Chapter 4: Advantage
His instinct suddenly activated, his whole body is shaking in shock and nervousness.
His heart is racing so fast it feels like it gonna come out of his body, as he looked at Yue Min he saw her still looking at her own Bard.
As if she doesn't know what's happening, Well Russell is too only he knew that something is wrong.
Suddenly his eyes caught the Twin tail wolf, it was bleeding badly.
Seeing it, sends another shiver through Russell's body. Panic is setting in on him, his body is shaking like crazy, hairs on his body is straight as wood, his sweating buckets.
But he doesn't know just what is happening, then he decided to move and take a closer looked at the wolf.
There's a lot of wounds on it's body but it was mainly wounds caused by a claw. In which neither of them possessed, they didn't seem to noticed the monster having injuries. Due to the night, but now that he took a good looked Russell worries became worse.
It was being hunted.
And what's worse, is that they stole it's prey. In his experience not one predator will let the stealer of his prey escape. It's more like a new added meal, on it's menu.
Yue Min noticing Russell looking at the monster's deadbody, were worried. " What is it? "
Russell kept looking at the carcass and his eye's contracted while replying, " It's being hunted. "
Yue Min hearing it, grasped his light shield tightly. She then looked around the entrance for any monsters that they missed because of the sudden Bard message.
Russell meanwhile finally took his eye's off on the dead twin tail, and looked at Yue Min he then asked her. " Yu-...Yue Min, I've been wondering... Where's your riot armor? "
Yue Min blushed for a little, while not looking away from the entrance and replied. " I took it off..."
Russell was shocked. His eye's widen and his iris became thin, his mouth opened big, then he covered his eye's off for a sec and said. " What! Are you a dumbass all of your meds and rations is in there! "
Yue Min pout for a sec and added, " I was prioritizing speed... How about you too! You don't have any armor too! "
Russell eye's widen then looked away from Yue Min and replied, " well...I sold it..."
Yue Min closed her eyes and let out a light chuckle then replied, " well, well, well let's not dive on this topic then. "
Seeing something from the entrance of their cave Russell added, " yeah... How about that one then? "
Yue Min grasped her light shield tightly and bring it up ready to defend, " that... I don't think we can talk while fighting that. "
Russell went behind her slowly but surely and vanishing to her back, perfectly hiding in her body. " yeah..."
Each second passed the thing outside their cave slowly revealed itself, it was a monster that resembles a wolf again. But this time it was big, way big than they fought earlier.
It was 243 cm towering both Yue Min who's 175 cm, and Russell who's 167 cm.
The fur on it's body was dark gray colored, while three long horns protruding on it's forehead.
It's eye however were like a rhino, it's to wide to actually fully see what's in front of it.
It's tails were spilt into five with each slowly becoming a whip that can deal a lethal damage.
It's becoming closer and closer, step by step, but it's not really trying to kill them yet.
It's wary of them, which Yue Min and Russell will take kindly. In this fight it's not like they didn't have a fair chance of winning.
That's the reason why they didn't leave, and why they seem carefree earlier.
The monster weren't able to kill his own kind that is the same height as Russell, which means that it's not that intelligent. And the cave wasn't that big also, meaning it's constricted by the walls of the cave.
This means that leaving into the open is actually more dangerous than staying at the cave. So instead of leaving they just ease their nerves while readying to a damaging battle.
After a while of dramatic entrance by the giant wolf like monsters, it was finally halted and took it's position to attack.
It lowered it's head signaling it's attacking using his head, the only means of its attack.
Because his tails is too far back, and rasing it's claws into the air will be stopped by the ceiling walls of the cave.
After lowering it's head, it launched it forward like a projectile incredibly fast.
It's initial position became that of a blur, and in a matter of millisecond it's fangs is closing in Yue Min's side.
She cannot defend it, she was gonna die. She wasn't gonna be able to think, because she gonna be bit and die instantly.
But as the jaw of the monster closed on her, Russell with his instinct telling him something bad was about to happen.
Was able to drag Yue Min away just in time to not get bit and die. Yue Min widened her eyes, heartbit ran rampant, sweat poured out of her body.
At what she saw, she almost died. If not for Russell, but she cannot back down she grasp the handle of the light shield tightly.
And since now that the monster attacked, it's belly is open due to it needing to launched it's own head to attacked.
Russell noticing that ran towards it's belly attacking it from there, as he ran Yue Min tried to take the attention of the monster by making noise.
Only to be met, with it's claws. It was surprising, instead of downward swipe it actually used a sideward swipe surprising Yue Min.
But Yue Min didn't let her guard down this time, she saw the paw of the monster moved sideward. So she was able to blocked it with her light shield, but she made a mistake. The swipe was so powerful that even though she blocked it, the power is still there.
So she went flying, colliding to the walls of the caves deep enought to make a crack on it.
The light shield she uses is now destroyed, the swipe destroyed it.
And she's bleeding from the impact, in fact she's throwing up blood now. It seems like it cracked some of her ribs.
Russell meanwhile successfully get under the monster's body and now starting to stab it's belly with his knife.
But... He made a mistake too...