Naruto: Winds and Changes

Chapter 206: Chapter 206

"Just hand over the Uchiha and we may let you walk out of here," One of the Oto Shinobi ordered. Orochimaru had said he wanted them to capture Sasuke sometime during the exams if possible, and right now seemed like the best time to get him.

Unfortunately they were facing off against Yugito, who not only had no intention of giving the raven haired genin to them, but was also skilled enough to pull such a thing off.

"Well, while I would personally love to give the arrogant brat to you, he's kind of a teammate and friend to this guy that I've taken a liking to. So, I'm gonna have to decline your offer."

She smirked as the ninja charged her, sliding into her stance she began to weave through the attacks her enemies sent. Dodging a kick to her side, she latched onto the leg and swung the Oto shinobi into a kunoichi from Suna. Bending herself backwards, she avoided a punch from a Suna shinobi, right before she came back up and with a kunai in hand and shoved it in his throat.

Yugito kicked the dying ninja away and into another one that had tried to rush her. Spinning on the balls of her feet, she lashed out with a kick that connected a the throat of the Oto shinobi she had thrown earlier, crushing his windpipe.

As the Oto ninja fell to the ground, clutching at his throat, Yugito ducked under a kunai swipe by a Suna kunoichi, before coming into said kunoichi's guard and stabbing her in the ribs with her own kunai, piercing the woman's heart. She grabbed the now dead Suna kunoichi by the arms and used her as a bat to smack another ninja away.

Getting back into a stance she looked at the ninja who were now eyeing her wearily and grinned, "You know compared to my battle with Naruto-kun, you guys are boring."

The ninja looked at each other before charging back in.

Several miles outside of Konoha several dozen Oto and Suna ninja sat around three summoning seal arrays. Always having been a meticulous planner, Orochimaru had made sure to set several decoy summoning arrays, so that, in case the invasion was found out and the Konoha ninja somehow managed to find his summoning arrays, he would still have several left in the wing.

The one dozen ninja began going through a set of hand signs before slamming them into the array, "Kuchiyose No Jutsu!"

Three large puffs of smoke surrounded the area and when it cleared there were three large snakes. The two on the left were fairly average looking, albeit nearly the size of the Hokage tower, one had green scales, while the others was black. However, it was the one in the middle that looked caught everyone's attention, of course seeing how it had three heads that was understandable.

The snakes surged forward, the one in the middle in the lead. They crashed through one of the towering walls around Konoha and began to wreak havoc on the village.

Jiraiya and the Anbu looked up when they saw the giant snakes smashing into Konoha on the opposite side of where they were located.

"Damn it! It seems that damn Hebi set us up with decoys," Jiraiya muttered. He looked over at the Anbu, "I want you all to start with the operation. I'll take care of the summons."

"Hai Jiraiya-Sama!" the Anbu saluted and took off.

Jiraiya looked over at the stadium where Sarutobi and Naruto were probably fighting right now. "I hope those two are safe," He turned his attention back to the snakes and took off.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto shouted as he redirected a punch sent his way, and then lashed out with his own. Sending an Oto ninja stumbling back before he snap kicked the shinobi in the head in such a way that it broke the man's neck. "What are our orders!"

Kakashi looked over at his two genin as he finished snapping a Suna kunoichi's neck, "I want you two to hook up with the other genin. Group together and start defending the village while we fight here."

"But sensei! What about Sasuke-kun!" asked Sakura as she hid behind Naruto.

"Don't worry about him," A new voice spoke up.

The trio turned to find Yugito standing there with a still unconscious Sasuke over her shoulder. She gave them a small smirk. "He'll be fine in a couple of hours, unfortunately he won't be able to move for a while, even after he regains consciousness."

Kakashi nodded as he threw a kunai into a nearby Suna shinobi's neck, "In that case I want him taken to the hospital where Hiashi is currently guarding the injured." He turned to look at the other jonin and their genin who were helping them fight.

With Asuma, Shikamaru was using his Kage Mane No Jutsu to hold down any ninja that got to close, while Choji smashed them by using his Bunbun Baika No Jutsu (Partial Multi-Expansion Jutsu). Meanwhile, Ino was using her Shintenshin No Jutsu to enter the minds of her enemies and use their bodies to kill her enemies and sow dissension among the ranks.

Over a little ways away Kiba and Akamaru were using the Gatsuuga to drill into enemy ninja left and right, there teamwork tearing through enemy ninja like butter. Hinata had her Byakugan blaring and had shown how much she had improved recently as she used the Jyuken style taijutsu to attack her enemies. At the same time Shino was using his bugs to take care of the enemies that were coming towards them before they got to close to his teammates.

Tenten despite being the only ninja in her squad who was there used all manner of ranged weapons to take out enemy shinobi as she fought alongside her sensei. Launching kunai and shuriken with great precision before most of the enemy ninja could even react.

"You guys mind if I borrow our genin!" Kakashi asked as he ducked under a fist. He came back up and flicked a kunai into his hand, right before he impaled the Oto shinobi through the throat.

Asuma grunted as he slashed apart another Oto ninja, "Sure! I think we've got things here!"

The other jonin voiced their agreements and Kakashi turned back to his team.

"Sakura, I want you to take Sasuke and go with Kiba, Shino and Hinata to the hospital, protect the ninja there." Sakura nodded and went over to Kurenai and her squad while Naruto made two clones to take Sasuke off of Yugito's hands. "Naruto, I want you to go with Tenten, and squad ten, help the village evacuate any civilians who have not left for the shelters."

"Got it sensei!" Naruto took off towards team ten.

Kakashi looked over at Yugito, "I can't order you to do anything, but if you can help out that would be appreciated."

"Don't worry." Yugito said, "Since this is Naruto-kun's home and my kage is currently here, I will lend you a hand."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the blonds use of an affectionate suffix for his student, he filed it away in the 'tease students' section of his mind before nodding and getting back to work.

Sarutobi looked around at what was going on impassively. He was currently being held with a kunai to his neck by Orochimaru, who he knew had disguised himself as the Kazekage. There was a large purple barrier surrounding them, preventing anyone from coming in to aid him, as evidenced by the dead Anbu that had run into it and been fried to a crisp.

Not that he wanted or needed help at the moment.

"I see you went through quite the bit of careful planning to get me alone… Orochimaru," Sarutobi pushed the kunai away and spun around with a kick.

Orochimaru jumped back and chortled a bit, "Kukuku, very good Sarutobi-sensei. I wonder, how did you know it was me?" a hand came up and pulled off the man's mask and face to reveal the pale skin and yellow eyes of Orochimaru, the Hebi Sannin.

"I have known about your plan for some time now, my foolish former student." Sarutobi narrowed his eyes, "I am curious however, you have never been the type to simply attack for just vengeance. So why try to destroy Konoha now? What do you hope to accomplish with this?"

"Kukuku, well I don't know if I have any grand goal that I wish to accomplish." Orochimaru smirked, "I suppose you could say I enjoy watching things in motion, life gets dull when things are standing still, don't you agree?" The pale man removed the kage hat and robes to reveal an off white Kimono with a purple bow. "A stopped windmill is so boring to watch you know… though sometimes it heightens the anticipation. Right now I just want to make that windmill spin again, and the crumbling of the leaf village will provide the wind."

Orochimaru took a few steps towards his old sensei, his eyes were a lit with excitement. Sarutobi only smirked at his student as he removed his robes and hat to reveal his battle attire. Near samurai style armor and helmet similar to the kind the Ni and Shodaime Hokage's wore.

"It seems you never change, do you, Orochimaru?"




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