Chapter 211: Chapter 211
"Kukuku." Came the now feminine laugh. The person standing before him no longer looked like his former student. Instead it was a woman, though her skin was as pale as Orochimaru's and she still contained yellow eyes and that unnaturally long tongue. However everything else about this person was different. The woman gave Sarutobi a sick grin, "Why don't you recognize me sensei? It's me, Orochimaru."
"You!" Sarutobi growled out in anger at seeing how far his student had now stooped to. "To have fallen so low, you're a fiend Orochimaru!"
"Kukuku, do not be so angry sensei. That look really doesn't suit you." Orochimaru chortled, "You are old sensei, and just by looking at you I can see that age has caught up to you. We both know, had you been younger; you might have been able to defeat me. Age has made you weak. But I…I have gained the power of immortality. No sacrifice is too small for that power. I will never end up like you. Too weak and fragile to stand up against those I should have beaten."
Sarutobi shook in a mixture of rage, regret and sorrow. To see his prized student fall so low, all for the desire of gaining immortality. This man was no longer worthy of being called his student. He was now a monster, someone who held no remorse or regret for the deaths he had needlessly caused in his quest for immortality.
What made it worse was that Sarutobi knew he could have ended this man years ago, when he had first found out about his student's experiments on the people of Konoha. However he had let his love for his student get in the way of the decision he could have made, the one he should have made. There were only a few things he had ever come to truly regret in his life. The first was how he had been unable to give Naruto the life he should have had for bearing the burden of the Kyuubi. The second was not being able to help Minato and Kushina when they had decided to make their son a Jinchuuriki, not being able to sacrifice his own life so that they could have raised Naruto as he should have been.
And the third was standing right in front of him. However he would no longer run away from this decision. Today, he would either end his foolish former student, or die in the attempt.
"Orochimaru!" Sarutobi snarled as he bit his thumb, smearing the blood along his other hand and beginning a sequence of hand seals. "It was a mistake to let you live all those years ago. However today, I will rectify that mistake. This is the day I end your ambitions, my foolish former student. Kuchiyose No Jutsu!"
Sarutobi slammed his hand into the ground, an array of seals appearing under it. There was a puff of smoke to signify the Hokage summoning something. When the smoke cleared, it was to reveal a large white ape with ninja attire and a Konoha head band secured around his forehead. The ape observed his new surroundings briefly, before his eyes locked onto the gold slitted eyes of Orochimaru.
"So…it has come to this after all," The old ape ground out, turning his attention to Sarutobi. "You're a pathetic fool for letting that man live Saru. Had you just killed him the last time you had met, none of this would have happened."
"I know I was foolish back then Enma, however, rest assured that I will not be letting this monster live beyond today." Sarutobi replied, knowing his summon had never been happy with his decision to let the Snake Sannin go.
"This wouldn't have happened had you just finished him the first time you had the chance!"
"Enma, use that so we can rid ourselves of this snake once and for all!"
"Very well." The old ape said before forming a hand seal. "Henge: Kongōnyoi (Adamantine staff)!"
A puff of smoke later, a long black staff with golden ended tips appeared in Enma's place. Sarutobi grasped the staff in his hand, twirling the weapon around expertly despite not having used it in battle for a few years. He settled himself into a stance and glared at his opponent.
Smirking at his sensei, Orochimaru opened his mouth and allowed a snake to slither out of it. Said serpent hissed as it opened its jaws to reveal the hilt of a blade. Orochimaru grabbed onto the hilt and pulled it out of the snake, letting it retreat back into its master.
"The Kusanagi…" The Enma transformed staff spoke, "I may be tough, but that will injure me after awhile."
"I will be sure to end it before that happens," Sarutobi replied.
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