Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 39: Haiku

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Takashi seemed to immediately recover from his stun as he coughed lightly and said, "Apologies for this unsightly behaviour."

He walked toward us, and bowed, extending his hand. A little curious, I gave him mine, and saw him kiss my hand.

"I am Takashi Kaneko. If I may ask, which angel fell from the sky to let me see such a beautiful face."

I could hear Laiko and Izumi giggle behind me. With a deadpan face, I replied, "I am Sukaina Sumichi, nice to meet you."

Takashi let go of my hand as he grabbed his clothes over his heart and recited.

"An encounter is

One of the misstep.

The sunshine at the beginning of the summer."

I, like the rest of my team, froze. Did this guy just make a haiku about love?

Amai-Sensei suddenly coughed lightly and said, "We ought to make our report to the Hokage. Farewell, Madam Shijimi, Young Lord Takashi."

I hurriedly bowed slightly, but to my horror, Madam Shijimi said, "We not let this little one stay for a while? My Takashi and this girl seem to have hit it off."

Fortunately, Amai-Sensei shook his head and reasoned, "All members of the team have to make a report, so she will have to come back with us."

Madam Shijimi pouted like a child, and Takashi gripped my hand with both of his as he lamented, "Unfortunately your duty has separated us, how I will long our next meeting…"

Fuck this, I've had enough. Yanking my hand from his, I pointed my index at his nose and berated, "First, I'm not a noble lady, so drop the act and behave normally. Secondly, I would only date someone stronger than me, so until then, you have no chance."

Takashi looked at me in shock, Madam Shijimi in consternation and outrage, and while Amai-Sensei kept a stoic face, I could see past it, and see how much he wanted to facepalm.

Madam Shijimi's face was quickly turning red, probably mad at my disrespect, but before she could hurl any insult at me Takashi said, "Great then. I have been training with the guardians. I would like to spar with you some time, and show you I am worthy of your love."

I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Sure, we all have delusions."

Takashi smiled, and it was trembling that Madam Shijimi said, "I think it's time for you to go now."

I looked at her emotionlessly, before turning around and leaving with my team. Once we were out and our way to the Hokage Tower, Laiko swung his arm around my shoulders and said, "So, not too sad you had to leave your lover? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll soon see him again."

I sighed, and Amai-Sensei said, "You should watch your words with that kind of people, Sukaina."

I shrugged off Laiko's arm and replied, "I know, it should be fine."

Izumi titled her head and said, "He doesn't look that dangerous though."

I shook my head and said, "The problem is his mother. She had vicious eyes. She may have seemed inviting, but I could feel there was something wrong with her."

Laiko was about to say something, but Amai-Sensei cut in, "You shouldn't be speaking of your client like that, especially with her identity. Come on, pick up the speed."

We all nodded and stopped speaking. As we arrived in the Hokage's office though, we saw that we weren't alone. Sitting at a window was the village's Jinchuriki, Kushina Namikaze, nee Uzumaki.

Minato, as per usual, smiled kindly as he saw us enter and asked, "Everything well alright?"

Amai-Sensei nodded and as he was about to make his report Kushina said, "Well, you guys have fun, I'll be abducting the little one for a while. I don't think you need her report on such a mission, right dear?"

Facing the threatening face of his wife, Minato awkwardly smiled and said, "No, of course. You may leave, Sukaina."

I rolled my eyes at him before approaching Kushina, who jumped through the window. I nodded at my team before following.

The Namikaze residence wasn't very far from the Hokage Tower so it took us less than a minute to reach it. As we entered, I immediately complimented, "You have a nice house."

Kushina, without looking back, said, "Of course, I decorated it. If I had left that to Minato the house would be so bland that I would feel bad to have Kyuubi live in it. Yeah fuck you too buddy."

I titled my head in confusion, before understanding she was speaking to Kurama. I couldn't help but ask, "How is it, living with him inside your body?"

Kushina tilted her head as she looked at me and repeated, "Him?"

I shrugged and said, "He seems intelligent enough to hold a conversation, so 'he' should be more suited than 'it'. Or she, I don't know."

Kushina remained silent for a while, probably listening to Kurama, and eventually said, "It's a he. He said he liked you."

I winked at her and said, "Who wouldn't?"

Kushina snorted and led me to a set of stairs, leading to a basement. As we walked down, Kushina explained, "You have been taught the basics back at the academy, but we will have to go back over them."

I said nothing, so she continued, "My clan, the Uzumaki, was world famous for their sealing techniques, and I have inherited all of them. I intend to teach them to you, and for that, we need to start from scratch."

A little confused by what she just said, I asked, "Why would you do that?"

Kushina smiled and said, "My clan disappeared a long time ago, and although a few of us still live, extinct. I don't think keeping secrets our techniques any longer would be of any use. I'm sure my clan would rather have our techniques spread than buried in some crypt, never to be touched again."

I nodded slightly, and said, "But since it has to be learned from scratch, one has to start learning young, and I guess not just anyone can learn these technique."

Kushina nodded as we reached an underground basement, which looked reinforced with quite a few seals, and she said, "My clan's sealing is more powerful, immensely more than other sealing techniques. However, with power, comes risk."

A flash of the death god lit up in my mind as I was reminded the technique Minato had used to seal the Kyuubi in the original timeline.

Kushina looked around and explained, "Not only may you hurt yourself while learning those seals, you may hurt others, so a great vitality is needed to protect yourself, and a great talent to protect others. Us Uzumaki have always been blessed with great health, so protecting ourselves never was too much of a problem. As for protecting others, that what a master is there for."

I nodded slightly, and said, "Then I do indeed fill those requirements. I don't mean to brag, but I now probably have a stronger vitality than any normal Uzumaki, and it's still rising."

Kushina hummed slightly, "I know, I can feel it. Makes me curious too, you weren't this strong before your training. How did you increase your vitality by so much in a month? You don't have to say if it's a secret technique or something."

I shrugged and replied, "Not really much of a secret, since I don't think anyone else could replicate it. I absorbed Yang Chakra in large quantities."

Kushina titled her head and asked, "So simple?"

I shook my head and said, "It's a complicated technique. A fragile balance of Yin and Yang must always be kept within a human being's body, otherwise adverse effects would ensue."

Kushina scratched her cheek, I'm guessing she didn't really understand what I said as after a couple of seconds of silence, she clapped her hands and said, "Anyway, time to start your training."

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