My Third Empire

Chapter 1165 - Hold on

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

There are so many embarrassing things that he experienced. After Tojo said this, he closed his mouth. He also knew that this was all his unilateral speculation and could not stand the actual scrutiny. So he was afraid that His Majesty the Emperor in front of him would ask him something more that he could not answer.

The situation in the Chinese theater is better, because of the influence of national strength, it is obviously unrealistic to expect China to launch a strategic counterattack against Japan on the battlefield. The rugged mountain jungle terrain in Southeast Asia and the poor logistics supplies also made it difficult for the Allied forces to launch a large-scale counterattack against Japan there.

Then the remaining direction is where Japan needs to strengthen its defense. In the battle for islands in the Pacific Ocean, Japan is already struggling to support it, and now it is nothing more than continuing to support it. It is precisely the latest issue of the Far East Theater that has really worried the Japanese high-level officials, and this problem is the biggest problem that will ultimately kill Japan.

He stretched out his palm and stroked his forehead. The Emperor of Japan was not an idiot. At that time, he also wanted to open up the Tuitugong Zhensha Ji, and he heard the military’s one-sided words. It was all the way that he found that relying on war and gambling to get rich was not as good as he thought. Gambling to win the Sino-Japanese War and gambling to win the Russo-Japanese War does not mean that he can continue to win like this. At least for now, Japan has no hope of winning.

“Higashi Tojo … I will confess my fault to all the people in the next edict, and then ask all the people of the Great Japanese Empire to endure the last time for the empire and contribute another 1.5 million men to the front for the final jihad! After biting his teeth, the Emperor of Japan exhausted all his strength and said this. After he finished speaking, he covered his face with his hands to prevent others from seeing his expression at this moment.

Seiji Tojo sitting beside him still felt the emperor’s demise and loneliness. From the beginning of the war, Japan was decimated in Asia. His emperor witnessed Japan’s defeat time and time again. Now we have to bear the black pot of the base camp, the next guilt, and then send more than 1 million civilians to the front line …

He stood up, bent over and bowed, and next to him, one Japanese general after another stood up, bent over and bowed to show his determination. This is the last chance for all of them. If they can no longer fulfill their promises and wait for them, it may be the real end of the world.

“Higashi Tojo … Are you really sure to guard the line of defense in the Tohoku?” After walking out of the meeting room, a Japanese general asked after the Tojo Hideki and asked, “I have heard that German tanks are very powerful. Even the Soviet t-36 and t-34 are not opponents. “

“What else can I do? His Majesty the Emperor looked at me with a pleading look, but I had to give it my heart and say to him,” We are defeated, we can only surrender “?” Hideki Tojo stopped. In his own footsteps, he looked at his men and said fiercely: “No! I would rather die on the battlefield in the Far East! I don’t want to see the sad eyes of His Majesty the Emperor anymore!”

“However, Tojo, what are we going to do with Americans and Germans in this situation?” The army general was obviously overwhelmed by this situation. He looked at Hideki Tojo and said, Asked: “The Far East battlefield, we need to prepare for German tanks and artillery, we need a lot of anti-aircraft weapons and anti-tank guns … on the Pacific battlefield, we also urgently need these weapons …”

He is a traditional soldier who is unwilling to study what politics and other things. From a pure military perspective, Japan is currently lacking too much, which makes him worry that the Japanese army will lose victory in the future battlefield: “At least , We should make some preparations so that our soldiers will not be killed in vain. “

“Send death in vain? No, it is already inevitable, but as a warrior of the Great Japanese Empire, they have an obligation to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor! Their deaths are valuable, as long as they can stop the Germans for a few months. The stalemate will allow us to gain an advantage in the negotiations … “Hideki Tojo said, looking at each other’s eyes, one by one.

The other party did not continue to say anything, because he had many questions to ask, but the army general was already able to get him from the Tojo Toki plane and could not ask any useful answers. He wondered if even if they could hold the footsteps of the Germans in the Far East, could Yamamoto 56 be able to withstand American pressure on the Pacific? He wondered how even if they mobilized more soldiers, how these soldiers used rifles to fight against German tanks and artillery.

They were overwhelmed by the firepower of the Soviets in the Nomenkan region, and the Soviets were obviously disgraced by the Germans on the Sud battlefield. It was just such a speculation that he could not help but consider the Germans’ weapon advantages.

Just when the Japanese base camp negotiated the results and prepared to call for troops to continue the war, the Japanese soldiers in the trenches of the Far East, in their trenches, were horrified by a kind of horror they had never seen before. Experience. These battle-hardened Japanese troops of the Kanto Army suddenly discovered that there were more enemy aircraft above their heads than they had ever seen.

These planes will make a wailing howl when they dive, so that the Japanese soldiers who have no anti-aircraft weapons in the trenches will be mentally traumatized. These planes will dive to a height very close to their targets, and then hit the mounted bombs accurately on the head of the Japanese army. Although the number of such planes is not large, their accurate bombing does make the Japanese soldiers desperate. .

“My Excellency General, my troops are bravely guarding their positions! We did not have a step in the hind legs … But the bombing of these planes was so accurate that they destroyed our main defensive position, and the Soviet army opposite took the opportunity Launching an attack … “Holding the phone, the commander on the front of the Japanese army felt that his lips were extremely dry, and his troops suffered heavy losses, but even one-tenth of their usual strength was not able to play out.

Because his soldiers have never seen such terrible air support, his soldiers have been screaming and calling the enemy aircraft hovering in the sky the devil. Obviously those planes are not the devil, but a very successful attack aircraft designed: “General Ishihara, please order the takeoff fighter to intercept it. In this way, we really can’t hold our position.”

In fact, the Japanese troops in the Far East are somewhat similar to the German blitzkrieg. The Japanese did not have heavy artillery that could overwhelm the Soviet Far East forces, so they also rely on their own air power to complete some suppression of ground artillery. But when they lost their air dominance, they discovered that their shortcomings of firepower were infinitely expanded by the enemy.

Just like the battle of Nomenkan that could not win full air control, the Japanese shortcomings in the quantity and quality of heavy artillery caused their battle to fall to the brink of near collapse. The troops of the Far East Republic were supplemented by the shells produced by the Chelyabinsk industrial base, and immediately demonstrated their powerful suppression force. The 122 mm caliber howitzer’s performance advantage made the Japanese army suffer immediately.

Under the psychological destruction of the Stuka Type 2 attack aircraft and the suppression of the Soviet heavy artillery, the Japanese frontline troops quickly gave up part of their defensive positions. Ishihara Waner sent several telegrams back to the base camp in the day, hoping to get reinforcements as soon as possible. So that he can maintain the current line of defense.

However, these telegrams did not receive a reply, and a lot of reinforcements from China came, but most of these reinforcements were only light weapons, and they did not play a role in fighting of this scale. Ishihara Waner can only claim to dismantle these troops and use them as supplementary soldiers to supplement the troops that can really fight on the front.

However, this method could not alleviate the tremendous pressure on the front-line troops at all. After some tank troops and heavy artillery units suffered heavy losses, the Guan’s forces in Ishihara finally began to fail in some areas.

“The battle must go on! Before losing the position, the soldiers are allowed to break jade!” In this case, Ishihara Waner can only issue a variety of orders to hold the position: “The air force cannot take off and fight! Your request is not to be rejected. Permitted … If you lose your position, cut your belly and blame your Majesty the Emperor. “

“Hey! Xiaguan understand!” The Japanese general promised to bow his head on the phone and promised: “I will stick here, if the position is lost, I will abide by it! General, please rest assured! But the Soviet army Artillery fire, as well as those planes that may be Germans, hope the generals can prepare early. “

“My situation here is not much better than yours! The applications for all kinds of weapons submitted to the rear are rejected … Anti-tank guns, anti-aircraft guns, tanks, anti-tank mines, all the weapons I can think of have insufficient capacity The only thing that can be supplemented to me is the infantry carrying a rifle. “Ishihara said sullenly over the phone.

The general on the phone was silent for a while, and then said with a wry smile: “Since it is destined to not be able to marry for a long time, then see you better than Liangpo! I hope you will take care of General Ishihara!” He hung up his phone when he was finished , And then looked out of their headquarters, the friendly positions that had been covered by artillery. A thick cloud of black smoke rose, and the wailing sounds of the **** Japanese soldiers were covered by the sound of artillery fire from time to time. ——

Recommend a friend’s book: Iron-Blade Blade, Jungle God of War, Special War Wolf King, who is fighting with the front, and come back to the military novel “Special War Wolf King”. Welcome to read.

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