Nanites SON!

A Bloody Mess, Trust, The Sun, and the Moon

Turning around, the first thing David did was grab one of the onlooking animals by the face, punching their head clear off their shoulders in a spray of sparks and blood. His foot kicked from the ground as he leaped onto another one as he heard gunfire all around him.

Grabbing the head of the one he had leaped at, attempting to pull a pistol out David kicked the hand down while bringing his free leg out and kneeing the woman face in.

With the nose broken and bloodied David swung that leg down and then around. Causing his body to lift and then suddenly turn as he snapped the man's neck and then pushed off the man's shoulders, sending the body to the ground.

As he flew backward he was able to steal his Carnage off Rebecca's back and then fire a round directly at a guy behind her, since he was still airborne and had lightened his gravity a bit he shot outside the open window. Not needing to see the destruction of flesh his carnage left.

As he was tossed out the window he landed on the building just across the small alley. The concrete cracked beneath his legs as he shot into another window on the ground below. Hiking his gravity back up he landed directly on one of the animals trying to rush the stairs. 

Putting a round through him at point-blank range he rode the large body down the stairs as he continued to fire off rounds as he moved.

Reloading between each engagement as he began to sweep the lower floors quickly, there was a little more than thirty, but that was fine..

After about thirty minutes of making sure they got all of them, and then another hour after having Lucy and Kiwi check multiple cameras to make sure all animals they had seen in and out were accounted for. David sent his recording of the situation to Sasquatch and took a shower with Rebecca to get all the blood and gore off. Lucy had only poked in to give the both of them a kiss before she went to go sit in the warmth of the transport.

While David was cleaning his shotgun, just sort of pulling the bits of flesh off and letting them out the back of the transport did Samus finally speak.

''I thought some of you might have prior training... But what the hell was that?''

David chuckled softly, shaking his head. ''Technically, none of us have 'prior' training. I used to go out shooting with my dad, and everyone else has just gained their skills over time. The only person who has 'official' training in what they do is Lucy as a net runner.''

''Then why do you let Kiwi do most of it?'' Samus asked, confusion on her face.

''Because they are better at different things. Netrunning is too large a skill set to just be 'the best at it. Lucy is better for attacking people and systems, cracking them open like an egg. Kiwi is better at quick hacking, and monitoring if you need a momentary distraction, Kiwi. If you need someone's head split open, Lucy.''

''I didn't realize there was so much to it... That explains why the Netunners for the Police always complained about too much work.''

David chuckled after hearing that, shaking his head. The money got deposited and he sent the even cut to all those involved. Even adding a little bit from his cut to send to Dorio to get herself something to eat.

''And, don't you have skills in netrunning?'' Samus asked.

David shook his head. ''Nope, don't even have the implant needed to jack in like them, I'm more a hacker than a Netrunner I can do all they can, just at a slower pace, and since it doesn't necessarily leave a 'digital' path to track, it's hard to get on my ass. One of the reasons it's so hard to hack into my systems is that there are a lot of things still 'manual.' A lot of my implants are shut off unless I need them on.''

''Wait... You're that connected to your implants? How are you know borderline crazy?'' 

''Never said I wasn't already borderline crazy, just show it in different ways. But, maybe it's because I am simply built differently than the rest? I have a high tolerance for cyberwear and its augmentations. But I also know not to push it, and when to stop pushing it when needed.''

''So... You mean to say you're smart?'' Samus asked, a brow raised.

David mocked a gasp, hand over his heart. ''Me? Smart? No! Couldn't be, I was but a simple street kid, I only earned straight A's while in one of the hardest to get into the prestigious academies of Arasaka Institute, riding a scholarship and scoring ahead of most of my class by almost thirty points!''

That got a few laughs and groans, David chuckling as he leaned back against the wall, Rebecca laid across his lap, and Lucy's.

His hand rubbed her butt as she practically purred beneath his hand.

''How would you react if I found a way to recycle the pollution and air around us to begin to start fixing the atmosphere around the world or the fact I have chemicals that could eat away all the trash in night city and the badlands, and make it into such strong, potent fertilizer that I could make grass start appearing within the next six months? That I've already found bits and pieces of old animal DNA, and have already successfully created a real-life bird?''

Samus stared at him with her mouth hanging open, even Kiwi was looking at him, her brows furrowed in the mirror. She's known David to long, this wasn't him lying... But he wasn't telling the truth, was he?

David chuckled after a bit of silence, shaking his head. ''Don't worry Samus, I'm not that smart.''

Only three heads in the transport thought the same thing.

'But the nanites are.'


Kiwi grabbed David's shoulder, pulling him aside once they had returned to the garage. Pulling him into the bathroom and putting her hands onto his shoulders and making sure he was looking at her.

''It was true, wasn't it?'' She asked, a look of determination across her face.

''In a way, yes.'' David didn't bother to hide the truth even a little, it not even having crossed his mind to do so.

''I was able to rebuild a human body, and Sam is on the road to perfect recovery. A serum that can stop the need for cyber psychosis worry? Suddenly I appear with highly advanced tech and Cyberwear that I use freely? You know how much I weigh, the shotgun would never have enough force to knock me out a window, airborne or not.''

Kiwi's eyes slowly widened as she looked at him. ''You've never hidden it... We've just never asked the right questions.''

David nodded, pushing her back slightly before lifting her onto the counter. ''Kiwi, do you trust me?''

''Yes.'' It came so quickly it made even David raise his brows.

''Even if I were to have a loaded gun against Sam's head, and everything else pointed to me being a bad guy?''

''You aren't that kind of person, you wouldn't have spent so much time trying to fix her just to suddenly off her... Honestly, you're the type to always have a backup plan, always making sure that at any point, you still have the most cards to play. It's terrifying how ready you seem to be for everything.''

David growled a bit. ''It was because of Pilar.''


''When Mom died, I was floating through a dream, just doing things, experiencing things. Not caring if I ended up iced or not... Then I spent a few months with you guys and built a little family with everyone again... Then Pillar lost an ear if I had been any slower. If I had been any worse than a damn good shot. We would have lost him that night, like snapping my fingers.''

''Maine, the idiot knew he was suffering from the starting signs of cyberpsychosis. But he continued to push himself, even before he got the sandy installed he was teetering at the edge.''

'It's when I realized that I was exiting the dream, and was entering the reality where I still had people to fight for, people to care for. People to have look up to me, just as I can look up to the rest of you. I would have a plan, as long as it's in my power, no one in our crew will die.''

''None of those kids will experience the hell of the darker parts of the world as everyone else did. I know out of the entire crew, I grew up in the best childhood. I had good people, good friends, and an amazing Mother. Everything I could need to feel human. But that doesn't mean I didn't see the bad, and that I don't understand. So when I tell you, nothing will get between me and protecting those kids.''

David stepped back, his hand raised as a warhead began to appear beneath his hand until he rested his hand on the top of it, turning it around to show the nuclear symbol. Kiwi's breath hitched at the sudden weapon. Nanites swarmed around in such density they became visible. 

Tendrils created numerous weapons around him, explosives. Cyberwear parts, and even a motorcycle in the bathtub.

''Nothing, will get in my way. Do you think what I did to Smasher was the extent of it? Arasaka's got an army of him guaranteed. It's not hard to find a psycho like him, who can accept that insanity and live in it despite being almost 97% non-organic. I could go outside right now, and take an enthusiastic walk and find three.''

Everything was deconstructed around him once more, leaving the bathroom normal.

David stood there for a moment before he nodded softly. ''I have the powers that could turn me into a God on this world... I don't know how I obtained these nanites, and honestly even after having them for a little over a year. I have barely scratched the surface of what their capable of. But despite that, I could create life if I wanted to, even replace it...'' 

''Can you bring it back?'' Kiwi suddenly asked, a look of longing in her eyes, she knew the answer, but she had to ask.

David smiled softly, an image of red hair and a loving smile entering his head before he shook his head.

''If I could, I'd be grounded.'' David chuckled at the thought as he exited the bathroom, leaving Kiwi alone with her thoughts.


''Lucy, Rebecca, and I are going to be gone for a week.'' David stated, sitting in the living room of the base, everyone was there, even if Pilar was passed out.

No one said anything for a moment, noticing just how serious David and the other two looked before Dorio spoke up softly.

''It's time, isn't it?''

David didn't say anything, but he did nod. Even Samus could see the anger hidden in his eyes. It was well concealed, but so much of it made it hard to completely hide away.

''You found them all?'' Maine asked, his fingers flexing a bit.

''All of them, including the people who originally put on the hit, even if one of them is already Dead.'' David had an edge to his voice, for only a moment that anger in his eyes flared up.

No one said anything for a bit before David, Rebecca, and Lucy all stood at once. No one stood to say goodbye or hug him, and Lucy and Rebecca had stayed quiet, simply watching David.

Even as they got into Bast, not even Bast spoke to David. Simply letting him drive in silence as they drove.

It didn't take long at the speeds David was going to get where he wanted to be. When he entered the house, the first thing he did was slid his hand over Mama Welles mouth in the kitchen to make her stay quiet.

She took one look at him and all argument she had died instantly.

She pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly, and not being upset that he didn't return it. 

When David pulled away, Mama turned to look at the urn being held tightly in Rebecca's hands. A tear streaked down her face for a moment as he hand rested against the lid, rubbing her fingers across it for a moment

When yelling started to happen deeper in the home, the sounds of a fight break out. David moved, intently focused on his Target as he made his way through the beads that separated the kitchen and the dining room. Walking through it he entered the living room where Jackie was fighting his Father.

V's eyes widened at the sight of David.

Then when David reached forward through the blows to grab the large man by the throat and lift him off his feet.

Jackie was panting, a belt tightly held in his hands as he looked ready to fight the new person, only relaxing when he saw David.

If it was anyone who had a right to do this, it was his Big Brother David.

David gripped his hand around the man's throat. Harder and harder, growling out. ''I see you again, no matter where it is. It could be in the middle of the Max-Tech lobby for all I care... I will get you, I'll make sure to paint their pretty white walls red. You get me choom?''

He didn't get a response from the man, David's hold was too tight and the man couldn't even nod his head to confirm it.

David simply walked out with him, tossing him out onto the street along with a wad of cash.

He turned to begin stalking back through the house, making his way back to the back door.

''Davvy?'' V spoke up and it made David stop, David waited for a moment, seeming torn about something before he continued to walk out without looking back.

V turned to look at Welles who still had tears falling. ''Mama?''

''It's not your fault Miel*.'' Welles said as she reached down, lifting V up to hold her tightly. ''You've just got a smile that makes it hard to be mad at Hijo... And David needs his anger right now, it hurt him just as much not to look at you.''

Lucy smiled at them as she rubbed V's head. ''I'll make sure we come to visit you in a week, but for now, I'll see you later V.''

V nodded at Lucy as she watched both her and Rebecca leave.

Once they entered Bast, David continued to drive off.

It didn't take him long to arrive at his next destination.

He walked into the abandoned apartment building, Sasquatch standing at the door with her arms crossed, watching David as he entered before she simply nodded.

''All of them?'' David asked, watching the woman.

''Every single one of them, except one... But you already took care of him yourself, didn't you?''

David simply nodded before he walked into the room.

There were five people chained to the wall, and an HMG sitting on the table.

David watched the weapon a moment, having entered the building alone, he rubbed a hand along it before he pulled the bolt back.

Racking it he then lifted it with ease, turning it to those chained on the wall he began to unload even as they screamed or yelled at him.

He didn't care about executing them like this, he just needed them dead.

Even as he sawed through them with bullets, he continued to fire into the bodies until the gun ran out of rounds. Simply tossing it forward onto the ground in front of the shredded bodies.

Turning he walked out, Sasquatch already gone as David reentered Bast.

''Blow it.'' Was all he said, Lucy said nothing as she hit the detonator switch, the apartment building exploded on the first floor, the building coming down on itself as she simply tossed the detonator out the window.

David drove away, passing a few cops as they rushed to see what the explosion was along with a few ambulances.

David had to drive a bit for this one, but he eventually came to a massive parking garage, most of the first few floors filled to the brim with homeless people.

David drove up until he got to the fifth floor, getting out he drew his Nue.

Walking through a few pathways until he came to a man jerking off near the edge of the lot.

David raised his pistol and fired, blowing the man's dick off. The man screamed as only a few people looked over around them, wondering that once David was done, would there be anything to steal from the guy.

The man looked up before he paused, David's face was familiar, but why?

''Her name was Gloria Martinez, the woman you raped while she was still warm, and her son was trapped under a car. Screaming at you until his voice went hoarse. She might have lived, you know? If you had simply called for Medical when you found her, she was still alive. Still aware of what was going on... But that's in the past.''

David began to unload the Nue into the man, and when he finished, he simply reloaded. Letting the nanites eat the old magazine before he turned and walked out. Getting into Bast once more as he drove out of the parking complex, as homeless already starting to pick the dead man for valuables as David drove to the apartment building he owned.

Once he got there, he activated his gravity harness when he entered the elevator shaft, it would take too long to get to the top using the elevator, and when he kicked off the ground he soared all the way up to the Upper 50.

Once he reached the 49th floor the doors opened for him as his gravity harness returned him to his normal weight.

He walked into Faraday's room without even needing to hack the door, it simply opened to him because he had the manager's permission to.

'Faraday' looked up from his dinner, moving to grab his pistol as he began to fire on David.

David didn't flinch as the bullets hit him and bounced off, getting a surprised look from the man.

''I don't know who you are, but I do know you're impersonating Faraday, and that's fine. As long as he's dead, but I'm still going to kill you for being an accomplice.''

David grabbed Faraday by the throat, even as the man punched, and kicked at David's elbow, trying to punch so his arm would wold but not even getting a reaction as David stepped into the glass, it shattering around him as he stepped through it like it wasn't there, kicking off the side of the building as his gravity shifted once more and he began to fall.

To others, it looked like he was flying, but to David, he was simply skydiving through the air.

Making his way all the way to the bad land where he tossed Faraday first.

David waited all of a few seconds before he suddenly altered his gravity and increased it many times.

Nanites surged around him to coat his legs first, then his body as he made himself into a fortified block basically. Increasing his weight multiple times before he suddenly landed on Faraday.

A crater broke out beneath them as David continued to travel a bit further. Faraday nothing more than paste and memories now.

After he cleaned the body, erasing it from existence he stood in the Grater a bit before he shifted his gravity, letting himself 'fall' out of it as he began to travel back.

Nothing would spot him, or pick up the fact he was a flying object. Landing into the room once more as the glass was already cleaned up, and it began to be repaired behind him as this time he took the elevator.

Taking the time to get a few breaths in as he waited for it to get all the way to the garage where Rebecca and Lucy waited for him in the AV.

David entered it and sat down, watching out the window as they took off from the garage, then into the sky. And simply kept ascending.

It was four hours later once they were on the Moon. 

David waited a moment before he heard a soft chime.

When he heard that chime he let the AV open, stepping out onto the moon as Lucy and Rebecca followed him.

David had used a 'shield' of Nanites to provide oxygen and to shield them from the vacuum of space.

Taking the Urn from Lucy who had been holding it now David opened it, starting to sprinke the ashes around, and letting Rebecca and Lucy do the same until they were out, already having taken some to add to jewelry and other things for others as David said onto the AV's stairs.

''Hey Mom... Guess me and you haven't talked recently, yeah? I'm sorry. It just... Hurt to try and talk to you, after the last time we talked it was a fight, and I was still holding a grudge...'' David took a deep breath before he continued.

''I'm a Merc now... Yeah, I know I shouldn't be, I should've stayed in school. Even if I could never be a corpo, I could've been something else, away from the guns that took Dad. Away from the dangers that took you... But it's alright, yeah? I met some good people. Friends of yours even.''

''I met Maine and the crew, great people. All of them, even if Falco is a little to in love with cars, and Pilar is just a bit to weird at times... I found love to, all those years of you talking about finding the perfect girl, the woman I would love for the rest of my life.''

David chuckled softly, rubbing at his face. ''Turns out it's two... Weird how things work, but that just means I can give you all the more grandkids...''

David laughed out, leaning back as he stared at the sun, his eyes protected against the rays as the image of his Mother was placed over the sun for him.

''They said that there will be more people I love as much as I love them, I can't deny them either... It's easy to love, just like you told me... Just how it's easy to feel hate, how to feel sadness, and easy it is to feel useless. But I'll treat each woman who falls for me right, Lucy and Rebecca are good keepers. They keep me on my toes, and keep me focused when I need to be...''

David sat there in silence, inhaling a sharp breath before he slowly... Shakily released it, tears starting to come, silent ones but they were there. Smiling as he spoke out. ''I should've learned all your recipes, even if I hated learning them... Rebecca and Lucy would've loved to eat them... We would've loved to see how you like the recipes when they're made with actual ingredients... Because of the ones I do remember? God, they taste great.''

David continued to cry, his hand lifting to rub at the sleeve of her jacket he wore. ''I've been wearing your jacket a lot recently... I know you used to get mad at me for wearing it, but it's fine now, right? I'm looking after it... I'll take care of it just like you did... Everyone misses you, even those who never got the chance to meet you, wish they could have.''

David's breath caught and he stopped talking for a bit, letting himself cry for a bit longer as he got himself pulled together a bit more. He wanted to say just a little more before the breakdown happened fully.

''I miss you a lot, it hurts... But it's fine, just like when Dad was gone, I'll keep doing my best, I'll continue to fight just like you both taught me...''

David pulled off the cross he always wore, holding it a moment before he leaned down to slowly place it onto the moon, pulling a bit of the dust around to have it sink into the moon.

''I brought him with me, and I'm going to leave him here with you, where you can enjoy the moon, and feel the warmth of the sun together when it comes around... I love you... Both of you.''

''Thank you for being the best parents anyone could ever be.''

That's when he broke down, both Lucy and Rebecca moving to hold him tightly as he just let it all out.

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