My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 326

Chapter 314: Admonish

The sudden fluctuation of magic power made Lu Yu subconsciously take out his jellyfish statuette, and the small glowing tentacles were the signal of the embedded magic circle.

“Sorry, it looks like a friend is contacting me.”

Lu Yu did not shy away from Laurent, which triggered the message.

“Hey…ah…ah, the communication test, can you receive it?” This was Royer’s voice.

Lu Yu replied helplessly: “I can hear it, I forgot to remind you to test when I was in the territory.”

When Lu Yu put down the statue, Laurent suddenly asked: “The development of the magic tools you have seen along the way has lagged behind. Many functions have not been improved for more than a hundred years, or even hundreds of years. Do you know why?”

This is really a question that Lu Yu has always been curious about but has never understood in detail.

Take the transmission of information as an example, among the existing means of communication, the magic messenger is the most frequently used by magicians. This kind of messenger is constructed by magic, and the messenger who remembers certain places can quickly complete the transmission task. It is these “information circles” improved and used by a very small number of people, that is, the jellyfish statue in Lu Yu’s hands.

If it is an ordinary person, then the only way to transmit information is human flesh transmission.

Since the appearance of magic, it has been a long time or a short period of time. Considering that the magic power was thin in the initial stage, the use of magic power on a large scale started about a thousand years ago.

If you carefully examine the invention and application of magical props in the last thousand years, you will find that after the early blowout, many props have begun to stagnate.

Lu Yu put on the attitude of seeking knowledge with an open mind, waiting for Laurent’s teaching.

“There are many and complicated reasons, but the root cause is the continuous improvement of the status of magicians and the monopoly of the school.”

Laurent said: “At the moment when the environment is constantly changing and the magic power is becoming more and more intense, the limit of power that the magician can master is also quietly expanding. From the early stage behind the martial artist, to the later stalemate with the martial artist, and now the martial artist must Only by uniting with craftsmen can they compete with magicians, and magicians have begun to suppress craftsmen after their own status has been continuously improved.”

“The magicians are very clear that the warriors have now reached the point where they need the blessing of foreign objects to compete with them. Although the existence of the power of craftsmen will help them a little bit, it is more to let the warriors and ordinary people kill them. their chance to die.”

Laurent sighed: “Magicians can’t stand an ordinary person who doesn’t know magic at all pick up a weapon, and a device can hurt or even kill them. For this reason, they are willing to embrace occlusion and use magic power. This god-given power is in the palm of the hand, and it is determined not to give convenience to ordinary people, or even to low-level magicians, who pass on knowledge in various cumbersome ways, and the process is painful and difficult.”

“Most of the existing high-level magics that have been circulated in the world, that is, “universal magic” in the mouth of magicians, have long had improved versions, and most of these general magics are ‘disabled’.”

“The birth of the school has exacerbated this kind of occlusion. In the glorious era, the major schools of Mela still have exchanges, and the improvement of magic tools is still positive, but after the glorious era, most magicians can only join one school in their lives, and even leave the school and even leave. There is a possibility of being hunted down, which is to make the idea of ‘butt’ not correct, to be closed and not to be open, popular.”

“Knowledge is no longer the brilliance that brings happiness and progress, but a tool for magicians to consolidate their status.”

Lu Yu remembered the gift Laurent gave Sigrid.

The legendary craftsman Halster was assassinated by the magician just by perfecting the fusion of the magic crystal and the weapon, and the casting process was lost.

In this oppressive environment, even if some magicians want to improve, they need to be careful to guard against backstabs from their peers.

Lulu once said that there are a large number of wild mages, but it is difficult to compete with the regular schools. Only one or two surprises can make them stunning. A genius who improves magic on his own cannot turn the situation around at all.

What’s more, many of those amazing geniuses eventually established a new school and became a part of the block.

Lulu got the opportunity to learn magic systematically through Tanya, and only then did she have the opportunity to realize her talent.

Through Laurent, Sera rose to the top of Mera’s new generation of wizards.

Among the books that Meera has read during this period, Lu Yu has never seen the writings of wild mages. Most of the magic books available on the market introduce magic up to the third level, and the knowledge above the third level is only in magic. Trade between teachers, and if you really want to learn from scratch…

Lulu’s parents love her so fervently and wisely, they must have been ready to be a cow and a horse when Lulu showed her talent, just to let Lulu avoid the difficulty of being a wild mage. the way…

Constrained by their class and struggling all their lives, they are all too aware of the pain of poverty and humiliation. Dignity never belongs to them, and their fate is also in the hands of the well-dressed group of people.

For this they are willing to sacrifice everything, even their lives.

“Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?” Lu Yu looked at Lulu’s back, and the corners of his mouth rose.

“Some of the people I gave you are proficient in farming, while others are proficient in craftsmanship.” Laurent boasted proudly, “They are all great young people who will bring many surprises to your territory.”

“You said before that your dream is to make everyone around you happy and happy… You think it’s a not-so-big dream… No, you’re wrong, it’s the best dream.”

Laurent stood up and motioned for Lu Yu to support him.

The two quietly left the laughing and noisy crowd and walked into the quiet garden. The almost withered flowers still worked hard to provide the two with an intoxicating fragrance.

“If I can, I don’t want to be the Pope.”

Lu Yu raised his head and looked around in astonishment, a figure flashed not far away, which made him sweat a little… Is this something that can be said bluntly?

“It doesn’t matter, the glorious incarnations all know about this, and some of them even witnessed the scene of my resignation.” Laurent smiled and looked at the shadow in the trees not far away, “I don’t know if any of you have that a few.”

“I still remember the reason for the Pope’s refusal.” Radiant Avatar actually answered.

Laurent nodded: “At that time, I just wanted to respond to Maojing’s love… She is really a wonderful girl. For me, even if she was almost killed by the people of the church, she stubbornly wrapped herself around the idol and refused to accept it. leave.”

“Then the old Pope said to me… There are many people waiting for you to save… You should not give up your faith because of your personal feelings, let alone miss this opportunity to realize your ideals and spread brilliance.”

“I finally agreed.” Laurent smiled bitterly. “For the ideal, for the people of the church to live better than before… In order to change something, I did my best.”

“Solving external troubles and dealing with internal worries; forcing the vested interests to spit out part of it and handing it over to those who are poor; even though he gradually realized that the God of Glory might not exist on the way, he still made up more real lies for this, so that The dream of all believers continues…”

The moonlight shone through the cracks of the trees, and the mottled light illuminated Laurent’s old face. He said that these things did not show a proud expression, but a tired expression.

“Many deeper conflicts were not resolved until I was in power for 30 years and my reputation was so high that those stubborn people would spit out the fat they ate in their mouths… After I die, even if there are rules and restrictions, The greedy ones will come back eventually.”

“Have I changed anything… It seems so, but I can foresee that this change will be short-lived, just as glorious times are to history…”

The radiance incarnations hidden in the dark knelt down one after another, and someone said tremblingly: “We will guard the gifts you left behind and defend the teaching nation!”

“Hasn’t Melias ever had the will of the empire? Couldn’t they feel the decline of Melias from generation to generation?” the Pope said sharply, “When your enemy is not a specific person, but a consciousness, is Emotions are the unstoppable tide, the era itself, what can you do… The light can dispel the darkness, but it cannot make the darkness disappear; the steel knife can cut the flowing water, and the flowing water will not stop because of this.”

The Radiant Avatars fell silent.

Laurent tightly grasped Lu Yu’s shoulders with his withered hands, and Lu Yu was pinched so painfully with the astonishing strength bursting out of his weak body.

There seemed to be stars twinkling in those turbid eyes that were weak due to a serious illness, Laurent stared straight at Lu Yu, and said solemnly: “It is the most beautiful and charming dream to make the person you love happy… Every good should be echoed by another.”

“Work hard for the people and things you hold dear, and try to change something when you can… Even if nothing can bring peace and happiness to the few, you are their hero… Great people are always very Pain, I don’t want you, Sera and Lulu to suffer… I hope you all are happy and live a happy life… This road is too hard to walk, don’t take it lightly.”

“Time will eventually bring hope, just like the ebb and flow of the tide, standing on the shore and shouting when the tide rises, or reminding you when the tide ebbs, is the greatest contribution to the world, and it is also the one that you are still passionate about. proof.”

Laurent suddenly turned his head and looked at the glorious incarnations kneeling in the darkness.

“Although you are the will of the teaching nation, but please take my love… One day, the teaching nation will have to ask you to take it lightly when confronting Lu Yu and the others.”

Lu Yu understood Laurent’s intention to bring him out. This is not only admonishing him with his life’s experience, but also fighting for a distant protection for him.

The Radiant Avatars fell silent.

“We… try our best.”

The wrinkles on Laurent’s face softened: “Thank you.”

Immediately, Laurent stared at Lu Yu with pleading in his eyes.

Lu Yu reacted, but he couldn’t help but ask, “Am I really the kind of person who forgets what’s behind me on impulse?”

Hearing this, Laurent was stunned for a while, and after talking too much, his throat became hoarse and he coughed twice. Luckily, Lu Yu had water with him.

After moistening his throat, Laurende said, “It seems a little too anxious…a little bit like me.”

Lu Yu felt warm in his heart, and he helped Laurent to walk back: “The teaching is over, Mao Jing may still be waiting for you… There is not much time left, so it can’t be wasted, what do you say… Cherish those around you.”

Back near the garden, the cat wattle really sat in the position Laurent had just now.

Mao Jing’s dissatisfaction was written on his face, and Laurent hurriedly explained, “I told Lu Yu something very important.”

“What’s the important thing?” Mao Jing asked.

“Don’t become someone like me… Leave you aside for eighty years.”

Mao Jing’s body trembled, and her expression softened: “Since that’s the case, let’s talk more, this is indeed an important matter.”

Lu Yu wanted to say that it was over, but Maojing stretched out his hand to hold him down, motioning him to stay and listen to the lecture, and he walked briskly to the side.

“If you were asked to choose again… would you still be the Pope?” Lu Yu looked up at the stars.

“Yes.” Laurent said without hesitation.


“Although the brilliance will eventually dissipate, at least I have left a trace.” Laurent was firm, and then the conversation changed, “But if it can really come back… I will change something for Mao Jing by the way, so that this Waiting is not so long… Let her stand by my side and embrace me calmly. There are some things, only in retrospect that I realize that I made the wrong I was too conservative, so I let cat Jing eat it So much suffering, but unfortunately I have no way to repay more.”

Cat Jing with his hands behind his back was roasting meat for the servants of the Pope’s Tower. The smile on his face was so charming that Laurent was drunk.

After a long silence, Laurent looked at the jellyfish statue that caused many conversations, and asked curiously, “Who sent the message?”

“Royer Fedina, one of Solon’s six pillars.”

“Solon… He should be in the Civita area now. According to the schedule, Emperor Solon is about to arrive.”

For the emperor’s tour, Lu Yu had a lot of bright scenes in history in his mind, and a certain element in the film and television literature was even more full.

“Solon’s territory is so vast, and the Civita area is close to the border… The safety of this road and the safety of the royal capital is a big problem.”

Laurent glanced at Lu Yu and said meaningfully: “We all know, so he knows it too, but he still does it…”

“Have a picture?”

“Bring all the descendants of the appropriate age. This is the first time for the emperor of the four great kingdoms to go on a tour…” Laurent said, “It is very troublesome to ensure the safety of the emperor himself. The safety of the descendants… Hehe.”

Lu Yu was still too kind. Previously, when he thought about Emperor Solon’s intentions, he could not have imagined this at all. He was so shocked that he was sweating profusely. This completely unimaginable guess was pointed out by Laurent and proved… It is very likely to happen!

“But… is it possible?”

“Who knows?” Laurent said casually, “It’s hard to guess the thoughts of every emperor, and it’s not surprising that he is very bored and fishing.”

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