Naruto : Hidden Cloud


Sato's group spent the next few days at Fugaku's house, and soon it was time for the first phase of chunin exams to begin.

"Out of the way, lads, your dad's coming in."

Sato walked arrogantly with his hands in his pocket and a large grin on his face. 

This was the first phase of the chunin exams. There were two Konoha ninjas guarding the real exam room with genjutsu, but Sato was having none of that.

One of the ninjas who was secretly guarding the door frowned and scolded Sato.

"Dad, you kumo ninjas have no shame-"

"Neither did your mom; now get lost."

Sato cut the Konoha nin mid-sentence and walked forward casually, shoulder-slamming the two people guarding the door, making one of them fall to the ground. 

"You barbarian.."

The fallen Konoha ninja was red-faced from shame and anger, but this made the rest of the exam participants laugh.

Anyway, they weren't from Konoha; it was always a happy time seeing Konoha suffer. 

"Who is that guy? He seems intense."

Rock Lee curiously asked his teammate Ten Ten, who quickly gestured to Rock Lee, asking him to stop talking. 

"Be quiet; they look like Kumo ninja, but I think I have seen those multicolored eyes somewhere. This guy might be the leader of the Cat God group."

"You know, that group of fanatics who believe Cat God will protect them from the nine-tailed fox."

Tenten whispered to Rock Lee, who looked blank. It was obvious that he had no idea what Tenten was talking about. 

Tenten clicked her tongue at her companion; he was completely oblivious to everything except training. 

"How do you not know this? Do you remember the big blue fire cat that appeared in our village many years ago? That is supposed to be the cat god."

"Cat God saved a woman and her baby that day. That woman went on to establish the Cat God worship group."

"Anyway, the point is that their main god, the cat god, has a human form. And he looks a lot like that guy, just younger."

Tenten finished whispering, then noticed that Rock Lee was not even listening, just looking behind her.

Ten Ten was about to scold him for ignoring her, but then suddenly felt cool behind her neck. She froze on her spot, then slowly turned around. 


There stood Sato, the supposed cat god, with a twitching face. He looked like he was trying to hold himself back from blowing up on the spot.

"Can you repeat that..?"

Sato's asked with a shaky smile, but the veins popping on his forehead made Ten Ten gulp even harder. 

"Ha, haha, it's nothing; it's just a civilian organization; they sell cat charms."

"Please don't curse me, Cat God!"

Tenten immediately gave in and prayed to Sato, whose face was completely dark.

"Bless you?! I'll show you blessings!"

Haku and Temari had to hastily hold Sato back from blowing up the exam room; everyone was now looking at their group and making a commotion.

"We are attracting attention, Sato kun; please remember we are being targeted by Orochimaru."

Hinata whispered quickly; she didn't want to be the center of attention anymore, and she pulled Sato back, hiding her face. She managed to sit Sato down.

"Hinata, let me go; I am going to find that woman!"

Sato was gritting his teeth when he remembered the ungrateful woman Tenten was talking about. 

She was someone who had locked her baby in her shop; Sato had saved her and her kid from getting crushed the last time he came to Konoha.

He didn't think she would start a whole group using his name. It turns out she was no lady in danger; but a shrewd businesswoman!

"Settle down!"

Just when Sato's group was making a fuss, a rough voice echoed in the exam room.

Sato immediately stopped struggling and narrowed his eyes. This was the first exam's examiner. He was Konoha's torture and interrogation expert. 

"This is not a place for games; get into your seats. The first phase of the exam has already begun."

The examiner, Ibiki Morino, said grimly. Sato didn't bother to fight him and settled down with his group. 

He would find that woman some other time, but for now, he had other, more important things to do. 

'I made such a big fuss but didn't feel him noticing me. I was sure Orochimaru would instinctively notice me if I made so much noise, but no luck.'

Sato thought in an irritated way. He was trying to make as much noise as he could, trying to attract everyone's attention, hoping that Orochimaru would also notice him.

This way, he would know who Orochimaru was hiding as. For all he knew, Orochimaru could be anyone in this exam room.

'That guy didn't fall for my scheme, or maybe he isn't here to begin with?'

Sato put his hand on his chin, ignoring the exam and Naruto's team, who were trying to get his attention. 

He knew Naruto and Sasuke was surprised to see him here. After all, he didn't meet them even once after coming to Konoha. 

Whatever, Sasuke could have met him if he didn't insist on living alone like his brother does. But the boy was a huge Itachi fan.

"Shut up!"

Ibiki Morino finally couldn't stand Naruto and Sasuke's 'secret' whispering; he angrily threw a kunai between them, shutting them up.

"Start answering the questions."

Ibiki initiated the exam, and everyone began looking through the question paper.

Sato also looked down and started writing. As for cheating, Sato didn't need such a thing. 

Why would he need to cheat after living an entire first life? This was simple for him. Like Sakura could do this, would Sato really have a problem here?



Time passed, and Sato quickly finished writing his exam and calmly checked if his teammates could do the same.

Except for Omoi who cheated from Karui, everyone else finished the paper on their own. 

Sato nodded. Good. Yugito's one-on-one education was clearly superior to the hidden leaf's mass education. 

'Where are you, Orochimaru?'

Sato tapped the table before him, then got an idea. He will electrocute all the genins!

Not for fun, but to flush out Orochimaru. If Orochimaru was here somewhere, he should be able to ignore Sato's attack.

'As for canon? Haha, why would I put myself in danger by following the canon? Get rocked mofos!'

Sato grinned, electricity flashing on his finger. Pointing down at the ground, he readied himself.

'Let's play escape the lightning strike, dodge!'


Advanced chapters ahead on patréon


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