Nanites SON!

Broken Nose

Sliding backward and slamming into the dumpster behind him, David lifted a hand to hold his nose as he released a low groan. Memories had quickly assaulted him, and due to his past life, he was quick to adopt the new memories as his own, fitting perfectly into the role.

''That is the difference between the two of us, I can afford proper cybernetics. Drop out.''

David took a deep breath as he stood, straightening his nose with a crunch, causing the students staring at him to flinch backward slightly. ''Alright, I'll drop out... Do you still want the BDs? I got one you requested.''

The boy wearing the proper suit and short blue hair straightened his uniform. ''That's more like it, you are just a lowly dealer, like most of the other scraps of this city... How much?''

David's eyes glowed softly as he brought up the estimations of the price, he would need at least a thousand to get a medic hypo to help fix his nose, and to get started on what he needed, this including the rent so he didn't need to crawl through the vent again.

''1250 eddies, I can guarantee its quality, you have an advanced headset so you'll be able to modify the stimulation directly, but as of base setting it's at 7.''

The boy's eyes glowed a bit, a grin working on his face as David suddenly watched as 1500 got deposited onto his account. ''Call it a bonus for understanding your place... But if you happen to come across any more similar BDs, let me know.'' 

David passed over the BD, the sick kid had a fetish for getting his brains blown out in BDs, however, he stopped the other two before they all left. ''I got two porn BDs for you two unless you want to share. 400 apiece.''

They turned to look at him, glaring at him a few moments before he noticed two deposits, both said 500. 

''So you can get yourself cleaned up... Street Rat.'' They said as they took their BDs. David turned to walk away after they were done, grinning as his back was turned to them. Fucking suckers, not only did he upcharge them, but they gave him a tip? Must be nice to have money to toss around.

Just as he was walking away he got the call from the doctor about his mother's Death, he knew it was coming, at least the new David did.

There was no way his Mother was going to survive those wounds, not with their current medical.

It still hurt like a bitch...


Once he showed up at the hospital, seeing his Mother on the cold metal table he frowned, he felt a lot. A lot of anger, rage, sadness, and depression. He and David were one now, he was as much as her son as the other one was.

He put a hand on her shoulder, it felt like a stab in his heart when he felt how cold she was.

He took a deep breath before he pulled out his jack, pulling it around to jack into the side of his mother's neck.

Her systems were down, but that didn't mean he couldn't extract files she had, along with the rights to her accounts, contacts, and anything else he needed.

Once he finished he pulled the table along with him to the crematory just down the hall, lifting her up he placed her gently on one of the free cremators.

It automatically pulled her into it and began the process.

Sitting down on a chair that was bolted to the wall, he put his head into his hands as he took some deep breaths.

His Mom was pulling military-grade tech, there was no reason why she had it, other than to push it onto someone else, so he began to go through the files he had from her, as well as the contact before he came across an order placed.


Pulling up a call he leaned back, waiting for it to connect.

There was a beep as it did, a deep voice coming over the line. 

<David Martinez? You Gloria's brat?> M

<Yeah, gotta tell you something.> D

<Sure, go ahead. Not like I'm busy right now.> M

<My Mom's dead, driving down the freeway to Arroyo, Caught in a shootout.>

<Ah...Sigh, sorry to hear that kid... She was a good woman.> M

<She was the best, listen. I've got your order for her, but I've got another offer.>

<A better offer? Let's hear it Choom.> M

<Let me be a part of your team, and I'll give you the tech free of charge.>

There was silence, he could tell he was put on momentary hold due to the soft chimes that began to play.

The line clicked back on shortly later. 

<How do you know I'm a part of a team? I never spoke to Gloria about them.> M

<Military grade Sandevistan? I know you're a Merc, and no merc has that kind of confidence unless he has a team he can trust.>

Another few moments of silence.

<Alright, kid... Meet a member of mine on the rail between Arroyo and Wattson. Here's a picture. She'll put you through your paces, can I get a picture of you?> M

<Mom always told me to avoid giving my picture to strangers.> David chuckled at his joke, having already uploaded one of the ones his Mother had in her files.

<AHAHA! Alright kid, liking you already.> M

<When do you want your chrome?>

<Bring it with you, hand it off to her. If she see's promise in you, she'll take you directly to us.> M

<Alright, gotta Delta if I'm going to make the next train.>

<Cya Kid.> M

Ending the holo, David rubbed his face some before he stood up, taking the vase that ejected from the cremator and starting his journey home.

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