Naruto : Hidden Cloud



Sato was calmly drinking tea and watching Hiromi Hyuga struggle before him for three minutes straight.

He still didn't know what she wanted to say that was making her so embarrassed.

But he was willing to wait, he didn't have much to do right now anyway.

"...Sato san, can you please..."



Hiromi spoke softly, very very softly, so much so that Sato had to strain his ears to try and understand what she was mumbling about.


Even then he didn't understand anything, which made Sato speechless.

'She might look like Hanabi but this is Hinata's mother alright, this personality is basically Hinata's!'

"Hiromi San, please wait."

Sato stopped Hiromi and she quickly looked down, as if she didn't have the courage to look up.

Sato was wondering where all her courage as the lady of the house went, but he kinda understood her problem.

He wasn't under her Hyuga house, he was a very important character and she needed something from him right now, anyone would be nervous in this situation.

"I couldn't hear what you said Hiromi san, can you please say it a bit more loudly?"

"I am not that scary."

Sato gave a harmless smile but Hiromi gulped in nervousness.

'But your name is the headhunter! How am I supposed to believe that you aren't scary!'

Hiromi thought in a cranky way but she did didn't have the courage to say it out loud.

She wanted Sato to take care of her little girl in this whole new village, but she wanted something more than just a verbal assurance.

Sato was a true genius and the brother of two tailed jinchuriki Yugito, his status must be very high in the hidden cloud, and if he truly takes care of Hinata, she will be safe.

As a mother, she knew exactly how her daughter's nature was, and leaving her alone in a foreign enemy territory was basically a death sentence for her.

"Sato san.. can I ask you something."

But Hiromi's desire to save her daughter let her gather the courage to speak clearly.

"Sure, go ahead, I am listening."

Sato calmly drank tea and gave his go ahead.

Hirmo took a deep breath and bowed down.

"Can you please look after Hinata?"

Sato stopped drinking tea and tilted his head, he said in a confused tone.

"I already promised Hiashi san about this, you don't have to ask me again, I'll definitely look after her."

Sato said softly, but Hiromi wasn't satisfied, she wanted something more than a verbal promise.

After all Sato might change his mind in future if things were done verbally.

"That's not it Sato san, my child Hinata, she's a very shy girl."

"Just looking after her once a while won't do it, she will not be able to talk to others on her own, she doesn't have the courage to stand up for herself!"

Hiromi almost tore her kimono from clutching it tightly in nervousness, just imagining Hinata getting bullied with no one to look out for was heartbreaking.

"She is a very soft child, if she's left alone I am afraid she might be forced to join some clan for her Byakugan."

"She won't even say anything to you about this later, even if you ask her about it, she's too kind to think badly of others."

"So Sato san, can you please look after Hinata? Please give her your last name Nii!"

Hiromi bowed to Sato once more, her long hair falling on either side of her head.

Sato meanwhile was lost in thought.

'She wants me to take Hinata under the surname Nii and make her a part of my clan? This might be a bit difficult..'

'Hinata has the Byakugan, her calling herself Nii is basically telling everyone that she will be marrying into our clan, this is a big deal.'

'Not everyone will agree to us Nii's getting a Byakugan, especially because there are only three Nii's right now.'

'Me, my sister Yugito and my assistant Karui.'

Sato tapped the table in thought and Hiromi kept her head bowed.

"Hiromi san, your request is a bit too much, you know I'll have to fight a lot of people in the hidden cloud to do this."

"Still, I understand your concerns and taking her into my clan isn't impossible, but.."

Sato stopped mid sentence and Hiromi raised her head, Sato tapped the table and continued.

"But what can the Hyuga clan give me in return? More precisely what can you give me in return?"

"I don't think the Hyuga clan will care about their abandoned child enough to give me something good."

"So I wonder, you as the Hyuga clan head's wife, what do you have in hand that can be of use to me."

Sato was curious as to what transaction she was willing to do, she obviously wanted something more than a verbal promise, so a monetary one should be good enough.

He anyways wasn't going to let any other clan get Hinata, but he had a long term plan for this.

She on the other hand wanted the results immediately, which might cause him unexpected problems, so Sato wanted to see how she will compensate his losses.

"Sato san, I don't have anything to offer you right now, but in the future when the time is right..."

"You can have..."



Hiromi looked down with a blush and started to mumble again.

Sato just patted his head speechlessly, there she goes again, mumbling all over the place.

"Hiromi san, I can't hear you, please speak up a little louder."

But this time Hiromi just nervously looked down with a blushing face, and still kept mumbling.


Sato scratched his hair in frustration and sighed out loud.

Hiromi saw that and gulped, she was quite nervous because she didn't have much to offer, and she wasn't confident in the only thing she did have to offer.

Still she didn't want Sato leave because she couldn't speak, so she pushed down her fear and said out loud, almost too loud because she was feeling nervous.

"Sato san! In the future you can take.."

"You can take..!"

"You can take me away to the Hidden cloud!"

"Konoha can go to hell!"

Hiromi said loudly with a blushing face and Sato spat out his tea in shock and started coughing loudly.


"Cough cough cough!"

Hiromi panicked and quickly went over and started to pat Sato's back, before Sato could say anything to her, the door to the room opened with a bang.


And there stood Hyuga Hiashi, with a sullen face.

'Oh wow, Hiashi is here the second Hiromi wanted to betray the Hyuga, I wonder how this will go down haha.'

Sato somehow stopped coughing and tried not to laugh, but then Hiashi started to speak.

"I heard everything Hiromi."

Hiashi looked at Hiromi with a smile, as if he was praising her somehow, which made Sato very confused.

But Hiashi's next sentence made Sato's defence collapse on the spot.

"You should agree to her Sato kun, what Hiromi is doing is the right thing to do."

"In fact, I'll personally bring her over to you in a few years."

Hiromi and Hiashi then looked at each other in tenderness, as if their love was overflowing right now.

Sato meanwhile looked at the couple as if they had lost their minds.

'The hell is wrong with them man, do they hate the Hyuga so much that they want the lady of the house to betray them? Or am I the one misunderstanding something here?!'

Could there be something he wasn't seeing? What could he be missing in this situation??

He felt as if there was some crazy misunderstanding going on right now.

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