Naruto: Konoha Glory

Chapter 22 Appreciation of Danzo

&ep;&ep;“Damn it, it came so fast.” The second elder cursed secretly in his heart, and then he had no choice but to go forward.

&ep;&ep;However, he did not give a few people a good look at this time.

&ep;&ep;After all, their purpose is to prevent the tribesmen from rescuing their granddaughter. It’s strange that the second elder has a good face.

&ep;&ep;Of course, Sandai and others knew this very well and would not blame him for being rude.

&ep;&ep;After some boring wrangling, neither party could convince the other.

&ep;&ep;But the rescue team’s actions were delayed because of this.

&ep;&ep;With no choice but to do so, Kyosuke had no choice but to take a step forward and look directly at the Third Hokage and others.

&ep;&ep; Originally, Kyousuke was not qualified to speak based on his current strength and status, but who allowed him to bear the title of a "third-generation disciple".

&ep;&ep;So, when they saw him coming forward, everyone stopped arguing and prepared to see what this little genius had to say.

&ep;&ep;“When I was patrolling, I saw two children fighting.”

&ep;&ep;At this time, Kyousuke began to talk about something that seemed to be unrelated, but everyone still did not interrupt his speech and continued to listen quietly.

&ep;&ep;“The reason is very simple. One of the children took a fancy to the candy in the other’s hand, so he wanted to grab it.”

&ep;&ep; "The child was so scared that he only gave him the candy and then ran away, because he thought, if I gave him the candy, he would not bully me in the future."

&ep;&ep;"But that was not the case. Not only did the kid who hit him not restrain himself, but he bullied him even harder. In the end, even the money in his pocket was taken away."

&ep;&ep;As Kyousuke spoke, the scene became silent for a moment.

&ep;&ep;“Until one time, the child who was spanked finally couldn’t bear it and fought back. He knocked out one of another child’s teeth and left triumphantly while the child cried bitterly.”

&ep;&ep;“Afterwards, I found that the original kid who beat him secretly followed him a few times, but every time he wanted to grab something, the wound in his mouth told him that it hurt...”

&ep;&ep;“In the end, he no longer dared to bully that child.”

&ep;&ep;"Because every time he thinks of that child, he feels it..."

&ep;&ep;“It hurts!!!”

&ep;&ep;After finishing the story, Kyousuke raised his head, looked directly into the eyes of the Third Generation and others and asked: "Does Konoha at this time look like the child who was bullied?"

&ep;&ep; "If we back down now, will Suna Ninja really give up?" Kyosuke shook his head silently and said firmly: "No, because they have already tasted the benefits, and they will only get worse. .”

&ep;&ep;"In the end, they are not the only ones who may attack. The cloud ninjas, rock ninjas, and even the fog ninjas hanging alone overseas will rush up like vicious dogs and bite us. Every piece of meat.”

&ep;&ep; Kyousuke couldn't help but close his eyes when he said this, and then opened them suddenly. The pair of strange blood chakra eyes in the pupils were turning slightly: "If you want to avoid this kind of thing from happening, there is only one solution, then Just let them feel... what pain is!!!"

&ep;&ep;After listening to Kyosuke’s speech, everyone couldn’t help but stare at him with a kind of surprise.

&ep;&ep;It wasn’t until a loud roar completely broke the silence on the field.

&ep;&ep;“Well said!!!”

&ep;&ep;The person who praised him was not the Uchiha elders, nor Fugaku and others, nor could it be the third generation.

&ep;&ep;But... Danzo has been silent! ! !

&ep;&ep;At this time, his exposed one eye was staring at him with a winged light, as if he had seen a close friend.

&ep;&ep;Kyosuke's remarks are exactly the policy he has always advocated and adhered to.

&ep;&ep;Unfortunately, this idea was not accepted by the peaceful Sandai and others, which caused him to have a lot of depression but nowhere to express it.

&ep;&ep;Because under the reflection of the "Will of Fire", almost the vast majority of Konoha ninjas cannot accept Danzo's radical ideas.

&ep;&ep;Until today, a 5-year-old child here actually expressed the same opinion as him. For a moment, Danzo's emotions could not help but fluctuate violently.

&ep;&ep; "Hiruzhan, have you lived like a dog for so many years? You can't see as clearly as a child!" The more Danzo thought about it, the more excited he became, and then he blurted out the compliment.

&ep;&ep;But then, when he looked at the weird looks from everyone, he couldn't help but blush slightly on his old face, which had been trained to the point where even a kunai couldn't pierce it.

&ep;&ep;After being embarrassed for a while, he finally calmed down.

&ep;&ep; Stomping his cane vigorously, Danzo said firmly: "I agree with sending out a rescue team, but not in the name of Konoha. Do you understand?"

&ep;&ep;Everyone in Uchiha nodded, and at the same time secretly said in their hearts: "We never counted on you."

&ep;&ep;Seeing this, Sandai, who had been silent for a long time, finally nodded slowly and agreed to the matter.

&ep;&ep;Then they said goodbye and left.

&ep;&ep;However, before leaving, Danzo looked at Kyousuke carefully with his one eye, then turned around and walked away.

&ep;&ep;The second elder and the others watched the Hokage leave, and then he walked forward excitedly. He wanted to rub Kyousuke's hair, but when he raised his hand, he paused unexpectedly, and then patted it instead. A tap on the shoulder.

&ep;&ep;Kyosuke nodded to him, and then the rescue team finally set off.

&ep;&ep; "Second brother, this child... is very good, really very good." The elder watched the backs of Kyousuke and others leaving, and said silently to his younger brother beside him.

&ep;&ep;The second elder smiled proudly upon hearing this, but did not speak.

&ep;&ep; "If they can successfully rescue Nagisa this time, then Fugaku will be the leader of the Uchiha clan." The great elder left these words in the air before turning around and leaving.

&ep;&ep;Furthermore, there is no taboo against any clan members.


&ep;&ep;Outside Konoha Village, in the huge forest.

&ep;&ep;Kyosuke, who was still majestic before, was now being carried behind him by a jounin in the family, leading him to move forward quickly.

&ep;&ep;In fact, this is not surprising. If Kyousuke was allowed to run by himself, he would probably be too tired to move before he could completely escape from the core range of Konoha.

&ep;&ep;And even if he can run, with the strength of his feet, by the time he reaches the border, those sand ninjas will already be drinking tea at home.

&ep;&ep;So, despite his indecent image, Kyosuke lay with peace of mind.

&ep;&ep;Even after being woken up in the middle of the night, he was ready to take a nap first.

&ep;&ep; "I am growing, so I must ensure enough sleep." After successfully convincing himself, Kyosuke lay on the ninja's broad back and fell asleep.

&ep;&ep;Maybe it was because he was impatient, or because he was too excited before. He even snored slightly while sleeping.

&ep;&ep;Although his snoring was low, the ninjas present were all powerful people, so they discovered his secret sleep immediately.

&ep;&ep;These ninjas looked at each other, smiled slightly, and then stopped their conversation in unison.

&ep;&ep;And try to take off as gently as possible and land as gently as possible without affecting the forward speed.

&ep;&ep;So as not to disturb Kyosuke’s sleep.

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