Naruto, the Uzumaki Emperor [COMPLETED]

76. Back in Time [2]

''Yo, brats. So, why is Konohamaru locked in there?'' Naruto suddenly appeared near Moegi and Udon as they jumped in fright before the orange-haired girl said shyly: ''It's you, Naruto-san... Ah... Konohamaru is there and doesn't leave no matter what happens, we're really worried!''

''Hn, hn!'' Udon nodded at Moegi words, Naruto patted her head: ''Thanks, I'll force him outta there.''

''KONOHAMARU! Get the f*ck out of the room!'' Naruto yelled as both Moegi and Udon covered their ears - Their parents said to do that every time someone was going to yell, mainly because that person was very likely to curse.

Hearing Naruto, Konohamaru flinched slightly but his determination was still there as he said: ''No! I won't allow anyone to become the Hokage and dishonor Jiji's place! I won't leave!''

Sighing slightly, Naruto stepped forward as something fell down but by removing his sword out of its sheath slightly, they were all cut in half in what seemed to be a white-colored light ''Since you say so, I'm going to blow that damn door down, I was even planning to teach you the Rasengan but since you're acting so badly, I won't teach you a damn thing.''

'Uuuugh!' Konohamaru felt tempted, that was the Rasengan! He knew that it actually meant a lot for Naruto and for him to be willing to teach, the boy hesitated before deciding on something after hearing Naruto words: ''I don't want to blow the door away, mainly because this was Jiji's workplace, I went with Ero Sennin to personally select the new Hokage and I can tell you that she's worthy, she is an old Hag? Yes, but she's strong, stronger than me.''

''She's more worthy than me.'' Naruto said the last part with a touch of emotion as Konohamaru slowly left the room, seeing that, the blonde teenager smiled gently before saying: ''Come here, I know you're sad. Let's go to eat some Ramen, I'm sure Nii-san won't mind if we eat one today, right?''

Konohamaru nodded weakly before wiping the tears of his eyes ''Moegi and Udon, right? You did good in waiting, I shouldn't have taught him to do pranks, if these things fell on your head, you would fall unconscious, you're not actual Ninjas yet, after all.''

''And you, brat, I'll be treating you to Ramen but if you ever do pranks that can harm a friend of yours, I'll be sure to educate you in Jiji's place, got it?'' Naruto said with a gentle smile that made Konohamaru shudder, if even Naruto's training were so hellish, he's not sure what that 'education' would be.

On their way, Naruto said: ''Konohamaru, I won't teach you the Rasengan now because that prank made me seriously think if I should teach it to a 8-year-old brat but don't worry, I'll be teaching you the Kage Bunshin and a Jutsu I created, how?''

Some would feel awkward - Why would he teach his self-made Jutsu to Konohamaru? It's pretty simple, the brat was already like a disciple to Naruto and for some reason, he did care a lot about Konohamaru, Naruto felt that the boy had genuine affection and admiration towards him.

''Reaaaally? What's the Jutsu name? Is it cool?'' Konohamaru's eyes seemed to contain stars inside it after hearing these words, forgetting all his sadness.

''Really. But you'll need to train even harder, your Chakra Control won't be enough to do it, I'll have some days before leaving with Ero Sennin, I'll teach you all necessary steps to do so, how?'' Naruto smiled slightly while feeling the world became slightly more colorful when he was with Konohamaru, the blonde teenager wondered if that was how Kakashi felt when he was near.

Hearing Naruto saying that he was going to train harder, Konohamaru despaired but felt slightly relieved - At least they were going to eat Ramen!


After some time, Tsunade was already working as the Hokage and the Village was already back to normality, the Chuunin Exams were interrupted and wouldn't start again, Tsunade personally selected the ones to become Chuunins.

Some of the Council Members (they were re-selected after the current ones resigned) said that putting their Jinchuuriki as a Chuunin was dangerous, she showed that his strength was enough to do A-Rank Missions already, they agreed. The selected Chuunins were: Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara and Hensuke Uchiha, one for literally saving the Village from Shukaku and the other two for analyzing the situation and acting accordingly through the Chuunin Exams.

Naruto received the news indifferently, he didn't really care about a promotion, just then, he disappeared from place after sensing two Chakra Signatures following him, appearing beside the weaker one, his sword was already on the person's neck.

''You, black-haired one, move and I kill him. As for you, blonde, move and I kill you, mobilize your chakra and I kill you, breathe and I kill you, if you get it, slowly nod your head.'' Naruto said with eyes devoid of any emotion, he knew all of ANBU Members and he's certain these weren't ANBU. [1]

The black-haired man named Sasuke was shocked, was that the Naruto he knew? As for the blonde teenager named Boruto, he was even more shocked, how could that be his dad? He did look way cooler and badass, though.

''I'll release you because I can feel you're not harboring malicious intents but be aware that even if you're way more powerful than me, the moment you flare your Chakra, I'll know it and the consequences will be serious.'' Naruto said before slowly releasing the blonde teenager.

Noticing extreme similarities between him and the blonde teenager, Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly: ''I know you're not from any village, tell me, where do you come from?''

[1] Reference to Hunter x Hunter, a part where Killua threatens an ugly dude with a knife 'Move and I kill you, use your Nen and I kill you, breathe and I kill you, if you understand, slowly nod your head.'


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