My Third Empire

Chapter 1182 - Distant opponent

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Nani? What did you say? The second line of defense was raided by the Germans at night? The other party used a plane that can hover in the sky and bombed at night?” Ishihara Guan felt that his brain seemed to be insufficient. Used, he really didn’t understand what the other person said on the phone.

What is an airplane that can hover in the sky? Is it circling? Or does it stop there just like floating? Is this another new technology in the hands of the Germans, or is it just that panicked soldiers and officers exaggerated what they saw and heard? Just the kind of plane hovering above the head was enough to shock. The news that the second-tier defensive position was penetrated by the Germans made Ishihara completely stunned there.

He finally took part in the journey day and night, and moved his headquarters from Harbin to Changchun. As a result, he didn’t arrive in Changchun and heard the news that his troops had been defeated. Even if the Japanese army faced the fierce attack of the Americans, they did not collapse so fast, not to mention that the Americans would not easily launch the night attack. The key to the death was that the German army could still win after launching the night attack.

How can the Japanese army fight at night? This can be answered from the battle reports of the United States and the Soviet Union. Even if it is known that the Japanese army will repeatedly carry out night-time counter-attacks, the United States and the Soviet Union still have no way to do such things. They only Can place more guard posts, or allow troops to cancel night rest in a short time. But even so, the effect can only be said to be unsatisfactory, and it is impossible to counterattack at all.

The Germans did it terribly. They not only easily repelled the Japanese attack at night, but also launched a counterattack afterwards. Ishihara smiled while holding the receiver of the phone, frowning as the commander of the division on the phone described the battle that evening with a trembling voice: “Sir Ishihara sent a force that penetrated directly into the center of our defense line. Occupied the headquarters of Kawasaki United “

“Baga! Are the sentinels and guards all equipped? Even when the opposing forces easily killed a wing headquarters? All officers of the Kawasaki Wing should be cut off! It was their negligence that sent the Kawasaki Wings off. “Ishihara was trembling in front of the war situation, and the hand holding the phone seemed to crush the phone receiver in his heart.

This is simply a big joke, claiming that the most powerful Japanese army in the world who can fight night battles was defeated one night after another. After a failed counterattack, he was used to take advantage of the night to infiltrate and take away his headquarters. If this is not a shame, then Ishihara thinks there is nothing in this world that is worthy of shame.

He pressed the urge to cut out the division commander on the phone in half, trying to pull out the command knife, and continued to listen to the other party’s report, and the division commander over there seemed to feel the anger of Ishihara, and his voice began to stutter .

As a commander of the Kwantung Army stationed in Northeast China, Ishihara has read many Chinese books. He even studied the life of Li Hongzhang and read the modern history of Manqing. He once heard the famous remark with a smile: the gun is not as good as the cannon, but the gun is not as good as the people who heard this sentence at the time. Ishihara Waner also smiled and said it was because the opposing commander did not have the will to resist.

But now, the sound heard in his ears is exactly the same: “Our tank is not as good as Germany, the aircraft is not as good as Germany, and the night battle seems not as good as the German Germans in many ways. Some power “

He really wanted to slam the opponent at the table, but he really couldn’t find a reason to swear: his army was really defeated by the Germans, and it was inexplicably defeated. It seemed that all aspects were crushed. Except for the soldier ’s endless charge, his soldiers could not resist the torrent of steel composed of tanks and various weapons.

“Using all the power at once, confirm to me the total strength of the German army in the Far East and the number of heavy weapons and equipment. I want to know how much power the other party has and whether it can threaten Inner Mongolia and North China.” Ishihara Guan was finally depressed. Furious, said to the person over the phone: “In addition, to strengthen all existing lines of defense, be sure to hold back!”

After finishing the call, he dropped the receiver of the phone, and then came out from behind his desk, picked up his coat, and could not wait to say to his adjutant: “Prepare the car! I’m going to see Yamashita immediately! The people in the Information Department have found me. I have to ask them if the new German weapons have entered my headquarters before they can know what the new weapons are.

The information about the German troops in the hands of the Information Division is indeed very limited. The information they obtained from several spies in the Soviet Union was nothing more than some unimportant weapon models and the designation of some troops. These things can only be regarded as better than nothing, but they do not play the role of analysis and research.

As for the kind of aircraft that can hover in the sky, Ishihara Waner finally knew his real name helicopter! As for the role of this type of aircraft, the Germans still rely on this aircraft for what kind of tactics they have deployed. Looking at the information in his hand, Ishihara smiled bitterly and threw it on his desk. He knew that the intelligence department’s focus was never far away from Germany, so he could not come up with these inaccurate things. .

“Give me information immediately and figure out the other party’s tank performance! There is that kind of **** helicopter information about Germany, including humanities, military establishment, industrial production capacity, diplomatic attitudes, etc. No matter what, as long as there are Bring it to me and study it carefully! The more the better! “Ishihara smiled away the inaccurate information and told his own information section members:” And which one is the commander of the other party! “

After he finished speaking, he took his lieutenant to go out to meet the rare mountain pass in Germany. As Ishihara walked out of the door, he murmured dissatisfiedly: “What battle is this fighting? Even who the commander of the other party is, I don’t know.”

Funny enough, it ’s no wonder that Ishihara did n’t know the German commander, because the German Far East Volunteer Army is still in preparation, and the main force is still in the Volga river basin. Therefore, the commander-in-chief of the German Far East Army is still vacant. In this case, if Ishihara could know who the German commander was, it would be a ghost.

Of course, I ’m thankful that Ishihara did n’t know about it. If I let the commander of the Far East Front of the Japanese Kanto Army know that the German troops who beat him up are a group of small characters like battalion commanders, this Japanese The general of the Kwantung Army may vomit blood and rise to death.

After seeing Yamashita, Ishihara Waner was not polite. He said directly, “Yamashita, our assessment of German military strength is inaccurate. They were able to defeat the Soviets and the Americans, not by chance, but by relying on More powerful. My troops suffered heavy losses in the early encounter. Do you have any good solutions for this? “

“Frankly speaking, General Ishihara, the best way has been vetoed by His Majesty the Emperor and the idiots of the base camp.” Yamashita smiled bitterly, then shook his head and said to the anxious Ishihara, “The Germans and We have no way to catch up with the industrial advantages of Americans. The best way for us to start a war on the two fronts is to quickly pick a camp and fall over. “

“But, Yamashita, it’s not that we don’t plan to choose a camp, but that the United States and Germany seem to have unified their opinions, and they don’t accept our goodwill. You know the conditions they made, and they are really unacceptable.” Shi Yuanwan Er sighed and said to Yamashita: “Who dares to accept that kind of clause?”

Yamashita shook his head, glanced at Ishihara and said: “Now the fool also knows that we can’t extricate ourselves in the battlefield of China. Accepting us is tantamount to confrontation with China. This is clearly incompatible with the strategic intentions of the United States and Germany.”

He said while pointing at the map, guessing: “The Germans’ ideas are easy to guess. They want to influence the whole of Asia and kick the US forces out. It’s obvious that we are better than China if we are drawn. It seems to be the same. They do n’t want Germany to dominate in Asia, so they want to put a nail in Asia. Unfortunately, this nail is not us, but China! “

Speaking of which, the look of Yamashita was obviously frustrated. He touched a lonely hand on the map hanging on the wall of the office, as if to Ishihara, and to himself: “We have worked hard for 40 years , I think I have surpassed China, but I do not know that this ancient country has been staggering for 2000 years until today, I really see the details of this country, that is a kind of even standing up to countless setbacks The bottom line. And we, we only have one chance to lose. Obviously, this opportunity has been wasted. “

Hearing the words of Yamashita, Ishihara was stunned for a moment. He looked at the hill standing under the map and suddenly felt sad. He fought for this country for most of his life, but in the peak moment of sweeping the Far East, he encountered a powerful opponent that Japan could almost never surpass, the Holy Third German Empire, far away in Europe!

The first one is offered. Today, Long Ling will make up the debt again. At least three more, please be patient!

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