Naruto village pariah to Shogun of the empire of the rising Sun

Chapter 2: chapter 3 aftermath and second mission

Aftermath and second mission

Aftermath location elemental Nations 5 days after Naruto's death

After Naruto's execution by civilian council and council elders. They would tell the lie that Naruto died because of his injuries many others would blame the Uchiha for his escape attempt but they cannot move their hand because of the hokage sentenced him to prison the Shinobi council suggested execution for him because his arrogance and need for revenge at the cost of life of a young Shinobi they did not care for the bloodline or he awakened the next stage did not matter to them they wanted him executed or locked up at least which indeed did happen he was locked up many of his supporters AKA fangirls will be upset and those who backed them on the civilian council but they would suck it up for now at least they got rid of the demon behind the current hokage back they would make sure no one found out the truth.

5 days have passed since then and a funeral was held for Naruto many of the alliances that he helped with offer there condolences once they find out what happened to him and even went as far as saying that should the person who caused his death be let out under any suspicious circumstances their alliances will be cut off and indefinitely and have a bounty over 5 million Ryo place on the person's head should they escape and they know it was Sasuke Uchiha that caused his death many of his former friends were attending his funeral all would say their goodbyes and some would cry and others would have taken vow to keep on moving forward in place of him even his former teammate Sakura cried at his funeral and wish that she was a better teammate to him and now regrets going after the Uchiha however Hinata would have a vendetta against him and would take any opportunity should he escape kill him personally and afterwards become a cold person.

and the hokage herself would keep on going in place of Naruto and even jiraiya attended his funeral and wished things would have turned on differently and apparently he was not alone many others were surprised that Naruto had a sister that was In the fire capital her name was Naruko a copy of the blonde but girl version she would cry at her brother's funeral and angry at the Uchiha for taking away her brother before even getting to know him she would become a ninja promise that she will become the next hokage at first she wanted to get to know her brother but now she'll never get the chance she was raised by a family member of Minato at the fire capital but now she wished she stayed with her brother it was sad apparently they were twins one died the other survived in the life of comfort while the other one was lonely and hated by The village.

Once the others were told who she was many questions were asked on how the heck she wasn't there for her brother even though hokage herself wanted to know because she arrived a day before the funeral for her brother. She was angry at her father for his stupid plan to be separated at birth but nevertheless after some explanations she was accepted into the village and became a ninja and a heritage revealed many on the council became nervous at the fact that they had executed in secret the 4th hokages son but nevertheless make sure they told no one and kept it to themselves.

(Meanwhile back with the command and conquer Red alert 3 universe.)

Second mission

Operation:To Conquer Shattered Spirits


The victory of the Imperial Commander uzumaki at Vorkuta had set a fine example for the rest of the Empire's officers, and the invasion of the Soviet Union was progressing smoothly. Across the Union, Imperial armies had landed and began conquering Soviet territory, with hundreds of thousands of men and fighting vehicles carving a bloody swathe through the Soviet armies. The sudden fall of Vorkuta and the destruction of its monuments had struck a heavy blow against the morale of the Soviet people, and Emperor Yoshiro saw an opportunity to crush their spirits once and for all. The industrial city of Stalingrad was in the path of the main Imperial invasion force, and held another series of monuments, including a massive statue depicting Mother Russia. A swift raid against this city and the destruction of these memorials would only further demoralize the Soviet people, and bring them ever closer to obedience.

Crown Prince Tatsu, meanwhile, was disdainful of using the Empire's mighty armoured forces to bring down a simple statue, but capitulated to the wishes of his father. The destruction of Stalingrad would also have the benefit of eliminating much of the Soviet's industrial capacity, as well as give him an opportunity to send some specialized equipment to a secret base upriver...

Force composition

The Empire's goal here was to launch a quick and decisive attack against the Soviet statues and industrial areas. As a result, the two regiments sent to carry out this mission emphasized the highly-mobile nature of the Imperial armies, with an intensive focus on fast, versatile mechanized units like the Tsunami Tank and Sudden Transport. The Imperial regiments sent were very fresh, highly-trained and well-supplied, with enough infantry and armour to complete their mission when used properly.

Meanwhile, the Soviet forces defending Stalingrad consisted of several regiments worth of infantry and armour, with a few squadrons of Twinblade gunships and MiG fighters in support. Much of the Red Army had been positioned further north in hopes of halting the primary Imperial offensive, so the units remaining at Stalingrad where mostly the local defenders and reserve units. As the battle progressed, Soviet reinforcements, including Twinblades, Bullfrog transports and Apocalypse Tanks arrived at the battlefield.


Slipping through the main Soviet lines, the Imperial forces arrived unexpectedly up the River Volga onto the northern bank. The Soviets had set up some defenses, and the waterway was patrolled by Flak troopers and Twinblades, but these patrols were fairly light, and were easily swept aside by the wings of Jet Tengus escorting the Imperial force. Once disembarking, the Empire's soldier moved swiftly, setting up defenses and preparing their raid, even as Mecha Tengus began striking monuments and industrial facilities in brutal, hit-and-run attacks, causing heavy damage and drawing away the Soviet defender from their main base. Imperial Warriors, in preparation for the incoming transports, began occupying structures and establishing fortifications along the river.

As chaos ensued, Zhana and her Soviet forces were caught off guard when the Empire struck her main base and the Mother Russia statue. Hundreds died on both sides as the Imperial sword drove straight into the Soviet heart, but the invaders were ultimately victorious, bringing the statue down and levelling Zhana's base. Signalling for aid, Zhana temporarily withdrew her surviving forces to the north-east, hoping to rally as many patriots as she could for the counterattack.


The Mother Russia statue had been destroyed, and the city's main industrial base has been levelled by the Japanese attackers. Despite their successes, the Imperial troops could not celebrate yet; Crown Prince Tatsu's transports were approaching the city, and Zhana had rallied her forces for a counterattack. Realizing they would need time to defend the convoy, the Imperial forces began setting up defenses within occupied Stalingrad, hoping to hold off the enraged Russians long enough for the transports to get through.

Soon enough, the Soviets launched a massive counter attack in the hopes of reclaiming Stalingrad, including a company of Apocalypse tanks they had pulled off of the main lines. Using a combination of armoured vehicles, fortified structures, Nanocore defenses and aerial bombardment, Kenji and Imperial Commander uzumaki managed to hold the attacking Soviets back, forming an insurmountable defense that protected the transports as they escaped the city, despite the heavy losses they endured. Once all of the transports made it clear safely, the Imperial Commander uzumaki ordered a fighting retreat after them, leaving a ruined city and thousands of Soviet dead in their wake.


Once again, Emperor Yoshiro's strategy of destroying the symbols of their enemy had proven effective; the loss of the Mother Russia statue was a grievous blow to Soviet morale, and despite the best efforts of their military commissars and secret police, the Soviet populace and military began to lose hope, the latter beginning to desert in increasingly-greater numbers. This made the Empire's march to world domination much easier, as a demoralized enemy was already beaten in his heart, and thus relatively easy prey for the disciplined and technologically-advanced Imperial armies.

As for the transports, their contents would prove to be very useful in the coming days. In short, the Soviet Union was beginning to crumble, and the Empire of the Rising Sun showed no signs of slowing down.

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