My Third Empire

Chapter 23 - Big man

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Comrade Khrushchev! It is the order of Comrade Tukhachevsky to bring German friends here! What can you question?” Varsilevsky looked back at his men, somewhat dissatisfied. Said.

“Even without the help of those capitalists, we can produce our own tanks! We can produce our own cannons!” Khrushchev retorted loudly.

Khrushchev? This is the famous Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev? Akado felt that his head was a little bit overwhelmed.

He was only a hundred meters away from Lenin and Stalin ’s offices two days ago; yesterday he was sitting at a negotiating table with General Tukhachevsky, a famous military strategist in Soviet history; today he met the Soviet Union Khrushchev, another leader of the world; in a few days he will rush to China to meet another historical tycoon in Guangzhou-is this a dinner of historical celebrities? This cast is too luxurious, and it feels like a blockbuster.

“Hello, Mr. Khrushchev, no one doubts the wisdom and capabilities of the Soviet people, but if there is assistance from Germany, then you will save a lot of time, right? Whether you or us, everyone needs Time! Enough time! “Akado said with a smile.

“Humph!” Obviously, he was only 29 years old this year. Mr. Khrushchev, who had not studied at the Moscow Institute of Technology, did not have the mature political skills after 1929. Now he only has a passion for the Bolshevik career. : “Few sets are close! You are all watchdogs of capitalists!”

Akado would like to say to Khrushchev: You are nothing but a Bolshevik watchdog! And unfortunately you are still a watchdog destined to be abandoned in the future!

But he did n’t say it, he just opened his mouth and smiled at the translator Brook, and did n’t take this rash guy into his eyes. In fact, the current Akado is just over 23 years old, which is not as good as the current Helu. Xiaofu is old.

“Comrade Khrushchev! Shut up for me! Akado is Comrade Lenin, an important guest of Comrade Stalin! If you ruin the revolutionary cause! What can you tell the people?” Lieutenant Colonel Polov scowled. : “Go back to your job! Otherwise I will write to Comrade Stalin and ask him to take you to Siberia to be a miner!”

Varsilevsky also said aside: “You are too much! Khrushchev! Go back and write me a check! Give it to the party organization before leaving work tomorrow! I want to see your deep reflection on the check! “

“Okay! Don’t scare our workers’ masters.” Akado explained: “I think I also have a deep understanding of the Soviet industrial base. I still have important things, so I won’t delay it, early tomorrow morning I will leave Moscow by train. “

Khrushchev still wanted to say something, but he had been pulled away by two colleagues, but he turned back and stared at Akado fiercely.

The next day, Akado packed up and set off from the Kremlin and rushed to the railway station outside Moscow.

On the train, in the independent boxes of three people, Akado and Brook, Akado opened his special document bag with a combination lock and looked at the cooperation agreement signed inside. He did not come to the Soviet Union in vain this time, but took away a total of twelve agreements in various fields, including the Soviet Union ’s provision of 400 million kilograms of rice, 200,000 heads of cattle, 5 million barrels of fuel, and both parties. Joint venture to build railroad tracks from Moscow to Berlin.

Although the United Kingdom was a bit dissatisfied with allowing the Soviet Union to gain a part of its benefits, the thought of matching Germany to match did not lose face, but also contained Japan ’s arrogance in the Far East, and in vain received the benefit of 250,000 barrels of fuel, it tacitly agreed with Germany and This cooperation of the Soviet Union is because most of the cooperation of the German Wehrmacht is British.

Britain did not know that Germany secretly trained aviation and armored personnel in the Soviet Union, nor did it know that Germany was secretly assisting the Soviet Union in building its own heavy industry, nor did it know that the German Wehrmacht was secretly building factories in the Soviet Union to produce artillery shells and artillery.

After finally leaving the Soviet Union, Akado saw the prairie on the train, and saw the Asian yellow races on both sides of the railway that were driving the flock.

Moreover, Akado found that as the train stopped, the passengers on the train also changed. On the train that was originally full of white Cossacks, there were more yellow people. After the most recent stop, the train was obviously yellow. There are more people.

And with the bang of train wheels hitting the railroad junction, Akado heard them all communicating in Chinese.

Akado shoved the guard Ge who slept beside him, motioned him to wipe the corners of his mouth, and had not waited for Akado to send Guer to ask where the train was, Akado ’s translation of this trip, Brooke, an interpreter of the Logistics Department of the National Defense Force, walked over and sat back in his seat and said to Akado: “Sir, we have arrived in China.”

“This is?” Akado vaguely felt that the handsome man with yellow skin and baldness was familiar, but he did not rush to recognize him.

“This is the real power representative of the Chinese government, Mr. Sun Yat-sen’s personal special adviser, Mr. Jiang Jieshi and Jiang.” The interpreter introduced respectfully.

“Oh! Uncle Yangmin (long admiration for Daming)!” Akado blew out a sentence in Chinese with his transfigured voice: “Jiang Xianshen, I’m humming and drinking rice (I guess, I don’t Translated). “

Chiang Kai-shek reached out and shook hands with Akado, and then said with a smile: “I didn’t expect that Mr. Akado speaks Chinese so well. I presumably know China well. I welcome Mr. Colonel to China.”

Akado smiled and changed back to German: “Mr. Jiang smiled. I just flipped the dictionary casually and learned a few words temporarily.”

“Lieutenant Colonel Akado is a friend of our Chinese people and a friend of me. At least my party is very grateful for the excellent weapons provided by Mr. Lieutenant Colonel.” Jiang Jieshi was very kind to accompany Akado to the reception room. Said with a smile.

“Mr. Jiang, I think our interest in suppressing Japan ’s development in the Far East is consistent, and our economic and trade interests in the Far East are also consistent. Since we are all consistent in core interests, are we friends? “Akado said with a smile.

Translator Brooke spoke to Chiang Kai-shek who was listening.

After listening, Chiang Kai-shek nodded: “Lieutenant Colonel Akado, the Ming people do not speak secretly, Germany is willing to support the Kuomintang government, and open up the international situation for our party government to deliver the most urgently needed arms supplies. We are grateful and willing Secretly pay your price. But can you give us a better price? “

“I can make another 10% of the price on the bright side! But the secret cost can’t be less! You know why I’m busy! Right?” Akado said after a moment.

“You are a generous person, Lieutenant Colonel Akado! I think this time in China, you must be worth it! Come here, remit funds to the bank account designated by Akado.” Smiling and inviting Akado to drink together.

Akado expects the slightly stronger China to drag the hind legs of the Japanese, and China counts on the help of the Germans to resist the oppression of the Japanese.

First met Khrushchev such a big man in the future, and met a generation of Chinese hero Xiong Jiang Jieshi, Akado really had a very rewarding feeling. Of course, if possible, Akado even wanted to take a look at ****** and shook hands with this legendary figure who walked from the teacher to the throne of the national leader.

Of course, this wish may not be realistic, because at this time, the middle school teacher has just finished the meeting on the cruise ship, and the newly born China * can be said to be still in the baby, and has not the strength to storm the future.

The British government knew about Akado ’s trip to Asia this time. What they did not know was that Akado not only brought back US $ 10 million in arms orders for Britain, but also brought 40 million for German military enterprises. The US dollar arms business has also secretly received nearly $ 17 million in “bribery” from the Chinese and Americans.

So Akado ended this journey, with a smug expression, boarded the steamer to India, from where he would pass the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean Sea, and then return to Germany from there.

The journey is not very short, but it is not very long. In order to avoid the pervasive Japanese spies in China, Akado deliberately did not go to the German consulate in China, but the light car Jane boarded the boat secretly from Hong Kong occupied by the British. A soft feather did not disturb any dust.

However, in the calm early 1922, he used his thin wings to roll up a devastating international storm. On January 1, 1922, the first batch of German arms was shipped to the port of Hamburg. Under the **** of the British destroyer, they drove out of the port. Even the British did not know that at the same time, 300 large-caliber howitzers left during the First World War in Akado hiding in the southern mountains, and the supporting 90,000 large-caliber artillery shells, were secretly installed in East Prussia. Cars were transported by railroads through the Soviet Union to ancient China where warlords fought.

Germany borrowed from the British small tank design and was ordered by Arcado to start secret production. These mini tanks equipped with only two machine guns were used as commodities and sold directly to Mr. Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Kai-shek, who are preparing their forces in secret. The source of Mr. Jiang ’s economy is the American bigwigs who are on the same economic front as Akado.

Because of Akado, Chiang Kai-shek received support from the United States earlier and also received more financial assistance. He will become a super general under Sun Yat-sen earlier, and replace Sun Guofu as the hot lord of China earlier. leader.

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