Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

Chapter 103: Chakra

A/N: I plan on rushing through this arc and only mentioning the relevant parts. As for the twins' training, it will also be rushed. After that, the twins will go on their own journey, but I won't feature that. That will be the end of volume 1. Volume 2 will be his journey outside the planet for 30 - 50 chapters. I'm still undecided about the duration though. Feel free to give me your opinions. You're all my patron after all.

And for those wondering what his power level is by now, let's just say it's tail beast level, still below 10 tails though. Anyways, the rest will be a surprise.


Shun POV

I created a small pavilion as always with sits for my wives and children while I stood there preparing what to teach them.

I admit that compared to all those years ago when I first met Ria and Hinami, my knowledge of chakra and energy as a whole has reached a whole new level. Seals included.

A few years back, Kaguya casually hinted that the magic circles used by mages are similar to the seals I draw. According to her, the seals used on this planet Are different from what the Otsutsuki use.

She wasn't learned in that aspect but when she showed me an outline, I surmised that the seals they use were similar to the circuit wire you see on a circuit board. It was just lines, nothing else.

Unfortunately, she wasn't versed in it so there wasn't much to learn.

Back to the issue of the magic circle, when Kaguya said this, it suddenly struck me, when some novice mages or magicians begin learning magic, they use incantations, and those incantations form a magic circle, and magic is used.

Similarly, the handseal Indra created served the same purpose, the reason why shinobi say their techniques out loud is another issue I'm yet to comprehend.

Anyways, the hand seals serve the same purpose as the magic circle but then, when you look at it from another perspective, those magic circles were similar to the seal formed when using summoning jutsu.

With that in mind, I embarked on a quest to create another way to use seals and my end result was quite productive. I can even decide to use the new and improved seals alone to fight and I won't necessarily lose.

The principle behind it was simple. In the same way I command an effect when using regular seals, I also command an effect using this seal, the only difference is that this Seal Circle, as I like to call it, draws the natural energy of the world to function.

I siphon the earth's natural energy of the world, transform it to my desired shape, input a desired effect, and boom, new technique.

To make it simple to understand, I draw in the Earth natured natural energy, and transform it into bullets, the desired effect would include, speed, mass, distance, and all other vector quantities.

That way, I get [Earth Magic: Earth Bullet]. Quite lethal as it is powered by natural energy.

In short, you'd need natural energy plus thought acceleration to use it, meaning I am the only one capable of using it yet.

I went further to even create a version that functions on my own energy. I found it defective as it sucks too much chakra but after much trial and error, I managed to create a useful seal circle.

I don't see myself using it though, maybe I'll leave it to the future first Uzumaki let's see what he can learn from it.


Looking at my audience, I cleared my throat and began.

"Chakra. The most versatile energy there is. Personally, I'd recommend that you both should research this first before coming to ask me more about it. That's how I learned"

Though with some help from my past life. I won't say that though. After all, I did research extensively on my own.

"Anyways, as a father, I would still teach you what you need to know. You see, chakra is the building block of our world. The world runs on chakra, life force, for lack of better terms"

"The same way you breathe, hear, smell, eat and digest food, sweat or defecate, to remove harmful substances from your body. Even the ones your body does without your knowledge like the beating of your heart, circulation of blood through your arteries and veins, the little cells that die and regenerate every second, and many more are all run by energy"

"Now what do you think will happen if this energy disappears or stops existing? We die, no two ways about that. Now, the same way we do all these things, the same way the planet we live in now does it."

"Where am I going with this? The world has all the elemental affinity you could ever think of and so do every living being. Though it appears specifically."

"Looking up, you can see the rainbow-colored Aky, right?"

They all nodded.

"Good, now that is the energy representing the seven basic elements of the world as you all know."

"Now natural energy. This energy is the chakra of the planet, once it disappears, the planet dies. But since it Is the planet's chakra, it also means it contains its very own spiritual and physical energy."

"Now you'd have to research the rest by yourselves, me going further will only limit your vision."

I stopped there because truly going further might make them question their existence. After all, I can't tell them that humans were probably bred by the planet now, can I? After all, there is no creation story here, so... Although this is my hypothesis, I can't be sure yet.

There's also a possibility that someone created the universe as we know it, but anyways, that's for later.

"Now for the elements. Let's start with water. Before we start though, I'd like to let us know that no element is kind or harsh. It all depends on how we use it."

"Now water. Water on its own is gentle, you drink water to quench your taste, bath, cook, wash clothes, water the farms, and many more you'd have to discover yourselves, now imagine I poison the lake in the village, anyone who drinks from it dies, anyone who baths with it get skin disease, pour it on the farm and the crops get contaminated or dies entirely."

"Now that's just the basic effect. What if I decide to throw you deep inside the sea, and you drown, what if I boil the water and pour it in you, you'd scald or something."

"Now don't get me wrong, I love water it's the most gentle of them all, but still harsh when it wants. Research the rest"

"Moving on, there is air. Your aunt Ria specializes in that area so after today, you can go to her for further inquiries."

"Air, you see, the air is all-encompassing. Every living creature needs air, from the littlest insect to plants, to animals, and finally humans. We all need air"

"Air can come as a gentle breeze when you need it air is freedom. It can change from this gentle breeze to heaven's fury in an instant. Air holds all and is the rawest form of reality."

"It stands in-between the material and the immaterial, invisible, intangible but unavoidably significant. Air is the absence of space, vacuum, in short, it is here present but still absent at the same time"

I chuckled at their confused face. Only Ria looked to be nodding with a serious look on her face.

"Don't worry about it, you'd understand in time, but as a reference look at this"

I opened up my palm and out of nowhere, the wind began to blow, it started gently, then turned harsh, even the plants around were uprooted, and the pavilion remained unchanged though.

On my palm, a ball of air was spinning similar to the Rasengan, but then I will the ball of air to change into a spear and it did.

"Do you understand what happened? No? Nevermind then, but still pay attention"

From my feet, a pillar of earth and wood rose up and I stabbed the spear in and out of them both.

"Ria-tan, can you tell the kids what happened?"

"Hm. The air as you've said exists in between reality so it can affect material objects while remaining immaterial. That is, it is unblockable." Ria answered calmly.

"Perfect. This shows how dangerous it is. Other applications include floating and cloud-making. In practical application, it increases agility. Take for example..."

"Oi air Clone come here"

"Now we both are going to exchange some fists I want you to pay attention to him, not me. Alright?"

Seeing them nod, I looked at the clime and said, "Use your air to dodge and fight back, let's show them the versatile use of air."

"You ask for it boss"

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