Naruto – Minato Namikaze SI

Chapter 52 – Fourth Year 15.

[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]
Third Person POV
Konoha, Year 35.


On a peaceful morning, Minato Namikaze found himself in his training field, engaged in the task of creating exploding tags. After several attempts over the year and under the watchful supervision of Kushina, as well as valuable tips from Mito Uzumaki, Minato finally began to reap the fruits of his dedication and effort with some of his clones.

With precise and concentrated movements, he applied special ink using deep chakra control. Kushina, who appeared to help him, watched from the side, proud and impressed with Minato's progress. "You really got the hang of it, Minato," she commented with a smile. "Mito-sama would be proud."

Minato just smiled in response, keeping his focus on his work. With each exploding tag he finished, a feeling of satisfaction filled him. Finally, the last drop of special ink was used, completing the seal without exploding. Minato looked at the collection of exploding tags before him, feeling a mix of pride and relief. He had created a significant amount, enough to be considered a small fortune for a child his age and in the current times, as during the war, exploding seals were a valuable commodity.

"This is going to be very useful," thought Minato, already considering the numerous tactical applications for the exploding tags. With the end of the fuinjutsu training for that day, Minato carefully stored the exploding tags. "Now I'm going, you're doing very well, keep it up." Kushina said. "Can I stop by, is Mito available?" Minato asked about the whereabouts of the original Kushina. "My original planned to stay with Mito-Sama all day, so they are likely at the Senju residence," she said before dissipating into smoke.

After finishing his training with the exploding tags, Minato headed to the Senju house to propose a trade for his work. He knew that Mito Uzumaki, with her vast experience in fuinjutsu, would be able to properly assess the quality of his work, so he asked Kushina to ask Mita to help him. In addition, he hoped the Senjus would be interested in acquiring the exploding tags for their own purposes in some of their stores.

Upon arriving at the Senju house, he was greeted with a warm welcome by Kushina, who was there. "Minato! You finally arrived!" She said with a radiant smile.

"Hello, original Kushina." Minato joked, and they both laughed.

Kushina, always excited by Minato's presence, led him to where Mito was. The matriarch of the Senjus looked at Minato with a curious and welcoming gaze.

"Minato, it's always a pleasure to see you. Kushina told me about your visit and your performance with seals, are you here for the exploding tags?" Mito asked, with a gentle voice that always reflected her wisdom and experience.

Minato, with reverent respect, presented the exploding tags to Mito. "I have been working on these exploding tags and would like you to assess them. Also, I am thinking of offering them in exchange for some resources or additional training in fuinjutsu."

Mito examined the exploding tags with an attentive look, her experienced hands evaluating the quality of Minato's work. She nodded, impressed. "You have done an excellent job for your age, Minato. It's evident that you have a natural talent for fuinjutsu. Let's talk about what you need and how we can help you."

The conversation between them flowed naturally, with Minato expressing his needs and Mito offering her guidance. It was clear that Minato had earned the respect and admiration of Mito, although not having a talent like Kushina, Minato presented something even better than Tsuna, despite Tsuna having started her training much earlier, Minato could surpass her in a few years.

"You are doing well, Minato. Your effort and skill are clear, but there is still room for improvement. Your exploding tags are good, but not perfect. They can be sold as second category," she explained.

Minato listened intently, absorbing every word. Although he knew there was still room for improvement, he felt encouraged by the feedback. Selling the exploding tags as second-category products would still be advantageous. It meant he could earn enough money not only to continue producing and improving the exploding tags but also to have resources for other needs like his physical training.

"I understand, Mito-sama. I appreciate the honest assessment. I'll work on improving them. And selling the current production as second category will help me finance more training and resources," Minato replied with a small smile.

Mito nodded. "That's the spirit, Boy. Learning from feedback and using it to grow is a valuable quality. If you need more guidance, I'm here to help."

"You can stop by our stores and take what you want, we won't charge anything for it, and they will reimburse you for your exploding tags, most of our suppliers are from my old clan, but as they are going into war, your tags will also be valuable," Mito said, and Minato was a bit surprised, as he had not expected this.

"But Mito-Sama, I can pay for this..." Minato didn't like receiving too much help, and help always comes at a price.

"I know, boy, but you will be helping me with many things, especially in the future," she commented and continued, "You still can't know, but Kushina's future won't be easy, I want her to have someone she can rely on." She looked at him with some appreciation.

"Kushina..." Minato murmured... he secretly knew that Kushina would be the new jinchuuriki, but Kushina had no idea that Minato knew this secret.

"Yes, in the future you will know, Kushina speaks very highly of you and I see how she looks at you, you defended her in the early days and that left a good impression of you," she spoke, looking towards the door, Kushina must be outside waiting for them to finish. "In the future, Kushina will need someone, no, she needs the strongest feeling in this world, love," she said, leaving Minato a bit disconcerted.

"Well... I don't know if I'm ready for that..." Minato said, he was a boy who would soon turn 10, maybe in about 6 years he would start to think about these things.

"I'm not talking about now, but I want you not to leave Kushina alone, love in our world is born young and is seldom forgotten. I still remember meeting Hashirama when I was 10 years old on one of his visits to the village with his father and I fell in love with him that day, even though he seemed like quite an idiotic boy, I laughed, had fun with him, and was charmed by his strength and Mokuton ability, the political marriage was just a way to be with him," she said in a dreamy tone, making even Minato appreciate her story.

"I want you to take care of her, she will need love, and receiving it from someone she loves is the best possible experience," Mito spoke, looking upwards.

"Anyway, you will have many trials, I also see my great-granddaughter looking at you, you will be contested either way, I would like to be alive to see this soap opera, especially since I hear you have a close friendship with a Uchiha too...Fufufufu." She laughed softly.

"Mito-sama...." Minato didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to react to the love Mito spoke of or her boldness about a possible love triangle or quadrangle in his life.

After leaving Mito's room quite embarrassed, Kushina approached.

"Minato, are you okay? You're a bit red," she asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, Kushina, thank you, I'm going now, I have to stop by the Senju stores!" Minato quickly said goodbye and left the place, not wanting to talk to Kushina, as the only things on his mind now were Mito's strange conversations.

"What's up with him…" Kushina murmured, watching Minato hurry away.

Minato continued on his way to a store with a letter from Mito. He was quickly attended to and managed to get all his things. He left with equipment in a storage scroll and quite a bit of money. Now with a smile of satisfaction on his face, Minato headed to the Hokage Tower.

The Hokage Tower always imposed a certain respect and admiration in Minato. He always looked at it while walking through the village, but he never got close. It was the heart of Konoha's leadership, a place where crucial decisions were made, and the future of the village was shaped.

Upon entering, Minato was greeted by an assistant of the Hokage. The secretary nodded and went to the door. "Hokage-sama, Minato Namikaze is here to see you," she announced. Minato approached, sensing many hidden presences in the room, some so well hidden that even his haki couldn't fully see them at his current level.

There was a brief pause before the Hokage's voice responded, calm and clear: "Please, let him in."

Minato walked to Hiruzen Sarutobi's office and opened the door. Entering, he saw the middle-aged Hokage sitting behind his desk, with an air of seriousness and wisdom that always characterized him.

"Minato, you came. I must congratulate you again for your excellent performance in the academy," said Hiruzen with a welcoming smile. "You have excelled impressively and shown abilities that exceed expectations for a student your age, breaking all records."

Minato bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Hokage-sama. It is an honor for me to see that my efforts have yielded results." Minato had to be respectful here, even if he didn't agree much with this Hokage.

"Minato, you have demonstrated exceptional potential. Your dedication and skill are admirable," began Hiruzen, leaning his elbows on the table and interlacing his fingers. "How do you feel about your future as a shinobi?"

Minato, maintaining his composure, replied: "I am determined to become strong, Hokage-sama, not just for myself, but also to protect the village and those I love. My goal is to be a shinobi of whom Konoha can be proud." He didn't lie, this was his home, there were many people he would like to protect here now, and he would fight for that.

Hiruzen smiled, pleased with the response. "That is commendable, Minato. Konoha needs shinobis with your determination and strength of character. You are on the right path."

Hiruzen continued, "Your skill with ninjutsu, especially with elemental jutsus, is remarkable. I've heard about your advances with physical training too. It speaks volumes about your dedication and your ability to adapt."

Minato felt a wave of pride but remained humble. "Thank you, Hokage-sama. I will continue to train hard."

"Very well, as recognition for achieving the highest rank, you may choose a jutsu that interests you. Would you like to see the list?" The Hokage said.

"Can I choose any jutsu, Hokage?" Minato asked, a bit excited.

"If it's available, yes." Hiruzen said, interested in which jutsu Minato would choose. He seemed to have one in mind even without looking at the book he wanted the boy to open.

"I've heard many stories of the Second Hokage and the jutsus he created. I heard he had a space-time jutsu, is it available?" Minato asked. This jutsu would be an identity for him in the future, so it would be very useful for him to already have it at 9 years old.

The Hokage, slightly surprised by Minato's request, raised an eyebrow. "The Second Hokage's teleportation jutsu? That is an advanced technique, Minato, an S-class jutsu. Why are you interested in it?"

Minato, with a determined expression, explained: "I want to learn techniques that allow me to protect the village more effectively. I believe the teleportation jutsu could be a crucial tool for that."

Hiruzen pondered for a moment, assessing the seriousness and determination on the young boy's face. "That jutsu requires exceptional chakra control and an advanced understanding of space-time. It's a technique few can master, in fact, no one has been able to learn it since the Second Hokage, and there have been many."

"I am willing to make the necessary effort, Hokage-sama. I know it will be difficult, but I am ready for the challenge," Minato replied confidently.

"Unfortunately, I cannot hand over that jutsu to a child, Minato, I'm sorry," Hiruzen said.

But Minato didn't seem to give up so easily. "Hokage-Sama, what if I earn more credits with you? Can I use them to exchange for the jutsu?"

"Well... I see you are persistent. Yes, I will hand over the jutsu if you contribute to the village. This dark time will be a good opportunity to earn credits," he said, and Minato nodded, understanding what he meant.

"Then I will not take any jutsu, I will focus on increasing my contributions to earn the jutsu," Minato said.

"I can't let you leave empty-handed, at least take an elemental jutsu for each of your affinities with rank B," the Hokage offered, and Minato was quite surprised by this.

"Thank you, Hokage-Sama!" He couldn't help but thank.

Hiruzen Sarutobi handed Minato a set of scrolls containing Rank B elemental jutsus. Minato looked at the scrolls with a sparkle of excitement in his eyes. "These jutsus will be a great addition to my arsenal," he thought, thanking the Hokage.

"These are more advanced jutsus, Minato. I am confident that you will make good use of them," said Hiruzen, observing Minato's reaction.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. I promise I will make good use of them," Minato responded, holding the scrolls firmly as he left the room.

Minato was already planning the next steps of his training. He was determined to obtain the Flying Thunder God scroll, so he would start developing an A-rank jutsu on his own to exchange for the Second Hokage's jutsu. His goal was to create the Rasengan, which at least could negotiate with the Hokage to learn the jutsu he most wanted at the moment.

With this goal in mind, Minato left the Hokage Tower to go to one of the stores to buy many balloons!


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