Naruto: Winds and Changes

Chapter 195: Chapter 195

"I…lost. She defeated me so easily, I never had a chance," Tenten looked like she was about to cry.

The blond Hanyou realized how difficult something like being so thoroughly defeated was for her. Tenten had always prided herself on being strong. Her life's goal was to be as powerful as Tsunade one day, to prove that women were just as powerful as men. For her to be so cleanly beaten, without even touching her opponent must be humiliating for her.

Naruto turned around and gently placed a hand on her cheek, "Ten-chan, you have nothing to be ashamed about. You had a serious disadvantage against her wind attacks. The fact that you stuck through with the battle to the end, even knowing you had a disadvantage was admirable. And if it really bothers you that much, take this as a lesson. Rather than just sticking with weapons, learn some jutsu. I'll even help you after the exams are over. K?"

Tenten smiled at him, feeling relieved that Naruto did not think she was weak. She closed her eyes as she let herself drift off again.

Naruto watched her go before sighing and disappearing in a Shunshin. He reappeared right next to Yugito just in time to hear Kankurou forfeit.

"Wow I didn't think you would give up so easily make up boy," Naruto commented.

Kankurou scowled, "How many times do I have to tell you its WAR PAINT!"

Naruto grinned, "You can tell me its war paint all you want, but if it looks like make up, and comes from your sister's make up drawer, then it's make up, no two ways around it."

Kankurou turned red; if this kid hadn't beaten Gaara during the preliminaries he would be as good as dead.

"Will Nii Yugito and Nara Shikamaru come down to the arena for the next match!"

"Finally, I was starting to get bored," Yugito grinned.

"Aw, you were getting bored even with me here Yugi-chan?" Naruto pouted a bit. "I'm hurt."

Yugito smiled, "I just meant I wanted a good fight Naruto-kun. You know I always have fun when you're around."

Actually catching the seductive purr when Yugito said fun, Naruto blushed a bit as he scratched the back of his head.

"So, do I get a hug for good luck like that Tenten girl?" Yugito asked, holding out her arms. Naruto looked somewhat embarrassed but gave her a hug anyway. Had he managed to catch Yugito's slight mischievous expression when she nuzzled into his neck he might not have gone along with it. However he had not noticed that, nor did he noticed the hand that was trailing down his backside, at least, not until it was too late.

"EEP!" Naruto looked absolutely mortified as one hand went to his mouth while the other went to his backside. The others still in the fighter's booth snickered, while Yugito grinned and gave him a wink as she jumped onto the arena floor. Oh NO! Did I just eep!

'Yep! You did! With a capital E! I might add!' Kyuubi held her stomach as she laughed, finding the boy's reaction to that Yugito woman to be highly amusing, she had not seen anything this entertaining in a long time. Seriously if she had been able to see what her other containers had done, and seen them get into situations like this, she may not have been so bitter about getting sealed.

Of course they were both women so maybe they would not have gotten into these situations… Actually the chances were good they would just have had to deal with some sexist pigs who thought with their other head. The vixen sighed at that thought; maybe it would not have been as fun to see through their eyes…

Shaking her head she got back on track to tease her container, 'That was quite unmanly Naruto-kun. I think your manliness dropped to a seven on the man scale when you did that.'

Naruto scowled, 'It wasn't my fault! She pinched me in the ass! I've never been pinched there before! Not even Anko-nee-chan has done that!'

'No, she just slept with you,' that comment caused Naruto to blush.

Trying to ignore the vixen in his head who continued to tease him, the blond looked around before spotting Shikamaru still there, "What the hell are you doing Shikamaru! You need to get down there."

"Man this is too troublesome, I think I'm just going to quit," Shikamaru looked like he was about to raised his hand. However Naruto was having none of that as he smacked him in the back, hard.

"GO GET 'EM SHIKA!" Naruto shouted as the lazy Nara fell down to the arena floor.

Shikamaru looked up from where he was lying to see the blond giving him a large grin, "Damn that troublesome Naruto…"

As he refused to move people began to boo, some even going as far as to throw trash at him. However he did not listen to them as he looked up at the clouds, Man, I wish I was just a cloud. All they ever have to do is go where the wind takes them.

Yugito tapped her foot impatiently as the lazy Nara continued to lie on the ground, "Hey! If you're not going to battle I'm going to come over there and fry you!"

Shikamaru sighed as he got up, and slowly made his way to the center of the arena, "This is really troublesome you know that? Why do I have to be in this stupid exam?"

"If you didn't want to be in the exam, then why did you enter in the first place?" Yugito asked, confused now.

"Because if I didn't than Ino would have thrown a fit, and then she would have told my mom, and then she would have thrown a fit. It was simply less troublesome to enter, and then it was not to enter."

Both Genma and Yugito sweatdropped. How could any Genin ever be so lazy and get this far? However they shook themselves out of it and Genma was just about to announce the start of the match, when Kakashi and Sasuke appeared in between them in a swirl of leaves.

Sasuke had apparently changed his look. He was now clad in a black pair of pants and shirt, with white bandages along his arms, he had elbow pads on and black shinobi sandals.

"I'm sorry, are we late?" asked Kakashi as he rubbed the back of his head. Yugito's left eye began to develop a dangerous twitch while Genma sighed.

"Yes, you are. In fact you were so late that we had to disqualify Sasuke. Maybe next time you'll make sure he's on time."

Kakashi looked shocked; he had thought that Sasuke's Uchiha name would have given him a pass through the usual rules. Meanwhile Sasuke looked pissed, he was angry at how they were denying him the chance to fight in these exams. This was the surest way to test him in order to find out where he stood. How could he test his strength if he was not even given the chance to fight stronger opponents?

Thankfully before he could explode, Genma began speaking again, "He will still get to fight at least. As a treat Uchiha Sasuke will be allowed to fight the winner of the Exams, however he will not be eligible for Chunin."

Sasuke was pretty miffed about that, but at least he would get to fight the strongest opponent here. That would mean he would still get to test himself against the strongest Genin and see where he stood. He decided to keep his peace as Kakashi put a hand on his shoulder and Shunshin'ed them to the stands.

"Now that that's out of the way perhaps we can get to the fight," Yugito grumbled.





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