Naruto's Soft Rice is Delicious

Page 566

"Kato Duan, do you want to join forces with me to attack Orochimaru together. '

'Joining forces? '

'right.I will provide you with all the detailed information of Orochimaru, and then use me as her teammate to assist you. '

'In this case, I will most likely be able to become a couple with her.But... What's the benefit of doing this?I do know that you are obsessed with her to the point of insanity, even a fan of the brain is not cruel enough for you. '

'Alas... this is actually a compromise.Orochimaru is too straight, I can't break her, I need a man who is as obsessed with him as I am, to take her down.Then, that man, share half of Orochimaru with me, that's all. '

'share?What kind of sharing method? '

'Big quilt sleep together! '

'……it is good!I agree!From now on, we are allies, what shall we do? '

'It's very simple, pretend to be a couple first, and let Orochimaru relax his vigilance towards me.Then, find an opportunity for her to set her up and attack her! '

——End of Brainstorming——

"(Ahhh! Those two worms plotted against me like this, no wonder the slug would not be willing to tell me and the stupid toad how she and the blue worm got together, so that's how it is, damn! Damn, hate, hate! !!)"

Therefore, Orochimaru, who figured out what a terrifying conspiracy he was in, approached Kato Dan again.

This time, her purpose is not to stimulate Tsunade again, to keep Tsunade busy with the emotional dispute with her boyfriend and not to bother herself.Instead, Kato Duan, who was easier to solve than Tsunade in all aspects, had to use a formula to confirm the answer.


"Etc., etc!!!!!!!"

Before Orochimaru finished the story, Tsunade yelled, interrupting her narration.

"You said that Kato is obsessed with you. I can't refute this... But! You have been wronging me as a jerk in order to clear yourself up. I can't bear this! Before you finish the story, I want to ask You, what excuse are you going to use this time to accuse me of being a Ji guy who is obsessed with and covets you!"

Regarding Tsunade's question, after listening to the story told by Orochimaru, he rebelled again, and Xinghuo who stood beside Orochimaru said:

"Hey, hey, you don't even refute that you have been following my Master She Ji almost every day. How can you still say that you are not madly infatuated with Master She Ji? I want to hear it, what do you think? What kind of excuses are you looking for to continue trying to wrong the world's most virtuous person, Mrs. Sheji?"

"You kid changed your mind too quickly! Didn't you call her a beast just now, and now you're your family's Lady She Ji?!"

"Hey, long-winded...! I call it "returning from the wrong way! What is the most frightening thing for people? It's not making mistakes, but knowing that you made a mistake, but not correcting it!"

After talking nonsense about some nonsense, Xinghuo immediately shifted back the topic that was a little bit off and said:

"Compared to me now, you talk about it, how do you want to argue that you are not Ji Ji!"

"I...I...because...I just because...Damn it! I'm a dick, I like, like women in general! Stinky fart snake, continue the story Finish it!"

"Change the subject? Don't dare to say it? Sure enough, you are a pervert! You are a pervert! You are a pervert!!"

"It's so noisy! I'm... In short, that's why I can't say it in front of the smelly fart snake!"


After Xinghuo and Tsunade quarreled for a while, the story continued.

"I-I didn't expect that not only did we meet again by chance, invited me to dinner!"

In a dimly lit restaurant, Kato's voice was broken and out of tune because he was too emotional.




"...Uh, uh, is there something on my face, you keep staring at me like this...I, I..."

"It's nothing."

Orochimaru staring at Kato Dan is [-]% sure that the blue-haired worm is interested in him, and he can't be wrong.

The next step is how to use clichés... It will be very difficult to use clichés without showing any traces or revealing the slightest telltale signs.

After all, things like clichés were left to stupid toads and slugs before, and I... am not good at communication.

Chapter 223 Toilet Paper

Because the process of Uncle Snake's stereotypes is too unnutritious, skip it.

So now the conclusion is:

"Is there anything else you want to quibble about? Kato has admitted that he doesn't like you, and the person he really likes has always been this snake. In addition, he said when he confessed suddenly that the purpose of being with you is just In order to be able to get close to the snake, this proves that you, a dead Ji, have been spitting blood all the time, trying to slander our innocent Lord Snake!"

Xinghuo pointed at Tsunade who looked shocked and shouted loudly.

Tsunade didn't have the energy to care about Xinghuo's yelling and yelling.

All her energy is now concentrated on Dashewan.

"You, you always thought I was a crook? That day He Duan...had dinner with Kato, and then immediately went to buy anti-O drugs and went to the hotel to check in, just...just, just to get revenge on me...?"

After Tsunade finished what she understood, Orochimaru nodded.

Then, Tsunade yelled at Orochimaru as if he saw a nerve with a brain problem:

"Are you mentally handicapped! Yes, a lunatic!!"

"Retarded? Crazy? Still want to continue pouring dirty water on me?"

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