Chapter 9: Chapter 8 - Chaos Theories [3]
- Byakugou... - Boruto exclaimed in amazement, jumping to his feet.
- Wasn't that the power the Godaime used in the war, Shikadai? - He spoke as if he was going to remember his history lessons, but Shikadai's jaw was too slack to answer.
- Come on, Hanami! Hurt me! Or I'll ask these two! - Shin shouted, finishing covering his entire body with the Jutsu. Hanami then began to cry:
- I won't hurt you at this level, brother! I can't do it!
- Shika! Shika, please! If you really are who you say you are, stick a shadow on my leg! - Shin begged, desperate.
- Huh?! Shin! My shadows don't have that kind of damaging power yet! I can't pierce someone's leg with them. I-I... You can't be serious! - Shikadai stammered, perplexed.
- You're going on too long! - Boruto, impatient, pulled out a Kunai and advanced on Shin. He would have rammed it into the boy's chest if it hadn't been for the speed with which Shin had prepared for the fight. The Kunai ended up cutting his arm.
- Urgh! - The boy groaned, feeling the pain.
- Shin! - Hanami shouted, her eyes full of rage, advancing towards Boruto. But Shikadai quickly got in front of her, holding her firmly. - Come on, you!
- Hanami! Shin asked! - Shikadai tried to calm her down.
Boruto, cynical, smiled at her, and Hanami realized that the aggression wasn't just coming from her brother's request. But even so, she stopped struggling in Shikadai's arms and pulled away, going to try to help Shin.
Shin, with difficulty, pulled the Kunai from his arm, groaning in pain. He grimaced, seeing the blood pouring from his wound, and almost fainted from the numbness. Before he fell to his knees, Hanami held him up and helped him sit on the ground. The blood was still flowing, but soon the black traces of Byakugou began to spread across Shin's body, slowly closing the cut.
The other two boys watched in amazement as the wound disappeared completely, as if it had never existed.
- Right... - Shin took a shaky breath, trying to catch his breath.
- Let's get to the facts. Boruto's theory is wrong. Dad doesn't have two families, or at least he doesn't know he does. Mine isn't true either; I'm definitely not in a Genjutsu. Now I need to hear yours, Shikadai. For God's sake, speak up. This needs some explaining!
Shikadai bent down, feeling the emotional weight of the situation. He saw Shin's state of nerves and, with a heavy sigh, put his hand on his knee before answering:
- You were very brave, Shin. Let me help you. Trust me. I'm not that friend of yours, Shikadai, and I'm sorry for that. But you must be a good friend. - The two boys exchanged a sincere smile. The others sat down around him.
- Tell me everything you can, please. I've already managed to put a few pieces of this puzzle together, but there are still many more to go. The more information I have, the better I can analyze it and the easier it will be to find a solution.
Shin took a deep breath and began to speak:
- I'm part of sensei Rock Lee's Team 7. - The boys looked at each other in surprise, but didn't interrupt.
- We received a special mission from the Nanadaime to investigate some clues about the Fox. At one point, we split up: Hayato Uchiha and I followed with the Nanadaime's advisor, Sasuke Uchiha, while Rika Hayate and our sensei left for the neighboring town.
Everyone listened attentively, trying to process the many pieces of information, about people they knew and others not so much.
- The three of us were looking for a boy who, from the marks on his body, seemed to be one of the Fox's receptacles. We finally found him. Uncle Sasuke
- that is, Sasuke Uchiha - stayed behind and let Hayato and me fight the boy. Well, at least his body was that of a boy about our age. And then we started fighting. At some point, Hayato got hit and I got... furious. So I did a huge Rasengan and...
- A Rasengan?! - Boruto couldn't help himself. - The Yondaime Hokage's Jutsu?!
- Yes, Boruto. That's the one.
- But how is it possible...?!
- Let him finish telling us, Boruto! - Shikadai complained, interrupting his friend, realizing that anxiety was taking over everyone.
Shin let out a deep sigh, clearly uncomfortable. These were not good memories for him.
- I did that huge Rasengan. Sasuke also went towards Hayato at the same time. He realized that the receptacle would attack us in a devastating way. He was only a boy, but he had absurd strength. It all happened very quickly. I was doing the Giant Rasengan, I saw a portal open up behind the receptacle and I felt intense heat on my side - I think Hayato let off a fireball, even though he was injured, but I'm not sure. I can't remember anything else. - He lowered his head, emotion taking over his face.
- There was an explosion, I think I fainted... I don't know. I just remember suddenly seeing a blonde head and... there I was, falling on top of Boruto.
- Yeah, we remember that part well. - Boruto crossed his arms, clearly annoyed.
- What about you, Hanami? - Shikadai asked, curious. - Were you fighting too?
Shin grimaced angrily, crossing his arms in the same way as Boruto. He gave his sister a firm look and asked in a challenging tone:
- Excellent question, Shikadai. How on earth did you end up here, Hanami Uzumaki?
Hanami clasped her fingers together, visibly shy, and stammered before answering:
- I-I... I couldn't let you fight the Fox's vessel alone, Shin!
- So you didn't want to miss out on the adventure, did you, Hanami? - Shin replied, a little more irritated.
- I-I... - Hanami began, not knowing how to defend herself.
- I'm going to tell Mom all about this, and I swear I'm going to beat you up this time, Uzumaki! - Shin exclaimed, his voice full of anger.
- Shin, no! - Hanami shouted, trying to interrupt.
- Wait, Shin. Let her finish. This is important. - Shikadai held the boy's knee again and asked: - Tell us, Hanami.
- I... I ran in the same direction as Shin and bit my finger to summon Gamakichi, the toad I have a contract with.
- A toad?! - Boruto exclaimed in surprise.
- Yes, but he didn't appear. When I put my hand on the ground and saw the summoning seal, the explosion happened... I saw it too. - Hanami took a deep breath, looking at Shin with a somber expression.
I hope you enjoy the chapter... and I'll see you on Tuesday.