tuyumen Yuanchun and the blue earrings turned their heads indifferently and said, “Without the moon, let’s go around this studio, is it really as tall as we say!”

Wuyue looked at the figure of the blue earrings and Tsuchimikado Yuanchun walking away, and Mikoto’s eyes full of anticipation at this time, she coughed coldly, and said, “After all, he is also the person I like, wear whatever you want. nice!”

Wuyue slowly held Misaka Mikoto’s waist in her arms, no Tou Kuroko recovered from the shocked eyes, and then said, “Our beautiful sister, I didn’t believe that I found such a beautiful girl before. sister-in-law.”

“How is it, does Heizi believe it now?” Wuyue said lightly, but she was observing Heizi’s expression all the time.

“Brother!” Heizi could no longer restrain his inner emotions at this time, and two lines of clear tears flowed down his stubborn face.

Angry, aggrieved, and unwilling to the complex expression on Heizi’s face, Wuyue’s heart twitched slightly, but even so, Wuyue was unmoved. , If you go up to comfort, you can only encourage this kind of thinking in Kuroko’s heart.

“Uh!” Mikoto stared at Shirai Kuroko in a daze, and slowly broke free from Wuyue’s shackles, and slowly crouched down beside Kuroko, gently wiping the tears from the corners of Kuroko’s eyes.

“Go away!” Kuroko backed Mikoto heavily and roared, “I’ve always regarded you as my friend, but I didn’t expect you to want to be my sister-in-law!”

“Heizi!” Wuyue patted Kuroko on the shoulder slowly, her eyes full of pampering, but beyond that, she was helpless.

I saw Shirai Kuroko slowly standing in front of Wuyue, although the tears in the corners of his eyes had stopped, but the corners of his drooping mouth did not improve in the slightest.

“Isn’t it my brother’s girlfriend! What’s so amazing, my brother has always been my brother even if he wasn’t married!” Shirai Kuroko’s eyes flashed with a trace of light, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Wuyue stared blankly at Kuroko’s figure, and slowly realized that Kuroko seemed to be slightly different from the Shirai Kuroko she knew.

“Heizi!” Wuyue said lightly, but she sensed the faint pain in her arm and held the grass! There was a trace of doubt in Wuyue’s eyes, what’s the matter, am I your boyfriend? This kind of strength is really, really cool!

“Then let’s play fair!”

I have a special code! Is this also possible! Looking at Mikoto and Kuroko’s clasped hands alone, Wuzuki’s brain seemed to have lost the ability to think. .

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Tsuchimikado Yuanchun and the blue earring were still admiring the pictures on the phone, and raised their brows slightly from time to time.

“Wow, this is on time!” Tuyumen Yuanchun slapped the belly of the blue earring frivolously, and said, “The technique is good!” The bright golden hair on the phone, although the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, his face was still the same. It is a cold frost, as if it cannot be melted for ten thousand years, and the foothold of the eyes is the direction of Wuyue.

“Hehe!” Blue Earring reluctantly looked away from the phone. Let out bursts of pig laughs.

The dazzling golden hair on the phone, although the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, his face was still cold and frosty, as if it could not be melted in ten thousand years, and his gaze was in the direction of Wuyue.

“Wuyue, where did you meet so many girls!” Tuyumen Yuanchun was very curious. After all, most of the people who went there today had greeted Wuyue.

“Do you know what we’re going to do?” Wuyue calmly lowered Tuyumen Yuanchun’s arm on his shoulders, raising his eyebrows slightly.


“Aren’t you going to visit Kamijou at the hospital?”

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun and the blue earring looked at Wuyue and raised the eyebrows gently.


“Then you two are responsible for the fruit of this visit!” Wuyue said lightly.

“Why!” Tu Yumen Yuanchun stared blankly at Wuyue, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, he knew that this guy was not at ease.

“Yeah!” Blue earrings echoed.

“I took you to see the beauty!”

“Any other comments?” Wuyue glanced coldly at Tsuchimikado Yuanchun and the blue earrings.

“Humph!” Tuyumen Yuanchun and the blue earrings slowly glanced at Wuyue, opened their mouths but didn’t say a word.

I saw a surprised expression on Tuyumen Motoharu’s face, shaking his body with blue earrings, and the two of them didn’t know what they were talking about cordially.

Wuyue lightly left Tuyumen Yuanchun and blue earrings, and said coldly, “Taking someone else’s fruit basket doesn’t count ‘v!”

“Why!” Blue Earring exclaimed loudly while straightening his waist.

“What do you think!” The corner of Wuyue’s mouth curled into a faint smile, but it was a glimmer of light in her eyes.

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun, who wore blue earrings, let out a cold cough.

“Wuyue, Tuyumen Yuanchun, blue earrings!” Yueyong Xiaomeng stepped on her feet, watching Wuyue and the others waving from a distance.

“Boss, what if, Mr. Xiaomeng insisted not to let us pay the bill.” Tu Yuyuanchun had a different idea in his head.

“Then give it a try!” Wuyue said lightly, without even dropping a single eye, strode to Yueyong Xiaomeng’s side.

“Humph! He looks like a good student!” Blue Earring whispered angrily.

“Well, what did you say?” A trace of doubt crossed Yueyong Xiaomeng’s face.

“No, nothing!” The blue earring hurriedly bowed his hands.

“No Moon!”


Wuyue slowly noticed the unusual atmosphere in the atmosphere, and then her body seemed to be hit by a strong force.

“Index!” Wuyue looked at the small figure below her, holding her palm tightly.

“What is this!” Tuyumen Yuanchun pointed in Index’s direction in horror, and said, “Is this your illegitimate daughter?”

What the **** are these things, Wuyue looked at Tuyumen Yuanchun coldly, with a gorgeous white eye.

“Who do you think I will have such a big daughter with!”


“This is Index!” Yueyong Xiaomeng lightly took Index’s palm.

“I’m not someone’s daughter!” There was a gloomy look in Index’s puffy face.

“And Jishen Qiusha!” Wuyue lightly pulled over Jishen Qiusha who had been wandering on the edge.

“Isn’t this the beautiful woman we saw in the fast food restaurant before?” A complicated expression appeared on the blue earring’s face.

What kind of expression is this, Wuyue’s heart has really whipped Tuyumen Yuanchun and blue earrings thousands of times, even so, Wuyue’s face still has a faint expression.

“Is there any problem?” Meifeng picked it up, and Wuyue asked coldly.

This special meow, did this uncle take gun medicine today! Tuyumen Yuanchun secretly criticized in his heart. However, Wuyue’s accumulated aura over the years prevented him from saying anything in a hurry.

“Mr. Xiaomeng, did you also go to see Kamijou!” The blue earring looked at Yueyong Xiaomeng’s cheek with a big smile.

“Well, I suggested it!” The corners of Index’s face rose slightly, and she glanced at the blue earrings and others with her head raised and her chest raised, but when she touched Wuyue’s inquiring eyes, she said “Of course Index’s favorite is Moonless!”

“Index!” The blue earrings and Tsuchimikado Motoharu’s pupils slowly widened in an instant, looking at Index and Wuyue’s figures in horror and horror.


Even if there is a lot of ambiguity in this sentence, will the drama of these two people go too far? The corners of Wuyue’s mouth twitched slightly, and the two thin lips floated slightly, but it was an explanation that could not be uttered.

“¨’We’re not going to Ah Shang. Hurry up and leave!” Wuyue looked at Tuyumen Yuanchun, and there was a glint in her eyes.

“Hmm!” Even if he answered, he gritted his teeth.

“I brought a little, A Shang can’t eat this alone, or we’ll be fine.” Yueyong Xiaomeng, holding the blue fruit high in her hands, thoughtfully, her eyes tended Always on the figure of Jishen Qiusha.

Wuyue raised her eyebrows slightly, even though Yueyong Xiaomeng had tried her best to hide her attention to Jishen Qiusha, Wuyue still sensed the clue from her casual gaze.

But in less than three days, Yueyong Xiaomeng had already discovered the difference of Jishen Qiusha, Wuyue quietly looked at Yueyong Xiaomeng’s demeanor, it seemed that she just noticed it, but this kind of It can be called a very astute observation, and it appeared on Yueyong Xiaomeng, which further confirmed the conjecture in Wuyue’s heart.

However, Blue Hao Li Hao’s earrings and Tuyumen Yuanchun’s lowered heads looked at the price of each one. At this moment, they suddenly heard Yueyong Xiaomeng’s voice and propped up their heads instantly.

“Yes, yes, it’s still what Teacher Xiaomeng said makes sense.”

“It’s alright, if you can’t eat Touma, you can take it home.” Index’s eyes were filled with great sincerity.

“The fruit is still fresh.” The blue earring squatted in front of Index, comforting her gently.

“Really, Wuyue.”

“Yeah.” Wuyue responded indifferently.

“Yeah, what Wuyue said is of course correct.”

Snapped! The blue earrings and Tsuchimikado Motoharu clapped in unison, and the corners of their eyes were full of smiles. Saving money is making money, and finally, this miser has made money right under the nose.

The corner of Wuyue’s mouth curled into a faint smile, looking at Yuanchun Tuyumen coldly, and said, “Even so, Index, after Dangma is discharged from the hospital, there is no free fruit.”.

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794 Confrontation

“Hey, what a bad guy!” Kamijou Touma watched as the empty room after everyone left, and the colorful fruit baskets on the table were all looted after Index’s arrival.

After slowly rolling, he sat down in a wheelchair, and Kamijou Touma could only enjoy the beauty of Xiaomen from upstairs. Even though it was already August, the sun did not mean to weaken at all.

The figure of a purple girl looks so abrupt on the street at this time. In this hot summer, it looks so cool, even wearing a white coat at all times does not affect the girl’s beauty. No wonder someone is a nurse, thinking of wearing the nun’s clothes that cover the whole body, what is that, a nun’s lure, when Ma’s mouth slowly draws a gentle smile.

“Even so, you can admire beautiful women. It’s a blessing in misfortune.” Kamijou Touma said in a shaky voice.

I saw that the girl did not look like a normal nurse or doctor who was off work. In the past, she had seen her footsteps in a hurry, but this girl stopped in a small and inconspicuous corner in the east of the hospital.

There was a trace of doubt in Kamijou Touma’s eyes, and he shifted his position. He was about to explore, but he found that the girl in the position just now was nowhere to be seen.

Kamijou Touma wiped his eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly, only to see a small envelope where the purple-haired girl had just stood.

“What’s going on here, could it be that I’m dazzled?” Kamijou Touma had some doubts in his mind, but that startling glance just now was something he couldn’t forget for a long time.

“Kamijo Touma, check your body.” A voice in his ear interrupted Kamijou Touma’s attempt to take out his phone. Then there were the footsteps of the nurse sister at the door of the ward.


At the same time, the blue earrings, who had always been smiling, were gulping at the luxurious single ginseng in front of Index.

I thought it was a chance to pick up a girl, but I didn’t expect to get such a snack.

“What’s the matter, do you want to eat?” A hint of doubt appeared on Index’s face as she tentatively handed the hamburger in her hand to the blue earrings.

“Er.” Blue Earring hesitated to stretch out his evil hands, but he received a resounding slap from Tsuchimikado Yuanchun without touching it.

Mmmmmmm. Tsuchimikado Yuanchun looked firmly at the blue earrings and shook his head.

“I won’t eat it, you two should eat it.” The blue earring said against his will, but the smile on his face was even uglier than crying.

Seeing the burger that Index retracted without hesitation, a bright spot of light seemed to flow from the corner of the blue earring’s mouth.

“Don’t be too embarrassed, just order it if you want to eat it, so what does Jishen think of us!” Tuyumen Yuanchun sighed, thinking about the direction of the blue earrings, with undisguised contempt in his eyes.

“Humph!” Blue Earring noticed his temptation and turned around angrily.

“Are you really not hungry?” Jishen Qiusha said lightly, with a trace of doubt in his emotionless pupils.

“Of course I’m not hungry.” Tuyumen Yuanchun firmly rejected Jishen Qiusha’s invitation.

“Alright then!” Jishen Qiusha slowly opened the delicate box wrapped in his hand, revealing the perfect fried chicken drumsticks inside.

Gulu! Tuyumen Yuanchun made strange noises in his stomach.

Seeing Jishen Qiusha and Index staring at each other closely, Tsuchimikado Motoharu cursed Wuyue thousands of times in his heart.

Shouldn’t it be right at this time, in front of a girl, to show a gentleman’s side, don’t say a gentleman now, just his face is probably going to be lost.

“Wuyue, I have a question!” Yueyong Xiaomeng’s eyes stared at Wuyue tightly, and the seriousness in her eyes did not match the image.

“What’s the matter, Teacher Xiaomeng.” Wuyue said giggling. In his heart, he had already discovered the clue from Yueyong Xiaomeng’s special concern for Jishen Qiusha.

“You already knew whether it was right or not.” Yueyong Xiaomeng slapped the cup in her hand heavily on the table, looking at Wuyue’s attitude, she was a little unhappy.

“Does Teacher Xiaomeng mean Jishen Qiusha?” Putting away the cynical expression on his face, Wuyue said coldly.

“Well, what kind of secret is hidden in Hime, and why did Kamijou Touma suffer such a gunshot wound?”


Wuyue looked at Yueyong Xiaomeng’s eyes, and it seemed that Teacher Xiaomeng wouldn’t let it go easily if she didn’t say a reason today.

“Then, teacher, what are you asking me about?”

The expression on Yueyong Xiaomeng’s face instantly froze, and she stared at Wuyue in a daze. Those dark eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all the matter of time and go straight to the depths of her heart.

“Of course it’s a concern for students.” Yueyong Xiaomeng roared loudly with an unnatural blush on her face, as if she wanted to strengthen her aura.

I saw that it was an empty restaurant. At this time, because of Yueyong Xiaomeng’s voice, everyone’s eyes were focused on Wuyue and the others.

Yueyong Xiaomeng, who was originally a little embarrassed, was slowly turning red under the spotlight-like gaze at this moment. She put her hands on the table, lowered her voice, and said, “As a teacher’s concern for students, these are still in the background. Isn’t it enough?”

“Enough!” Wuyue’s mouth curled into a faint smile, this level of resistance is of course allowed.

“Then, teacher, as far as I know, Ms. Yueyong Xiaomeng, you seem to be Kamijou Touma’s queen teacher. You don’t follow Kamijou Touma from primary school to middle school. Even in high school, Ms. Xiaomeng is still her class teacher. “

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