My Sudden Monster Convergence

Switching through Channels

Hey everyone, thought I'd use this to announce that little anthology I mentioned a while ago is posted and has two chapters right now. The one about several story ideas and not being fully human in each one. Now before you do check it out, I do want apologize as each one is a little shorter than I originally stated as things did happen in my life keeping me from fully working on it. I do plan to later bulk it up in the future but for now I'll be releasing what I've completed. 

If you do check it out, I suggest you read the story description and a fair warning. It's written from the perspective of a living combo of concepts.       


What the heck, I've added three TV segments to this as well. So there! I hope you don't say I don't Spoil you guys.







The Fable of the Damned

I am often left wondering if I did the right thing. If I did not act then perhaps the world would move much more slowly to a tune none but the God of lore may hear? Does my action lead to the ever speeding rotations of our globe? My single footstep will evoke the travel of generations who will in turn set their own footsteps. Creating an ever growing cascade of forward momentum that only the god of fables will remember.

Though if the world wants this then I cannot cease, less the very ground I stand upon is but void. I cannot allow the masses beyond mine sight and time to bare witness to thi-


I’m sorry the rest is missing


Yes, this is the truth I feared for so long. We humans do not and cannot stop its rapid approach! The abomination beats on leathered fingers, its skin like the darkness the stars above battle with. The monster has burned and scorched our lands with its pitch ire, leaving nothing but molten rock and blackened slag. The death it champions, devours every inch of life with but a mere shadow of its form. This is what my fore father spoke of? I cannot live with the si


I’m sorry the rest is missing


The gods are a strange topic. One that I have been left wondering about to this very day. Why create those blasted lizards? I am not referring to the Ophidian or even the drooling frogs of Thaw. No, I am speaking of the ones that fly on wings, spilling mana like a crushing downpour upon all! Such creatures do not follow human law nor the law of the monsters! I have looked through my telescope at a passing nightmare spawn and you want to know what I saw? I saw the red orb of oblivion!


I’m sorry the rest is missing


“This has been a short reading of the fable, ‘Knights of Iron’. We thank you for enjoying this reading and learning of ancient humans’ view of Mythics”




An Interview with a Devil

“It has been only a few short days since the disastrous detention of Gato’s Tail’s underground Enji-MA piping. The piping’s filtering and pressure being reportedly left on its lowest setting, allowing for a build up of magically laced fuel. The low filtration allowed for the mineral made fuel to build up and pressure to create what specialists call a, ‘Well’. The pipe burst open, making the pressurized fuel ignite and blast the surface in a concussive wind wave.” The reporter said, her eyes locked on the camera like a gross guy hitting on her. She flicked her large horse like ear in irritation while she stamped her front hoof in an odd clack.

“Today, I’m here with the lead inspector detective Jah-na.” She said, giving a fake smile as the camera widened its field of view to show the detective standing next to the centaur reporter. A thin tall pale demon with four pointed horns and beefy forearms. His suit was neatly pressed, blue in color and hung loosely around his thin neck. But his six canined smile looked both comforting and dangerous at the same time, mixed with his glowing yellow eyes gave the impression of someone to watch your back around.

“Why, Heloooo.” He said in a low but smooth voice. “It… nice to be here. I hope…….I can answer your questions. Miss…..Sssilva vain.” He said purposely expressing the s in her name.

“Hehe, You’re rather fetching detective.” She said with a blushing smile. “As for our questions, what can you tell me of how the culprit managed to tamper with the piping?” She asked, her smile turning pointed like a sharpened dagger.

The demon’s smile shrunk into a pressed smile. “The….ssuspect, damaged much of the existing piping in thee area. They did not break into the………control room.” He said sternly.

“To damage those pipes one would need to be quite capable, physically or magically. Is that scrawny ‘suspect’ truly capable of all this damage?” She asked with a wide smile and narrow eyes.

“There isss……… no evidence to say they were in a ……group.” the Detective gave her a pointed glare but kept his pressed smile.

“Then what of the Dra-” SHe began but she stopped herself. “I mean the inspector witnesses report running from the scene. The one that apprehended the ‘ suspect’. Did you question them for more detai-”




 My Sadly unlazy school days

Another Life in torment

Just another day.

Hey I’m Akeru Rinku and I bet you’re curious why there’s a pissed psychic fighting an oddly serious guy with a mini gun. Not that? Well there is that girl with pink hair running away from that surprisingly perfect guy who looks cool all the time. Not that either? There’s also the giant robot and weird alien kaiju girl fighting a weird skin demon who’s getting attacked by some dragon. All while witch girls and laser shooting girls are blowing the city up. Ok sure there’s at least three different high school presidents two of which I think are gods and the other one an eldritch being. What about-

Wait, you know what? Maybe I should show down. I’m part of Academy Spirit League Corp. mouth full I know, but this school is the best in the world, the worst place in the darkest void, oddly charming and fulfilling then impossibly layered with a thick helping of wow. I hate it. Here you have everything from swords and magic, sci-fi tech and powers, sports (Both serious and wholesome), hauntings, drama and gags. There’s a few others but most kinda blend together if I’m honest.

And I have to deal with it because……the mafia will kill my mother if I don’t go here. But luckily no one really bugs me….much. I got smacked through a wall yesterday by a skinny girl tho. Mostly because her boyfriend didn’t compliment and proceeded to ignore her at the same time. Dense guy and I get the beat down! I’m sure something’s off here but oh well.

Anyway, you see power girl is crushing Mondo hard on the cute wimp I call cardboard. This guy was busy getting sexually harassed by some demon chick while the quiet girl sitting next to him stripped in front of him. Luckily she had a school swimsuit underneath but it still got a few guys to nose bleed for some reason. Anyway in comes power girl with a giant cake with little statues of cardboard and herself as bride and groom. Why such an over board cake instead of cookies? I suggested to go big or go home when I noticed her staring at him the day before. She was so happy at the idea too! Hehe…

What? I was bored, okay?! It was getting annoying with Cardboard’s poise of girls all making their moves only to fail. One even got randomly killed by the knife girl that collects hair. That demon girl was so flustered that she even burnt him extra crispy. The chick screamed at him and fire blasted out of her mouth, melting the nearby desks and burning my eyebrows.  And somehow my eyebrows grew back last night, though I still smelled like burnt bar- Hm? Oh, yeah Cardboard survived that but come on! It wasn’t funny the last time or the first time for that matter. I had to look for a new wardrobe the last time! Plus the class smells like rotten meat and ozone for god’s/gods’/goddess’ sake!

So continuing, he sucked at noticing her right away with a heart felt giant cake. When he finally did, he fumbled his response, like. Always. Leading power girl to smack him outside the building with the cake. He flew pretty far, landing in the pool when the girls were using it. Long story short, eldritch prez caught him and proceeded to ‘dance’ on his back until he was as flat as well, a pancake. Thought I’d say cardboard? Too bored to care about that.

Anyway, power girl ran to her new boy toy, mister god/gods/goddess/goddesses, kiss the dung he poops and licks his footprints so now he has powers. No seriously! Last week he was a computer mouse and last Tuesday he was using a weird screen. I asked him about it and he said he was grinding levels by cooking. Well his brother that Every god hates the very atoms of complained that he was stealing another childhood friend of his but yeah no. power girl doesn’t even know him. So he just cries for a while before he gets hit by lightning and with the thunderous sound of a fart he pops back into existence. Now he has a future version of power girl and he can copy skills. Oh I just remembered that tomorrow he’ll have to climb out of a dungeon again. He claims it keeps him young. But I think he likes pain.

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