Chapter 109: Shunpo and Sonido
I've been meaning to create or more like recreate the Shunpo and Sonido skills from bleach.
So far, I think it's the best instantaneous movement skill. The body flicker created by Indra is good for long distance movement but impractical in a fight except you have a Sharingan or something.
Hmm. My eyes can also work with it too as it has the abilities of the Sharingan but still....
The Soru from one piece is also another interesting skill but the limitation is that you need a strong enough body.
It allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power. The principle behind this move was to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye.
Sounds easy to the ear but ridiculously hard when put into practice
Shunpo (Flash Steps) is a movement technique which allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. As speed is the main factor of the technique, the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps.
Training and skill are what determines how fast a user of Shunpo can move. Users of little skill in the technique or those who have not used it for an extended period of time would obviously be out of practice, causing them to be considerably slower, which requires the use of more steps to move the same distance and become winded in a shorter amount of time.
Shunpo masters are able to maintain high speed movements for extended periods of time while using the least amount of steps to achieve those movements.
Masters are capable of using advanced steps, which are considerably harder to initiate. A master can possibly create new techniques but it is most likely a rare occurrence.
Yoruichi being an example
Sonído however appears to be more instinctual, seemingly requiring no previous knowledge to perform. It produces a different sound; rather than the swishing or sometimes silent Shunpo, Sonído makes a booming or static noise.
Though the technique is exhibited by most Arrancar, the proficiency with which it can be performed is limited only by the individual,
Arrancar proficient in sonido are able to cover tremendous distances at such speed that it seems akin to teleportation.
"So, this technique enables quick movements?" Kaguya asked.
"Hm," I nodded.
"But don't you already have your Godspeed?" She asked in confusion.
"Yeah, I do but this and that are different"
"How so?"
"Well, the Godspeed mode uses lightning to boost my physical attributes as well as agility with the use of lightning attribute chakra, while this Flash Step, if it works how I think it would, anyone with even the minimum amount of chakra can use it," I explained.
"But is that necessary? As you are now, should you want, with a step, you could move at a considerable speed and distance in an instant."
"True, but that is just my physical strength in play. In the future, people wouldn't be able to use it as they aren't as strong as me."
Kaguya shook her head and said, "I've been meaning to ask this for some time now. Why do you create techniques, seals, and abilities when they aren't even useful to you?"
Shun paused and looked at her with a smile. "This energy we call chakra is wonderful. You brought it to this world but the people of the future who will have this energy won't use it for good, instead, conflicts will arise and with conflicts, comes war."
"At that time, I rather there be a comprehensive explanation and knowledge about the usage of chakra, both for good as in creation and invention and bad as in destruction. My clan shouldn't be a barbaric clan who only knows destruction and nothing else."
"So you create all this for them, what if a case like mine occurs and someone betrays the clan and spreads these techniques?" Kaguya asked after a little bit of contemplation.
"Hmm. That's a possibility, but have you forgotten that I plan to build a library that will possess all of my knowledge? Even if it was stolen, what is stolen will only be a copy. Should my descendants find a token, they could always enter and accumulate more knowledge."
"Also, I would leave a permanent amount of token for my clan, unlike the ones that would disappear and appear at a random location after use." I finished. I have already thought of all countermeasures so there won't be any unforeseen occurrence.
"But that could also attract disaster to your descendant," Kaguya said.
"If they can't even protect themselves considering the bloodline they possess, then they should not call themselves my descendant," I said.
Seriously, if after all this hax I possess that I passed down to Izanagi and Izanami, if my descendants don't produce at least 5 super kages every generation then something must be wrong.
'Cause from what I know, bloodlines don't dilute in this world. The stronger the father, the stronger the son, so if everyone strives to be as strong or stronger than their predecessor, I don't see why they would be weak in the future.
"Sigh, seems like you have everything thought out," Kaguya said in resignation.
"Of course, I wouldn't be me if I didn't," I said. "Now then, for the Flash Step"
3rd POV
Shun then focused his chakra on the soles of his feet and took a step forward.
He instantly appeared 10 meters from where he was or at least that's what it looked like.
One thing was for sure though, it was fast.
Next, he took three steps and appeared over 30 meters away. 'Hmm, guess it isn't that hard but a precise chakra control is needed.'
Trying it once more, Shun moved close to 20 meters in a step, and with continuous usage, he reached 30 meters in a step.
"Kaguya, can you check how many seconds it'll take me to complete 200 steps," Shun said to Kaguya.
What he wanted to do now was check how far he could go in 200 steps, check the seconds used and then know how to go from there.
"Here I go"
Xiu, xiu, xiu.
Shun ran at an astonishing speed and completed the 200 steps, he then turned to Kaguya and asked, "How many seconds did that take?"
"four seconds," she said in a deadpan manner.
"Oh? Isn't that great? Why aren't you happy for me?" Shun said with a cheeky smile.
"But come to think of it. Did I make any booming sound while running?" he asked.
"No, the sound produced was a swishing sound," she replied.
"Hmm, that's no good. It has to either be soundless or loud enough to disorient someone."
This was what Shun was working toward. He wanted to base the flash step on being silent while the Sonido should be loud enough to disorient and confuse whoever is fighting against him.
Sound, after all, is being propagated with the vibrations from the air. With continuous booms around you, you wouldn't know where your opponent is coming from.
This continued for one full hour before Shun got it down to perfection.
'Sigh, with how I am now, there is practically no technique that will take me time to master. I could even create a technique of my own technique.
Guess I should go to a cultivation world to see how their cultivation techniques are being created before I know. Also, I should perfect all my current techniques to the max.
Oh well, I've got All the time in the world for that