Nanites SON!

Date with Samus

Once he finished his workout, he showered thoroughly. Making sure he smelt all good n' shit before he headed down to the garage to get into Bast.

Wearing a simple black tanktop, and dark jeans and his Mothers jacket. It was supposed to be a 'casual' date, so David didn't need to dress up, he didn't need to go to a fancy restaurant, and he knew just the place. Was a great burger joint just outside of Heywood in the Westbrook district.

Driving to the first Megabuilding he had bought in Little China, he let Samus know he was on his wat and that it would be about twenty minutes.

''David, a quick word while we're driving?'' Bast spoke up.

''Run it.'' David responded.

''I was wondering if it would be possible to begin getting into the automotive industry?'' 

David rumbled a bit in thought before speaking. ''Wouldn't be to hard to start, would need to possibly get a new warehouse, why?''

''I want to begin replacing all the cars in the city, having access to all the cars in the city will allow me to plot routes more accordingly, and as it spreads more and more, it will allow me to create a detail map of the city, including the places usually blocked off.''

''Well you have the rights to do so, so you can start. There's already plenty of plans available for cars, just improve them, make them Armstrong Inc worthy... Start with parts first, outsource them to some of the nomad tribes we're comfortable with, the ones we know will use the newer, better parts.''

''Understood, about the firearms?'' Bast questioned.

''Wait a bit, any gonk will implant a new tech that's top of the line and affordable, but when it comes to irons, they are more stubborn, let Armstrong build it's reputation more and more before we start going into the arms industry... Thought that doesn't mean you can't start making blueprints for improved weaponry.''

''And the food industry?''

''Find someone trusted, have them start a stall, Armstrong won't be directly related to the food industry, but as we pump out better food, that's healthier, we'll think of another name to base it under... Something green, and eye-catching, makes you think about the delicious food right away, and then partner it up with Armstrong at a later date, to explain why we can get 'fresh' ingredients. Simply because it's from Armstrong's 'Earth Revival' project, or whatever name we decided.''

Bast went quiet as they pulled up to the megabuilding, Samus waving as she got directly in. ''Hey David, so what are we eating?''

''Great burger place just outside of Heywood in Westbrook, a little pricey but they use real ingredients so it's worth it.''

Samus groaned gently as she relaxed into the passenger seat of Bast. ''A real burger sounds great right now! Thanks by the way for the assistants, having more hands to run the Megabuilding has made it much easier to handle all the small things faster.''

''It's fine, turns out I'm turning into a multi-billionaire business tycoon, I plan to buy the rest of the Megabuildings in Night City... Though, want to know something funny?''

''What is it?''

''I, now technically am the person the NCPD pays rent to.''

''Wait... What?'' Samus turned to look at him.

''NCPD is on rented ground, ground that WAS through the city, until whoever originally signed it, never renewed the contract, and I snatched it from the city records. A lot of funny information you can come across when you actually look through all the paperwork... Did you know the Mayor's yacht isn't actually his anymore? It's mine, but he won't know that until I can use it to piss him off... or Blackmail him.''

''Good Riddance, our current Mayor is corrupt... All of them usually are, but this one's worse than the norm...'' Samus huffed out.

There was a few moments of comfortable silence as he drove before she spoke up again. ''Actually... I was wondering if I could have your help with something?''

''Is this about the case that got you fired in the first place?'' David asked, he had seen it coming a mile away, he just wondered when she would finally bring it up, honestly, he was surprised the hot blonde took this long.

She nodded. ''Yes, I've been doing my own investigating while I'm not busy, and there's something I found that I'm not quite... sure of.''

That explained why she waited, she wanted to get more information by herself before bringing it to the 'Boss'

''What do you mean? Encrypted data?'' David asked as he passed on an older lady going particularly slow.

''No, just confusing. There are some data sheets that don't make sense, and I've been trying to look at it from every angle I could, but it's not working. I was hoping a fresh pair of eyes on the case would help me.'' 

David nodded at her explanation. ''I'm no Sherlock, but I'll see what I can do, worst case we have Bast that can help us as well.''

They finally got to the burger joint. Parking across the street David offered his arm to her, which Samus took as they both walked in.

''Oh god... The smell is delicious!''

David chuckled a bit, waiting in line until it was their turn. ''Two number eights, larges. NiCola and Water, curly fries for one, normal for the other. And an extra order of curly fries.''

''How'd you know I like normal fries?'' Samus asked as they went to sit down.

David chuckled a bit, shaking his head. ''Just because I don't involve myself with the everyday funds, doesn't mean I won't notice the fast food orders using the management fund.''

This caused Samus to think for a moment before she laughed softly, sitting across from David. ''That explains the drink question then as well.''

''Don't know how you can do it... Carbonated drinks are just... Eugh.'' David shook his head, in both lives he hated them... It was harder and harder to see his life as 'different'. It more felt like when he got punched in the nose that day, everything just rattled back into place, and he just remembered a past life.

''I don't understand WHY it's so bad to you, it's just bubbles?'' Samus rested her cheek on her knuckles, her breast was large enough that she could actually rest them on the table if she leaned forward a bit.

Causing the white blouse to open a bit more, exposing more of her creamy white cleavage.

''Bubbles of hell, sure,'' David muttered.

''How's everyone doing?'' Samus asked. 

''Good, busy mostly. Apparently despite being a Fixer, running a business, and still running some merc jobs, leaves little room for free time. Who would've known?'' David joked lightly with a shake of his head.

''It'll get easier as you find more people you can trust, right?'' Samus probed.

''Technically, yes. Some of it can even be entirely automated, which I should do. But even if I shave off some of the things on my plate, I'll just end up piling more on because I can't sit still.'' He rumbled as he leaned back, their food being delivered to them as they began to eat.

''Well, you're basically taking over... 'Everything', it's no small feat for sure, no wonder you would be always busy, even as you solve more things.'' She stated just before biting into the burger.

When she did she groaned once more, relaxing into the seat as she took another bite. ''God I wish I knew of this place sooner. I would've been coming around back when I was on the force too!''

''The place is new... Like three months? A friend of mine knows the owner, they are from Heywood originally, and one of the local runners that's decently well-known. Great food though so it's been really popular, he plans to open up more across the city when he can... Half tempted to pay him to do it myself, to be honest.'' David grinned as he continued eating.

Time passed in silence as they ate, simply enjoying the food before they eventually came to a finish. Sitting for a bit to let the food digest before they got back into Bast.

''So, great food, what's next?''

''Going to go shopping in the new mall that opened up in the plaza, after we walk the food off for a bit, we're going to head to an old drive-in theatre that I cleaned up to watch an old movie or two, then we'll see were the night takes us.''

''Is that you hinting at taking me to your bedroom?'' Samus joked as they began to drive once more.

''I'm going to be 120% with you beautiful. If I was aiming for that, we wouldn't make it to the bedroom. We'd end up fucking in the private elevator, or in and or on Bast.'' David chuckled, getting a light punch from Samus.

''You ain't going to get into my pants that quick, not unless you punched Adam Smasher in the face at least.'' She laughed.

David slowly grew a grin on his face... 

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