Naruto: Sasuke is a Female

Chapter 33: Chapter 33

(2 Days Later)

Naruto stood with grace as he looked at the bridge they had built with the Instruction of Tazuna, it was finally complete in three days.

The Bridge was named after him "THE GREAT NARUTO BRIDGE" In bold letters and under the name, 'The Freer of the Oppressed'.

"The mission is complete." Naruto said to himself and Tazuna was beside him listening before he sat on the ground.

"Yes, it is complete." Tazuna said as tears started to pour from his eyes.

Naruto looked at him as brought his hand to his shoulder patting it while he said "Your people are free, now Tzuna, your family is free, raise your head Tazuna, for you have been freed by me."

Naruto said, making Tazuna look at him with a small pause before more Tears started to come from his eyes as he smiled.

"I am not crying because of sadness, I am crying because of relief, I was never supposed to be able to complete this." Tazuna said.

Naruto agreed, "You never was to, but one can not know the future."

Tzuna nodded with tears still in his eyes, "I see."

"Thank you, Naruto." Tazuna said as he covered his face, as tears continued to pour from the gaps of his fingers.


After Naruto and the team had completed the mission they said their farewell and continued their journey back to their village.

Naruto on his time back to the village wanted to train his pupils and to correct the mistakes in their techniques.

So that's why he decided to delay their journey back to the Village.

"We will stay here for the few days, meanwhile, I will correct you all, and in these days, I will be harsh. Now let's set up tents and then we will talk about training." Naruto said as all of the girls started to unpack their stuff and set up their tents.

After doing their stuff they all stood in the a row and listened to Naruto who sat on a log.

"Pupils listen as you are weak, you may have fought well in the recent battle but you are still weak, without my interference you may as well be killed by a squirrel or a splash of water, especially you Sakura, you have dragged Hinata more than I expected, and my opinion was already low because you are of no special clan like the Hyuuga or the Uchiha, but you surprised me and not in a good way." Naruto said as he didn't make an effort to look at them at all as he with a stick made the face of their pupils while he downgraded them.

Sakura was looking down as she was embarrassed as well was about to cry because of the harsh words said to her but kept it to herself which made her face have a pout.

"And Hinata you have done well, surprised me even, you should be able to become a Hokage one day, I am sure of it." Naruto said as he complimented her.

Hinata who was also expecting to be treated with hard words was met with a smile from Naruto making her blush from his compliment and his smile.

"And finally, Sasuke." Naruto said as he looked up at her, momentarily pausing.

Before he continued. "You are, to be the next Madara, I suppose." Naruto said, making the girls flinch, but not Sasuke, who had a frown on her face.

Even though Madara was well known for his strength to rival the god shinobi but what he did, made him not well liked.

"I meant by Madara as the future strongest Uchiha, I suppose." Naruto corrected when he saw the frown on her face.

"Now speak your mind, if you think I am wrong with these speculations." Naruto said as everyone kept silent.


In these days Naruto taught them, how to control their Chakra, how to sense chakra how to conjure chakra strings, how to walk on water, he taught the Sakura and Hinata the mystical palm, and taught Sasuke the chidori.

He tried to teach them how to use complex seals but they weren't able to learn a single bit, even the beginner seals, but Sakura showed much more response than the others but it was not worth looking at.

It was the second week here, after their supplies had run out, Sasuke would hunt some game for them and would cook the bunny or dear when she was lucky.

Right now Naruto was looking at Hinata and Sakura spar, while Sasuke was practicing her Chidori, she took a very good liking to it, but right now she didn't have the perfect control right now she expected to have, so she trained in isolation, as not to hurt those near her

Naruto who was bored of watching Sakura and Hinata fight went to check upon her.

He walked silently towards the noise of thousand birds chirping and soon found her using her chidori on the ground or the trees around her, destroying and piercing everything that was insight of her.

She was about to strike another tree but suddenly Naruto had appeared in front of it "Yo." He said making Sasuke yelp in surprise.

'No I am gonna hit him!' Sasuke thought as she tried to divert her hand away but wasn't able to, she didn't have the control to do it.

'No! I can't lose him too!!! MOVE' Sasuke screamed in her mind to move her hand away but nothing seemed to work and soon it was too close .

But Naruto with a calm exposure, diverted the chidori up by diverting her hand up, as the lightning shot through the sky while Sasuke slammed right into him.


"Good you are doing well." Naruto said as he grabbed her waist since she was gonna fall if he didn't.

By the sudden feeling of her waist being grabbed made her feel embarrassed, it also made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

Sasuke looked at him with flustered expression as she averted her eyes from him, but would look in them but then avert them again.

It was the second time that they were so close to each other, such that they could feel each other's breaths.

Naruto, seeing her cute reaction of averting her eyes, only smiled at her. "You are cuter than I expected, Sasuke," he said softly, his tone filled with an unexpected warmth.

Sasuke's eyes widened in shock as she felt his hand gently cup her cheek. A faint blush crept onto her face despite her efforts to maintain her usual stoic demeanor.

"N-Naruto...what are you doing?" she stammered, her voice uncharacteristically uncertain, betraying the swirling emotions she was struggling to suppress.

Naruto chuckled, leaning slightly closer, but kept his tone light. "Nothing, really. Just surprised that you're not all scowls and glares all the time."

Sasuke slapped his hand away—not forcefully, but enough to reclaim some of her composure. "Idiot. I'm not cute, and I don't need you acting all weird." She turned away, crossing her arms in an attempt to hide the redness on her cheeks.

Naruto grinned wider, the playful glint in his eyes unrelenting. "Sure, sure, whatever you say, Sasuke-chan."

"Don't call me that!" she snapped, but her voice lacked the venom it usually carried, her flustered state evident to anyone watching.


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