My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 7 - I’m Her Man

Chapter 7: I’m Her Man

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ye Xiong felt down in the dumps after walking out of the cafe.

The past flashed through his mind, scene by scene. He thought that after more than a year, a lot of things would have been forgotten. He realized that these memories were merely kept in a corner and deliberately ignored. The moment he recalled them, the memories came on stronger and harder than ever before.

He fished out an old photograph from his garment. There were six people in the photo.

Huaxia 1 ‘s most mysterious team of six elite soldiers. They were killing machines and he was the only survivor left.

Once, they had their hands stacked together.

They said they were in it together, dead or alive and promised no one would be left behind.

However, the entire team was killed because of one wrong decision.

“Pushing all the responsibility by putting it on a wrong judgment, bullsh*t.” Ye Xiong cursed under his breath and stored the photograph in his garment before walking away.

Basking in the warm sunlight, he felt as though everything was a thing of the past. Did he not pine for total isolation from the outside world since leaving the organization?


Ye Xiong greeted two beauties that passed by.


The two beauties threw a hateful remark before staying away. Ye Xiong was upset as he waddled to a distance.

In the cafe, Phoenix removed her sunglasses to observe the cynical figure at the other side of the French window. Her heart was aching.

A while later, she took out her phone to dial a number. “Chief, God of Death refuses to return.”

Spring, the mating season.

Summer, the bikini season.

Autumn, the romantic season.

Ye Xiong was in two minds whether to invest in a relationship in this season of falling leaves.

After a day of strolling the streets, Ye Xiong listlessly returned to the dormitory on the site in the evening.

At the dormitory door was a young girl of slender build, wearing a black dress and curved glasses. This captivating young lady who stood and waited there was none other than Xiao Fangfang.

He really could not get rid of her. He never forced her into anything, why was she so hot in pursuit of him?

Ye Xiong lazily walked over and acted surprised. “Huh? Aren’t you Lady Xiao? What brings you here?”

Xiao Fangfang could not possibly associate the Ye Xiong before her and the guy of the other night. The two had separate demeanors!

If Ye Xiong from the other night was a gentleman with manners, the current Ye Xiong was simply a thug.

She could not believe her ears when Yang Xinyi told her but now it seemed, it was indeed true.

“We have a score to settle,” Xiao Fangfang said.

“What score do we possibly have to settle?” There was something sinister about Ye Xiong’s smile. “I didn’t cuss you or hit you. The money to compensate for my phone damage was given by President Yang. I don’t owe you anything!”

“You… need to compensate for my emotional loss!” Xiao Fangfang revealed.

“Emotional loss? So I somehow affected you mentally. Oh, I get it, it was love at first sight for you.” Ye Xiong had a sudden revelation.

Xiao Fangfang swore she had never seen a man so shameless in her life. Did he not take a good look at himself? Could she have fallen in love with a lame construction worker at first sight?

Xiao Fangfang owned a small company and although it was not a lot of money, her profit in a month was about two to three hundred thousand. She was highly educated and a classic Miss Perfect; fair, rich and beautiful. How could a woman like her fall in love with him at first sight?

Deep breath! Hold it in!

Xiao Fangfang glared at him as she struggled to suppress her anger. “Please look in the mirror before saying those words.”

“Let me treat you to dinner tonight, are you in?” Ye Xiong had nothing to do anyway.

“Do you think I’ll accept?”

“You only need to answer whether you’re going or not. If you’re not, I’ll ask someone else.” Ye Xiong cut her off with a tone she could not refuse.

“I’m going but I’ll pick the venue!” Xiao Fangfang exclaimed.

“No problem, just wait for me, I’ll change my clothes.”

Ten minutes later, not only did Ye Xiong had a change of wardrobe, but he also took a shower. He looked like a new man.

Gray pants paired with a dark-colored t-shirt. It added a sense of discreet and profoundness to him. Compared to his freeloading act at the hotel, he seemed less posh but more reserved.

Was this guy a chameleon in his past life?

Xiao Fangfang was blinded by the dazzle of his look. She was curious, what kind of man was he? Why did he exhibit such different qualities?

Coming from a construction worker as well.

“We’re taking your ride?” Ye Xiong asked.

“You think we’re going to take yours?” Xiao Fangfang rolled her eyes and tossed her car keys to him. “You drive.”

“How do you know I can drive?”

“I suspect you know how to operate a plane too.”

Ye Xiong laughed and marched towards the BMW before he got in.

Xiao Fangfang’s ride was a white BMW that was around half a million. She probably bought it recently as it looked brand new.

Shifting into gear with ease, the BMW whizzed through like an arrow unleashed from a bow.

“Where to?” Ye Xiong asked.

“Let’s go to Moon-gazing Manor!”

Moon-gazing Manor was a popular place in Jiangnan City. It provided an all-in-one service of eateries, relaxation, and entertainment. It was a place frequented by the upper class and many rich people gathered there.

The manor was established on Mount Phoenix and was the only hotel on the mountain. There was a huge influx of tourists at the place.

Xiao Fangfang sat at the back row and fixated her gaze at the back of his head. He rarely spoke on the way and played it as cool as the color of the clothes he was wearing. His earlier cynical behavior was nowhere to be found now.

She was not going to be taken in. This guy must have been pretending to act this way. Surely, many women have fallen victim to his ever-changing temperament. She was cautious not to become a victim.

It was only a game where one would lose once they took it seriously.

She reinforced this idea in her head, convincing the relationship between them was merely a game.

An hour later, the BMW was parked in the outdoor parking lot and the two entered the manor.

The moment they entered, they heard a familiar voice. “Fangfang, it really is you. I thought I had the wrong person.”

A refined-looking man dressed in a gray suit and glasses appeared before them. When his gaze met Fangfang’s, he extended his arm with his eyes lit up.

“Bowen, it’s you. Long-time no see.” Xiao Fangfang cried out in surprise. She stretched her hand out for a handshake.

An arm extended faster than hers and grabbed onto Bowen’s. Ye Xiong politely replied, “You’re welcome.”

As they shook hands, he applied pressure, prompting Zhang Bowen to leap up and shout in pain.

“Ye Xiong!” Infuriated, Xiao Fangfang glared at him.

“It’s alright, is this your boyfriend?” Zhang Bowen flapped his arm and asked out of courtesy.

However, Ye Xiong caught a tinge of ruthlessness that flashed past his eyes.

“No.” Ye Xiong shook his head.

Xiao Fangfang let out a sigh of relief. The next moment, Ye Xiong added, “I’m her man.”

Boyfriend and man may seem alike but there was still a huge difference to it. At the very least, the latter meant the involvement of coitus while the latter did not guarantee the sort of relationship.

Xiao Fangfang was on the verge of collapse. If it were not for Zhang Bowen’s presence, she would have blown her top.

Zhang Bowen’s jaw looked broken as he struggled to close his mouth. It was such an awkward situation that he said a few words before leaving embarrassingly.

“Please, can you show a little gentility?”

“Gentility’s reserved for certain people. Take a look at yourself.”

Ye Xiong pointed to a side. The earlier awkward Zhang Bowen was chatting up another woman in skimpy wear as if nothing happened. There was some distance between them, indicating they were just acquainted and were at the stage of getting to know each other.

Xiao Fangfang was sick to her stomach. That guy was a Casanova.

The two had just picked a table when suddenly, a person sat down.

With her hair coiled up and dressed in a purple dress, the owner with a pair of fair hands holding up the menu talked to the waiter, “I want one of this, thank you!”

Ye Xiong lifted his head and was surprised to see Yang Xinyi already in a seat and as quiet as a princess yet eye-catching as a queen.

She did not have Xiao Fangfang’s wildness nor had a figure comparable to her. Nothing she wore was overly revealing but she took Ye Xiong’s breath away just by sitting there.

It was an inherent temperament that existed from deep within her core and would not change based on her outerwear.

“Xinyi invited you over tonight. Why else would I be waiting for you the whole afternoon at the crappy construction site? Who do you think you are?” Xiao Fangfang rolled her eyes at Ye Xiong.

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