My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.80: Welcome to the Love

“Right you are missy! The walls are lined with potent dimensional filament!” The beetle man announced with glee at Steph’s notice of his building shifting and changing shape. He even spread all four of his arms, unlike Mrs Molly’ uniform arms, his upper arms bulker than his lower pair and looked made for hitting things.

“But I thought ArmRux wasn’t ready for tiny shacks.” Steph softly said mostly to herself with a frown. “HEHEHE!” A smirk grew across her face as she giggled with a mischievous look. “Emily’s so going to cry buckets when she finds out she missed out on the magical advancement of the……….In a thousand years!” she announces, puffing out her chest and nodding to herself like a haughty noblewoman.

As Steph giggled to herself, the beetle guy and I, eye each other. His face, one of confusion that Steph wasn't one hundred percent and I gave a look that said, ‘No idea either’. Maybe she’s way more out of it than I thought.

“This reminds me of that scifi book I read, maybe this is how Fenna felt when she discovered a whole planet built like a trick house?” She rushed up to the door Rosie went through and eyed it. “Is there a crew of mutant robot cats in there~?” She tried to quietly gush to herself but her tail waved side to side like she was a drugged snake. Which was apparently some form of mating dance lamia used between different races.

“Well uh, glad to know you enjoyed the show but a friend of yours” He motions to me. “Wanted to buy you a new shirt.” The beetle guy began, trying to move things along.

Steph stopped laughing and flopping her tail around to tilt her head in confusion. “What do you mean? I don’t need a new shirt, I’ve got the one Emily got me when we became partners.” She proudly says, motioning her arms like presenting a hot new product. She doesn't remember? Or is she playing it cool in front of the guy that caught us? She looked down only then noticing the damage her shirt had. “What!” She instantly wrapped her arms around herself and bunched up her tail into a wall to hide behind as if she were nude. “How’d this happen! I could’ve sworn Emily’s mother got one made of lion’s mane! How’d it rip so easily?!” She screeched like a lost child in a mega mall. I could hear her patting herself down, probably looking for any more damage.

“Lion’s mane!?” Shouted the beetle man in shock, his fingers twitch and his body goes rigid. “Just who is this Emily? To get you lion’s mane! May as well get you half a castle at that point!” He rages while looking at me with a grumpy leer. I stare back with a glare, how was I supposed to know I’d get rammed by a horny snake?! But he takes a deep loud breath and slowly looks away, clearing his throat then turning to Steph. “I can repair it easy with an old technique.” He rubs his chin for a moment, giving a stern nod as if he were going on a suicide mission.

Steph peeked over her tail wall, eyes glittering and three sizes larger as she stared down the beetle. “REALLY! You’ll do that?” She looked almost ready to jump the guy and squeeze him out of pure joy. 

“But Buy yourself a shirt to cover up missy.” He grumbles like a grandpa pretending to be angry.


With that Steph zoomed into the rows of racks, almost leaping at them. As she scanned and poked through the clothes, I caught glimpses at her face. her brows were pinched together and a deep frown was carved on her face as she rushed through the different types of tops. She finally neared a row of shiny silk shirts labeled mata-weave, under that was small print. Metal threaded clothing. 

Without a moment to check, her hand shot right into the middle of the rack, pulling out a light red almost pink button down. It glimmered like silk and had short sleeves with a folded collar. It looked like something you'd wear to be stylish and cool during the hot summer days. Steph’s eyes sparkled for brief moment before taking a deep breath and approaching me.

“I guess something happened between us.” She didn't look up at me as she stated this. Her tone of voice easily exposing she realized something went on. “So….” She bit her lip as her brow strained. “I can't have you pay for all of this. So I'll pay seventy percent!” She exclaimed as her eyes looked up at me.

Was that an expensive shirt she really wanted? Glancing at a tag on another shirt, set itself to be four hundred dollars. That would take all the money my mother stuffed into my bag! I'd be left with a buck or two after that. But, I did ruin her shirt and from the sound of it, it was an expensive gift from Emily. The row the this shirt came from was labeled, ‘enhanced molten’, the fine print said it was softened sheet metal enchanted into a shirt. The tag on the shirt Steph grabbed was only two hundred and twenty dollars. 

“Yeah, I guess your instincts were acting up for some reason?” I asked, Steph only gave a quick nod. “Alright. But tell me what's going on, I don't want to ruin another shirt after all.” I warned her.

Steph looked at the beetle guy who was cleaning a metal cross spike. It looked to be made of lead and he was easily holding it in his smaller lower hand. After a slow glance, Steph looked back at the damaged shirt. “Ok…………But not here.” Her eyes turned to the open doorway where several people were rushing around the shop like death vomited inside. “Maybe somewhere more private.” She finally looked up at me with watery, uncertain eyes. “Please.”

“Alright.” I nod before we walk up to the beetle man with the shirt. “We're going fifty-fifty on this.” I told him and before Steph could argue, I handed my amount to him.

“Wha-” Steph squeaked in surprise. 

“Good choice.” He said with a chuckle.

“Bu-but, I thought we agreed?” Steph said slowly recovering from the little surprise. 

“Yup, we agreed to pay together.” I said with a sly smile.

“But not that amount.” She waved her tail and arms like a dancing chicken. 

“That's just a bonus.” I said with a small smile and a double nod.

“For?” She demanded.

“Willing to tell me what's going on.” 

“Oh.” With that she stopped squirming like an excited puppy and paid her half.


After she changed into the metal shirt, Steph handed her shirt to the beetle guy. “How long will it take?” Steph asked quickly, leaning close to the guy, her tail twisting and almost slapping the floor. Something I learned online, lamia do when excited or impatient. 

“About an hour.” The beetle guy said before he eyed me with a stern, tired look. “Srvantus.” He said.

“The shirt?” I asked.

“A Sword?” Steph asked a little lost at the sudden change in conversation.

“My name.” He sighed. “My name is Srvantus. Here.” He handed Steph a couple slips of paper. “Go kill your time.” He added before walking through a door behind the counter.

We watched him leave pretty confused why’d he give us a paper. The papers in question was purple with golden words and several pictures. The other was a receipt it said; 


Cosplay wardrobe

Come and play as your favorite characters! Dress as that cool warrior or that beautiful princess from Darling Drake! Wanna be in a mech pilot skinsuit or a gunning hero from space then this is the realm you want to be at! Here in the Cosplay wardrobe, Your inner character becomes reality! We offer the best in magical dressing for half the price the regular magic clothing providers ask for!

This is a voucher for two free costumes. To make use of this you must show it with the receipt from the shop you were given this. Earning this means you won the respect of the owner, helped them or showed something they understand.

Ah…. He respects, me? Or more likely he liked what he sa- I turned and looked at Steph who looked at me. She was turning a bright red and my face was burning up.

“Right! Let’s go an-uh- explore!” I quickly announced in panic.

“Y-yeah! T-there’s plenty to see!” Steph almost shouted.

Quickly we made our less than dignant escape. Only to realize the moment we were outside that we had to return here.



“WOW! Didn’t think you’d have the heart to hand over that Srvantus.” Said Rosie who was sitting crossed legged on a crate. Her eyes were on the sun kernel as she used small wire like tools to cut the inside of the gem.

“It was for their difficult time you gave them.” Srvantus grumbled as he took the damaged shirt to his old work bench he made himself from a stubborn piece of stone and a whole lot of hammering, though the why escaped him.

“You know it’s boring back home.” Whined the girl in a bored almost flat voice. “Besides, I’m sure you gave them the wrong idea with that peace offering.” She teased while she cut away at the internals of her prize.

“Not possible. And you’re ignoring your involvement! His heart almost jumped outta his mouth because of you!” Shouted the annoyed beetle.

“So? They were just asking to be caught like that. Plus! I got some new material to fill the halls back home!” Rosie said as she jumped off the crate. Holding the finished gem up to light. Inside was the shape of a dragon looking away like a shy virgin while their partner, a lamia had her body coiled around them and kissing their breast. 

“Never seen something like that before.”



We made quick progress, faraway from the smithy. Almost like robots with a mission, we ignored all people and even bumped into a few, I think? Well it doesn't really matter, not to me. Not after that incident, I mean that was still my fault. I didn’t grab those candies right away once I realized she was in that mood! But no, I had to walk into the wall and let her corner me….. But at the same time, she didn’t say what was going on with her either… though being the guy, one still aware of the situation, I could’ve done something.

Sighing, I looked around. I should just clear my head, constant worry about that woul-

“FUCK! Smash that hole harder you little shit!” “I’ll crush your insides into my shape, you stupid slut!”

Shouted a pair of breathy, moaning voices, somewhere around the corner. It sounded like a couple of dominant people trying to turn the other into a bottom, that or they were hate pounding each other. Some people ignored it like it was just a random car honk or elevator song. Others smiled at each other, pressing shoulders and ‘accidental thigh touches’ happened. One lizardman flicked his tail at a girl next to him, smacking her rear and getting a giggle out of her as she wrapped her arm around his waist and chest. The worst part of this was how soft the air felt! It was like waking up and grinding yourself against your leg or your lover.

To me it was like a gentle whisper, slight sensations of fingertips drawing lines around my body and a kinda warm sheet blanket. I could even feel my mind leaning in just a little to hear more of these whispers. Though it didn't seem too interested and felt it kind of giggle. Like seeing a kid asking for another cookie believing you didn’t know they had two already. Steph even giggled to herself a second after I felt the odd feeling in the air, almost as if she saw a cute kitten rolling around playfully.

“Your weak ass nub carve a shape?! Please, I still remember my first partner!” One of the voices giggled.

 Without waiting to see where this might go, I grabbed Steph’s hand and rushed down the left path, escaping not only the moans but the whole reminder of our past deed. If I know anything, this is probably my fault too. If my mana is always leaking some fear juice then getting hot might blow, ‘let’s get down’ moods. If only I could use my mana hiding item but…Tomorrow is an important day, I’ll need it fully charged for that. Who knows how a primary human town might react to a dragon.

“Whooa! I’m not reeaaady fo-THIIIIIIIIIIIISSS!” Steph shouted as she tried to keep up with me. But I kept my speed between what felt like a rushing jog and slow running as we went around people that couldn’t move fast enough. The world was beginning to turn into blur before I decided to slow down. Even if their act didn’t interest my instincts, I didn't want to risk becoming aroused and then………demand a round or four….

Stupid horny world morals.

Once I finally did stop, I realized I lost Steph along the way somewhere. Only to find her slowly catching up behind me, taking a deep breath.

“Almost lost you, hehehe.” She giggled with a playful smile on her face. “Guess I’ll have to work on my mobility more~.” Her smile grew as she tilted her head and her tail tapped the floor excitedly.

I wasn’t sure how to respond. Part of me liked the playfulness and interest she showed, after all, a subordinate should idealize their master. To see me as their power and to belong within my grasp. The other half was more of a bad taste. Like a shit smear across the seat you just sat in kind. Being caught, asked to become art, Steph’s desires and the fucking my mana probably and most definitely encouraged. It was all too much in one go that I just wanted to pretend to be someone else. Or just sit in an empty room for half a decade. I am a dragon after all, if succubi can live longer than humans then I could probably live longer! A nice quiet room, maybe a jewel or four thousand, yeah. Oh can’t forget a bed of gold and a few of those crystal dioramas……

No… then I’d miss my mother’s life and my brother’s too. Might even make Belle cry if did that. Plus Mark can be a little hopeless with action and Kathy needs someone to watch her back when she goes wild. 

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. “Yeah, you’re too slow. Thought I lost you there, snail.” I finally teased.

“We’ll see who’s the snail when I leave you choking on my dust!” She announced, raising to meet me at eye level, a smug smile painted across her sparkling face.

“Sure thing slow poke.” I verbally poked at her pride. This only made her smug smile grow into a cocky almost predatory grin which sent an odd worming tingle of pride through my opening wings.

Just a heads up next week will not see another chapter as my family puts our departed member to rest. I wish they had a few more years, guess you kinda hope they out live you. 

Anyway, I'll resume posting after next week. Thank you for being patient with me

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